Selling your writing to consumer magazines is as much an exercise of your marketing skills as it is of your writing abilities. Editors of consumer magazines are looking not only for good writing, but for good writing which communicates pertinent information to a specific audience—their readers.


Marketing skills will help you successfully discern a magazine’s editorial slant, and write queries and articles that prove your knowledge of the magazine’s readership. You can gather clues about a magazine’s readership—and establish your credibility with the magazine’s editor—in a number of ways:

Writers who can correctly and consistently discern a publication’s audience and deliver stories that speak to that target readership will win out every time over writers who submit haphazardly.


In nonfiction, editors continue to look for short feature articles covering specialized topics. Editors want crisp writing and expertise. If you are not an expert in the area about which you are writing, make yourself one through research. Always query before sending your manuscript. Don’t call or fax a query to an editor unless the listing mentions it is acceptable to do so.

Fiction editors prefer to receive complete manuscripts. Writers must keep in mind that marketing fiction is competitive, and editors receive far more material than they can publish. For this reason, they often do not respond to submissions unless they are interested in using the story. More comprehensive information on fiction markets can be found in Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market (Writer’s Digest Books).


Most magazines listed here have indicated pay rates; some give very specific payment-per-word rates, while others state a range. Any agreement you come to with a magazine, whether verbal or written, should specify the payment you are to receive and when you are to receive it. Some magazines pay writers only after the piece in question has been published (on publication). Others pay as soon as they have accepted a piece and are sure they are going to use it (on acceptance).

So what is a good pay rate? There are no standards; the principle of supply and demand operates at full throttle in the business of writing and publishing. As long as there are more writers than opportunities for publication, wages for freelancers will never skyrocket. Rates vary widely from one market to the next. Smaller circulation magazines and some departments of the larger magazines will pay a lower rate.

Editors know the listings in Writer’s Market are read and used by writers with a wide range of experience, from those unpublished writers just starting out, to those with a successful, profitable freelance career. As a result, many magazines publicly report pay rates in the lower end of their actual pay ranges. Experienced writers will be able to successfully negotiate higher pay rates for their material. Newer writers should be encouraged that as their reputation grows (along with their clip file), they will be able to command higher rates. The article “How Much Should I Charge?” gives you an idea of pay ranges for different freelance jobs, including those directly associated with magazines.


The Writer’s Market staff works hard to update and verify information in the listings, but that information can sometimes change between the original update and when the book is published and/or read. So writers are always advised to check websites before submitting.

Also, due to space restrictions of the print product, the photography and tips information was removed from Consumer Magazine listings. This information is still present on, but it was either keep essential writing information of listings or cut listings. For more information on photography needs, check or the most recent Photographer’s Market.



American Kennel Club, (212)696-8295. Fax: (212)696-8239. Website: Contact: Tilly Grassa, creative director. 85% freelance written. Monthly magazine. “Geared to interests of fanciers of purebred dogs as opposed to commercial interests or pet owners. We require solid expertise from our contributors—we are not a pet magazine.” Estab. 1889. Circ. 60,000. Byline given. Offers 10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 2 months to queries. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, humor, interview, photo feature, travel, dog art, training and canine performance sports. No poetry, tributes to individual dogs, or fiction. Buys 30-40 mss/year. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pays $300-500. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

FICTION Annual short fiction contest only. Guidelines for #10 SASE. Send entries to AKC Publications Fiction Contest, The American Kennel Club, 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016.


2720 West Pullman Rd., Moscow ID 83843. (208)882-5578. Fax: (208)882-8150. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Dana Russell, editor; Laura Vander Hoek, art director. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Appaloosa horses. We seek feature-length (1,500 to 1,800 words) and article-length (600 to 800 words) submissions about breeders, trainers, specific training methods, influential horses, youth and non-pro competitors, breed history, trail riding and artists using Appaloosa subjects. Article-length reports of timely and newsworthy events, such as shows, races and overseas competition, are welcome but must be pre-approved by the editor. Manuscripts exceeding the preferred word length will be evaluated according to relevance and content matter. Lengthy stories, opinion pieces or poorly written pieces will be rejected. Manuscripts may be sent on a CD or via e-mail in Microsoft Word or text-only format. If sent via CD, an accompanying hard copy should be printed, double spaced, following the guidelines. “Appaloosa Journal is the authoritative, association-based source for information about the Appaloosa Horse Club, the Appaloosa breed and the Appaloosa industry. Our mission is to cultivate a broader membership base and instill enthusiasm for the breed by recognizing the needs and achievements of the Appaloosa, ApHC members, enthusiasts and our readers. The Appaloosa Horse Club is a not-for-profit organization. Serious inquiries within specified budget only.” In photographer’s samples, wants to see “high-quality color photos of world-class, characteristic (coat patterned) Appaloosa horses in appealing, picturesque outdoor environments. Send a letter introducing yourself and briefly explaining your work. If you have inflexible preset fees, be upfront and include that information. Be patient. We are located at the headquarters; although an image might not work for the magazine, it might work for other printed materials. Work has a better chance of being used if allowed to keep on file. If work must be returned promptly, please specify. Otherwise, we will keep it for other departments’ consideration.” Estab. 1946. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs historical, interview, photo feature. Buys 15-20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Appaloosa Journal is not responsible for unsolicited materials. All freelance correspondence should be directed to Editor Dana Russell,, subject line “Freelance.” Length: 800-1,800 words. Pays $200-400.


Bowtie, Inc., P.O. Box 6050, Mission Viejo CA 92690-6050. (949)855-8822. Fax: (949)855-3045. E-mail: Website: Contact: Patricia Knight, managing editor; Clay Jackson, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering fish and other aquatic pets. Estab. 1988. Byline given. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Response times vary Guidelines with #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, species profiles, natural history with home care info, new product, press releases only for Product Showcase section, photo feature, caring for fish in aquariums. Special issues: “We do have 1 annual; freelancers should query.” “No fiction, anthropomorphism, articles on sport fishing, or animals that cannot be kept as pets (i.e., whales, dolphins, manatees, etc.).” Buys 60 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays 15¢/word.

FILLERS Length: 50-200 words.


Vink Publishing, P.O. Box 8369, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Australia. (61)(7)3334-8000. Fax: (61)(7)3391-5118. E-mail: Website: “Annual magazine covering International Arabian horses and people connected with the Arabian horse from Australia and around the world.”

     Query before submitting.


Vink Publishing, P.O. Box 8369, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Australia. (61)(7)3334-8000. Fax: (61)(7)3391-5118. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sharon Meyers, editor. Quarterly magazine covering Australian Arabian horses.

     Query before submitting.


Sea Lawn, Coast Rd., Cley next the Sea, Holt Norfolk NR25 7RZ United Kingdom. (44)(126)374-0913. E-mail: Website: Contact: Steve Gantlett. “Monthly magazine publishing notes about birds and birdwatching. The emphasis is on rarer British and Western Palearctic birds with topical interest.” Estab. 1987. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Sample copy for free. Guidelines by email.


Fancy Publications, BowTie Inc., P.O. Box 6050, Mission Viejo CA 92690. (949)855-8822. Fax: (949)855-3045. E-mail:;; Website:; Contact: Susan Logan, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering all aspects of responsible cat ownership. “Cat Fancy is the undisputed premier feline magazine that is dedicated to better lives for pet cats. Always a presence within the cat world, Cat Fancy and its sister website are where cat owners, lovers and rescue organizations go for education and entertainment.” Estab. 1965. Circ. 290,000. Editorial lead time 6 months. Responds in 3 months to queries. Guidelines available online.

