Like so many splendid things, it all started by chance. Three of the most genuinely creative people I’ve ever met stumbled across each other on social media, made a connection, and then started something amazing for writers. In the Pantheon (originally All in the Pantheon) fell into place as a project to promote, elevate, and provide authors exposure. It gave them a place to showcase their writing and stand out in a crowded arena. 

Debuting in May 2019 with a small cadre of authors, it quickly grew in size. By summer’s end, almost thirty authors (or scribes) wrote for various deities. Each scribe wrote two posts per month, and In the Pantheon (ITP)  posted two posts per day. In no time, the project was producing over one-hundred thousand words of quality story-telling per month. All this time the founders (Michael “Zeus” Ryan, CJ “Hera” Landry, and Moxie “Moxie” Malone) managed a project that was growing wildly beyond any reasonable expectations they had concerning its viability. It was at this point that they offered me the honor of joining their ranks as an administrator.

Through its inception and growth, the four of us maintained one mantra about the venture. ITP would remain a free platform for authors to showcase their work. The message always remained that the project is about helping writers and is not an avenue to generate revenue. ITP would not charge authors for the right to post, authors retained all rights to their intellectual property, and we would someday publish an anthology of stories featuring many of our talented authors. 

Someday took 491 days.

With our own publishing house, Rewritten Realms, we now control our publishing future. Immortal Fears is the culmination of this future vision shared by everyone at ITP. Yet as a culmination, it is not the end. Rather, it is a beginning of many more things to come. What started, and continues, as a project by writers and for writers now encompasses other creatives as our community continues to expand into areas such as audiobooks.

As we always do, we thank the readers and fans who cheered us on after they discovered our community and became a part of it. You are the sole reason we do what we do. Every time you tell a scribe how much you loved their story, I guarantee you make their day. We hold heartfelt appreciation for our fans and love interacting, whether it be in character as our deity or talking one on one as fellow writers and readers. Thank you all for your unwavering support. 

Now settle into your favorite chair and get comfortable. We present to you, Immortal Fears.

~Wayne “Dinlas” Davids