

Chapter 1: The history of Reiki

1. Stiene, Frans and Bronwen, The Reiki Sourcebook, O Books, revised edition, 2008, p.385. Thank you to Hyakuten Inamoto for the excellent translation of the Usui memorial stone that is used here and throughout the book.

2. Quoted Shoden Manual, International House of Reiki, 2010, p.44

3. Quoted Stiene, op. cit., p. 387

4. Quoted Shoden Manual, op. cit.

5. Quoted Stiene, op. cit., p.386

Chapter 2: Energy: The universe and the body

1. Accessed 24 June 2015

Chapter 3: Healing: Our body and our life

1. Klatt, Oliver, ‘Reiki am Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin’, Reiki Magazin 4, 2012, p.14

Chapter 6: Shoden/Reiki 1: Adjusting to the light

1. (accessed June 2015)

2. Beckett, Don, Reiki: The True Story, Frog Ltd, 2009, p.41

3. Miles, Pamela, Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2006, p.118

Chapter 8: Principles and poetry: bringing the light into everyday life

1. Translation by Hyakuten Inamoto from Stiene, Frans and Bronwen, The Reiki Sourcebook, O Books, revised edition, 2008, p.387

2. Quoted Stiene, op. cit., p.387

3. Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine 28, November 2011, p.16

4. Bolte Taylor, Jill, My Stroke of Insight, Hodder Paperbacks, 2009, p.146

Chapter 9: Okuden/Reiki 2: Shining brighter

1. Stiene, Frans and Bronwen, The Reiki Sourcebook, O Books, revised edition, 2008, p.101

Part III: Notes for/from the practice

1. Petter, Frank Arjava, This is Reiki, Lotus Press, 2012, p.114