Brandy Eggnog

Edgar Allan Poe

Dash of egg white

1 oz. simple syrup

1 oz. dark rum

1 oz. brandy

2 oz. warm milk

1 cinnamon stick, for garnish

Build the cocktail in a mug, adding the ingredients in the order they are listed.

Stir, garnish with the cinnamon stick, and enjoy.

For an early master of the macabre, Poe’s drink of choice seems surprisingly festive and sweet: eggnog with brandy and often rum, too! He had a family recipe that included making his own nog, though if you want, you can simply substitute a store-bought version of eggnog during the holiday season. At any other time of the year, though, you’ll need to whip up your own milky-eggy version to pour your spirits into. And of course, it was traditionally consumed warm to keep away winter’s chill.

But even the finest of eggnogs won’t keep away the chills induced by Poe’s tales!

If you’re skittish about the raw egg, heat the cocktail gently on the stove before pouring it into the mug. And if you’re feeling lazy, you can replace the egg white and simple syrup with a bit of warmed, store-bought eggnog.