
Ben had enjoyed showing Eve her new home, and the obvious pleasure she’d derived from her chambers was heartening. Furthermore, he had delighted in her company throughout the day. Even their dinner conversation had been stimulating and a break from his usual dull evenings at home. But, God’s blood, lusting for his wife seemed to slow time to a near stop. Twilight had barely descended when he could no longer pretend he wasn’t preoccupied with having her beneath him.

“Shall we ready for bed?”

Eve blinked, and a becoming blush swept across her cheeks. Eventually, she nodded. “I will summon my maid.”

That had been an hour ago. Now crickets chirped outside his bedchamber window, and every time he heard Eve giggling with her maid through the adjoining door, he forced himself to the other side of the room rather than bursting in on her. Surely, brides frowned upon that sort of thing.

“Good night, ma’am. I will wait for you to ring for me tomorrow.” Her maid’s muffled farewell drew him to the door.

“Good night, Alice.”

As the outer door to her chamber closed, he secured the sash to his dressing gown and let himself into his wife’s chambers. Eve was seated at her dressing table, pulling a brush through the curls falling to the middle of her back. Rich like mahogany, her hair glistened in the candlelight.

Her equally dark gaze locked with his in the looking glass. Her eyes glittered like obsidian stone, more black than rich brown in the muted light. She set the brush on the dressing table and smoothed her hands over her legs with a shy smile.

His blood scorched his veins when he saw what she had done. “You are wearing the sari.” His voice sounded husky.

A rosy blush covered the exposed areas of her chest, neck, and face. Her lovely freckles faded. They weren’t nearly as plentiful as she had promised, but he would still have fun searching every inch of her.

“Alice and I were uncertain if we draped it correctly,” she said, her blush deepening, “but it hasn’t fallen off.”

A long length of fabric was bunched at her feet beneath the dressing table, and the precariously draped silk could easily slide from her shoulder with any movement.

“That wouldn’t be the worst outcome,” he said with a wink.

“Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose?”

“Not mine.” Ben came up behind her to place his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her neck. “You look stunning.” The scent of elemi—from the first bottle of oil she had selected earlier—wafted from her freshly bathed skin. He gently nipped her earlobe. “And you smell amazing.”

She closed her eyes. Inky lashes fanned against her fair complexion to create a striking contrast, and a ragged exhale escaped her. When she opened her eyes, her wide-eyed gaze darted toward the bed reflected in the mirror.

“All right,” she said in a much stronger voice than he’d expected, given her show of nerves. “I am ready.”

He grinned. “Not quite yet, love.”

His brave little bride was far from ready, but she would be keen for the marriage bed after he introduced her to the pleasures one could have there.

He slowly combed his fingers through the silky strands of her hair. The damp ends curled around his fingers, and he gently tugged until she tipped up her face. “I love you, Eve Lorraine Elizabeth Thorne Hillary.” He kissed the end of her pert nose.

Her mouth curved into a tentative smile. “I love you too.” He was happy to hear no hesitation in her profession.

“Come with me.” He urged her to follow him and led her to stand beside the bed.

She averted her gaze as he reached for the sari and slowly unwrapped his gift. As the length of shimmering cloth coiled at her feet, a tremor shook her lush frame. She glanced at him from beneath her lashes. “I am sorry. I don’t mean to be nervous.”

Affection filled his heart until he felt it might burst. He was hard and eager to be buried deep inside her, but he only had patience and tenderness for her. “You have no cause to be sorry. Nerves are to be expected, but I promise we will not do anything you don’t want.”

He drew her into his embrace, placing a kiss on her hair. She dissolved against him: warm, pliable, and so trusting he couldn’t bear to betray her faith in him. Closing his eyes, he breathed in her sweet scent, contentment settling in his bones. Eve made him feel whole. She gave him peace, and he wanted to give her the same.

“Lie on the bed, sweetheart. I know how to make you more comfortable.” He helped her climb onto the thick mattress and recline on the pillow. Her posture was as rigid as iron, as if the prospect of their joining was as enticing as a visit from the dentist.

He turned toward her dressing table to retrieve a bottle of scented oil before she saw his amused grin. As he returned to the bed, he unstoppered the bottle, poured several drops of oil into his palm, and placed the bottle on the side table. Climbing on the bed, he rubbed his hands together and gently lifted her foot. She rose to her elbows, her forehead wrinkling.

“I am only going to rub your foot now.” He kissed her instep, then placed small pecks on each toe, erasing the tiny line between her elegant brows. “Lie back.”

