“Becoming a Dangerous Woman illuminates the paths strong leaders take to tackle challenges and gain wisdom. By curating and amplifying the voices of women who have defied categorization, Pat Mitchell delivers a work that will encourage other women to find their dangerous sides.”
—Stacey Abrams
“Pat has been the connector, the spark plug, and the strategist behind more important women’s events and forums than seems possible.”
—Jane Fonda
“I can think of no woman who does more to move other women forward. From creating and providing platforms for women to share their voices, to making sure women are hired on the job, to insisting women are front and center in the media, to sharing, mentoring, networking, and always highlighting the best in us. Her life and being is a true lesson in sisterhood.”
—Eve Ensler
“I’ve witnessed what a force of nature Pat Mitchell becomes when she believes in something. And, fortunately for all of us, she believes in making our world better. As a passionate advocate, producer, and mentor, her commitment to empowering and inspiring women and girls through telling their stories is changing hearts and minds. I am glad to both know and work with her, and to watch her impact grow.”
—Robert Redford
“Pat Mitchell has deep intelligence, agility, loyalty, ferocious endurance, high spirit, leadership by example, and an empathetic soul. She is also a great girlfriend and the only woman I know who can make a shower curtain look like haute couture. Must read the book for that story and others.”
—Glenn Close
“With wit, moxie, and infectious curiosity about the world, Pat Mitchell reminds us that to traverse the road to self-actualization, one must court a little danger along the way. Becoming a Dangerous Woman is a tour de force worthy of every nightstand.”
—Kimberlé Crenshaw, professor of law at Columbia Law School and UCLA
“For decades, Pat Mitchell has been on the media frontlines as an uncompromising force for good. She has used her platform to document injustices in a societal system plagued by sexism, racism, and economic inequalities. To the powers that be who are allowing human rights abuses to be exploited and overlooked, Pat Mitchell is a very dangerous woman indeed. Pat Mitchell makes being a dangerous woman a badge of honor, one that should be worn with pride.”
—Thandie Newton
“Becoming a Dangerous Woman is an irresistible handbook for women who want to be powerful and show up for other women—the way Pat Mitchell has her whole life. May it inspire the dangerous woman in all of us.”
—Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Workers Alliance and author of The Age of Dignity
“Pat is that most rare of leaders, one who is trusted by the decision makers as they now exist, and also by the future decision makers hoping to expand what exists.”
—Gloria Steinem
“This book is a riveting history lesson, case study in fierce feminist leadership, truly useful advice from a trusted girlfriend, and radical call-to-action all rolled into one page-turning package. I inhaled Pat’s life story, in large part, because I was blown away by her unshakable honesty—about power struggles at work, about men and money, about sex and violence. Apparently there’s no time for fear or bullshit in your seventies. I can’t wait.”
—Courtney E. Martin, author of The New Better Off: Reinventing the American Dream
“The life and times of award-winning journalist and producer Pat Mitchell is an inspiration for all who wish to see positive change in the world.… Pat is a tour de force whose continued advocacy for access and equal opportunities for women is to be applauded.”
—Deborah Calmeyer, founder and CEO of Roar Africa
“Dangerous women are the antidote to dangerous times. Thank you, Pat Mitchell, for your courageous work and enduring leadership—you inspire us all to put aside our fears so we can do the work needed to fix our broken world.”
—Jessica Zitter, MD, author of Extreme Measures