All plans are by Ambrose Gillick, 2012–13, and depict the buildings as completed and with liturgical arrangements at the time of opening, as far as can be deduced.
1a St Joseph, Wembley, London, by Reynolds & Scott, 1956–58
1b Holy Trinity, Dockhead, London, by H. S. Goodhart-Rendel, 1958–60
1c St Bernard, Burnage, Manchester, by Reynolds & Scott, 1957–59
1d St Luke, Pinner, London, by F. X. Velarde, 1958. By permission of OMF Derek Cox Architects, Liverpool
2a St Bride, East Kilbride, by Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, 1957–64
2b St Paul, Glenrothes, by Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, 1956–58
2c St Joseph, Faifley, Glasgow, by Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, 1960–63
2d St Margaret, Clydebank, Glasgow, by Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, 1970–72
3a St Mary, Leyland, by Weightman & Bullen, 1960–64. Courtesy of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool and Weightman & Bullen Architects
3b St Ambrose, Speke, Liverpool, by Weightman & Bullen, 1958–61. Courtesy of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool and Weightman & Bullen Architects
3c St Agnes, Huyton, Liverpool, by Lionel A. G. Prichard & Son, 1959–65
4a Our Lady of Fatima, Harlow, by Gerard Goalen, 1954–60
4b St Gregory, South Ruislip, London, by Gerard Goalen, 1965–67
4c St Michael and All Angels, Woodchurch, Birkenhead, by F. X. Velarde Partnership, 1962–65. Courtesy of OMF Derek Cox Architects, Liverpool
4d Holy Redeemer, Pershore, by Hugh Bankart, 1957–59
5a Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul, Clifton, Bristol, by Percy Thomas Partnership, 1965–73
5b St Margaret, Twickenham, London, by Williams & Winkley, 1964–69. Courtesy of Austin Winkley & Associates, London
6a St Thomas More, Sheffield, by John Rochford & Partners, 1964–69
6b St Andrew, Cippenham, Slough, by Michael Hattrell, 1968–70
6c Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre, Lancaster, by Cassidy & Ashton, 1966–69. © Cassidy + Ashton, Preston
7a St Bride, East Kilbride, by Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, 1957–64. Map reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey licence number 100013973
7b St Michael and All Angels, Woodchurch, Birkenhead, by F. X. Velarde Partnership, 1962–65. Map reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey licence number 100013973