For him there was only the duty to point out the truth as he saw it. Truth, he knew, was more important than success, and he was content to do his duty 'without looking further.' He knew, as his successor, Jefferson Davis, knew, that the principle for which he contended was 'bound to reassert itself, although it may be at another time and in another form.' ^^ Sustained by the tenets of that Calvinistic faith which had enveloped him from boyhood, he faced the gathering darkness, unafraid.
W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Georgia: The Memories of Fifty Years, 108-109.
Ben Robertson, Red Hills and Cotton: An Upcountry Memory, 121-122.
Sparks, 69.
John C. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, March 7, 1848, in the Correspondence of John C. Calhoun, J. Franklin Jameson, ed., in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1899, II, 744-745. (Cited hereafter as Correspondence.)
Sparks, 14, 16.
D. H. Fleming, The Story of the Scotch Covenanters, 72, 76. Sparks, 16-17.
David Ramsay, History of South Carolina, I, 452.
See J. B. O'Neall, Annals of Newberry, 244-245; John S. Jenkins, Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 21. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 117-118. Calhoun to Miss Nancy Calhoun, May 30, 1847. Copy in possession of Miss Lilian Gold, Flint, Michigan. John H. Logan, History of the Upper Country of South Carolina, I, 150.
William P. Starke, 'Account of Calhoun's Early Life,' in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1899, II, 67-68. (Cited hereafter as Starke.) Anonymous, Life of John C. Calhoun, 5. (Cited hereafter as Calhoun, Life.) Jenkins, 22. Parton, 118. Ibid.
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
29. 30.
32. 33. 34.
35. 36.
37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
43. 44.
Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 83. Calhoun, Life, 5. Starke, 69. Ibid., 70-71. Calhoun, Life, 5. Jenkins, 24; Starke, 72. Parton, 186. Calhoun, Life, 5.
Charleston City Gazette and Daily Advertiser, March 7, 1796. Wills of South Carolina, I, 37, in South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Hamilton Basso, Mainstream, A1-48.
Sparks, 24-25.
Elbridge S. Brooks, Historic Americans, 292. Starke, 73. Ibid., 32. Robertson, 64.
Basil Hall, Travels in America, II, 230; Ulrich B. Philhps, Life and Labor in the Old South, 124. Robertson, 57-58, 223. James Edward Colhoun, quoted in Starke, 75. Starke, 68. Jenkins, 25. Starke, 75. Ibid., 73.
South Carolina Gazette, May 10, 1798, in Clemson College Papers. Fort Hill neighborhood tradition. See also Walter L. Miller, 'Calhoun as a Lawyer and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, no. 5, 197, 424. Starke, 77.
Miller, The Green Bag, XI, no. 5, 147, 424. Starke, 77-78.
1. Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 83.
2. Hamilton Basso, Mainstream, A1-48; William E. Dodd, The Cotton Kingdom, 100.
3. Twelve Southerners, Til Take My Stand, 111.
4. William P. Starke, 'Account of Calhoun's Early Life,' Correspondence, 77.
5. J. E. D. Shipp, Giant Days; or The Life and Times of William H. Crawford, 167.
6. J. G. Swift, Measures, Not Men, 5.
7. Starke, 80.
8. Calhoun to Alexander Noble, September, 1801, printed copy in the office of the South Carolina Department of Education, Columbia, South Carolina.
notes: chapter ii
20. 21.
22. 23. 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29.
35. 36.
William E. Dodd, Statesmen of the Old South, 83-84.
J. W. Barber, Views of New Haven, 38. 4.
Students' Treasury bills, 1799-1808, manuscript in MSS. Division, Yale Library. 39.
J. B. Reynold, Samuel H. Fisher, Henry B. Wright, Two Centuries of Christian Activity at Yale; quotation from James Kingsley, Yale 40. College, I, 118.
The Laws of Yale College, chap. 2, p. 8, in Yale Rare Book. Room. 41. (Hereafter referred to as Laws.) 42.
Samuel G. Goodrich, Recollections 43. of a Lifetime, I, 348-349. 44.
Treasurer's Records, Dec. 8, 1802, in MSS. Division, Yale Library. Laws, chap. 2, p. 9. 45.
Ibid., chap. 8, pp. 24-27. Calhoun to William P. Starke, quoted in Starke, 80. 46.
Alexander Fisher to Caleb Fisher, Jan. 16, 1813, and Dec. 30, 1809, Fisher Papers, Yale Library. Laws, chap. 3, p. 16. 47.
Reminiscences of Dr. Alexander Stephens, quoted in manuscript records of the Linonian Society, Yale 48. Library.
