Huge thanks to my amazing editor Helen Huthwaite for being such a support during the writing of this book, for her insightful and spot-on (as always) editorial comments and for her enthusiasm and encouragement. Thank you Phoebe Morgan for the seamless takeover when Helen went on maternity leave. I couldn’t have asked for a safer pair of editorial hands and I really appreciate all the time and energy you put into getting The Fear ready for publication. Thanks also to Jade Craddock for doing such a great job with the copyedit, Henry Steadman for the amazing cover, Hannah Welsh for being a sales goddess, Sabah Khan and Deborah Elliot for being PR mavens, Elke Desanghere for digital marketing magic, and Kate Elton and Oli Malcolm for steering the good ship Avon. Thanks to Simon Cowell, I mean, Charlie Redmayne for his support and bonhomie.

Thanks, as always, to my amazing agent Madeleine Milburn who didn’t run shrieking when I told her I wanted to write about the power play between a female captor and a male prisoner, but instead asked questions that helped the idea take shape. Also for taking all of my moans, tears, frustration and jubilation in her stride and supporting me every step of the way. Thanks to the rest of Team Milburn – Hayley Steed, Alice Sutherland-Hawes and Giles Milburn for all their hard work and general loveliness.

Huge thanks to ex-detective Stuart Gibbon for his police procedural expertise (he has a book out on the subject, all crime writers should buy it) and to Rebecca Bradley and Neil White for patiently answering my questions about sex offender legislation and what happens after they get out of prison.

A big high five and ‘oh my god I can’t believe you did it’ to my friend Scott James. For years Scott’s asked when I was going to dedicate a book to him. I told him I’d only do it if he got a tattoo of one of my books (thinking that would never happen). He got the tattoo – the cover of The Accident on his calf – and, as promised this book is dedicated to him. Scott, you’re a loon but we wouldn’t have you any other way.

All the love in the world to my amazing family – Reg and Jenny Taylor, David Taylor, Sophie Taylor, Rose Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, Lou(bag) Foley, Sami Eaton, Fraser, Oli, Great Nan, Steve and Guin Hall, Ana James, James Loach and Angela and Nick Aspell. You keep me sane, you make me laugh and you share my books all over social media. Thank you! Sadly we lost two members of our family this year. Derek (Sam) Griffiths and Margaret Harris you are hugely missed.

Big love to my second family – the huge army of authors that make me laugh on a daily basis and constantly wow me with their generosity, kindness and ability to drink until the sun comes up. The loss of Helen Cadbury, one of our own, is still so keenly felt. Massive hugs in particular to Julie Cohen, Rowan Coleman, Miranda Dickinson, Kate Harrison and Tamsyn Murray for being the best friends I could ever ask for.

Then there’s my own little family – Chris and Seth. I love you both ridiculous amounts. Thank you, for everything.

Finally, a HUGE thank you to the tireless bloggers who promote my books, turn up to my events and cheerlead every step of the way (and without being paid). You guys are AMAZING. You’re like book fairies – spreading the reading magic all over the web (was that cheesy? Sorry, it was a bit). And you my readers. You’re the reason I do what I do. Your emails, letters and social media comments mean the absolute world to me. Knowing that I entertained you, scared you, moved you or kept you gripped is such a huge compliment and when you tell me you can’t wait for another C.L. Taylor book it spurs me on to write more. Thank you for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed it.

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