addictions 163
Age UK 192
Amida Nyorai, Buddha of infinite Light 161
animals 110–11
Anshin Ritsumei 9
attunement (Reiju) 13, 53, 59–67
21-day clearing process 65
clearing blockages 63
effects 64–5
and healing hands 64–5
and inner connection 64
and intuition 65 see also intuition
opening to spiritual realms 63, 163
at Reiki 1 level 54
at Reiki 2 level 55
and Reiki lineage 66–7
stirring up emotions 63
auras 24–7
sending Reiki into the aura 92
sending Reiki through the aura 109
smoothing down the aura 92, 170
bibliomancy 149
blockage clearance 63
aura see auras
chakras see chakras
healing see healing
as a microcosm 36
Tanden points see Tanden points
body-scanning (Byosen Reikan-Ho) 167–8
breathing 53
deep abdominal 129–30, 166 see also Joshin Kokyu-Ho
at Master level 56
at Reiki 1 level 54
at Reiki 2 level 55
sending Reiki with the breath 108–9
Buddhism 198
and reincarnation 47–8
Byogen Chiryo-Ho (getting to root of a problem) 43–6, 174–7
Byosen Reikan-Ho (body-scanning) 167–8
chakras 27–9
heart chakra 28, 35, 39, 75, 126, 127–8, 135, 169
third eye 28, 29, 34–5, 39, 127, 129, 155, 161, 169
Charité hospital, Berlin 41
chemotherapy 41
chi see ki
Chiba Tsunetane 4
children 190–92
Cho Ku Rei 159
cleansing/clearing 53, 65, 102
21-day clearing process 65
cleansing objects 197–8
dry brushing (Kenyoku-Ho) 90, 131–3
Hatsurei-Ho (purifying the energy) 134–5
at Reiki 1 level 54
Reiki shower 133
space clearing 196–7
cold sensations 62, 63, 84, 97
cold showers 133–4
connecting see attunement (Reiju); interconnectedness
Connection Symbol 33, 116, 164–6, 167, 172
kotodama 165
mantra 165
meaning 164
at Reiki 2 level 55, 164–6, 167
use 165–6
visual representation 164–5
creativity 163
crystals 210
Dai Ko Myo 181
Reiki for the terminally ill 193–4
Descartes, René 122
diligence 145–6
Doi, Hiroshi 157
dry brushing (Kenyoku-Ho) 90, 131–3
lower Tanden 34–5
Power Symbol see Power Symbol
earthquake of 2012, Japan 116–17
Einstein, Albert 23
elderly clients 192–3
energy 21–40
of auric field 24–7
and the body 24–7, 39 see also Tanden points
carried by words see kotodama
Earth energy see Earth energy
energetic vibrations 13, 22–3, 24, 32
feeling energy going round in a circle 118–19
Heaven energy see Heaven energy
ki see ki
life-force see ki
and palm healing 16
perceived through colours and shapes 98
purifying (Hatsurei-Ho) 134–5 see also cleansing/clearing
Reiki translated as universal energy xxii, 10, 38, 40
Enkaku Chiryo-Ho (distance healing) 114, 170–73
enlightenment 10–11, 12, 59–60
healing as spiritual awakening 49–50
and the Master Symbol 180–81
fever reduction (Genetsu-Ho) 177
flower-arranging (ikebana) 154
Focus Symbol see Power Symbol
food, giving Reiki to ingredients 112
form, level of 30–31
body see body
see also matter
friends, Reiki 201
Fukushima disaster 116–17
Gassho 61, 72–3, 91, 93, 126–9
Gendai Reiki 212
Genetsu-Ho (reducing fever) 177
Goto, Shinpei 6–7
gratitude 144–5
Great Kanto Earthquake 14
grounding 93
group treatment 118–19
and bibliomancy 149
guided by spirit exercise 169–70
Gyoshi-Ho 108
Hamilton, David: Why Kindness is Good for You 146
Hanh, Thich Nhat 149
Hara (lower Tanden) 34–5, 39, 127, 158
Harmony Symbol 32
kotodama 163
mantra 162–3
meaning 161
use 163–4
visual representation 161–2
Hatsurei-Ho (purifying the energy) 134–5
Hayashi, Chujiro 18, 66, 67, 148, 179–80, 206–8
healing 41–50
on different levels, and getting to root of problem 43–6, 174–7
‘healing hands’ xv, xvii–xviii, 11, 12, 15, 50, 59, 62, 64, 153 see also palm healing (teate) at Reiki 1 level 69–72, 73–4, 75–7
holistic 42–3
palm healing see palm healing (teate)
and the school of life 46–8
as spiritual awakening 49–50
through Reiki see Reiki experiences; Reiki practice
and wholing 48–50
heart chakra 28, 35, 39, 75, 126, 127–8, 135, 169
heat sensations 62, 63, 64–5, 66, 69, 84, 90, 97, 109, 145, 190, 207
Harmony Symbol see Harmony Symbol
Hinduism 198
holistic healing 42–3
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen 165
hypnotherapy 210
ikebana 154
intention 72, 90, 112–13, 116, 119, 157, 174, 177
interconnectedness 32–3, 48, 59–60, 154
attunement and inner connection 64 see also attunement (Reiju)
body-mind connection 43
connecting with Reiki 72–3 see also attunement (Reiju)