Swift, 5-6. 49.
Laws, chap. 9, pp. 11-12. Ibid., chap. 8, p. 11. 50.
Ezekiel P. Belden, Sketches of Yale 51. College, 145. 52.
Laws, chap. 3, p. 13. Belden, 147-148.
Ibid., 149. 53.
Alexander Fisher to Caleb Fisher, June 18, 1813, and Aug. 12, 1814. Calhoun to Alexander Noble, Oct. 15, 1804, Correspondence, 94. 54.
T. S. Green, Catalogue of Yale Col- 55. lege Library. 56.
George P. Fisher, The Life of Benjamin Silliman, I, 34-35. Connecticut Journal and Herald, 57. Oct. 27, Dec. 10, 1803. Timothy Dwight, Jr., Memories of Yale Life and Men, 321. 58.
Ibid., 40.
Manuscript diary of Daniel Mul-ford, April, 1801, to Dec, 1807, en- 59. try for July 4, 1805, in Yale Library.
Reynold, Two Centuries of Christian Activity at Yale; quotation 60. from Bagg, Four Years at Yale, 17; see also Fisher, The Life of Ben- 61.
jamin Silliman, I, 34, 39; and Lyman Beecher, Autobiography, I, 40. Brief Memories of the Class of 1802; see also Fisher, I, 53; and E. C. Tracy, Memoirs of the Life of Jeremiah Evarts, 21. Records of the Yale College 'Moral Society' for April 11, 1816, quoted in Two Centuries of Christian Activity at Yale.
Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 68 (one-volume American edition).
Goodrich, I, 354. Marryat, 226. Belden, 48.
Franklin B. Dexter, Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, V, 647, 676. R. Gibson to James MacBride, April 18, 1817, MacBride Papers, MSS. Division, Library of Congress. Calhoun to James MacBride, Feb. 16, 1812, and Dec. 15, 1812, MacBride Papers, MSS. Division, Library of Congress.
Calhoun to Micah Sterling, April 1, 1818, Calhoun Papers, MSS. Division, Library of (Congress. R. D. French, Memorial Quadrangle, 157.
Hermann von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 6. Fisher, H, 50. Ibid., H, 97.
Reminiscences of Dr. Alexander Stephens in manuscript records of Linonian Society.
Manuscript records of the Alpha Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, Yale College, July 11, 1803, in Yale Memorabilia Room. Ibid., July 25, 1803. Ibid., Dec. 19, 1803. Calhoun to Isaac Townsend, Feb. 30, 1827, in records of Alpha Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa.
Manuscript records of Alpha Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, Dec. 5, 1803, and Dec. 20, 1803. Manuscript records of the Linonian Society and the Brothers in Unity in MSS. Division, Yale Library. Calhoun to William H. Storrs, June 15, 1840, copy in manuscript records of Brothers in Unity at Yale.
Wilbur L. Cross, Connecticut Yankee, 148. Manuscript records of the Linonian
notes: chapters ii and hi
Society at Yale, entries for Nov. 31, 1803; June 13, 1803; Aug. 1, 1803; and March 2, 1804.
62. Manuscript records of the Brothers in Unity at Yale, June 13, 1803.
63. Manuscript records of Alpha Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, in Yale Memorabilia Room; entries for Sept. 5, 1803; July 13, 1802; Nov. 15, 1802; and Feb. 7, 1803.
64. Roger S. Boardman, Life of Roger Sherman, Z?>2.
65. George F. Hoar, Autobiography of Seventy Years, 8.
66. Goodrich, I, 348-349.
67. J. G. Swift, 6.
68. Fisher, II, 97.
69. Timothy Dwight, Jr., Decision of Questions, 99, 42.
70. John S. Jenkins, The Life of John Caldivell Calhoun, 31.
71. See the 'Scheme of the Exercises for the Public Commencement, Yale Col-
lege, Sept. 21, 1804.' In MS. Division, Yale Library.
72. Walter Miller, 'Calhoun as a Lawyer and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, 201-202.
73. Anson Phelps Stokes, Memorials of Eminent Yale Men, II, 199.
74. New Haven Herald and New Haven Register, July 17, 1804, and Aug. 21, 1804.
75. Calhoun to Jeremiah Day, Dec. 2, 1822. Calhoun Papers, Yale University.
76. Calhoun to Benjamin Silliman, March 20, 1818. Calhoun Papers, Yale University.
77. Calhoun to Benjamin Silliman, Aug. 14, 1825. Calhoun Papers, Yale University.
78. Calhoun to D. Daggett, Dec. 14, 1826. Calhoun Papers, Yale University.
1. Calhoun to Alexander Noble, Oct. 15, 1804, Correspondence, 93-94.
2. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 56.
3. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun: Sept. 26, Aug. 12, and Dec. 23, 1805, Correspondence, 95-96, 98, 101.
4. Parton, 56.
5. William P. Starke, 'Accounts of Calhoun's Early Life,' Correspondence, 83.
6. South Carolina tradition.
7. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, June 12, 1810, and Oct. 1, 1809, Correspondence, 115, 113.
8. Original in Calhoun Papers at Calhoun College, Yale University.
9. Anecdote quoted in Starke, 84
10. John Quincy Adams, Diary, IV, 70; also Calhoun to James Monroe, June 24, 1820. Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
11. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, July 22, 1805, Correspondence, 94-95.
12. Descriptions drawn from Memories of Horace Bushnell, passim; Personal Memories of E. D. Mansfield, 122; S. G. Goodrich, Recollections of a Lifetime, I, 126-127; Thomas L. Nichols, Forty Years of American Life, I, 23.
13. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, July 22, 1805, Correspondence, 95.
14. Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 68.
15. Goodrich, I, 74, 78-79, 81, 83; Nichols, I, 27.
16. This description is drawn from Samuel H. Fisher's The Litchfield Law School, passim.
17. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, July 22, 1805, Correspondence, 94-95.
18. Lyman Beecher, Autobiography, I, 224.
19. Ibid., 124, ff.
20. Goodrich, I, 117.
21. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Dec. 23, 1805, Correspondence, 101.
22. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Sept. 9, 1805, and March 3, 1806, Correspondence, 97 and 103.
23. Marryat, 72.
24. The story of this friendship, handed down in the annals of the Calhoun family of Connecticut, was received from Miss Lilian Gold, Flint, Michigan, great-granddaughter of Dr. John Calhoun of Cornwall.
25. Nichols, I, 60; II, 125. See also Marryat's description of white slave auctions in 1789, 88.
26. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Aug. 12, 1805, and July 3, 1806, Correspondence, 95-96, 106.
27. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Sept. 9, 1805, and to Andrew Pick-
notes: chapters hi and iv
ens, Nov. 24, 1805, Correspondence, 97 and 100.
28. J. G. Swift, Measures, Not Men, 6.
29. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, June 2, 1806, Correspondence, 105.
30. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Sept. 11, 1806, Correspondence, 107.
31. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 22, Goodrich, I, 86, 133; and Nichols, I, 22>, 18.
2>2. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Jan. 19, 1806, Correspondence, 102; and Calhoun to H. Seymour, June 2, 1822, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
2)2,. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Aug. 12, 1805, Correspondence, 96.
34. Harriet Martineau, A Retrospect of Western Travel, I, 227-228.
35. Peter Neilson, Recollections, 253.
36. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, Charleston: The Place and the People, 379.
37. Basil Hall, Travels in North America, H, 191.
38. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Dec. 22, 1806, Correspondence, 108.
39. These quotations are taken at random from issues of the South Carolina Gazette through the years 1806, 1807.
40. Gerald Johnson, Andrew Jackson: A Portrait in Homespun, 48. (College Caravan edition.)
41. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, undated, 1807, in Calhoun Papers, Clemson College, South Carolina.
42. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Dec. 22, 1806, Correspondence, 108.
1. William P. Starke, 'Account of Calhoun's Early Life,' Correspondence, 85.
2. Ben Robertson, Red Hills and Cotton, 1.
3. Starke, 85.
4. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 124.
5. Anecdote quoted in William Meigs, The Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, I, 47.
6. J. Belton O'Neall, The Bench and Bar of South Carolina, I; Bowie quoted, 283-284.
7. Joseph Rogers, The True Henry Clay, 36.
8. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, April 6, 1809, Correspondence, 110.
9. See J. Belton O'Neall, The Annals of Newberry, 19-20; The Bench and Bar, 96; Lucius Little, Ben Hardin, 32-34; Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 232; Mrs. Basil Hall, quoted in Three Englishwomen in America, ed. by Una Pope-Hennessey, 236; W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Georgia, 482.
10. Anecdote quoted in Charles M. Wiltse's John C. Calhoun, Nationalist, 43.
11. See William E. Barton, The Lineage of Lincoln, 297-298.
12. Samuel G. Goodrich, Recollections
of a Lifetime, I, 182.
