
We leave the mall via a fire exit—unsurprisingly, the alarm is old and doesn’t work—around 6:00 A.M., long before the first shift arrives.

I tell Kelsey about Cantrell’s offer when we’re in the Escalade. She has a right to know just how deep this all goes.

She takes it better than I thought possible when I tell her that the most powerful covert operations agency in the world is after us.

“Eli’s working with the CIA? Really?”

I nod. She looks thoughtful, not scared.

“That’s weird,” she says. “I thought he stopped doing that a long time ago.”

Proving that you can, in fact, surprise a psychic. That stops me short. “He did what?”

“He used to do some contract work for them.”

“For the CIA? Seriously?”

She nods, like this is obvious. “With their tech division. Signals intelligence. Decrypting communications, creating viral attacks. That kind of thing. You must know the Agency uses a lot of programmers now, right?”

I did, but I had no idea Preston was one of them. “Sloan said he recruited him out of Harvard.”

Kelsey shakes her head. “No. I mean, yes, Eli dropped out. But Everett heard about him through an old contact at the NSA. He hired him from the government. He does that a lot. He says it’s good training for the kind of people he needs. It’s not something Eli puts on his official résumé, but it was a big point in his career. There’s a lot of bleeding-edge programming work being done in the intelligence community these days—”

“And you’re just telling me this now?”

“It was in the packet I gave you,” she snaps back. “The one you said you didn’t need.” <you should have done your homework>

“Hey. Does this seem like an I-told-you-so moment to you?”

She looks away, annoyed.

It occurs to me, not for the first time, that she’s handling this differently from most people who’ve been shot at. Until now, I haven’t had the time to examine it. But most people don’t respond with anger. Most people go into a mild kind of shock after someone tries to kill them. If they believe the threat is still out there, their top priority is to hide. This is usually followed by at least a month of flinching at loud noises, along with occasional flashes of <holy crap I can’t believe that really happened>.

Not Kelsey, though. She’s just pissed. Which means there’s something in her life that let her jump past the usual first stages of trauma and get right to the anger.

“Where did you say Sloan hired you from?”

She stops short. “I didn’t,” she says, but it jumps into her head. A big building in Maryland. Black-mirror windows, like wraparound sunglasses.

“The NSA?” I say. Christ, is there anyone involved in this who hasn’t been a spook?

“I wasn’t clandestine operations. I was administrative support.”

There’s a <but> attached to that statement. More than she’s telling me. “But it wasn’t for lack of trying, was it?”

She shrugs. “I applied for the CIA. I didn’t make the cut.”

There’s a warning there, like razor wire around her thoughts. She doesn’t want to discuss it, and she doesn’t want me prying either.

So she starts singing to herself again. <happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Kelsey>

I almost laugh. That’s pretty damn smart. And a really effective way to keep me out of her head. I hate that song.

I do my best to block it out for a few more miles. Then she speaks up again.

“This is where you say it’s time for me to go home, isn’t it?” she says.

I must look surprised, because she laughs. “Doesn’t take a mind reader,” she says. “Let me explain why that’s a terrible idea.”

I can see her lining up arguments like PowerPoint slides, as if she’s about to make a presentation in some midrange hotel conference room.

I try to cut her off before she gets going. “I can still get you back to Sloan,” I say. “This can end right here for you.”

She makes a face. <oh horseshit> “You don’t really believe that. I cracked your code when you were talking to that guy on the phone, you know. If I go back to my apartment, to my life, how much time do you think I have before they send someone for me?”

She’s right. An impressive mind in there. But it doesn’t matter. I choose my words carefully. “I believe it’s safer than staying with me.”

“Because you’re going after Eli now,” she says. “You’re not going to take the deal.”

It’s better for her if she doesn’t know too many details. It will give her a good legal defense if everything goes wrong on my end, and someone tries to make her pay for what I’m planning to do to Preston. “What makes you say that?”

“I think I know you a little by now. And anyway, I wouldn’t, if I were you.”

That makes me smile. “Oh really?”

There’s a little A-bomb cloud that goes off when she hears the tone in my voice. “Yeah,” she says flatly. “Really. I close deals for Sloan all the time. And I’d never take an offer like this. You’d be helpless, totally at their mercy. You hand yourself over, and what guarantee do you have they won’t just box you up and put you away? None at all. It’s like a cow walking into a slaughterhouse, pretending it’s still got a choice.”

“I don’t have a lot of other options.”

“You really think the same people who want us both dead right now will just take you back, and all is forgiven? What makes you think they won’t kill you as soon as you show up for your first day on the job?”

