His fingers curled into my skin, drawing my mouth to his with a crushing force. Our lips met, igniting my anger and lust into a ball of frantic energy. There was nothing sweet or slow, our mutual need combusting and splintering over the room. His mouth was desperate as it claimed mine. His hands moved down, gripping my hips, his erection pushing into my core, throbbing against me. A small groan broke from my lips.
“I woke up craving you.” His full lips were demanding between words. “All I’ve thought about is being inside you again.”
“Same.” My nails raked through his hair, pulling him closer to me, desire traveling down my spine and between my legs. “My assistant almost caught me.”
“Caught you what?”
“Touching myself, wishing it was you.”
His reaction was immediate and feral, his hands sliding up my shirt, pushing up my bra, squeezing my breasts. Our kisses went from needy to frantic. I tugged at his bottom lip, driving a growl from his throat.
“Spencer.” His voice was gravelly and full of intention—a question, demand, and warning.
Shoving his jacket over his shoulders, my hands tugged at the buttons of his jeans, yanking them over his hips, answering every implication he asked without saying anything.
His muscles along his stomach flexed as my fingers glided against his skin, running down his V-line, the tip of him already glistening and pushing out of his boxer briefs. He watched me, his breath stumbling as I palmed him, moving up and down his length.
“Fuck.” He sucked in, his eyes glinting in the dim light. He fumbled with my jeans as I continued to work him.
I wanted to taste him, to watch him crumble around me, but I knew we had limited time. The thrill that someone could open the door at any time heightened the need to urgent levels. He got my jeans down enough before he clutched my sides again, lifting me, my back slamming into a shelf, toppling small boxes, plastic bottles, and medical packages to the ground.
He gripped himself, angling himself and thrusting into me.
“Oh, god.” I moaned. My entire body arched, my lungs catching at the feel of him filling me to the point I couldn’t breathe.
“Shite.” His gripped my hips harder, pushing in deeper.
Buzzing heat and desire took over me. Whatever it was about him, he turned me into a complete feral animal. I had no thoughts of anything but needing more. Pleasure so severe flickered through me as he plunged deeper into me, our rhythm picking up pace.
Noises I had never made in my life cried from my lips, my legs and nails dug into him, matching his pace and intensity.
“Jesus, Spencer.” He thrust deeper, harder, until my eyes leaked, my climax building up.
The sounds of our need filled the closet, our uncontainable moans bouncing off the walls. Items tumbled to the ground with thuds as the shelf squeaked against our rigorous movement. If anyone walked by, they would hear us. But I couldn’t seem to care, nor could I seem to get close to have enough of him.
Friction built, creating an even more desperate need for each other. He tilted me back and drove in harder. A cry escaped my lips as I clenched down around him; a cascade of pleasure rocked through me, parting my mouth and locking my muscles as bliss dotted my vision.
A deep growl vibrated his chest, going even deeper and harder, his hips bruising my mine as he released inside me, quaking my body again, sending another small orgasm through my limbs.
It took serval moments to catch my breath, to come down. Our ragged chests, grappling for oxygen, knocked against each other. We clung desperately to each other like we would float away in pieces if we didn’t hold on.
“Fucking hell, Spencer.” His lips grazed my collar bone, drifting up to my ear in a low rumble. “That was...” He broke off, leaving it up in the air. I understood. I had no words for what was between us. All I knew was the intensity was rising, not being sedated.
“This is going to be a big problem.” He nipped at my neck before easing me down his body. Like last time, the moment he left, I wanted him back.
“Yes, it is.” I took in a shaky breath, wagging my head as I tried to steady myself back on my trembling legs. “Did you kind of hope this time it would have just been okay?” I pulled back up my jeans, straightening out my clothes.
He tugged up his own jeans, his head lifting, his eyes locking onto mine. In the minimal light, they glinted, making him look like a wild animal. Hungry.
“It would make things a lot easier.” His intensity never left me.
“Yeah.” I exhaled, leaning back against the wall. My muscles still felt like taffy. “It would.”
He moved back to me, his form enveloping mine, his heat snaking over my skin.
“I realized sex before was good. Great, even.” He placed his palms on either side of my head, his mouth only a breath away from mine. “But with you?” His lips grazed mine, my body instantly reacting, needing its drug of choice. “Like I said, this is going to be a problem.” His mouth moved over mine sensually, teasing.
His hand slid down my left arm, his finger hooking through mine, drawing it up and flattening it against the wall, twisting the object decorating my ring finger.
“You may wear another man’s ring.” His other hand ran down my body, dipping into my pants. “But this is mine.”
