Day 236: On Being a Normal Chap
In response to the question, “So, Mr. Lamborghini, in short what type of man are you?”:
A normal chap, a man who likes creating things. A good worker in the morning, and a man who likes enjoying himself in the afternoon.
—Ferruccio Lamborghini
It’s easy to put successful people on a pedestal and think that they’re so exceptional that you’ll never become even half as great as they are. In reality, world-class performers aren’t that different from you or me.
Mr. Lamborghini, the creator of one of the most desired sports car brands in the world, described himself in simple terms that can apply equally to any other successful person: they like to create things (which comes down to never-ending self-improvement), they’re good workers, and just like everybody else, they like enjoying themselves after work.
Thinking that successful people live on a different planet can hinder your personal growth. You might assume that their achievements are only within the reach of similar superhumans, but not you. In reality, while there are certain exceptions of people who were born with extraordinary talent, prior to their success, most people didn’t differ much from others.
If you have a tendency to become star-struck, remember that beyond their successes, they’re the same human beings as you or me.
They might be exceptional at one thing, but horrible at something else. The only reason why many of them have achieved success might be because of their persistence, and not because of any special abilities or resources that were available to them. Stick to your own resolutions and with enough dedication, nothing will prevent you from attaining their level of accomplishment.