Connection Symbol see Connection Symbol
feeling the connection 13, 73, 91, 113, 114, 169
middle Tanden and the experience of oneness 35
Reiki as heaven and earth coming together 40, 48
through chakras see chakras
through the hands see palm healing (teate)
intuition 48, 65, 87, 88, 92, 163 and body-scanning 167–8 deepening 167–70
Islam 198
Jikiden Reiki 212
Joshin Kokyu-Ho 113, 129–30, 166
kanji (logographic characters) 36–7, 38–9, 156, 159–64, 180–81
Kanto Earthquake, Great 14
Kenyoku-Ho (dry brushing) 90, 131–3
and chakras 27–9
and palm healing 16
and Tanden points see Tanden points
kindness 146–7
Koki-Ho 108–9
Komyo Reiki Kai 212
kotodama 156
Connection Symbol 165
Harmony Symbol 163
Master Symbol 181
Power Symbol 160
life-force see ki
lifestyle change 102
light 10–11, 22, 59–60, 84, 122, 182–3
Maiju Restoration 4
mantras 53
Connection Symbol 165
Harmony Symbol 162–3
Master Symbol 181
Power Symbol 159
at Reiki 1 level 54
at Reiki 2 level 55, 159–60, 162–3, 165
Master Symbol 180–82
kotodama 181
mantra 181
meaning 180
visual representation 180–81
Master training see Reiki system: Level 3/Shinpiden
body see body
Mawashi Reiki 118–19
medicine, traditional Western 195–6
with deep abdominal breathing 129–30 see also Joshin Kokyu-Ho
Gassho technique 126–9 see also Gassho
at Master level 56
posture (seiza) 125–6
at Reiki 1 level 54
at Reiki 2 level 55
memories 99
money 188–90
moving images 99
nadis 29
National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Reiki Practice 80
object cleansing 197–8
Okuden see Reiki system and principles: Level 2
old people 192–3
out-of-body experiences 99
oxytocin 146–7
palm healing (teate) 16
length and frequency of sessions 86–7
question of touch 85–6
at Reiki 1 level 54, 69–87, 91–107
classic Western hand positions 76–7, 93–5, 119–20
conditions that can be treated 79
self-treatment 73–7
treatment candidates 78–9, 110–12
at Reiki 2 level 55
risk-free nature of 79–81
techniques 53
perception changes with Reiki 102
pets 110–11
Petter, Frank Arjava 197
plants 111–12
kotodama 160
mantra 159
meaning 158
for protection 113
at Reiki 2 level 55, 108, 158–60, 167
use 160
visual representation 158–9
prana see ki
prayer, hand position see Gassho
problem solving, getting to root of a problem 43–6, 174–7
qi see ki
Radiance Technique™ 212
radiotherapy 41
Reiji-Ho (guided by spirit exercise) 169–70
Reiju (attunement) 13
Reiki Academy London xiii, xv, 192
Reiki experiences xiii, xviii–xxi
absence of 99–101
of bringing up memories 99
and the chakra system 29
of cold sensations 62, 63, 84, 97
common effects/experiences during a treatment 96–100
common effects/experiences straight after a treatment 100–101
with a dislocated shoulder 90
of falling asleep/drifting off 96–7
of feeling a presence 99
of feeling dazed 101
with healer falling asleep 90
of healing on different levels 44
with heart palpitations 42
of heat sensations 62, 63, 64–5, 66, 69, 84, 90, 97, 109, 145, 190, 207
of learning without prior belief in Reiki 56–7
of moving images 99
out-of-body 99
of pain improving or worsening after treatment 100
of the practitioner 104
of release 97–8
of remote healing 171
of seeing the cause of the problem 101
of signs and symbols 98 see also symbols
surprise at giving/receiving first treatment 11, 69–70
Usui 11
of wholeness 49–50
Reiki history xvii–xviii, xxi–xxii, 3–19
developments after Usui 18–19, 205–13
Reiki lineage 66–7
Reiki practice
as alternative/complementary therapy 107–8, 196
and the aura see auras
benefits acknowledged by health organizations 41
body-scanning 167–8
for children 190–92
clearing see cleansing/clearing
common effects during a treatment 96–100
common effects straight after a treatment 100–101
common long-term effects 102
conditions that can be treated 79, 194–5
deepening intuition 167–70
for distance healing 114, 170–73
for the elderly 192–3
experiences see Reiki experiences
with the feet 109
for food 112
giving your first treatment 69–70, 87–9
in a group 117–19
for inanimate objects 112
intention in see intention
interpreting results 104–6
length and frequency of sessions 86–7
levels see under Reiki system and principles
and money 188–90
National Occupational Standards (NOS) for 80