With the first stroke of his thumb across the arch of her foot, she released a breath and rested against the pillow, placing herself in his hands. He smiled and kissed her ankle before circling the delicate bone with his thumb. Slowly moving up her calf with long sweeps of his hands, he eased the hem of her petticoat higher on her legs, feasting on the sight. He’d often imagined what she would look like bared to him, and he wasn’t disappointed. Divine ankles, well-sculpted calves, luscious thighs.

A strong urge to place his lips against her soft skin and nibble his way up her leg until he could taste her rushed over him. He held back, his muscles quivering. Much enjoyment could come from a slow seduction, and he wanted Eve as hungry for him as he was for her.

He concentrated on making long downward strokes over the plumper flesh of her inner thigh. Her chest rose and fell steadily, and a soft sigh slipped past her lips. Moving to her other leg, he repeated the gentle kneading and caresses, allowing his fingers to graze the dark curls between her legs. She shifted on the bed, her sigh closer to a moan.

When she opened her eyes, they were cloudy with desire. He smiled and stretched over her body to retrieve more oil. His shaft strained against the front of his robe, throbbing when he brushed her leg through the thin material. She lightly gripped the edge of his robe and pushed it down his shoulders to reveal his chest. She sucked in a breath, stroking his pride as he’d been stroking her body.

“Would you like me to remove my dressing gown?” he asked, teasing her. She wouldn’t be ready yet.

She surprised him, however, by nodding. Returning to kneel between her legs, he untied the sash and shrugged off his robe. Her eyes flared wide for a brief moment.

He rested his hand on the gentle swell of her stomach and cocked an eyebrow. “Do you like what you see?”

Her skin heated under his touch and she turned scarlet. “It is impolite to solicit compliments, sir.”

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Forgive my rudeness.” He didn’t need compliments on his physique, although they would be arousing as hell to hear.

He smoothed his palms over her stomach, his thumbs caressing along the hem of her blouse, skimming just below her breasts. Her nipples hardened, but he resisted taking one in his mouth. He wanted her writhing on the bed, nearly mad with desire before he touched her in that way. She swallowed hard as he swept his hands slowly over her body, around her waist to the small of her back, and along the top of her buttocks. She moaned softly, her lips curving into a sensual smile.

God, she was beautiful, perfection. Strong in spirit, and yet so fragile when his hands spanned her waist. A swell of protectiveness built inside him.

She was his. His to cherish. His to love until…until death parted them. A sharp pain pierced his chest, making him want to wrap her tightly in his arms to keep her with him forever. Loving Eve made him more vulnerable than he’d been in a long time. He hated it. And yet he reveled in it as well. She made him feel alive again.

He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly tight and achy. “I would like you with less clothing, my dear. May I?”

Her eyes flickered open and she met his gaze without any signs of apprehension. “Yes.”

* * *

Eve’s lower belly fluttered when Ben slid his hands under her blouse. His fingers skimmed the sides of her breasts before he pushed the fabric high on her chest. The fresh air on her bare breasts made them feel heavier and achy. She arched her back, seeking relief, but he rocked back on his knees, not touching her like she wanted. Unable to help herself, she brushed her hand across her nipple to ease her own need.

He uttered a mild curse as his heated gaze traveled over her, causing an unfamiliar pulse between her legs. “You are killing me, Kitten.”

If that were true, he appeared happy to meet his death. His blue eyes were almost black and smoldering. She stole a glance at his cock, and then because it was a shocking sight, she looked again. In no way did he resemble the statues from the Elgin Marbles exhibit at the museum. His jutted long and powerfully from his body, and caused her a moment of trepidation. But then his hands slid to her back, soothing and gentle, and she became swept up in the lovely tingles raining over her.

He lifted her to a seated position and shimmied the blouse over her head. The decadent slip of satin over her skin elicited the most delightful shivers. He cupped her breast and smoothed his thumb along her flesh. Her nipple hardened even though he avoided touching it. “Beautiful,” he murmured and covered her lips with his.

His mouth lightly played over hers with maddening slowness. His tongue flicked along the seam of her lips until she was panting.

“Kiss me,” she pleaded.

His mouth came down harder against hers and his tongue swept between her lips, no longer teasing. He was taking possession of her—mind, body, heart—and she wanted nothing more than to be his forever. She startled slightly when her back made contact with the coverlet. While his kisses and the lovely feel of his fingers slipping through her hair had distracted her, she hadn’t noticed he was stretching her out beneath him. His hot skin against hers branded her.

Ben pushed back to his knees and reached for her petticoat. She followed the flexing of his muscles with her eyes as he wrestled the petticoat over her derriere and tossed it on the floor. With nothing between them—both of them as bare as the day they’d been born—she didn’t feel vulnerable or embarrassed as she had feared. It felt right and symbolic of their promise to one another. There were no barriers keeping them apart, no walking away from their troubles. From this moment forward, they would be one in facing whatever life gave them.