I heaved in a breath, my body tingling at his words. Normally, I hated possessiveness and any man claiming ownership of a woman like we were property.
With him, it turned me on because I felt the same about him.
“Really?” I tipped my head, trying to act like he wasn’t spearing fire through my veins by his touch. How quickly he could draw desire from me again.
“You may be married to another woman.” I reached out with my free hand, rubbing it down the buttons of his jeans, feeling him twitch underneath. “But this is mine.”
A smirk lifted the side of his face as he pressed into me. “Yes, it is.” His mouth took mine, breathing me in as he kissed me so deeply, I felt it in every corner of my body.
Our kiss quickly shifted, growing greedy.
“Shite.” He pulled back, taking a deep breath. “Bloody hell. I can’t seem to get enough of you.”
“Tell me about it.” I puffed, shaking out my arms, moving away from him. “I need to go. I’m sure people have noticed I’m gone from the palace by now.”
“Yeah.” He nodded, his hands on his hips, taking a moment to regroup. “Forgot to ask. Why are you her—”
A click of the doorknob stopped Lennox’s question, and a blinding light flooded the room, flinching me back.
“What the hell?” A woman dressed in scrubs was outlined in the door. Oh shite. “What are you two doing in here?” she asked, but her expression suggested she knew perfectly well what we were doing. “You shouldn’t be in here!”
Lennox grabbed my hand, his mouth wobbling with a grin. “Sorry, ma’am.”
“Get out, or I will call security!”
Instinctually, I ducked my head and pulled up my hood, my hair curtaining my face as I slid by her, letting him lead us out of the closet.
“Sorry,” I muttered through a chuckle, feeling like some reckless teenager. Granted, I was. Sometimes with my new “life,” I forgot I was only nineteen. The age you’re supposed to be doing all the stupid and wild things.
“I swear if I see you two in this hospital again, I will call the police!” Her empty threat followed us down the corridor, rushing us faster. His hand wrapped tightly in mine as we jogged out of the ICU wing.
We traveled out to the main area, sniggering at being caught. Lennox suddenly stopped, his head jerking around. I had been around him enough to recognize when he sensed something was off.
“Shite,” he muttered.
I didn’t get a chance to ask him what was wrong before my name coasted over the glossy tile.
My head jerked away from Lennox, my stomach plummeting through the floor, a familiar figure stepping between his bodyguards.
Dalton and a few others I knew by face clustered around the Prince. He wore a ball cap, his hooded jacket pulled over it, but still, it did not hide the famous face underneath.
Oh no. No, no, no, no.
“Theo? Wha-what are you doing here?” I grappled as I watched his focus drop down from me to my hand—the one holding Lennox’s. I let go, stepping away from my ex-bodyguard, but I knew it was too late.
He saw enough.
“What am I doing here?” His voice was icy. “I get a call on my private line from a doctor that my fiancée, who supposedly had a migraine and was tucked away in her bed, is at the hospital getting checked out after her encounter with Lord William.”
“What?” Lennox’s head snapped to me. “What does he mean, encounter with Lord William?”
Bollocks. We had yet to get to that.
“I was ordered not to come,” Theo continued. “But I risked everything, even the papzz finding out, to get down here to you.” Theo pointed at me like his decision was my fault.
“Spencer?” Lennox’s focus still burned into the side of my face, ignoring Theo’s rant. “What happened with Lord William?”
“Why is it your concern? If I remember correctly, you quit. You are no longer her guard.” Theo stepped right into him. “What the fuck are you doing, mate?” Theo stressed the last word with animosity. “Here I thought you were one of the good guys—a friend. I felt bad for you. Helped you after hearing your sad, pathetic tale. Was it all an act? While you move in on my girlfriend?”
Lennox’s nostrils flared, his jaw twitched, but he swallowed back his response.
“It wasn’t like that.” I shook my head.
“So…is he the reason?” Theo spun to me, fury billowing off him. “Is he why you suddenly want to call off our wedding? Our future together? Are you fucking him?”
I couldn’t answer; I wouldn’t lie.
His eyes tracked me, waiting for my denial, my refute of his query. My silence punched him in the stomach, faltering him back in shock.
“Bugger all, you are.” He shook off the blow, rage coloring his cheeks. “You slapper…shagging both of us?” Air hissed between my teeth. Hearing Theo speak so roughly was like sandpaper against my ear. With anyone else, I wouldn’t even notice, but Theo had grown very snobbish in his vernacular. Crude did not fit him.
“Don’t you dare,” I glowered at him. We hadn’t been together in over a month.
“Don’t what? Tell the truth?” Theo reached for my wrist.
