Academic City
Adams, John
Adler, Nanci
Aganbegyan, Abel
Aitmatov, Chingiz
Akhmatova, Anna
Aksyonov, Vassily
Aleksandr II
alternatives, Bukharinist; counterfactual questions; defined; double standards and; four fundamental changes; Gorbachev and; Gulag survivors and; Khrushchev and; Ligachev and; missed chances; nonaligned status; to segregation in Kentucky; U.S. post–Cold War relationship, ; for Ukraine; U.S. undermines. See also reform, possibility of
alternativism (alternativnost)
American Committee on East-West Accord
Amis, Martin
Andreyeva affair
Andropov, Yuri
Anti–Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972)
anti–Cold War forces
anti-Soviet movements
anti-Stalinism; of Khrushchev
Antonov-Ovseyenko, Anton
Armenian earthquake (1988)
August 1991 putsch
Aurora (cruiser)
Babel, Isaac
Baev, Aleksandr
Baeva, Tatyana
Baitalsky, Mikhail
Baltic Communist Parties
Baltic republics
Belovezh document (Soviet Union abolished)
Berggolts, Olga
Beria, Lavrenty
Berlin Wall
Biden, Joseph
Bitov, Andrei
Boris Gudonov (Pushkin)
Boston Globe
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brezhnev Doctrine
Brezhnev era
Buchanan, Patrick J.
Bukharin, Nikolai; as antifascist; Cohen’s biography of; condition in prison; “confession” of; execution of; family; interrogations of; as last original Bolshevik; manuscripts written in prison; New Economic Policy and; predicts police state; rehabilitation of; socialist humanism; Stalin, letters to from prison; as Stalin’s purge victim; trial of
Bukharinist alternative
Bulgakov, Mikhail
Burbulis, Gennady
Burkovsky, Boris
Burn, The (Aksyonov)
Bush, George H. W.; Cold War and
Bush, George W.
camp theme culture
capital flight
capitalism, Russian
Carnegie Endowment
censorship; of Bukharin’s writings; Gorbachev era; of Gulag survivors; post-Khrushchev era; reform of; samizdat writings; Stalin era
Central Asia
Central Committee; conflicts within; Gorbachev and; Khrushchev overthrown by; Ligachev and; mock trial (1957); overthrows Khrushchev,
Chebrikov, Viktor
Chechen conflict
Cheney, Dick
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chernobyl nuclear disaster
Chernomyrdin, Viktor
Children of the Arbat (Rybakov)
Chinese system
Chubais, Anatoly
civil society
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Clinton administration
Cohen, Stephen F.
Cold War; Gorbachev ends; lobbies; not ended in Washington
cold wars; twenty-first century; U.S.-Russian relations
color revolutions
command-administrative system
Commonwealth of Independent States
communism, as analytical notion
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Communist Party of the Russian Republic
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); banned by Yeltsin; Brezhnev era; diversity of; division of; electoral democracy and; ideological reform and; intra-Party movements; Ligachev and; multiple parties, development of; reform and; regional leadership; Stalinist purge of; structure of, 1980s
conservatism, Soviet; difficulty of, in Russia
Constitution; Khrushchev’s proposed changes; superpresidential, 1993
Constitutional Court
cooperation (U.S.-Russian), cycle of
Council on Foreign Relations
crimes against humanity
Crisis of Capitalist Culture and Socialism, The (Bukharin)
Danilov, Viktor
Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
decree, rule by
Degradation of Culture and Fascism, The (Bukharin)
Democratic Party of Communists of Russia
democratization (Soviet and Russian); destabilizing influence of; downward trends; duality of Soviet system and; elites role in reversing; essential components of; historical amnesia; legislatures, role of; Ligachev and; nomenklatura and; popular opinion on
Dudko, Father Dmitri
Eastern Europe, See also specific countries
economy: Andropov and; destabilized; free-market economic model; hypercentralized; mixed economy model; New Economic Policy (NEP); nomenklatura privatization; oligarchic system; political factors in destabilization of; post-Soviet; reform and; shock-therapy approach; shortages
educational system
Ehrenburg, Ilya
elections, 1990
elections, 1991
elections, 1996
elites. See nomenklatura class
Elsberg, Yakov
enlightened bureaucrats
ethnic strife; Georgian-Russian war
ethnic territories
executioners, tried and sentenced
Fadeyev, Aleksandr
fate, concept of
First Circle, The (Solzhenitsyn)
500-Day Plan
Foreign Affairs
Forever Flowing (Grossman)
free-market economic model
Gaidar, Yegor
“gas OPEC,”
Gastev, Yuri
Gates, Robert
Gazaryan, Suren
generations, fate of
Georgian-Russian war
Germany, Nazi
Ginzburg, Eugenia
glasnost; media trial of Stalinism; used against Gorbachev. See also media, Soviet; media, U.S.
