Day 300: On Walkin g
All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.
—Friedrich Nietzsche 299
Walking is not only a fantastic exercise that almost everybody can perform, but also a powerful way to awaken your creativity and boost your problem-solving skills.
I strongly suggest adding the habit of walking regularly — even if it’s just 15 minutes — to your weekly schedule. For even better results, pick a route leading you through natural surroundings or at least away from the hustle and bustle of city living.
I like to take walks with a specific intention in my mind. For example, I think of a problem I’ve been struggling with recently and dedicate my entire walk to brainstorming potential solutions. I sometimes listen to important podcasts when walking because I know that if it weren’t for the walk, I wouldn’t listen to them with as much focus as they deserve.
Don’t underestimate the power of this simple exercise to change your life. Walking gives you an opportunity to move your body, recharge, reflect, and potentially resolve difficult problems that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to handle in your distracting, day-to-day life.