
accountability, 37, 40

activities, disliked, finding meaning in, 27

advisers, 81

after hours, 4546

annoyances, 15

anxiety, 8, 10, 14, 30, 129

appreciation, 111112

assumptions, questioning, 5

audience, connecting with remote, 7677

authenticity, 105106

authority, challenges to, 122

autonomy, 36, 109

autoreplies, 139, 148


in giving feedback, 134

in hiring decisions, 119120

B-level employees

giving attention to, 152153

leading to success, 154155


asking for raise from, 69, 7071

vs. mediator, 124125

negotiating with, 32

boundary setting, 36, 139140


encouraging, 103

scheduling short, 28


avoiding, 36, 103

protecting high performers from, 158

of teams, 114115

camaraderie, 170

candid conversations, 142143


mid-career rut, 23

postretirement, 2425

switching, 5455

career advocate, 6768

career goals, 126127

career path, 2021, 22, 6768

change management, 176177

checklists, 8

clutter, 10, 4243

coaching, 23, 56, 89, 90, 9697, 107

See also mentors

collaboration, 168


behaviors of, 15

honesty with/from, 19

mediation between, 124125


about change, 176177

candid, 142143

clear, 144

of emotions, 163164

influential, 157

company culture, 19, 94, 118, 137, 172173

competition, unhealthy, 168169

confidantes, 81

confidence, 4

conflict resolution, 124125

consistency, 97, 166

control, lack of, 36

convergent action, 156157


candid, 142143

difficult, 7071, 72

creative employees, management of, 9394

creative events, 91

creative ruts, 33

creativity, 48, 9192

critical thinking, 5

criticism, handling, 1617


company, 19, 94, 118, 137

of experimentation, 130131

microculture, 172173

team, 130131, 170173

toxic, 172173

curiosity, 165, 168

deadlines, 37


explaining, 167

lack of control over, 36

by teams, 151

tough, 34

delegation, 108

desk, keeping clean, 10, 4243

difficult conversations

preparing for, 7071

staying calm during, 72

digital clutter, 10

direct reports

See also employees

career goals of, 126127

mental health of, 129


blocking out, 35

counterbalancing, 148149

from leading, 38

phone, 3031, 42

divergent thinking, 156

diversity, 117118, 119

dream job, 22

efficiency, 39

email, 30, 42, 139140, 148149

embarrassment, 1112

emotional courage, 87

emotional intelligence, 5051


negative, 72

showing at work, 163164


asking for input from, 112

asking questions of, 132

B-level, 152153, 154155

career goals of, 126127

challenging, 165

coaching to solve problems, 107

communicating during change with, 176177

conflicts between, 124125

connecting with, 101

counterbalancing distractions of, 148149

creative, managing, 9394

delegating tasks to, 108

diversity of, 117118

effect of input on, 144

employees (continued)

encouraging learning in, 109

engagement of, 165

envy between, 170171

experimentation by, 130131

firing, 161162

former peers as, 121122

goals of, 174175

handling mistakes by, 113

high-performing, 158

instilling purpose in, 105106

knowledge sharing by, 137138

mental health of, 129

mid-career, 128

opportunities for top, 159160

positive relationships among, 166

recognition for, 104, 111112

returning from medical leave, 116

shaking up routine of, 110

types of, 156157

work styles of, 150

envy, 170171

executive coach, 23

experimentation, 130131

expertise, 56, 91, 166

eye contact, 7677

fact-based feedback, 133134


admitting, 101102

being comfortable with, 130131

tolerating, 102

fairness, 167


from anonymous surveys, 137

based on facts, 133134

giving, 9697

handling tough, 1617

honest, 19

positive, 18

360-degree, 109

when not to give, 135136

firing employees, 161162

focus, 4243, 148149

freelance work, underpricing, 57


big picture, 178

career, 126127

changing employee’s, 174175

long-term, 40

setting, 41, 96, 174175

goodwill, 170171

grunt work, 110

guilt, 9


changing, to spark creativity, 33

healthy, 103

micro, 67

using to stay grounded, 40


mental, 29, 129

physical, 29, 103

healthy habits, 103

high performers

opportunities for, 159160

protecting from burnout, 158

high-profile projects, 156157

hiring decisions, bias in, 119120

hobbies, 48

honesty, 19, 142143


asking for, 112

sharing, 8990

information sharing, 137138

innovative thinking, 9192, 130131

isolation, 88

job interviews, 61

jobs, new, 6263

job searches, 60

job titles, 64

journaling, 60

judgment, 151, 166

kindness, 145

knowledge sharing, 137138


admitting failure, 101102

authenticity in, 105106

out-of-touch, 88

showing emotions by, 163164

leaders (continued)