Gnedin, Yevgeny
Gorbachev, Mikhail; August 1991 putsch and; Brezhnev Doctrine and; Bukharin manuscripts and; Central Committee and; communism, view of; ends Cold War; as event-making leader; failure to create party; foreign policies; four great transformations; gives away power; glasnost used against; gradualism; Gulag survivors and; as heretic; Khrushchev syndrome; leadership crisis; legal justice policies; Ligachev and; misconceptions about; New Thinking; nonviolence of; perestroika; personal transformation of; personal values; seventieth birthday; social democratic program; socialist humanism; on stability; “turn to the Right,”; United Nations speech; on Yeltsin
Gorbachev Enigma, The (A Warning) (Ligachev)
Gorbachev era: censorship; Politburo; public opinion
Gorbatov, Aleksandr
Great Terror; assassination of Kirov; international conference on (2008); Ligachev and; mass graves; national repentance; novelists and poets targeted; officials reinvent themselves; Putin’s acts; writings on. See also Stalinism
Gromyko, Andrei
Grossman, Vasily
Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn)
Gulag survivors; accelerated release program; old Bolshevik interveners; Brezhnev era; bureaucratic investigations of; camp theme culture; censorship of; children and relatives of; confrontations with NKVD personnel; eminent Soviet careers; in former Gulag capitals; as historians; as important factor in Soviet life; justice and; March 1953 amnesty; memoirs; in nomenklatura class; in novels; numbers of; personal testimonies; poets; post-camp syndrome; post-Stalin regime’s complicity in crimes; public reactions to; reasons for survival; rehabilitation of; rival organizations of; role during Khrushchev regime; role in freeing victims; samizdat writings; social needs of; special commissions; status post-Khrushchev; stigmatized; vernacular of
Gumilyov, Lev
Gurvich, Svetlana
“Heirs of Stalin, The” (Yevtushenko)
Hitler, Adolf
Holbrooke, Richard
Holocaust survivors
House of Meetings (Amis)
human rights
human-rights movement, Moscow
Hussein, Saddam
Ikramov, Kamil
independence, as term
inevitability, school of
Institute of Economics
Institute of World Literature
intimidation, role of
Iraq War
iron curtain
Jones, James L.
Judgment at Nuremberg
Kaganovich, Lazar
Kagarlitsky, Boris
Kakhovskaya, Irina
Kaletsky, Anatole
Kamenev, Lev
Karaganov, Sergei
Karpinsky, Vyacheslav
Karpov, Vladimir
Kennan, George F.
KGB, See also FSB
Kheiman, Semyon
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
Khrushchev, Nikita; anti-Stalin speech; Gulag survivors and; Ligachev and; meetings in honor of; 1961 monument proposal; overthrown by Central Committee; personal risk taken by; role in Stalinist terror; Thaw; Twenty-second Party Congress
Kim, Yuli
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne J.
Kirov, Sergei
Kissinger, Henry
Koestler, Arthur
Kogan, Lazar
Kokh, Alfred
Kopelev, Lev
Korolev, Sergei
Kosygin, Aleksei
Kovalev, Sergei
Kravchuk, Leonid
Larin, Yuri
Larina, Anna, manuscripts and; memoir
Law on Secession
Lazurkina, Dora
leader-dominated culture
leadership: event-making; historically fateful; regional, See also nomenklatura class
legislative branch, See also Supreme Soviet
Lenin, Vladimir; New Economic Policy
Lenin Mausoleum
Lenin Prize
“Lenin’s Last Testament,”
Levintin-Krasnov, Anatoly
life expectancy
Ligachev, Yegor; background; on Brezhnev era; Central Committee and; as centrist; on conservatism; corruption charges against; Duma, election to; early policy disputes and; Gorbachev, opposition to; Gorbachev, support for; Gorbachev’s transformation and; memoirs; passivity of; personal qualities; political evolution before 1985; runs for deputy Party leader; silence on behind-the-scenes struggles; socialism, view of; as Tomsk Regional Party leader
Lipman, Masha
Lubyanka Prison
Malenkov, Georgy
managed democracy
manuscripts: archives and; Bukharin’s
Masherov, Pyotr
mass graves
McFaul, Michael
media, Soviet; democratization of; 1990s, See also glasnost
media, U.S.
