This Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) Pretest is designed to introduce you to this section of the GED® test and to give you a good idea of your current skill level in this subject area.
This test has 64 items in multiple-choice or other formats and one extended-response question. The question formats are the same as the ones on the real exam and are designed to measure the same skills. Most of the questions are based on reading passages that are selections from either fiction or nonfiction sources. Most of the questions are in multiple-choice format, but you will also see questions in other formats, such as fill-in-the-blank items and simulated click-and-drag and drop-down items. On the real GED® test, you will indicate your answers by clicking on the computer screen. For this paper-and-pencil practice test, mark your answers directly on the page. Type your essay, if possible, or write your extended response on a separate sheet of paper.
To get a good idea of how you will do on the real exam, take this test under actual exam conditions. Complete the test in one session and follow the given time limit. If you do not complete the test in the time allowed, you will know that you need to work on improving your pacing.
Try to answer as many questions as you can. There is no penalty for wrong answers, so guess if you have to. In multiple-choice questions, if you can eliminate one or more answer choices, you can increase your chances of guessing correctly.
After you have finished the test, check your answers in the Answers and Explanations section that follows the pretest. Then use the Evaluation Chart at the end of the Answers and Explanations section to determine the skills and content areas in which you need more practice.
Now turn the page and begin the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) Pretest.