“With a readership that is highly receptive to its credible advice, news, lifestyle information, Cat Fancy and are the ultimate places to read about cat news, breeds, care and products and services.”

NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, photo feature, travel, behavior, health, lifestyle, cat culture, entertainment. “We no longer publish any fiction or poetry.” Buys 70 mss/year. Feature Articles: We are open to working with new contributors and fresh voices in addition to drawing from a talented crop of established contributors. Each month, we provide our readers with a mix of informative articles on various topics, including breed profiles, feline health, nutrition, grooming, behavior, training, as well as lifestyle and special interest articles on cat culture, the human-animal bond and personalities. Query first. Length: 100-1,000 words. Pays $50-450.


P.O. Box 46, Middleburg VA 20118-0046. (540)687-6341. Fax: (540)687-3937. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sara Lieser, managing editor. 80% freelance written. Weekly magazine covering horses. “We cover English riding sports, including horse showing, grand prix jumping competitions, steeplechase racing, foxhunting, dressage, endurance riding, handicapped riding, and combined training. We are the official publication for the national governing bodies of many of the above sports. We feature news, how-to articles on equitation and horse care and interviews with leaders in the various fields.” Estab. 1937. Circ. 18,000. Byline given. Pays for features on acceptance; news and other items on publication. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 5-6 weeks to queries. Sample copy for $2 and 9×12 SASE. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, history of breeds, use of horses in other countries and times, art, etc., how-to, trailer, train, design a course, save money, etc., humor, centered on living with horses or horse people, interview, of nationally known horsemen or the very unusual, technical, horse care, articles on feeding, injuries, care of foals, shoeing, etc. Special issues: Steeplechase Racing (January); American Horse in Sport and Grand Prix Jumping (February); Horse Show (March); Intercollegiate (April); Kentucky 4-Star Preview (April); Junior and Pony (April); Dressage (June); Horse Care (July); Combined Training (August); Hunt Roster (September); Amateur (November); Stallion (December). No poetry, Q&A interviews, clinic reports, Western riding articles, personal experience or wild horses. Buys 300 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 6-7 pages. Pays $150-250.

COLUMNS Dressage, Combined Training, Horse Show, Horse Care, Racing over Fences, Young Entry (about young riders, geared for youth), Horses and Humanities, Hunting, Vaulting, Handicapped Riding, Trail Riding, 1,000-1,225 words; News of major competitions (clear assignment with us first), 1,500 words. Query with or without published clips or send complete ms. Pays $25-200.


United Kennel Club, Inc., 100 E. Kilgore Rd., Kalamazoo MI 49002-5584. (269)343-9020. Fax: (269)343-7037. E-mail: Website: Contact: Vicki Rand, editor. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering all aspects of the 6 Coonhound dog breeds. Writers must retain the ‘slang’ particular to dog people and to our readers—many of whom are from the South. Estab. 1925. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Sample copy for $4.50.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, humor, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, breed-specific. Special issues: Six of our 12 issues are each devoted to a specific breed of Coonhound. Treeing Walker (February); English (July); Black & Tan (April); Bluetick (May); Redbone (June); Plott Hound (August), 1,000-3,000 words and photos. Buys 12-36 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-5,000 words. Pays variable amount. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

FICTION Must be about the Coonhound breeds or hunting with hounds. Needs adventure, historical, humorous, mystery. Buys 3-6 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pay varies.


P.O. Box 6050, Mission Viejo CA 92690. (949)855-8822. Fax: (949)855-3045. E-mail: Website:; 95% freelance written. Monthly magazine for men and women of all ages interested in all phases of dog ownership. Estab. 1970. Circ. 268,000. Byline given. Offers kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 2 months to queries. Guidelines available online.

     Reading period from January through April.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, photo feature, travel. “No stories written from a dog’s point of view.” Buys 10 or fewer from new writers; 80 mss/year. Query. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays 40¢/word.

COLUMNS News hound, fun dog. Buys 6 mss/year. Query by e-mail. Pays 40¢/word.


Cher Car Kennels, 4215 S. Lowell Rd., St. Johns MI 48879. (989)224-7225. Fax: (989)224-6033. E-mail: Website: Contact: Cheryl Carlson, editor. 5% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering working dogs. “Dog Sports online magazine is for ALL dog trainers. We focus on the “HOW” of dog training. You will find articles on Police K-9 training, Narcotics detection, Herding, Weight Pull, Tracking, Search and Rescue, and how to increase your dog training Business. We bring you the latest in techniques from the field, actual dog trainers that are out there, working, titling and training. French Ring, Mondio, Schutzhund, N.A.P.D. PPDA, K-9 Pro Sports all are featured, as well as spotlight articles on breeds, trainers, judges, or events.” Estab. 1979. Circ. 2,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free or online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, how-to, working dogs, humor, interview, technical. Buys 5 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $50.


United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), 4047 Iron Works Pkwy., Lexington KY 40511. (859)225-6934. Fax: (859)231-6662. E-mail: Website: Contact: Brian Sosby, editor. 10-30% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year covering the equestrian sport. Estab. 1937. Circ. 77,000. Byline given. Offers 50% kill fee. Editorial lead time 1-5 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, technical, all equestrian-related. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-3,500 words. Pays $200-400.


103 Roxbury St., Keene NH 03431. (603)357-4271. Fax: (603)357-7851. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kelly Ballou, editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering horses—all breeds, all disciplines. “The Equine Journal is a monthly, all-breed/discipline regional publication for horse enthusiasts. The purpose of our editorial is to educate, entertain and enable amateurs and professionals alike to stay on top of new developments in the field. Every month, the Equine Journal presents feature articles and columns spanning the length and breadth of horse-related activities and interests from all corners of the country.” Estab. 1988. Circ. 26,000. Byline given. Editorial lead time 4 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 2 months to queries. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview. Buys 100 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,500-2,200 words.

COLUMNS Horse Health (health-related topics), 1,200-1,500 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Query.


Fido Friendly, Inc., P.O. Box 160, Marsing ID 83639. E-mail: Website: 95% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering travel with your dog. “We want articles about all things travel related with your dog.” Estab. 2,000. Circ. 44,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss Sample copy for $7. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Contact: Susan Sims, publisher. Needs essays, general interest, how-to, travel with your dog, humor, inspirational, interview, personal experience, travel. No articles about dog’s point of view - dog’s voice. Buys 24 mss/yr. mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 600-1,200 words. Pays 10-20¢ for assigned articles. Pays 10-20¢ for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS Fido Friendly City (City where dogs have lots of options to enjoy restaurants, dog retail stores, dog parks, sports activity.) Buys 6 mss/yr. mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays 10-20¢/word


P.O. Box 543, Abilene KS 67410. (785)263-4660. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering greyhound breeding, training, and racing. Estab. 1911. Circ. 3,500. Byline given. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, personal experience. Do not submit gambling systems. Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-10,000 words. Pays $85-150.

Reprints Send photocopy. Pays 100% of amount paid for original article.