Medvedev, Dmitri
Medvedev, Roy
Medvedev, Vadim
Medvedev, Zhores
memoirs: of Gulag survivors; of Ligachev; political
Memorial Society
Mikoyan, Anastas
Milchakov, Aleksandr
Milchakov, Aleksandr (son)
military; all-Union; anti-Gorbachev stance; August 1991 putsch; in ruling elite; Stalin era; Yeltsin’s fears of
ministerial decrees
Mitin, Mark
modernization through catastrophe
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Monroe Doctrine
Museum of the History of the Gulag (Moscow)
Mussolini, Benito
Myers, Stephen Lee
nachalniki (bosses)
Nation, The
National Security Strategy (2006)
NATO; expansion undermines security
Nazi Germany
Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939
near abroad
Nemtsov, Boris
New Deal
New Economic Policy (NEP)
New Thinking
New York Times
nihilistic tradition
Nineteenth Communist Party Conference (1988)
NKVD archive
nomenklatura class; democracy and; Gorbachev’s reforms and; property taken by; role in reversing democratization. See also leadership; oligarchs
Novo-Ogarevo process
Nuremberg Trial
Obama, Barack
October Revolution
off-shore aristocracy
O’Hanlon, Michael
oil, U.S. pursuit of
oil prices
Okudzhava, Bulat
oligarchs, See also nomenklatura class
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn)
Ozerov, Lev
pact making
Party Congress: Twentieth (1956); Twenty-second (1961); Twenty-eighth (1990)
perestroika; destabilizing effect of; memoirs; New Economic Policy as; opposition to; reforms and, socialist humanism
personality, politics and
Petrovsky, Grigory
Petrovsky, Leonid
Pikina, Valentina
Pilnyak, Boris
Pinochet, Augusto
“Poem’s Hero, The
Politburo; Gorbachev era
political parties
Polozkov, Ivan
popular culture
post-camp syndrome
poverty, 1990s
Powell, Colin L.
public opinion: on Belovezh; against breakup of Union; Gorbachev era; Putin’s popularity; of Yeltsin
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Pushkin House (Bitov)
Putin, Vladimir; blamed for tension in U.S. relations; demonized by U.S. media; as FSB chief; managed democracy; modernization policy; popularity; pro-Stalinism and; response to U.S.; U.S. stance toward
pygmy parties
rally mania
Reagan, Ronald
referendum, December 1991
referendum, March 1991
referendum, 1993
reform: definition; of economy; functioning components of system; of ideology; of monopoly on politics; proreform forces; of state violence; of unitary state
reform, possibility of; alternatives and contingencies; CPSU and; economic argument; hindsight bias; legitimacy-crisis argument; “mutually exclusive with democracy,”; perestroika; revolution from below argument; Soviet system, concept of; theological argument; totalitarian argument; of unitary state, See also alternatives
regional leadership
rehabilitation; of Bukharin
religious figures, dissident
Repentance (film)
revolution from below argument
Rice, Condoleezza
Right Opposition (Bukharinist)
Roginsky, Arseny
Rokossovsky, Marshall Konstantin
Roosevelt, Franklin
Rozner, Eddi
Rubin, Robert E.
