Lamb’s Wool

The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Samuel Pepys, 1659-69

1 part ale

1 cup sugar

1 part roasted apple pulp

Dash of nutmeg

Place the ale and sugar in a glass and stir to combine.

Pour the roasted apple pulp on top of the cocktail, top with a dusting of nutmeg, and stir to combine.

We got well home… Being come home, we to cards, till two in the morning, and drinking lamb’s-wool [A beverage consisting of ale mixed with sugar, nutmeg, and the pulp of roasted apples]. November 9th, 1666

The Diary of Samuel Pepys offers a fascinating glimpse into daily life in mid-seventeenth century England, during the Restoration of the monarchy, when King Charles II was on the throne. This entry describes a rather harrowing evening, when Pepys and his friends witnessed a fire that, luckily, was put out. It had only been a few months since a terrible fire had ravaged much of London, so no doubt they were thankful, and after getting home, they partook of this comforting beverage and cards to relax.