This book was originally published in 1994, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Stonewall, with the title Gay Pride: Photographs from Stonewall to Today. Times change, and “gay” is no longer the accepted umbrella term for all people not straight. Hence, this edition, published to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Stonewall, has a slightly different title from the original publication. We added some previously unpublished pictures, too.

The reception to the original book, from potential publishers, book stores and the buying public, was not strong. It was in many ways a political statement at the time for its author and editor just to openly publish and proudly market a gay-themed photo book with a bright pink cover.

Fifteen years after this book was first published, in 2009, the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop—the world’s first outlet for predominantly gay literature—closed. But it was not an altogether sad event, as it meant that “gay” literature was out of the closet and part of mainstream commerce.

There has been a world of progress since Stonewall, and since the 1994 edition of this book, including in the marketplace. For this edition, publishers were vying for it and bookstores will openly display it. And hopefully plenty of people will buy it!

A few people who must be recognized before the photos start:

Hilton Als, Fred W. McDarrah’s onetime Village Voice photo desk assistant, for his gracious introduction to this volume; Patrick J. McDarrah, for having the original idea for this book; Theodore H. McDarrah for his contributions to this edition; and Gloria S. McDarrah, the keeper of the photo flame as the thoughtful and forward-thinking executrix of the Estate of Fred W. McDarrah. Three generations of straight—but not narrow—McDarrahs doing our little part for the greater good.

We’d like to thank the team at OR Books—John Oakes, Colin Robinson, Emma Ingrisani, and Emily Freyer—for their commitment to make this book that you are now holding in your hands as terrific as it is. We are deeply appreciative of the work of Laura Lindgren, who is responsible for the creative and sensitive redesign and typesetting of Pride.

Most importantly, we’d like to thank everyone in the photos and their brethren over the decades who are not in the photos, for their determination and perseverance and ceaseless efforts in the struggle for equality.

This book would not be possible without them.

—Timothy S. McDarrah

January 2019

Greenwich Village