trust building by, 166

weaknesses in, 95


confident, 4

of creative employees, 9394

distractions from, 38

of former peers, 121122

team, 4, 8586, 8990, 103

leadership style, 8586


during everyday work, 13

from failure, 101

feeling uncomfortable when, 1112

team, 109

through delegation, 108

life events, 40

listening skills, 97, 176

logic, 5

long-term goals, 40

mediation, of conflicts, 124125

medical leave, 116

meditation, 29, 42, 60


one-on-one, 98

psychological safety in, 143

running good, 7879

skip-level, 88

speaking mind at, 142143

speaking up at, 80

team, 121, 141, 142143

virtual, 7677, 141

mental health, 29, 129

mentors, 23, 49, 6768, 109

microculture, 172173

microhabits, 67

micromanagement, 99100

mid-career crisis, 128

mid-career help, 23

mindfulness techniques, 29, 42, 60, 72

mindset, 29


handling, 113

in job interviews, 61

learning from, 101

moving past, 14

tolerating others’, 102

morning routine, 42

negative emotions, 72

negative feedback, 1617

negative thoughts, 14

negotiation skills, 32

networking, 5859, 6768

new jobs, 6263

nonwork time, 4546

office housework, 26

one-on-one meetings, 98

online audience, 7677

open-ended questions, 19

opinions, 133134

opportunities, for top employees, 159160

overwhelmed feelings, 44

past-focused questions, 113

pathos, 74

perfectionism, 8, 44

performance evaluations, 69

personal ambitions, 41

personal biases, 119120, 134

personal brand, 56

personal philosophy, 3

perspectives, fresh, 5, 48, 107

phone, as distraction, 3031, 42

physical health, 29, 103

planning, of meetings, 78

political landscape, 62

positive feedback, 18

postretirement career, 2425

praise, 18


giving persuasive, 7475

rehearsing, 73

prestige, 8586

priorities, 38, 39, 44, 99

problem solving, 107, 146147

productivity, 39, 42, 148149

progress, 165


deadlines for, 37

staffing high-profile, 156157

workload of, 123

promotions, 64, 6566, 109, 121122

psychological safety, 143

purpose, instilling sense of, 105106


asking employees, 132

asking right, of teams, 178179

future-focused, 113

open-ended, 19

past-focused, 113

raise, asking for, 69, 7071

recognition, of employees, 104, 111112

rehearsing, of presentations, 73

relationship building, 141

relocation, of mid-career employees, 128

remote work, 128

respect, 57, 145

risk-taking, 130131

rumination, 14


blocking off, 35

email, 139140

self-care, 29

self-compassion, 9

self-improvement, 67, 1112

short breaks, 28


developing team, 9192

listening, 97, 176

needed in job, 63

transferring to new career, 5455

skip-level meetings, 88

social media, 30, 5859, 68

solitude, 28

strengths, overusing, 5253

stress, 10, 44, 47, 103, 114

stretch assignments, 109

structure, 156


delegating, 108

disliked, finding meaning in, 27

grunt work, 110

team leadership, 4, 8586, 8990, 103

team learning, 109

team management

clear communication and, 144

conflict resolution, 124125

of creatives, 9394

employee engagement and, 165

of former peers, 121122

leadership style and, 8586

micromanagement, 99100

rules for, 9697

showing emotions and, 163164

team meetings

with former peers, 121

psychological safety in, 143

speaking mind at, 142143

virtual, 141


asking right questions of, 178179

B-level players on, 152155

burnout in, 114115, 158

communicating with, 99

composition of, 156157

creative thinking by, 9192

culture of, 130131, 170173

decision making by, 151

envy on, 170171

experimentation by, 130131

guidelines for communication by, 139140

high performers on, 158

idea sharing by, 8990

kindness norm on, 145

mental health of, 129

motivating, 154155

problem solving on, 146147

relationship building on, 141

success for, 179

trust building on, 166

unhealthy competition on, 168169

workload of, 123

work styles of, 150


creative, 48, 9192

critical, 5

divergent, 156

innovative, 9192, 130131

360-degree feedback, 109

timeboxing, 39

time constraints, 110

to-do lists, 9, 28, 38, 44

“to-learn” lists, 13

top employees. See high performers

tough conversations

preparing for, 7071

staying calm during, 72

tough decisions, 34

toxic culture, 172173

transitions, after promotions, 6566

trust, 166

uncertainty, 34, 156

underpricing, 57

unemployment, 60

value complexity, 34

value creation, 62

virtual audience, connecting with, 7677

virtual meetings, 141

vision, 4, 96

weaknesses, showing your, 95

weekends, 47

words, power of, 144


grunt, 110

staying focused at, 4243

work-life balance, 4546, 103

workload, 123

work skills, 5455, 63

workspace, keeping clean, 10, 4243

work styles, 150