and other complementary therapies 196
palm healing see palm healing (teate)
for personal situations 114–16
for pets 110–11
for plants 111–12
Reiki as a professional practice 187–9
Reiki shower 133
and relationships 163, 192, 199–201
and religions 198–9
risk-free nature of 79–81
sending Reiki into the aura 92
sending Reiki through the aura 109
sending Reiki with the breath 108–9
sending Reiki with the eyes 108
and serious illnesses 194–5
with symbols see symbols
taster treatment 119–20
for the terminally ill 193–4
thinking/getting distracted during treatment 89–90
touching or not touching 85–6
and traditional Western medicine 195–6
treatment candidates 78–9, 110–12, 190–94
and the unexpected 102–4
for world situations 116–17
Reiki system
attunement see attunement (Reiju)
and the aura see auras
branches 211–12
chakra system see chakras
elements 53–4
energy see energy
Gakkai see Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai
Japanese lineage 19
Japanese phonetics and pictogram 36–9
classic sequence of treatment 88, 90–95
palm healing see palm healing (teate): at Reiki 1 level
treatments for non-humans 110–12
treatments without the hands 108–10
changing bad habits 163, 173–4
deepening intuition 167–70
getting to root of problem 174–7
reducing fever 177
remote healing 170–73
Level 3/Shinpiden 55–6, 179–83
and light 182–3
Master Symbol 180–82
and the level of form 30–31 see also body; matter
and the level of spirit 31–2 see also spirit realm
mantras see mantras
namesakes 213
the nature of Reiki xvii, 36–40
newness of Usui’s system 15–16
offshoots 212–13
and other complementary therapies 196
overview of system 53–8
palm healing see palm healing (teate)
philosophy 56
principles for life 137–48
diligence 145–6
gratefulness 144–5
kindness 146–7
not being angry 142–3
and religions 198–9
symbols see symbols
and traditional Western medicine 195–6
and Usui 11–13 see also Usui, Mikao
Western lineage 18–19
Reiki teaching/training courses
asking questions 57–8
duration of a course 58
finding a teacher 57
levels see under Reiki system and principles
student who thought the system rubbish 56–7
by Takata 18
reincarnation 47–8
relationships 163, 192, 199–201
religions 198–9
Buddhism see Buddhism
satori 10–11
Sei HeKi 162–3
Sei HeKi Chiryo-Ho 173–4
seiza (meditation posture) 125–6
Shakespeare, William 149
Shinpiden see Reiki system and principles: Level 3
Shoden see Reiki system and principles: Level 1
cold 133–4
Reiki shower 133
Shugendo 8
Shushu Reiki 118
space clearing 196–7
attunement opening to 63, 163 see also attunement (Reiju)
guided by spirit exercise 169–70
Harmony Symbol see Harmony Symbol
strengthening 102
Surya Das 141
Suzuki, Sadako 7–8
concept behind Reiki symbols 154–5
Connection Symbol see Connection Symbol
elements of Reiki symbols 155–7
Harmony Symbol see Harmony Symbol
Joshin Kokyu-Ho used with 166
kanji 36–7, 38–9, 156, 159–64, 180–81
kotodama 156, 160, 163, 165, 181
mantras see mantras
at Master level 56
Master Symbol 180–82
myths and truths about 152–4
Power Symbol see Power Symbol
at Reiki 1 level 54
as ‘training wheels’ 157
Usui’s creation of 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 164
synchronicity 102
Takata, Hawayo 18, 66, 67, 207–9
Tanden points 39
middle 35
upper 34–5, 161 see also third eye
Taniai, Japan 5–6
Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Teresa 141
third eye 28, 29, 34–5, 39, 127, 129, 155, 161, 169
and the Great Kanto Earthquake 14
Tolle, Eckhart 149
touch, question of 85–6
and body as microcosm 36
interconnectedness see interconnectedness
level of form 30–31
see also Earth energy; matter
level of spirit 31–2
see also Heaven energy;
spirit realm
Usui, Fuji 7
Usui, Mikao xvii–xviii, 30, 32, 59–60, 66, 67, 121, 140–41, 179
character 16
creation of symbols 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 164
death 17
early life 3–8
embracing change 8–9
finding and spreading Reiki 9–15
legacy 17–18
and the Samurai 4–5
and Waka poetry 148
Usui, Toshiko 8
Usui memorial stone xxi, 7, 15, 16, 138–9
Usui Reiki 212
Usui Reiki Ryoho 212
Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai xxii, 18, 19, 148, 205–6, 211
Usui Shiki Ryoho 212
Waka poetry 148
Walsch, Neale Donald 149
Yamaguchi, Chiyoko 210