2520 55th St., #210, Boulder CO 80301. E-mail: Website: Contact: Julie Preble, assistant editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Western horse industry, competition, recreation. “Horse&Rider is THE leading Western training, how-to, and advice magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts. H&R is for goal-oriented horse owners who strive for excellence in riding, training, and horse management. Whether you’re a competitive or recreational rider, H&R provides you with useful training articles, practical stable-management techniques, hands-on health care advice, safe trail riding practices, informative reports on the equine industry, and behind-the-scenes looks at equine events. H&R gives you access to valuable information from top trainers, clinicians, veterinarians, equine behaviorists, and industry experts.” Estab. 1961. Circ. 164,000. Byline given. “Very little unsolicited freelance accepted.” Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail (must be on a cd in a digital format), e-mail (preferred). Responds in 3 months to queries and to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, how-to, horse training, horsemanship, humor, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Buys 5-10 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pay depends on length, use, and quality.


Horse Connection, LLC, 333 Perry St., Suite 309, Castle Rock CO 80104. (303)663-1300. Fax: (303)663-1331. E-mail: Website: Contact: Geoff Young, publisher/editor; Valerie Young, publisher/vice president of sales & marketing. 90% freelance written. Magazine published 12 times/year covering horse owners and riders. Our readers are horse owners and riders. They specialize in English riding. We primarily focus on show jumping and hunters, dressage, and three-day events, with additional coverage of driving, polo, and endurance. Estab. 1995. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for $3.50 or online. Guidelines for #10 SASE or online.

NONFICTION Needs humor, interview, personal experience, event reports. No general interest stories about horses. Nothing negative. No western, racing, or breed specific articles. No my first pony stories. Buys 30-50 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-1,000 words. Pays $25 for assigned articles. Pays $75 for unsolicited articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


BowTie, Inc., P.O. Box 8237, Lexington KY 40533. (859)260-9800. Fax: (859)260-1154. E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Moyer, editor. 90% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers but will work with new/unpublished writers. Monthly magazine covering all aspects of horse ownership. “Our readers are adults, mostly women, between the ages of 18 and 40; stories should be geared to that age group and reflect responsible horse care.” Estab. 1976. Circ. 160,660. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 8 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 3 months to queries. Guidelines with #10 SASE and are available online at

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, horse care, training, veterinary care, inspirational, photo feature. “No little girl horse stories, cowboy and Indian stories or anything not directly relating to horses.” Buys 20 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $200-400.


P.O. Box 919003, Lexington KY 40591-9003. (859)278-2361. Fax: (859)276-4450. E-mail: Website: 85% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering equine health, care, management and welfare. The Horse is an educational/news magazine geared toward the hands-on horse owner. Estab. 1983. Circ. 55,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy for $3.95 or online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical, topical interviews. No first-person experiences not from professionals; this is a technical magazine to inform horse owners. Buys 90 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 250-4,000 words. Pays $60-850.

COLUMNS News Front (news on horse health), 100-500 words; Equinomics (economics of horse ownership); Step by Step (feet and leg care); Nutrition; Reproduction; Back to Basics, all 1,500-2,200 words. Buys 50 column mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $50-450.


Village Press, 2779 Aero Park Dr., Traverse City MI 49686. (231)946-3712; (800)447-7367. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jason Smith, editor. 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine. “Just Labs is targeted toward the family Labrador Retriever, and all of our articles help people learn about, live with, train, take care of, and enjoy their dogs. We do not look for articles that pull at the heart strings (those are usually staff-written), but rather we look for articles that teach, inform, and entertain.” Estab. 2001. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Offers 40% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6-8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs essays, how-to, (train, health, lifestyle), humor, inspirational, interview, photo feature, technical, travel. “We don’t want tributes to dogs that have passed on. This is a privilege we reserve for our subscribers.” Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-1,800 words. Pays $250-400 for assigned articles. Pays $250-400 for unsolicited articles.


Miniature Donkey Talk, Inc., P.O. Box 982, Cripple Creek CO 80813. (719)789-2904. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Mike Gross. 65% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering donkeys, with articles on healthcare, promotion, and management of donkeys for owners, breeders, or donkey lovers. Estab. 1987. Circ. 4,925. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, humor, interview, personal experience. Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 700-5,000 words. Pays $25-150.

COLUMNS Humor, 2,000 words; Healthcare, 2,000-5,000 words; Management, 2,000 words. Buys 50 mss/year. Query. Pays $25-100.


American Paint Horse Association, P.O. Box 961023, Fort Worth TX 76161-0023. (817)834-2742. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Abigail Wilder, assistant editor. 10% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine for people who raise, breed and show Paint Horses. Estab. 1966. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Offers negotiable kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Sample copy for $4.50. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, personality pieces on well-known owners of Paints, historical, Paint Horses in the past—particular horses and the breed in general, how-to, train and show horses, photo feature, Paint Horses. Buys 4-5 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $100-500.


BowTie, Inc., P.O. Box 6050, Mission Viejo CA 92690. (949)855-8822. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles covers “a wide range of topics relating to reptiles and amphibians, including breeding, captive care, field herping, etc.” Estab. 1992. Byline given. Offers 20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6-8 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 1-2 months to mss. Sample copy available online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Buys 10 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $250-500.


TFH Publications, Inc., One TFH Plaza, Neptune City NJ 07753. E-mail: Website: 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering tropical fish. Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments. Estab. 1952. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds immediately on electronic queries. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Buys 100-150 mss/year. Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments to Most articles are between 10,000 and 20,000 characters-with-spaces long. Please break up the text using subheads to categorize topics. We prefer articles that are submitted with photos. Do not insert photos into the text. Photos must be submitted separately. For more information regarding photos, please visit our Photographer’s Guidelines page.” Length: 10,000 - 20,000 characters-with-spaces Pays $100-250.


United States Dressage Federation, 4051 Iron Works Pkwy., Lexington KY 40511. E-mail: E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering dressage (an equestrian sport). All material must relate to the sport of dressage in the US. Estab. 2000. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 1-2 months to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, how-to, interview, opinion, personal experience. Does not want general interest equine material or stories that lack a US dressage angle. Buys 40 mss/year. Query. Length: 650-3,000 words. Pays $100-500 for assigned articles. Pays $100-300 for unsolicited articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Amateur Hour (profiles of adult amateur USDF members), 1,200-1,500 words; Under 21 (profiles of young USDF members), 1,200-1,500 words; Veterinary Connection (dressage-related horse health), 1,500-2,500 words; Mind-Body-Spirit Connection (rider health/fitness, sport psychology), 1,500-2,500 words. Buys 24 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $150-400.



American Indian Art, Inc., 7314 E. Osborn Dr., Scottsdale AZ 85251. (480)994-5445. Fax: (480)945-9533. E-mail: E-mail: Website: 97% freelance written. Works with many new/unpublished writers/year. Quarterly magazine covering Native American art, historic and contemporary, including new research on any aspect of Native American art north of the US-Mexico border. American Indian Art Magazine is a quarterly art journal that presents art by all North American Indians through articles and illustrations designed to be of interest to both casual readers and professionals. All articles, whether solicited or volunteered, are subject to review by members of the Magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board and/or other authorities in the field. Articles reflecting original research are preferred over summaries and reviews of previously discussed material. The Magazine pays an author’s fee of $400, upon publication, for research articles, $200 for museum collection articles and $400 for exhibition features. Estab. 1975. Circ. 22,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by e-mail, online submission form. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Guidelines for #10 SASE or online.

NONFICTION No previously published work or personal interviews with artists. Buys 12-18 mss/year. Query. Prefers email submissions as an attachment or on CD (prefers Microsoft Word) Length: 6,000-7,000 words. Pays $150-300.