Ruchev, Boris
Rudenko, Roman
rule of law
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Presidential Archive (Kremlin Archive)
Russia (Soviet and post-Soviet); depopulation; depression, 1990s; financial crisis of 2008–2009; instability; national security interests; Parliament; post-Soviet economic reforms; poverty, 1990s; self-perception; Soviet traditions in; strengths of; U.S., elements of foreign policy with; U.S. intervention in post-Soviet; U.S. military encirclement of; Yeltsin as president of, Rybakov, Anatoly
Ryzhkov, Nikolai
Saakashvili, Mikheil
Sakharov, Andrei
samizdat writings
segregation, alternatives to, September
Serov, Ivan
Shabalkin, Pavel
shadow economy
Shalamov, Varlam
Shatrov, Mikhail,
Shatunovskaya, Olga
Shebarshin, Leonid
Sheinin, Lev
Shepilov, Dmitri
Shevardnadze, Eduard
Shevtsova, Liliia
Shirvindt, Yevsei
Shmelev, Nikolai
Shushkevich, Stanislav
Shvernik Commission
Simonov, Konstantin
Smelyakov, Yaroslav
Snegov, Aleksei
Socialism and Its Culture (Bukharin)
socialist democratic program
socialist humanism
socialist system of checks and balances
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr; denied Lenin Prize; deported; as leader of public dissent; on military encirclement of Russia; Putin gives award to
“SOS from the Gulag,”
South Ossetia
sovereignty: Russian emphasis on; as term; U.S. denial of Russian
Sovetskaya Rossiya
Soviet Academy of Sciences
Soviet Belorussian Communist Party
Soviet integration, human elements of
Sovietism; functioning components
Soviet Union: as political civilization; politicization of; Soviet system, concept of; transition period under Gorbachev
Soviet Union, end of; country of the broken word; difficulty explaining; as elite-driven event; empire as reason for; ethnic protests not reason for; explanations for; extremism; intelligentsia and; leadership theory; perestroika, opposition to; political factors in destabilization of economy; revolution from below argument; socialism as reason for; Yeltsin abolishes Union
Spanish Civil War
Stalin, Joseph; body removed from Lenin Mausoleum; Bukharin’s letters to from prison; cult of infallibility; fascism and; personal interest in archives
“Stalin Against Lenin” (Snegov)
“Stalin and His Heirs,”
Stalinism; de-Stalinization; media trial of; pro-Stalin attitudes, post-Soviet, See also Great Terror
Starostin, Andrei
Starostin brothers
Stasova, Yelena
status quo policies
Stolypin, Pyotr
Suchkov, Boris
Summers, Lawrence
Supreme Soviet
Surkov, Vladislav
Suslov, Mikhail
tamizdat writings
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todorsky, Aleksandr
Tomsk Regional Party
totalitarian model
Traub, James
trials: Central Committee mock trial (1957); media trial of Stalinism; Nuremberg; 1938, Moscow; 1992, Communist Party
Trifonov, Yuri
Trotsky, Leon
tsarism, collapse of
tsarist era
Tucker, Robert C., Tvardovsky, Aleksandr
Twentieth Party Congress (1956)
Ukraine; alternatives for; gas embargo; NATO campaign
Ulrikh, Vasily
Union Congress
Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics proposal
United Nations Security Council
United States: alternatives and post–Cold War relationship; Cold War not ended for; deficient historical memory; democracy promotion, fallacies of; elements of foreign policy; exploits Russia’s weaknesses; Gorbachev and; intervention in post-Soviet Russia; military encirclement of Russia; military interventions; national security interests; nuclear policy; post–Cold War relationship with Moscow; rhetoric used; self-perception; strategic partner rhetoric; triumphalism; undermines alternatives
unloading parties
U.S.-Soviet military conflicts
Veliaminov, Pyotr
visual art
Voroshilov, Kliment
Vyshinsky, Andrei
Wall Street Journal
Washington, George
Washington Post
weapons of mass destruction
Weimar scenario
Wolfe, Bertram D.
World Trade Organization
World War II
Yakir, Pyotr
Yakovlev, Aleksandr; on divide between elites and people
Yakovlev, Yegor
Yakubovich, Mikhail
Yeltsin, Boris; abolishes Soviet Union; American journalists on; autobiography; Communist Party of the Russian Federation and; decline of democratization and; decree, rule by; economic reforms; as fateful personality; Gorbachev, hatred of; impeachment;Ligachev and; power, will to; as president of Russian Republic; privatization and; pro-Stalin attitudes and; as “puppet of the West”; as regional leader; rehabilitation of victims; rise of; on shock therapy; shock-therapy economic program; sovereignty issue and; supporters’ contempt for Russian people; taxes and; U.S. support for; West and; worries about abolishing Union
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
Yezhov, Nikolai
Young Communist League (Komsomol)
Young Millionaires Club
Yudin, Pavel
Zabolotsky, Nikolai
zeks, as term
Zhigulin, Anatoly
Zhzhenov, Georgy
Zinoviev, Grigory
Zyuganov, Gennady