

IN composite notes, sources are given in the order they are cited in the text unless otherwise indicated. The notes themselves have been shortened in several ways. In most cases, subtitles of books are omitted and main titles abridged after the first citation in each chapter. The titles of most articles are also omitted, along with the traditional soft and hard signs in transliterations. And most newspapers, magazines, journals, and other periodicals are referred to throughout by initials or in shortened form, as follows:

AFArgumenty i fakty
AHR American Historical Review
APSRAmerican Political Science Review
BGBoston Globe
CDPSPCurrent Digest of the Post-Soviet Press
CDSPCurrent Digest of the Soviet Press
ChronicleChronicle of Higher Education
CSMChristian Science Monitor
EASEurope-Asia Studies
FAForeign Affairs
FBISForeign Broadcast Information Service Daily Report: Soviet Union
FTFinancial Times
IA Istoricheskii arkhiv
IHT International Herald Tribune
JCWSJournal of Cold War Studies
JMHJournal of Modern History
JODJournal of Democracy
JRLJohnson’s Russia List
JRL SupplementJohnson’s Russia List Research and Analytical Supplement
KOKnizhnoe obozrenie
KPKomsomolskaia pravda
KZ Krasnaia zvezda
LAT Los Angeles Times
LGLiteraturnaia gazeta
LRLiteraturnaia Rossiia
MGMolodaia gvardiia
MK Moskovskii komsomolets
MN Moskovskie novosti
MPMoskovskaia pravda
MT Moscow Times
NG Nezavisimaia gazeta
NI Novye izvestiia
NM Novyi mir
NNI Novaia i noveishaia istoriia
NovaiaNovaia gazeta
NR New Republic
NS Nash sovremennik
NT New Times
NV Novoe vremia
NY New Yorker
NYRB New York Review of Books
NYT New York Times
OGObshchaia gazeta
OIOtechestvenaia istoriia
ONS Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
PCProblems of Communism
PGParlamentskaia gazeta
PKPoliticheskii klass
PPCProblems of Post-Communism
PSAPost-Soviet Affairs
PZHPoliticheskii zhurnal
ReportRadio Liberty Report on the USSR
RFE / RLRadio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Newsline
RGRossiiskaia gazeta
RRRussian Review
RT Rabochaia tribuna
SEERSlavic and East European Review
SISotsiologicheskie issledovaniia
SKSovetskaia kultura
SM Svobodnaia mysl
SRSovetskaia Rossiia
SSSoviet Studies
VA Vestnik analitiki
VE Voprosy ekonomiki
VEK XX Vek XX i mir
VFVoprosy filosofii
VI KPSSVoprosy istorii KPSS
VI Voprosy istorii
VN Vremia novostei
VRAN Vestnik rossiiskoi akademii nauk
WP Washington Post
WPJWorld Policy Journal
WS Weekly Standard
WSJWall Street Journal