The Rosen Group, 3000 Chestnut Ave., Suite 300, Baltimore MD 21211. (410)889-3093. Fax: (410)243-7089. E-mail: Website: 70% freelance written. “AmericanStyle is a full-color lifestyle publication for people who love art. Our mandate is to nurture collectors with information that will increase their passion for contemporary art and craft and the artists who create it. AmericanStyle’s primary audience is contemporary craft collectors and enthusiasts. Readers are college-educated, age 35+, high-income earners with the financial means to collect art and craft, and to travel to national art and craft events in pursuit of their passions.” Estab. 1994. Circ. 60,000. Publishes ms an average of 9-12 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 9-12 months. Submit seasonal material at least 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION E-mailed submissions are to be followed by hard copy submissions. Length: 600-800 words. Pays $400-800. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Portfolio (profiles of emerging and established artists); Arts Tour; Arts Walk; Origins; One on One, all approximately 600 words. Query with published clips. Pays $400-600.


F+W Media, Inc., 10151 Carver Rd., Cincinnati OH 45242. (513)531-2690, ext. 11731. Fax: (513)891-7153. Website: Contact: Maureen Bloomfield, editor-in-chief; Brian Roeth, art director. 80% freelance written. Magazine published 10 times/year covering primarily two-dimensional art for working artists. “Ours is a highly visual approach to teaching serious amateur and professional artists techniques that will help them improve their skills and market their work. The style should be crisp and immediately engaging, written in a voice that speaks directly to artists.” Circ. 135,000. Bio note given for feature material. Offers 8% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months-1 year after acceptance. Responds in 6 months to queries. Sample copy for $5.99. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION No unillustrated articles. Buys 60 mss/year. Length: 500-1,200 words. Pays $300-500 and up.


Atlanta Art Papers, Inc., P.O. Box 5748, Atlanta GA 31107. (404)588-1837. Fax: (404)588-1836. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sylvie Fortin, editor-in-chief. 95% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering contemporary art and artists. Art Papers, about regional and national contemporary art and artists, features a variety of perspectives on current art concerns. Each issue presents topical articles, interviews, reviews from across the US, and an extensive and informative artists’ classified listings section. Our writers and the artists they cover represent the scope and diversity of the country’s art scene. Estab. 1977. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance.

NONFICTION Buys 240 mss/year. Pays $60-325. unsolicited articles are on spec for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS Current art concerns and news. Buys 8-10 mss/year. Query. Pays $100-175.


460 Richmond St. W, Suite 601, Toronto ON M5V 1Y1 Canada. (416)203-9674. Fax: (416)203-9842. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Nina Boccia, assistant editor. 75% freelance written. Magazine covering design and architecture. Estab. 1985. Circ. 20,000. Offers variable kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time up to 45 days. Responds in 6 weeks to queries.

NONFICTION Buys 25-30 mss/year. Length: 350-2,000 words. Pays $1/word (Canadian).

COLUMNS Trailer (essay/photo on something from the built environment); and Forms & Functions (coming exhibitions, happenings in world of design), both 300-350 words. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Pays $1/word (Canadian).

C The Visual Arts Foundation, P.O. Box 5, Station B, Toronto ON M5T 2T2 Canada. (416)539-9495. Fax: (416)539-9903. E-mail: Website: Contact: Amish Morrell, editor. 80% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering international contemporary art. C provides a vital and vibrant forum for the presentation of contemporary art and the discussion of issues surrounding art in our culture, including feature articles, reviews and reports, as well as original artists’ projects. Estab. 1983. Circ. 7,000. Byline given. Offers kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Responds in 4 months to mss. Sample copy for $10 (US). Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, opinion, personal experience. Buys 50 mss/year. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pays $150-500 (Canadian), $105-350 (US).

COLUMNS Reviews (review of art exhibitions), 500 words. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Pays $125 (Canadian)


Slow Art Productions, 123 Warren St., Hudson NY 12534. E-mail:; Website: 75% freelance written. Semiannual fine art magazine covering alternative, anti-establishment, left-leaning fine art. Estab. 1996. Circ. 10,000. Byline sometimes given. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for sae with 9×12 envelope and 10 first-class stamps. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs essays, exposé, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical. Buys 4-6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pays $100-500.

COLUMNS Query with published clips. Pays $100-500.


Le Centre de Diffusion 3D, 4888 rue Saint-Denis, Montreal QC H2J 2L6 Canada. (514)844-9858. Fax: (514)844-3661. E-mail: Website: Contact: Serge Fisette, editor. 95% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering sculpture events. Estab. 1987. Circ. 1,400. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 5 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free.

Canada’s only sculpture publication, ESPACE, represents a critical tool for the understanding of contemporary sculpture through analysis and reflection. Published 4 times a year, in English and French, ESPACE features interviews, in-depth articles, and special issues related to various aspects of three dimensionality. Foreign contributors guarantee an international perspective and diffusion. Deadlines to submit an article of 1,000 words/max are March 5, June 5, September 5, and December 5.

NONFICTION Needs essays, exposé. Buys 60 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000 words. Pays $65/page and a copy of the magazine.


Brant Publications, 575 Broadway #5, New York NY 10012. (212)941-2800. Fax: (212)941-2819. E-mail: (JavaScript required to view). Website: Contact: Editorial. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine. “Articles should present new information in a scholarly format (with footnotes) on the fine and decorative arts, architecture, historic preservation, and landscape architecture.” Estab. 1922. Circ. 61,754. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 6 months to mss. Sample copy for $10.50 for back issue; $5 for current issue. Contact

NONFICTION Needs historical, scholarly. Buys 50 mss/year. “For submission guidelines and questions about our articles, please contact the editorial department at; you need JavaScript enabled to view it.” Length: 2,850-3,500 words. Pays $250-500. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Bellerophon Publications, 61 W. 23rd St., 4th Floor, New York NY 10010. (212)627-9977. Fax: (212)627-9988. E-mail: Website: Contact: Belinda Lanks, managing editor. 80% freelance written. Monthly magazine (combined issue July/August) for consumers interested in architecture and design. “Metropolis examines contemporary life through design—architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, crafts, planning, and preservation. Subjects range from the sprawling urban environment to intimate living spaces to small objects of everyday use. In looking for why design happens in a certain way, Metropolis explores the economic, environmental, social, cultural, political, and technological context. With its innovative graphic presentation and its provocative voice, Metropolis shows how richly designed our world can be.” Estab. 1981. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays 60-90 days after acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 8 months to queries. Sample copy for $7. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Contact: Martin Pedersen, executive editor. Needs essays, design, architecture, urban planning issues and ideas, interview, of multi-disciplinary designers/architects. No profiles on individual architectural practices, information from public relations firms, or fine arts. Buys 30 mss/year. Send query letters, not complete manuscripts, describing your idea and why it would be good for our magazine. Be concise, specific, and clear. Also, please include clips and a résumé. The ideal Metropolis story is based on strong reporting skills and includes an examination of current critical issues. A design firm’s newest work isn’t a story, but the issues that their work brings to light might be. We do not cover conferences or seminars. Please send these announcements to the general magazine address or email. Send query letters for potential articles for, the online home of Metropolis Magazine, to The same guidelines. Length: 1,500-4,000 words. Pays $1,500-4,000.

COLUMNS The Metropolis Observed (architecture, design, and city planning news features), 100-1,200 words, pays $100-1,200; Perspective (opinion or personal observation of architecture and design), 1,200 words, pays $1,200; Enterprise (the business/development of architecture and design), 1,500 words, pays $1,500; In Review (architecture and book review essays), 1,500 words, pays $1,500. Direct queries to Belinda Lanks, managing editor. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips.