“Whoa. Ease back.” Lennox shifted slightly in front of me, bumping Theo’s grip from my arm. “You’re angry? I get it. But take it out on me.” I don’t think Lennox even noticed, but his hand skimmed over the spot Theo had been touching.
Theo’s eyes tracked the movement, catching the subtle contact between us.
It was a moment—a blink.
Theo’s temper imploded.
His fist reared back, his punch crunching across the bones of Lennox’s cheek and nose, the sound echoing off the walls. I yelped as Dalton leapt forward, yanking Theo back. Lennox barely stumbled at the onslaught, his hand going for his face, a thin trail of blood hinting below his nose. Lennox’s gaze blazed with rage, but he stayed put.
“Highness, calm down.” Dalton dragged a thrashing Theo back. “This is not the place. Anyone could be recording you. Remember who you are…if this got out. You are the Prince of Great Victoria.”
Theo took a heaving breath, nodding his head. He wrenched himself away from Dalton. “I’m fine,” he barked at his guards, glowering at us.
Thick silence stretched between the two sides for a minute before Theo spoke.
“You are a wanker,” Theo snarled at Lennox. “I trusted you with her. To protect her life, not shag her behind my back.”
Lennox didn’t respond, using his sleeve to catch the trickle of blood leaking from his nose.
“Did you know he’s married, Spencer?” Theo sneered, his gaze darting between us, his rising pitch causing people to look at us. “You shagged a lying, cheating arsehole.” His attention went to me, expecting a reaction. His eyes widened, his mouth parting before disgust twisted up his features. “You knew.” He shook his head in disgust. “Then I guess that makes you no better than him. A lying, deceitful, cheating—”
“Enough.” Lennox rumbled, taking a threating step to Theo, but I held up my hand, forcing him back.
“I’m so sorry, Theo. You don’t know how much.” I went to the Prince, biting back the tears wanting to escape. I did not deserve to shed tears in front of him. This was on me. I had to own it. “You may not believe that I never meant for this to happen or hurt you. And as much as you think differently, it wasn’t Lennox who made me no longer want to be with you. I tried to be honest with you.”
“Honest,” Theo scoffed. “You don’t know the meaning of it. Here I thought my fiancée was faithful and loved me. Why else would she say yes to marrying me, right?”
“I told you how I felt several times,” I snapped, my hands rolling into a ball. “You were the one who kept pushing, ignoring what I wanted like it wasn’t important, like I didn’t matter in your plan. Even after I told you it was over, you forced my hand. In front of everyone! Not caring at all except for yourself. You didn’t even notice I never said yes to you.”
“Forced you?” He moved closer to me, our shoes knocking together. “Oh…I’m so sorry you had to suffer. Marrying a prince, becoming a princess, that must be awful.”
“Fuck you,” I said so low, only he could hear. “You knew the title meant nothing to me. Don’t paint me as some crown chaser. I never wanted that life, and you know it. It was you I fell in love with. Don’t take everything we had and twist it. I did love you. So much, I thought I could forgo everything else.”
Grief cracked through his wrath, pain crunching his eyebrows, pushing down his shoulders. His fingers reached out, grazing my face. “Then what happened?”
“It wasn’t enough.” I stared up at him. “Loving you was too much of a sacrifice to who I am. I lost myself. I no longer liked who I was living in your world.” I twisted my hands together. “You know when I asked you not to forget me, and we were a team?” I lifted a shoulder. “You forgot me.”
“So this is all my fault?” The moment of vulnerability was gone as fast as it came, his hand pulling away like I was a disease, his spine straightening, leaning him back away from me. A wall of loathing stood before me instead.
“No.” I shook my head. “Theo…”
“Don’t think about coming back to the palace tonight. I will tell them you are with your friend for the night.”
“Don’t,” he spat. “I can’t even look at your face right now.” He stepped back into Dalton, his guards moving around him, encasing him in a ring of protection. His body turned for the exit, but his gaze stayed on us. “You two deserve each other.”
He dipped his head and let his security shuffle him down the hall and out of the hospital.
A gasped sob hitched up my throat. I still cared for and loved him, and hurting him shredded at my heart. Just because I didn’t want to marry him didn’t mean I wanted it to end like this. I didn’t know how to fix this, if it could even be fixed.
My hand went to my mouth, trying to keep the grief inside like I had been taught all my life. Don’t show emotion. Stay aloof and cold on the outside, while you fell apart on the inside.
“We have to go,” Lennox mumbled. “People are watching us.”
I nodded, noticing the audience we had created in the hallway. Pulling my hood farther over my head, I tried to keep my identity concealed.
Lennox’s hand touched my lower back, and we walked out together.