Chapter Four



MAT took the girls to supper, even though all he wanted to do was stuff them in his SUV and run.

Fuck, it was good to hold them and listen to them laugh.

At dinner, though, they swarmed over Alejandro, leaving Mat nothing to do but eat his amazing mashed potatoes and watch Reid.

Reid didn’t eat a bite; he just drank a glass of pinot and sat back in the corner, texting someone. Who? A new lover? Why hadn’t Reid brought the new guy here?

He needed to eat. Reid looked pale and tired. Damn it.

Jennifer sat down next to him. “God, those look good.”

“You want some? There’s an enormous bowl.” He had a feeling the chef, Geoff, loved special requests.

“I’m not allowed to eat until after the ceremony. Elena will kill me if I don’t fit in my dress.”

“Not allowed to eat?” That seemed barbaric. “Man, I’m glad I didn’t have to wear a dress.”

“Yeah, it’s overrated, this dress thing. Alejandro is loving the attention from his nieces.”

“They adore him.” He met her pretty green eyes. “Thanks for getting them here.”

“Reid never once suggested that they not come.”

“Did he know I would be here, though?” He laughed, but it sounded hollow to his own ears. “Don’t. I know he had to. It’s Alejandro’s wedding too. I’m just being an ass. I could sneak you a granola bar later.”

She began to chuckle; then that turned into laughter. He shot her a look, and she opened her purse. In it were three granola bars—one with Lucia’s name, one with Daniela’s, and the third with Reid’s.

“Well, your people love you, kiddo.” He winked at her, laughing helplessly too.

“You all do. No question.” She closed her purse and snuck a bite of his potatoes. “Are y’all going to let Patricia eat him?”

“What?” His mama would never do that. He widened his eyes hugely, going for innocent, which he knew wouldn’t work. “I might let her chew a bit, just for keeping things from me.”


Now he turned serious. “He got a nanny, Jen. Full-time. He’s supposed to disclose stuff like that. His custody depends on him having more time to take care of them. You know that’s the only reason I didn’t fight harder for at least split time.”

“So he was supposed to turn Pottery Barn down? Williams Sonoma? Come on now, after you ragged his ass and accused him of being worthless? He’s been busting his ass doing everything.”

“I never said he was worthless. Not once.” He was grinding out the words through gritted teeth, but he knew what he’d said. “When he accused me of avoiding him and the kids by working too much, I told him if he worked harder maybe I could stay home more. Sue me.”

“Hey.” A hand landed on his shoulder and Jennifer’s. “Y’all stop it. This wedding isn’t about me. I’ll see you at the rehearsal, honey. I’m going to put the girls to bed.” Reid kissed Jennifer’s head. “Night, honey. I love you.”

“Night.” Jennifer gave him a tiny smile. “Sorry, Mat. I’ll get out of your hair.”

He pushed his potatoes toward her. “No, I have work to do. Have at ’em.” He wanted to catch the girls and kiss them good night.

She started to argue, but the girls were already on the move, Reid talking hard to them. Hell, he had to put on a burst of speed to catch up, and honestly he didn’t want Reid telling the girls he wasn’t coming or something.

“…and after bath time, I’ll see if Papi can come and read us a book, give nighttime sugars, okay? He needs to finish his supper or his belly will hurt.”

Oh. He stopped dead, not wanting the kids to see he’d been trailing them. That was really decent. Seriously.

“Can we sleep in Papi’s bed?” Luce asked. “Please?”

“If Papi says it’s okay, but he might have to work. You remember that, okay, and don’t give him trouble about it.”

“Okay.” They went right up the stairs to take their baths, and Mat knew he was going to have to let them sleep with him. There was no way he was disappointing them tonight.

He was going to have to have some more saltines for the rest of his supper, though.