199 George St., Lambertville NJ 08530. (609)397-4104. Fax: (609)397-4409. E-mail: Website: Contact: Andrea Truppin, editor-in-chief. 70% freelance written. “We are interested in design, architecture and decorative arts and the people who created them. Our coverage begins in the 1920s with Art Deco and related movements, and ends with 1980s Post-Modernism, leaving contemporary design to other magazines.” Estab. 1998. Circ. 35,000. Byline given. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, interview, new product, photo feature. No first-person. Buys 20 mss/year. “To propose an article, send an email or letter to Andrea Truppin describing your subject matter, angle and illustration material. Please include a résumé and two samples of previously published writing, as well as a sample of unpublished writing. It helps to include images, but for the initial query, these can be low resolution digital files or photocopies. Proposals are submitted on a speculative basis.” Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $300-600.



Pace Communications, 1301 Carolina St., Greensboro NC 27401. Fax: (336)383-8272. E-mail: Website: Contact: Martha Leonard. 70% freelance written. Published 4 times a year/print; 6 times a year/digital. “AAA Living magazine, published for the Auto Club Group of Dearborn, Michigan, is for members of AAA clubs in 8 Midwest states (IL, N. IN, IA, MI, MN, NE, ND, & WI). Our magazine features lifestyle & travel articles about each state and the region, written by knowledgeable resident writers, as well as coverage of affordable, accessible travel getaways nationally & internationally & information about exclusive AAA products & services.” Estab. 1917. Circ. 2.5 million. Byline givenmfor feature articles. Offers 10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 6 months to mss. Samples available online at Guidelines are not available online.

NONFICTION Needs travel. Query with published clips. Length: 150-1,600 words. Pays $1/word for assigned articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


United Spinal Association, 75-20 Astoria Blvd., Jackson Heights NY 11370-1177. (718)803-3782, ext. 279. E-mail: Website: Contact: Chris Pierson, managing editor. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering living with spinal cord injury. Estab. 1946. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Sample copy for SAE. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs essays, general interest, how-to, humor, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, travel, medical research. Does not want “articles that treat disabilities as an affliction or cause for pity, or that show the writer does not get that people with disabilities are people like anyone else.” Buys 36 mss/year. Query. “The editor prefers all submissions for Action to be in electronic form. We edit with MS Word and would appreciate writers to submit their articles or columns in Word or similar format, preferably as an attachment to an e-mail (sent to Cutting and pasting your document into the e-mail message area is also acceptable. Electronic submissions do not have to be accompanied by hard copy. If you are sending your submission as hard copy, you must let the editor know ahead of time. Hard copy submissions will be accepted only in the event that a writer whose query has been approved has no other means of writing or submitting an article.” Length: 1,000-1,800 words. Pays $400.

COLUMNS The Observatory (personal essays on subjects related to disability), 750 words. Buys 60 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $200.


American Federation of Teachers, 555 New Jersey Ave. N.W., Washington DC 20001-2079. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lisa Hansel, editor. 50% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering education, condition of children, and labor issues. American Educator, the quaterly magazine of the American Federation of Teachers, reaches over 800,000 public school teachers, higher education faculty, and education researchers and policymakers. The magazine concentrates on significant ideas and practices in education, civics, and the condition of children in America and around the world. Estab. 1977. Circ. 850,000. Byline given. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 year. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Responds in 6 months to mss. Sample copy and guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, interview, discussions of educational research. No pieces that are not supportive of the public schools. Buys 8 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-7,000 words. Pays $750-3,000 for assigned articles. Pays $300-1,000 for unsolicited articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Detroit Athletic Club, 241 Madison Ave., Detroit MI 48226. (313)442-1034. Fax: (313)442-1047. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Magazine published 10 times/year. DAC News is the magazine for Detroit Athletic Club members. It covers club news and events, plus general interest features. Estab. 1916. Circ. 5,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, phone. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, photo feature. No politics or social issues—this is an entertainment magazine. We do not acccept unsolicited manuscripts or queries for travel articles. Buys 2-3 mss/year. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays $100-500. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


AFCOM, 742 E. Chapman Ave., Orange CA 92866. Fax: (714)997-9743. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Karen Riccio, managing editor. 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering data center management. DCM is the slick, 4-color, bimonthly publication for members of AFCOM, the leading association for data center management. Estab. 1988. Circ. 4,000 worldwide. Byline given. Pays on acceptance for assigned articles and on publication for unsolicited articles. Offers 0-10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6-12 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Responds in 1-3 weeks to queries. Responds in 1-3 months to mss. Guidelines available online.

     Prefers queries by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical, management as it relates to and includes examples of data centers and data center managers. Special issues: The January/February issue is the annual ‘Emerging Technologies’ issue. Articles for this issue are visionary and product neutral. No product reviews or general tech articles. Buys 15+ mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 2,000 word maximum Pays 50¢/word and up, based on writer’s expertise.


425 W. Diversey Pkwy., Chicago IL 60614-6196. (773)755-4740. E-mail: Website: Contact: Cheryl T. Stachura, editor/publisher. 25% freelance written. Magazine covers nonfiction only; published 10 times/year with basic mission of being the voice of the elks. All material is written in-house. Estab. 1922. Circ. 1,037,000. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month with a yes/no on ms purchase. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION No fiction, religion, controversial issues, first-person, fillers, or verse. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,200-2,000 words. Pays 25¢/word.

COLUMNS “The invited columnists are already selected.”


National Endowment for the Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20506. (202)606-8435. Fax: (202)606-8451. E-mail: Website: 50% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering news in the humanities focused on projects that receive financial support from the agency. Estab. 1980. Circ. 6,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Sample copy available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, historical, interview, photo feature. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 400-2,500 words. Pays $300-600. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS In Focus (directors of state humanities councils), 700 words; Breakout (special activities of state humanities councils), 750 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $300.


Kiwanis International, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis IN 46268-3196. (317)875-8755; (800)549-2647 [dial 411] (US and Canada only). Fax: (317)879-0204. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Jack Brockley, editor. 10% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year for business and professional persons and their families. Estab. 1917. Circ. 240,000. Byline given. Offers 40% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines for 9×12 SAE with 5 first class stamps. Guidelines available online.

     No unsolicited mss.

NONFICTION Needs “Most Kiwanis content is related to the activities of our Kiwanis clubs.” No fiction, personal essays, profiles, travel pieces, fillers, or verse of any kind. A light or humorous approach is welcomed where the subject is appropriate and all other requirements are observed. Buys 20 mss/year. “See guidelines under Share Your Story in the Media Center section on the website. You must be 13 or older to submit your story and/or photographs. If you are age 18 or younger, you must have the permission of your parent or guardian to complete your submission.” Length: 500-1,200 words. Pays $300-600. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Lions Clubs International, 300 W. 22nd St., Oak Brook IL 60523-8842. Fax: (630)571-1685. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jay Copp, senior editor. 35% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine covering service club organization for Lions Club members and their families. Estab. 1918. Circ. 490,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 5 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs photo feature, must be of a Lions Club service project, informational (issues of interest to civic-minded individuals). No travel, biography, or personal experiences. Buys 40 mss/year. “Article length should not exceed 2,000 words, and is subject to editing. No gags, fillers, quizzes or poems are accepted. Photos must be color prints or sent digitally. LION magazine pays upon acceptance of material. Advance queries save your time and ours. Address all submissions to Jay Copp, senior editor, by mail or e-mail text and .tif or .jpg (300 dpi) photos.” Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $100-750. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association, 212 Locust St., Harrisburg PA 17108-1266. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine covering rural life in Pennsylvania. News magazine of Pennsylvania electric cooperatives. Features should be balanced, and they should have a rural focus. Electric cooperative sources (such as consumers) should be used. Estab. 1966. Circ. 140,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Sample copy available online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview, travel, rural PA only. Buys 6 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $300-650.

