Chapter Fifteen

All right, folks. This is the event you’ve been waiting for. Not only will you get points for the grand prize, but the lucky couple to win this scavenger hunt will get an all-expenses-paid date night.” The woman held up a stack of five-by-seven cards. “I have in my hand the list of items you will need to find in order to win. The first couple who returns with photos of everything on this card will be the winners. If no one finds every item, then the team with the most will win. In the case of a tie, the resort has agreed to give both winning teams the prize.”

Applause filled the lobby of the resort. Kate glanced around the room. It seemed to be full of more couples than she’d remembered. That meant more people to compete against. Kate took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, attempting to calm her nerves.

Liam squeezed her hand, drawing her attention. He grinned at her, winked, then brought her hand to his lips.

Just like that, all her worries and anxiety slipped away. She didn’t have to win this event. In fact, if she didn’t win the grand prize, that would be okay too. Truth be told, she had stayed in hopes of getting her money back, but if she hadn’t come, then she would never have met Liam.

Kate squeezed his hand back and returned his smile with one of her own. She’d found something she’d never thought possible.

The woman with the cards passed them out facedown. “On my mark, you may flip your cards over and begin.” She scanned the room, her eyes meeting each team before her face broke into a wide smile, and she lifted a whistle to her lips.

Everyone around them flipped over their cards and took off. Liam turned over their card, but Kate placed her hand over the top. “We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

His brows creased together, then a grin stretched across his face. “The heck we don’t. We’re winning this if it’s the last thing we do.”

She let out a laugh and removed her hand.

Liam held up the card. “The first is a golden heart. I saw some decorations down the hall from that banquet hall where we’d had dinner the first night. Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the elevator. Liam pushed the button, but Kate shook her head.

“Let’s take the stairs.”

They darted around the corner of the elevator and headed into the stairwell. Her laughter echoed up the shaft as they breathlessly took the stairs two at a time.

The heart decorations were just where Liam had seen them. The next several items were miscellaneous objects they’d seen or used since their arrival: the snowmobiles, a dinner setting, a pair of ice skates, and a picture of themselves in front of the resort sign.

She lost track of time with each item they checked off the list. Liam was goofy and fun, and he could make her forget everything that had been weighing down on her. It was funny how one person could so easily change the way she felt about the world.

“We’ve got one left.”

“What is it?” Kate leaned closer to get a look at the list.

Liam’s brows knit together. He tilted the card for her to look at. “It says a Christmas kiss.”

She let out a laugh. “A Christmas kiss? What does that even mean? It’s not Christmas yet.”

He scratched his head. “I’m not sure.”

“Well, it’s our last item. If we figure it out, we might have a chance at winning.” She danced from side to side, shaking out her hands. “So, let’s figure it out.”

They were outside near the ice rink. She barely felt the cold air as it swirled around the two of them. Snow had begun to fall, and the night sky was darkening.

His eyes brightened. “I got it. Come on!” He took her hand, lacing his fingers within hers. They hurried toward the front doors of the resort.

“What is it?” She called.

“You’ll see.” He tugged her through the lobby and stopped beside the Christmas tree that rose fifteen feet high beside the fireplace. His green eyes were the same color as the pine.

She glanced at the tree then at Liam. “A kiss in front of the tree? Do you really think that’s what they mean?”

He shook his head. Liam pulled her backward so they stood directly in front of the fireplace. Without saying a word, he pointed his finger up.

Kate lifted her face and peered at a small sprig of green leaves. Her eyes widened, and she brought her gaze to meet his. “Mistletoe!” she breathed. “Liam, you’re a genius.” She glanced back at the leaves, then the smile dropped from her face at the implication of what was about to happen. A Christmas kiss. It was obvious the organizers were expecting each of the couples to participate in this. It was probably part of some big publicity stunt.

She gave him a shy smile, her gaze dropping to the ground. “You don’t have to do—”

Without warning, Liam placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers, warm and full of desire. Kissing Liam was like nothing she’d ever experienced in her entire life. He was gentle and sweet, but full of fire at the same time. He could make her laugh one second and make her want to throw something at him in the next. He was everything she never knew she needed.

Her heart thundered, and her skin tingled where he held her. How had she gotten so lucky to snag a guy as good as Liam? There was this way he had about himself. Deep down, she knew she could trust him with her heart and her whole being. It was like his touch and that smile could make the world as she knew it stop spinning. Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his hair. She could get lost in this moment if she let herself, and she would have if he hadn’t been the one to stop.

Liam’s kiss shifted from fervent to sweet. He loosened his hold on her and pulled back, pressing his forehead against hers. His husky voice sent chills down her spine. “Don’t you ever tell me I don’t have to kiss you like that.”

Kate took in a shaky breath. “Okay.”

He cupped her face with his hand and grazed her cheekbone with his thumb. The corners of his lips twitched, lifting into a humorous smile. “We forgot to get a picture.” He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen to flip the camera for a selfie. Meeting her eyes, studying her as if to ask for permission, he paused. “Are you ready?”

Kate nodded, pressing her lips into a firm line.

He hooked his finger under her chin and lifted it, sending all kinds of electrical pulses through her body. She let her eyes flutter closed as he brushed his lips against hers.