“Because I’ve worked for them,” I snap back at her. “At the end of the day, the CIA is just another bureaucracy. Nobody gets promoted for holding a grudge. They could give a crap about me. They care about Preston and his secrets. That’s all. Remove Preston from the equation, and they no longer have any reason to care what I do.”

She smiles, like I’ve just fallen into her trap.

“And that’s what you’re going to do, right?” she says. “You think you’ve got to go after him, hurt him, or even kill him. That’s the only way to end the threat. You think it’s all a zero-sum game. Preston pushed you, so you’ve got to go find him and push him back. Show him you’re scarier. That you won’t back down. And then he won’t back down either. And it just keeps going, back and forth, until one of you gets a bullet in the head. Am I right?”

Sad to say, that was pretty much my plan. I don’t confirm or deny it, but she doesn’t care. She keeps going.

“That’s stupid,” she says. “That’s what he expects. He knows how you were trained. He won’t even have to send anyone looking for you. He knows you’ll go rushing after him, dick first and guns blazing. And as soon as you show up, he’s going to have a bunch of guys waiting to shoot you dead.”

I take a little offense at that. “I’ve beaten worse odds,” I tell her. “You’ve seen me do it.”

“Stupid,” she says again. “All it takes is one lucky shot. But sure, let’s say you do get past all of them. You get to Eli. Then what—you kill him? What good does that do? What do you win?”

“It will be over. And I’ll be alive.”

“Alive, but broke, and looking over your shoulder for years, waiting to be arrested for the murder of a Silicon Valley billionaire. Sounds like a real victory party to me,” she says. She lets that sink in for a moment. “Or you could get your life back, and even come out ahead on this job.”

She’s got a point. And an idea she’s been working on, in the back of her head. But I know this world better than she does.

“There is no job,” I remind her. “Your boss burned me. I’ve got no client.”

She makes a face, like she can’t believe I’m this slow. “So go to work for yourself.”

And it starts to unfold, behind her eyes. I can see almost all of it. But I want to hear it out loud. “Tell me what you mean.”

“Do your job. Don’t kick down Eli’s door. Be smarter than him. Take the one thing that really matters to him.”

I get it now. “The algorithm.”

“Right,” she says. “Steal it back, just like you were hired to do. And then hold it for ransom.”

“I told you, he didn’t steal it from Sloan.”

“Who cares? No matter where he got it, Eli used that source code as the basis for everything he’s built. It’s the lifeblood of his company. He needs it to find patterns in all the data out there. The algorithm is what makes Cutter work. And without Cutter, he’s not valuable anymore. No more clients. No more backing from the CIA. He’d sell his own mother to get it back. Guaranteed.”

I have to admit: I like the idea. It beats the hell out of going directly up against a group of ex–special ops killers.

“You should listen to me,” Kelsey says when she sees me wavering. “This is what I do for a living. I analyze problems and come up with the best solutions. And I’m pretty good at it.”

“So this is what you’d do, even if I wasn’t around?” I ask her.

Another face. “Don’t be an idiot. I don’t stand a chance. But you do. You have the skills and the talent. And I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you win. That means you’re stuck with me.”

It could work. But it’s still dangerous. She would still be safer hiding out somewhere—maybe in that office Sloan keeps in South Dakota.

Being a gentleman, I give her one more chance to back out.

“You can still go home. Stay safe. You’re still breathing.”

“How long do you think that’s going to last?” she snaps. “You’re not the only one at risk here. I’d appreciate it if you stopped thinking like you are. This is my life too. I’m not about to stand around, chewing my cud, waiting for the bolt to the head.”

For a brief moment, I worry my talent has been working overtime, gently nudging her into making this decision.

And then I shove the thought aside, because as much as I hate to admit it, I’m not sure I can do this alone. With Kelsey’s help, the odds move up from “no way in hell” to “better than impossible.”

She’s tough and she’s smart and her plan’s good. I’m not likely to find a better partner.

Even so, the smart money says we both end up dead. But I’ll take what I can get. I’m not ready to go quietly into the slaughterhouse either.

“All right,” I say. “We’ll do it. Any ideas on how we get the algorithm?”

She knew she was going to persuade me. She never had a doubt. Her smile is brilliant. “I can’t do all the work. I mean, you’re pretty, but you’ve got to bring something to the table, Smith.”

I laugh. Then I ask her, “Jesus, how did the Agency ever let you slip away?”

It was meant as a joke. But it brings up the memories she was trying to guard. She starts singing really loud in her mind—<AND MANY MORE ON CHANNEL FOUR>—but it’s too late.