Photos Captions required. Reviews transparencies, prints, GIF/JPEG files. Negotiates payment individually.

TIPS Find topics of statewide interest to rural residents. Detailed information on Penn Lines’ readers, gleaned from a reader survey, is available online.


Rotary International, One Rotary Center, 1560 Sherman Ave., Evanston IL 60201. (847)866-3000. Fax: (847)328-8554. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine for Rotarian business and professional men and women and their families, schools, libraries, hospitals, etc. “Articles should appeal to an international audience and in some way help Rotarians help other people. The organization’s rationale is one of hope, encouragement, and belief in the power of individuals talking and working together.” Estab. 1911. Circ. 510,000. Byline sometimes given. Offers kill fee. Kill fee negotiable Editorial lead time 4-8 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. YesSample copy for $1 ( Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, humor, inspirational, photo feature, technical, science, travel, lifestyle, sports, business/finance, environmental, health/medicine, social issues. No fiction, religious, or political articles. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays negotiable rate. Answer.

Reprints “Send tearsheet, photocopy or typed ms with rights for sale noted and information about when and where the material previously appeared.” Negotiates payment.

COLUMNS Health; Management; Finance; Travel, all 550-900 words. Query.


Boy Scouts of America, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152079, Irving TX 75015-2079. Website: Contact: John R. Clark, managing editor; Bryan Wendell, senior editor; Gretchen Sparling, associate editor; Linda Lawrence, assistant to the managing editor. 80% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year covering Scouting activities for adult leaders of the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Venturing. Estab. 1913. Circ. 1 million. Byline given. Pays on acceptance for major features and some shorter features. Publishes ms an average of 18 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 year. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $2.50 and 9×12 SAE with 4 first-class stamps or online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs inspirational, interview. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with published clips and SASE. A query with a synopsis or outline of a proposed story is essential. Include a SASE. We do not buy fiction or poetry. We pay on acceptance. We purchase first rights unless otherwise specified (purchase does not necessarily guarantee publication). Photos, if of acceptable quality, are usually included in payment for certain assignments. (We normall assign a professional photographers to take photographs for major story assignments.) Payment rates depend on the professional quality the of an article. Payment is from $300 to $500 for a short feature, $650 to $800 for a major article, and more for quality articles by frequent contributors. Writers or photographers should be familiar with the Scouting program and Scouting magazine. A sample copy will be sent if you provide a SASE and $2.50. Length: short features of 500 to 700 words; some longer features, up to 1,200 words, usually the result of a definite assignment to a professional writer. Pays $650-800 for major articles, $300-500 for shorter features. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

Reprints Send photocopy of article and information about when and where the article previously appeared. First-person accounts of meaningful Scouting experiences (previously published in local newspapers, etc.) are a popular subject.

COLUMNS Way It Was (Scouting history), 600-750 words; Family Talk (family—raising kids, etc.), 600-750 words. Buys 8-12 mss/year. Query. Pays $300-500.

FILLERS Limited to personal accounts of humorous or inspirational Scouting experiences. Needs anecdotes, short humor. Buys 15-25 mss/year. Length: 50-150 words. Pays $25 on publication.


Toastmasters International, P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo CA 92690. (949)858-8255. E-mail: Website: Contact: Suzanne Frey, editor; Susan Campbell, graphic design manager. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine on public speaking, leadership, and club concerns. “This magazine is sent to members of Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational association of men and women throughout the world who are interested in developing their communication and leadership skills. Members range from novice to professional speakers and from a wide variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, as Toastmasters is an international organization.” Estab. 1933. Circ. 235,000 in 11,700 clubs worldwide. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3-4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-8 weeks to queries. Sample copy for 9×12 SASE with 4 first-class stamps. Guidelines available online.

“Our readers are knowledgeable and experienced public speakers; therefore we accept only authentic, well-researched and well-crafted stories. Show, don’t tell! Use sources, quotes from experts and other research to back up your views. The best articles have style, depth, emotional impact and take-away value to the reader. A potential feature article needs an unusual hook, compelling story or unique angle. Profiles of colorful, controversial, historically significant, amusing, unusual or unique people are welcome, but keep in mind that our readers live in 92 different countries, so stay away from profiles of American presidents or sports figures. All submissions must be in English, however. Please query first, or send a draft of your proposed article. We recommend you carefully study several issues of the magazine before submitting a query. We are not responsible for unsolicited articles, artwork, or photographs, so please don’t send anything you can’t afford to lose.”

NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, interview, well-known speakers and leaders, communications, leadership, language use. Buys 50 mss/year. “Please read our guidelines first, then when you are ready, submit through e-mail. Query with published clips.” Length: 700-1,800 words. “Compensation for accepted articles depends on whether our submission guidelines are followed, the amount of research involved, and the article’s general value to us.” Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

Reprints Send typed ms with rights for sale noted and information about when and where the material previously appeared. Pays 50-70% of amount paid for an original article.


The Colorado Mountain Club, 710 10th St., Suite 200, Golden CO 80401. (303)996-2745. Fax: (303)279-3080. E-mail: Website: Contact: Editor. 80% freelance written. Official quarterly publication for the Colorado Mountain Club. “Articles in Trail & Timberline conform to the mission statement of the Colorado Mountain Club to unite the energy, interest, and knowledge of lovers of the Colorado mountains, to collect and disseminate information “regarding the Colorado mountains in the areas of art, science, literature and recreaetion”, to stimulate public interest, and to encourage preservation of the mountains of Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region.” Estab. 1918. Circ. 10,500. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 week to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, humor, opinion, Switchbacks, personal experience, photo feature, travel, trip reports. Buys 10-15 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-2,000 words. Pays $50.

POETRY Contact: Jared Smith, poetry editor. Needs avant-garde, free verse, traditional. Buys 6-12 poems/year. Pays $50.


New York Academy of Sciences, 2 E. 63rd St., New York NY 10021. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Adrienne Burke, executive editor. 40% freelance written. Magazine published 7 times/year covering science, health issues. Scientific newsletter for members of the New York Academy of Sciences. Estab. 2001. Circ. 25,000. Byline sometimes given. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail..

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, historical, interview, technical. No science fiction, any pieces exceeding 1,000 words, or subjects that aren’t current. Buys 6-7 mss/year. Query. Length: 300-1,000 words. Pays $200-1,200. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Fate Magazine, Inc., P.O. Box 460, Lakeville MN 55044 US. (952)431-2050. Fax: (952)891-6091. E-mail: Website: Contact: Phyllis Galde, editor-in-chief; David Godwin, managing editor. 75% freelance written. Covering the paranormal, ghosts, ufos, strange science. “Reports a wide variety of strange and unknown phenomena. We are open to receiving any well-written, well-documented article. Our readers especially like reports of current investigations, experiments, theories, and experiences. See topics on website at” Estab. 1948. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays after publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1-3 months to queries. Sample copy available for free online, by e-mail. Guidelines available online at

NONFICTION Contact: Editor. Needs general interest, historical, how-to, personal experience, photo feature, technical. “We do not publish poetry, fiction, editorial/opinion pieces, or book-length mss.” Buys 100 mss/year. Query. 500-4,000 words Pays 5¢/word. Pays with merchandise or ad space if requested.

