Truest (Sanaa’s Middle)


Sanaa was feeling good, and she had true pep in her step. Graduation was only two weeks away, and although it still hurt that she and Toni would probably never reconcile, she was thankful for what she did have: four other good friends. Although she knew friendships with girls weren’t easy, she was determined to make it work. So when she saw Pia headed toward her in tears, she stopped her.

“Okay, wait a minute. You’re a basket case, like you’re one of these seniors around here who just got notice that they not gon’ graduate. I know that’s not your story. Tell me what is wrong,” Sanaa said.

Shaking and with red eyes, Pia replied, “I’m not in the mood to talk right now, so just let me go.”

“No, I’m your girl. I’m not going anywhere. Talk to me! If you can’t be real with me, what good is friendship? Pia, tell me, what’s wrong?”

When Pia felt Sanaa’s sincerity, she said, “I just found out who wrote the swoop list. Also, I learned who put me on the list. With those two things, what could be right?”

Sanaa didn’t know how to respond to that. All five of them had made a pact to find out who put them on the list. On the surface, she still wanted to find out. However, deep down, Sanaa was so happy about graduation and didn’t want to do anything to ruin that feeling. Sanaa rationalized that if Pia was this upset over what she’d found out, prying into her own painful truth would only bring misery.

Putting aside her own dilemma of who put her on the list, Sanaa tended to her girl. “So, who was it?”

“Who was who? Who wrote the swoop list, or who put me on the swoop list?” Pia said with blazing eyes.

“Is it the same person?”

Pia shook her head.

“Okay, so you gon’ make me guess? Is it one of them freaks who got carted out of here not too long ago?” Pia looked away, and Sanaa continued, “Don’t feel bad for them. I hate seeing anybody our age in trouble with the law too, but after what those three did to you, I know they are capable of anything. Putting you on the swoop list. Stupid thing. Jerks.”

Pia shook her head more and said, “You’d think the person who created the Jackson High swoop list would be a guy. I mean, what girl in her right mind would sell out other girls, right?”

Sanaa clutched her heart, “Oh, for real, is it Willow’s nemesis?”

“Yep, that Hillary witch is behind the whole swoop list. At first I didn’t know which betrayal made me feel worse, you know? I do feel bad knowing that Hillary betrayed all of us females. But what really hurts the worst is knowing the one who’s been kissing up behind me like he really cares about me gave her my name!”

“What are you talking about?” Sanaa asked.

“I’m saying Stephen put me on the list. I was just about to let my guard down and put my tongue in his mouth when Hillary comes over and makes it clear that all that glitters ain’t gold. Boy, was she right. He was so fake. How could he hurt me like that, Sanaa?”

Giving her girl a hug, Sanaa said, “I would have never even suspected him.”

“Me either. How dumb am I?”

“Can I talk to you, please?” Stephen asked, startling both of them.

Pia turned around and slapped him hard. She dashed off. Sanaa was boiling hot.

“Oh my gosh, Stephen! You put her on the list?” Sanaa said.

He shared, “She won’t listen to me, but I need you to.”

Sanaa just put up her hand and walked away. She didn’t want to hear any words from Stephen. She was in shock that a guy close to her girl would sell her out for any reason.

“Hey, you wanna wait up for me or what?” Miles asked her.

Sanaa had seen Miles standing close to Stephen before he caught up to her. Sanaa and Miles had been dating on and off for a few months.

“Miles, were you walking with Stephen?” she asked.

“Yeah, he told me what happened. You should hear him out,” Miles said.

“You know what he did, and you were still walking with him, and now you’re defending him?”

He touched her arm. “Look, I don’t even know Stephen like that. The cat was just asking for some advice, and his rationale for what he did sounded cool to me. But I don’t wanna have any beef with you because of what’s going on with somebody else’s relationship.”

She jerked away. “Oh, so, did you put me on the list, and you think you got a rationale too to explain it all away?”

“What you talkin’ about?” he said as he stopped her in her tracks. “Wait, wait, wait. Come here. Look at me. I didn’t sell you out. Tell me you believe I didn’t put you on the list. You asked me that months ago. I told you then I didn’t do it, and I’m standing by it now. I didn’t do it! Both of us know who put you on the list.”

“Now hearing that a girl wrote it, and Toni’s been all cool with Hillary, I guess I do know for sure who lied on me and ruined my rep.”

“Wait, Hillary wrote the list?” Miles questioned.

“You didn’t know that?”

“No. I didn’t submit nothing to no list. I mean, I heard everything was anonymous about it. But maybe Toni knew Hillary wrote it. I don’t know, and I can’t say for sure Toni put you on the list, but you were the first girl on the list, and Willow was the second. Suspect,” Miles said, making sense to Sanaa.

“I bet you those two heffas planned this mess all the time, and then just got some other stupid guys, like Stephen, to go along adding other girls’ names to it. But them two would’ve been satisfied if it was just Willow and me on the list. Oh my gosh, this is so trifling!” Sanaa screamed.

“So you don’t think I did it? You truly get me now? I wouldn’t sell you out like that. I care about my girl too much to go down that road,” Miles slid closer and asked.

“Yes, yes, yes.”

“Alright. ’Cause, I’m just sayin’ ... when we first got together an’ you told me to keep it secret from Toni, I had your back then too.”

“Well, I was wrong about that. Of course we should’ve told her. I didn’t know it’d blow up this bad. Point learned ... don’t keep secrets from your best friend.” Sanaa stroked his cheek. “I’m sorry for accusing you. You wouldn’t sell me out like that. And I know you’re saying you respect my wishes to slow things down.”

Eyeing her whole body and licking his lips, Miles said, “When you gon’ be ready again?”

“When you put a ring on it!” Sanaa said to him. “But for real, for real, you’re there for me as a boyfriend. I know you wouldn’t sell me out. You’re the truest.”