She covered his hand resting beneath her breast and entwined their fingers. Her eyes brimmed with tears. “I missed you so much.”

He lifted her hand to his lips, closing his eyes as if struggling to maintain his composure. When he finally opened them again, his eyes shimmered in the candlelight. “I will never leave you again, Evie. I wouldn’t survive.”

He kissed her hand once more before cupping the soft underside of her breast and settling over her to lick a wide circle around her nipple. His tongue moved closer on each sweep until the tingling became too much. When he covered her nipple, his mouth hot and wet surrounding her, she cried out with relief. The gentle but firm pull of his mouth sent the ache to a new place. The pressure of his weight against her sex heightened her sensitivity. Deep inside, she throbbed.

His hand slid between their bodies to cup her, and the heat of his touch spread through her body. She bit her bottom lip to stop the unladylike groan building at the back of her throat from escaping. She hadn’t expected this, the intensity and fire flowing through her veins.

He shifted to the bed beside her and gazed down at her. “Allow yourself to feel everything. Let the sensations carry you without worrying what will come next.”

He kissed her tenderly once more before returning to her breast. Eve’s eyes drifted shut when his lips closed around her, but they popped open again. The thrill of watching him kiss her so intimately was too tempting. She buried her hands in his golden brown hair, then trailed her fingers along his broad shoulders and down his back as far as she could reach. His skin was like satin stretched across granite.

When he stroked between her legs, she jumped. The sensation was odd, unfamiliar, and yet she wanted to feel it again. He didn’t disappoint her. His fingers glided over her damp skin, circling and lightly feathering over a particularly pleasurable place. His lovely caresses drew husky moans from her, low and barely audible, but satisfying in a way she couldn’t describe. He slowly inserted a finger inside her and her body clenched. As he slid in and out, the ache inside her intensified. She needed more, even though the thought of taking all of him made her heart slam against her ribs.

Releasing her breast, he positioned himself over her, cradling her face and smiling. His eyes were a soft blue and radiated with love. Her heart began to calm. Ben was her husband, and he would take care of her. He kissed her sweetly, his tongue caressing hers, their breath mingling. She arched into him, seeking, longing. He entered her slowly, stopping when she stiffened to kiss her until she began to dissolve against the bed. Between languorous kisses, he inched deeper until he filled her.

He closed his eyes and released a breath that was part sigh, part groan. His arms trembled as he supported his weight and held very still. The fullness of him inside her was foreign, and she shifted her hips to adjust to this new feeling. Ben’s eyes flew open, worry etched in the lines on his forehead. She pulled him toward her to place a loving kiss on his lips.

“I love you,” she murmured.

His worry lines faded and he kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you too.”

As he moved slowly, she began to welcome the newness of their joining. She loved the closeness: the feel of his skin against hers; his breath on her neck. She stroked his back, following the curve and admiring how perfectly formed her husband was. And when he spilled his seed with several commanding thrusts and a low groan, she was content. At least mostly.

Ben kissed her once more before settling beside her on the bed and pulling her into his arms. She rested her cheek on his chest, listening to his heart hammer and noting how it slowed in small measures.

He snuggled her, his mouth touching her temple. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head, surprised to realize there had been no excruciating pain. When she grew uncomfortable, Ben had distracted her with kisses. “It was nice,” she mused.

His chest shook with laughter, jostling her.

She propped herself up on her arm to frown at him. “We just had a lovely moment together. I fail to see what is funny about it.”

In a blink, she was flat on her back with her husband straddling her. He flashed a roguish grin. “Nice is a walk in the country or sipping lemonade on a warm afternoon. I don’t settle for nice in the bedchamber, Kitten, and neither will you.”

Before she could guess at his meaning, his mouth was at her breast and his fingers swept over that wondrous spot he’d discovered earlier. She moaned as heat filled her again. His touch was relentless, allowing her no rest and stoking a fire inside her until her body pleaded for relief. It came quickly, flaring and consuming her. Shocking cries ripped from her as he held her in a state of ecstasy—wave after wave of the most intense pleasure she had ever known—until she was at last depleted and collapsed against the bed.

Her limbs were too heavy to move. Even her eyelids refused to work properly. Ben lay beside her, stroking her hair from her face. She yawned.

Her husband chuckled. “Nice doesn’t make you sleepy like this, does it, Evie?”

She shook her head, not bothering to open her eyes. “Stay with me,” she mumbled as she rolled on her side away from him.

“I’m never leaving, remember?” Despite his promise, the mattress dipped as he climbed from bed, but he was gone only long enough to snuff the candles. When he returned, his strong body surrounded her. A drowsy smile pulled at her lips. She was sated, secure in the cocoon he created for her, and confident in their future as she succumbed to sleep.