COLUMNS Contact: Editor. True Mystic Experiences: Short reader-submitted stories of strange experiences; My Proof of Survival: Short, reader-submitted stories of proof of life after death, 300-1,000 words. Writer should query. $25

FILLERS Fillers are especially welcomed and must be be fully authenticated also, and on similar topics. Length: 100-1,000 words. Pays 5¢/word.


Whole Life Media, LLC, 23705 Vanowen St., #306, West Hills CA 91307. (877)807-2599. Fax: (310)933-1693. E-mail: Website: Bimonthly regional glossy on holistic living. “Whole Life Times relies almost entirely on freelance material. We depend on freelancers like you.” Open to stories on natural health, alternative healing, green living, sustainable and local food, social responsibility, conscious business, the environment, spirituality and personal growth—anything that deals with a progressive, healthy lifestyle. Estab. 1979. Circ. 58,000. Byline given. Pays within 45 days. 50% kill fee on assigned stories. No kill fee to first-time WLT writers. 2-4 months Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Sample copy for $3. Guidelines available online and via e-mail.

     We are a regional publication and favor material that somehow links to our area via topics, sources, similar.

NONFICTION Special issues: Healing Arts, Food and Nutrition, Spirituality, New Beginnings, Relationships, Longevity, Arts/Cultures Travel, Vitamins and Supplements, Women’s Issues, Sexuality, Science and Metaphysics, eco lifestyle. Buys 60 mss/year. Payment varies. WLT accepts up to 3 longer stories (800-1,100 words) per issue, and pay ranges from $150-200 depending on topic, research required and writer experience. In addition, we have a number of regular departments that pay $75-150 depending on topic, research required and writer experience.

COLUMNS Local News, Taste of Health, Yoga & Spirit, Healthy Living, Art & Soul. Length: 750-900 words. City of Angels is our FOB section featuring short, newsy blurbs on our coverage topics, generally in the context of Los Angeles. These are generally 200-400 words and pay $25-35 depending on length and topic. This is a great section for writers who are new to us. BackWords is a 750-word personal essay that often highlights a seminal moment or event in the life of the writer and pays $100. One per issue.


BBI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 687, Forest Grove OR 97116. (888)724-3966. E-mail: Website: Quarterly magazine covering paganism, wicca and earth religions. Witches and Pagans is dedicated to witches, wiccans, neo-pagans, and various other earth-based, pre-Christian, shamanic, and magical practitioners. We hope to reach not only those already involved in what we cover, but the curious and completely new as well. Estab. 2002. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Offers 100% kill fee. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 1-2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $6. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, religious, travel. Special issues: Features (articles, essays, fiction, interviews, and rituals) should range between 1,000 - 5,000 words. We most often publish items between 1500 - 3000 words; we prefer in-depth coverage to tidbits in most cases, and the upper ranges are usually reserved for lead pieces assigned to specific writers. Send complete ms. Submit all written material in electronic format. Our first choice is Open Office writer file attachments emailed directly to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it; other acceptable file attachment formats include text files and commonly used word processing programs; you may also paste the text of your ms directly into an email message. Use a plain, legible font or typeface large enough to read easily. Sidebars can be 500-1300 words or so. Reviews have specific lengths and formats, email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Length: 1,000-4,000 words. “We offer a standard range of about $.025 per word for all written works except letters to the editor, as well as a contributor’s copy of the issue in which your work appears. Occasionally we accept reprints (almost always solicited by us) at a rate of $.01 per word. These rates are inclusive of non-exclusive reprint and electronic rights. Short works such as reviews typically get a flat fee of $10. Payment for artwork, photography, and other visual works is negotiated individually; other exchanges, such as subscriptions or advertising space, may be possible and may be much more generous than cash payments.” Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

FICTION Needs adventure, erotica, ethnic, fantasy, historical, horror, humorous, mainstream, mystery, novel concepts, religious, romance, suspense. Does not want faction (fictionalized retellings of real events). Avoid gratuitous sex, violence, sentimentality and pagan moralizing. Don’t beat our readers with the Rede or the Threefold Law. Buys 3-4 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-5,000 words. Pays 2¢/word minimum.

POETRY Needs avant-garde, free verse, haiku, light verse, traditional. Submit maximum 3-5 poems. Pays $10.



American Motorcyclist Association, 13515 Yarmouth Dr., Pickerington OH 43147. (614)856-1900. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bill Wood, director of communications; Grant Parsons, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine for enthusiastic motorcyclists investing considerable time and money in the sport, emphasizing the motorcyclist, not the vehicle. Emphasizes people involved in, and events dealing with, all aspects of motorcycling. Readers are “enthusiastic motorcyclists, investing considerable time in road riding or all aspects of the sport.” Estab. 1947. Circ. 260,000. Byline given. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 5 weeks to queries. Responds in 6 weeks to mss. Sample copy for $1.50. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, with interesting personalities in the world of motorcycling, personal experience, travel. Buys 8 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays minimum $8/published column inch.

TIPS “Our major category of freelance stories concerns motorcycling trips to interesting North American destinations. Prefers stories of a timeless nature.”


Automobile Heritage Publishing & Communications LLC, 800 E. 8th St., New Albany IN 47150. Fax: (812)948-2816. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Tracy Powell, managing editor. 85% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering “automotive history, with excellent photography.” Estab. 1962. Circ. 8,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 9 months. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for $19.95.

NONFICTION Needs historical, photo feature, technical, biographies. Buys 25 mss/year. Query. Length: 2,500-5,000 words. Pays approximately 35¢/word or more. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Crain Communications, Inc., 1155 Gratiot Ave., Detroit MI 48207. (313)446-6000. Fax: (313)446-1027. Website: Contact: Roger Hart, Executive Editor. 5% freelance written, most by regular contributors. Biweekly magazine. AutoWeek is a biweekly magazine for auto enthusiasts. Estab. 1958. Circ. 300,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Accepts queries by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs historical, interview. Buys 5 mss/year. Query. Length: 100-400 words. Pays $1/word.


735 Market St., Victoria BC V8T 2E2 Canada. (250)384-0333. Fax: (250)384-1832. E-mail: Website: 65% freelance written. Magazine covering motorcycling. Estab. 1980. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Responds in 6 months to mss. Sample copy for $5 or online. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, interview, Canadian personalities preferred, new product, technical, travel. Buys 12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $100-200 for assigned articles. Pays $80-150 for unsolicited articles.


Hearst Communications, Inc., 1585 Eisenhower Place, Ann Arbor MI 48108. (734)971-3600. Fax: (734)971-9188. E-mail: Website: Contact: Eddie Alterman, editor-in-chief. Monthly magazine for auto enthusiasts; college-educated, professional, median 24-35 years of age. Estab. 1956. Byline given. Offers 25% kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 2 months to queries.

NONFICTION Buys 1 mss/year. Pays maximum $3,000/feature; $750-1,500/short piece. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Primedia/McMullen Argus Publishing, 1733 Alton Parkway, Irvine CA 92606. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine covering classic trucks from the 1930s to 1973. Estab. 1994. Circ. 60,000. Byline given. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, technical, travel. Query. Length: 1,500-5,000 words. Pays $75-200/page. Pays $100/page maximum for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS Buys 24 mss/year. Query.


