Hieroglyphic Message
Awaken the Adventure
Hieroglyphic Alphabet
Title Page
1: Hungry Ghosts
2: Voices of the Dead
3: Back Against the Wall
4: Footsteps. Voices.
5: Shangri-la
6: To the Museum
7: A Red-Hot Sledgehammer
8: Wall Crawlers
9: Splitting Up
10: Highly Trained
11: Ghost Town
12: The Far Shore
13: Base Camp
14: The Valley of the Kings
15: Burned
16: A Visitor in the Night
17: Going to Town
18: Missing Mummies
19: Betrayed
20: The Dark Heart
21: Into the Valley
22: Tunnel Vision
23: Moths to a Flame
24: Royal Rumble
25: Have a Heart
26: Dark Deeds
27: A Grave Situation
Epilogue: Truth and Consequences
About the Author
Online Game Code
Sneak Peek
TombQuest Game