I see the whole thing, even if it’s all in fragments: A man—a senior Agency recruiter—takes Kelsey into a small white room. There’s a big-screen monitor on one wall and a desk with two chairs.

I know what happened.

The CIA should have loved her. She’s smart. She’s attractive and ambitious, and thanks to her father, despite his other failings, she knows how to handle a gun. (They stopped going on those father-daughter hunting trips not long after she found out he’d been cheating on her mom. She told him, “I don’t think you and I should be alone in the woods with guns anymore, Dad.”)

But the CIA needs one other thing in its field operatives. It requires a certain flexibility. An ability to look the other way, every now and then, for the greater good. The Agency has been doing its job for a while. It knows that not everyone will be able to stomach some of the moral compromises necessary for truth, justice, and the American way. It’s had its share of whistle-blowers and public scandals, too many books written by people who turned out to be more concerned with their ethics than with secrecy.

The people behind the Agency aren’t complete idiots. They learn from their mistakes eventually.

So now the CIA weeds those people out before they get too far inside, before they’re exposed to any really damaging intel.

It’s come up with a pretty simple test for this: A senior CIA agent takes a recruit and leads her into a dark room with a chair and a desk. Then he hooks her up to a polygraph and asks her if she’d be willing to torture someone.

And then he asks her again while a big-screen TV shows close-up, graphic images—photos and video—of people actually being tortured.

That’s what they did to Kelsey. They showed her the movies nobody will admit exist. They showed her the photos that were never released from Abu Ghraib, from grimy cells in Egypt, and black sites in Eastern Europe.

Polygraphs are funny things. Speaking as someone who always knows when another person is lying, I find them crude and flawed. But they’re great at measuring when someone is uncomfortable. They detect the increase in perspiration, heart rate, breathing. They detect anxiety. They know when someone cannot tolerate the actual torture and abuse of other human beings.

Even someone who thinks she’d be just fine with torture, on a purely intellectual level, if it was done for the right reasons. If it meant finding a dirty bomb hidden somewhere in an American city, or learning the name of a traitor who planned to assassinate the president.

What Kelsey learned that day, in that tiny room, was that it’s almost never for big stakes like that. It’s long, ugly, brutal sessions for the smallest facts, like a prisoner’s real name, or an address, or a phone number.

I see it clearly in her memories: Kelsey sat there, watching the images, answering the questions. She knew the polygraph was ticking away. She did her best to be calm. But she couldn’t fool it, any more than she could fool herself.

After she flunked, Kelsey was told she couldn’t be trusted for fieldwork. She was referred to an admin position in the NSA. From there she went to work for Sloan.

She looks at me as I’m driving. Maybe ten seconds have passed. She knows I know.

“Why?” I ask.

She snorts. “You know why. You saw, didn’t you? I failed. I couldn’t do it.”

“That’s not what I meant,” I say. “Why did you apply for the CIA?”

That throws her off. She tries to cover with indignation. “Why did you join the army? You think you’re the only one who wants to serve his country?”

“I didn’t have many other options. I didn’t do it out of patriotism, really.”

“I did.”

“I know,” I say.

“Yeah, well, now you know. Good for you.”

She turns away, and I recognize the flavor of the anger coming off her. She’s ashamed.

It was the first time in her life she ever failed, she thinks. She was a straight-A overachiever, the captain of her debate team, a killer volleyball player, an honor-roll student and summa cum laude graduate. She was supposed to have a straight golden ticket to whatever she wanted to do in life. She really wanted to be one of the good guys. She thought it was the right thing to do. And she thought it was cool. She wanted to be a spy.

“You didn’t fail,” I tell her.

“Easy for you to say,” she says. “You did it. You did the job. You passed the tests.” She’s really pissed. Looking for a fight.

I make a noise. I suppose it sounds like a laugh.

“That’s funny?” she asks.

“No,” I say. “They were trying to find out how far you’d go. If you could do the things they were showing you. You couldn’t. That’s not a failure.”

In that little room, Kelsey discovered that her principles—the same ones that led her to apply for the CIA—wouldn’t let her cross some lines. No matter how much she might have wanted to.

It’s why she got sick and guilty after I shot OmniVore’s goon, even though he tried to kill her. There are some people who cannot stop thinking of another human being as human. No matter what. Kelsey is one of them.

“You should be proud of that,” I say. “Believe me. That’s the test that matters, and you didn’t fail it.”

She’s not entirely sure she believes me. “Oh yeah? How would you know?”

“Because I did.”