831 S. Douglas Street, El Segundo CA 90245. Website: 20% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine covering four-wheel-drive vehicles, back-country driving, competition, and travel adventure. Estab. 1963. Circ. 355,466. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail.

NONFICTION Query with photos. 1,200-2,000 words; average 4-5 pages when published. Pays $200-300/feature vehicles; $350-600/travel and adventure; $100-800/technical articles.


44489 Town Center Way, Suite D497, Palm Desert CA 92260. (951)751-0442. E-mail: Website: 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering motorcycles. Estab. 1999. Circ. 26,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. NoResponds in to queries. Sample copy for $4.50 or on website.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, opinion, photo feature, technical, travel, medical (relating to motorcyclists), book reviews (relating to motorcyclists). Does not accept first-person writing. Buys 1 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pays 20¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Health Zone (health issues relating to motorcyclists); Motorcycle Engines 101 (basic motorcycle mechanics); Road Trip (California destination review including hotel, road, restaurant), all 2,000 words. Buys 60 mss/year. Query. Pays 20¢/word

FICTION We want stories concerning motorcycling or motorcyclists. No ‘first-person’ fiction. Query. Length: 1,000-2,000 words. Pays 20¢/word.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes, facts, gags, newsbreaks, short humor. Length: 2,000-3,000 words. Pays 20¢/word.


2575 Vista Del Mar Dr., Ventura CA 93001. (805)667-4314. Fax: (805)667-4378. Website: 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering motorcycling. Rider serves the all-brand motorcycle lifestyle/enthusiast with a slant toward travel and touring. Estab. 1974. Circ. 127,000. Byline given. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6-12 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail only. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $2.95. Guidelines on website.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, humor, interview, personal experience, travel. Does not want to see fiction or articles on ‘How I Began Motorcycling.’ Buys 40-50 mss/year. Query. Length: 750-1,800 words. Pays $150-750.

COLUMNS Favorite Rides (short trip), 850-1,100 words. Buys 12 mss/year. Query. Pays $150-750.


TAM Communications, 1010 Summer St., Stamford CT 06905. (203)425-8777. Fax: (203)425-8775. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering motorcycling tours, project and custom bikes, products, news, and tech. Estab. 1993. Circ. 50,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, online submission form. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, motorcycle tech, travel, camping, interview, motorcycle related, new product, photo feature, motorcycle events or gathering places with maximum of 1,000 words text, travel. No fiction. Buys 100 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $15-400.

FILLERS Needs facts.


Parthenon Publishing, 28 White Bridge Rd., Suite 209, Nashville TN 37205. Website: 25% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the trucking industry. Byline given. Pays 3 weeks from acceptance. Offers 30% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3-4 weeks to queries. Sample copy for #10 SASE. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION No essays, no humor, no cartoons. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 100-1,000 words. Pays $50-500.


Source Interlink Media, Inc., 1733 Alton Parkway, Irvine CA 92606. E-mail: Website: Monthly magazine. Written for pickup drivers and enthusiasts. Circ. 186,606. Editorial lead time 3 months.



Wavelengths 10 (Pty) Ltd., P.O. Box 30620, Kyalami 1684 South Africa. +27 11 466-8524. Fax: +27 11 466 8496. E-mail: Website: Contact: Athol Franz, editor. 50% freelance written. “African Pilot is southern Africa’s premier monthly aviation magazine. It publishes a high-quality magazine that is well-known and respected within the aviation community of southern Africa. The magazine offers a number of benefits to readers and advertisers, including a weekly e-mail newsletter, annual service guide, pilot training supplement, executive wall calendar and an extensive website that mirrors the paper edition. The magazine offers clean layouts with outstanding photography and reflects editorial professionalism as well as a responsible approach to journalism. The magazine offers a complete and tailored promotional solution for all aviation businesses operating in the African region.” Estab. 2001. Circ. 7,000+ online; 6,600+ print. Byline given. Editorial lead time 2-3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds only if interested, send nonreturnable samples. Sample copies available upon request. Writer’s guidelines online or via e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, technical. No articles on aircraft accidents. Buys up to 60 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,200-2,800 words. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 951, Washington DC 20013-7012. (202)633-6070. Fax: (202)633-6085. E-mail: Website: 80% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering aviation and aerospace for a nontechnical audience. ‘Emphasizes the human rather than the technological, on the ideas behind the events. Features are slanted to a technically curious, but not necessarily technically knowledgeable, audience. We are looking for unique angles to aviation/aerospace stories, history, events, personalities, current and future technologies, that emphasize the human-interest aspect.” Estab. 1985. Circ. 225,000. Byline given. Offers kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy for $7. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, general interest, on aviation/aerospace, historical, humor, photo feature, technical. Buys 50 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-3,000 words. Pays $1,500-3,000. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS Above and Beyond (first person), 1,500-2,000 words; Flights and Fancy (whimsy), approximately 800 words. Soundings (brief items, timely but not breaking news), 500-700 words. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $150-300.


The AutoPilot Franchise Systems, 2310 Pendley Rd., Cumming GA 30041. (770)422-1505. Fax: (770)255-1016. E-mail: Website: 70% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering aviation. AutoPilot Magazine is a lifestyle magazine for the aviation enthusiast. We currently have four editions circulating, including Alabama, Georgia, Florida and the Mid-Atlantic region. This magazine differs from other aviation publications, because its focus is specifically on the pilot. Estab. 2000. Circ. 90,000 for all four editions. Byline given. Editorial lead time 2-3 weeks. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, historical, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Query. Length: 500-900 words. Pays $100.

COLUMNS Airport Spotlight (general aviation airports), 500-800 words; Pilot Profiles, 500-800 words; Notable Aviation Organizations, 900 words; Aviation Museums, 900 words; Aviation Memorials, 600 words. Pays $100.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes.


Weider History Group, 19300 Promenade Dr., Leesburg VA 20176. E-mail: Website: 95% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering military and civilian aviation from first flight to the jet age. “It aims to make aeronautical history not only factually accurate and complete, but also enjoyable to a varied subscriber and newsstand audience.” Estab. 1990. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Publishes ms an average of 2 years after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines with #10 SASE or online.

NONFICTION Needs historical, interview, personal experience. Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Feature articles should be 3,000-3,500 words, each with a 500-word sidebar where appropriate, author’s biography, and book suggestions for further reading Pays $300.

COLUMNS Aviators, Restored, Extremes all 1,500 words or less. Pays $150 and up. Book reviews, 250-500 words, pays minimum $50.


9 Madeline Ave., Westport CT 06880. (203)629-1241. E-mail: Website: 75% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering sport of hot air ballooning. Readers participate as pilots, crew, and official observers at events and spectators. Estab. 1986. Circ. 7,000. Byline given. Offers 50-100% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3-4 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy for 9×12 SAE with $2 postage. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, how-to, flying hot air balloons, equipment techniques, interview, new product, technical, events/rallies, safety seminars, balloon clubs/organizations, letters to the editor. Buys 150 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-1,500 words. Pays $50-200.

COLUMNS Crew Quarters (devoted to some aspect of crewing), 900 words; Preflight (a news and information column), 300-500 words; pays $50. Logbook (balloon events that have taken place in last 3-4 months), 300-500 words; pays $20. Buys 60 mss/year. Send complete ms.