13. Ibid., I, 86-87.
14. The figure is usually given as twelve, but Luke Hanks died in 1787, and in the first census at
'Ninety-Six,' in 1790, Mrs. Ann Hanks was named as head of a family of five males and six females. It has been said that in any group of half a dozen Hanks girls, at least one would be named Nancy. Although Nancy Hanks of Kentucky and Nancy Hanks of Anderson County, South Carolina, were probably connected, the exact relationship would be too involved to trace. See Barton, The Lineage of Lincoln, 297-298.
15. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Oct. 1, 1807, Correspondence, 109.
16. Columbia (S.C.) State, July 12,
17. G. W. Symonds, 'When Calhoun Went A-Wooing,' The Ladies' Home Journal, May, 1901.
18. Starke, 86; see also Fletcher Pratt, The Heroic Years, 183.
19. Calhoun to Miss Floride Colhoun, Sept. 28, 1810, Correspondence, 122.
20. William E. Barton, The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln, 266.
21. Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 30-31.
22. Barton, The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln, 137.
23. Gamaliel Bradford, As God Made Them, 110.
24. Manuscript reminiscences of James Edward Colhoun, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
25. Judgment Roll, No. 286 in the Judge of Probate's office for Anderson County, Soutk. Carolina.
notes: chapters iv and v
'State of South Carolina. County of Anderson . . . application for partition. . . , The land of Luke Hanks, deed.' See also, Barton, The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln, 222-224.
26. LeConte quoted in Claude G. Bowers, The Tragic Era, 348.
27. Charleston City Gazette and Daily Advertiser, Jan. 4, 1809.
28. Benjamin F. Perrv, Reminiscences of Public Men, 90-91.
29. Ibid., 92.
30. Don C. Seitz, The Also-Rans, 55.
31. Ibid.
Z2. Manuscript records of the South Carolina State Legislature in State Archives Building, South Carolina
Historical Commission, entries for Dec. 5, 1809, and Dec. 12, 1809.
33. Huger quoted in Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of Public Men, 92.
34. House Roll, Legislative Records, Nov. 8, 1809.
35. 'Rules' printed in Legislative Records, Nov. 28, 1808.
36. Legislative Records, Dec. 5, 1804.
37. Parton, 125; Starke, 87.
38. David D. Wallace, History of South Carolina, II, 375.
39. Calhoun, 'Discourse on the Constitution,' Works of John C. Calhoun, Richard K. Cralle, ed., I, 400-406.
40. Herbert Agar, The Pursuit of Happiness, 193.
1. Frederick Marr>'at, Diary in America, 232; W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Georgia, 482.
2. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, April 6, 1809, Correspondence, 110.
3. Idem, June 25, 1809, Correspondence, 111.
4. So the tradition is handed down in the Calhoun family. A written account can be found in G. W. Sy-monds's article, 'When Calhoun Went A-Wooing' in The Ladies* Home Journal, May, 1901.
5. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, June 25, 1809, Correspondence, 111.
6. R. D. French, Memorial Quadrangle, 158-159.
7. Ibid., 159.
B. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, July 18, 1809, Correspondence, 112.
9. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun,
Jan. 20, 1810, Correspondence, 114. ♦0. William P. Starke, 'Account of Calhoun's Early Life,' Correspondence, 86.
11. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Jan. 20, 1810, Correspondence, 114.
12. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, Charleston, the Place and the People, 427-429.
13. Caroline Howard Gilman, Recollections of a Southern Matron, 297.
14. Ibid.
15. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 427^29.
16. Basil Hall, Travels in North America, IT, 190-191.
17. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 396.
18. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, June 12, 1810, Correspondence, 114-115.
19. Idem, 115.
20. Idem, July 27, 1812, Correspondence, 118.
21. E. P. Poe, sketch of Calhoun in clipping from Anderson (S.C.) Observer; in Clemson College Library.
22. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Nov. 23y 1812, Correspondence, 125.
23. Idem, June 12, 1810, Correspondence, 115.
24. Idem, July 27, 1810, Correspondence, 117.
25. Idem, Sept. 7, 1810, Correspondence, 119.
26. Idem, July 18, 1810, Correspondence, 117.
27. Starke, 88.
28. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, July 27, 1810, Correspondence, 117-118.
29. Calhoun to Miss Floride Colhoun, Sept. 28, 1810, Correspondence, 121-122.
30. Calhoun, Life, 8.
31. Calhoun to Miss Floride Colhoun, Sept. 28, 1812, Correspondence, 121-122.
32. This ending is quoted from the Sy-monds article in The Ladies' Home Journal for May, 1901. He gives no authority, and it is not included in the copy in the Starke sketch from which E. P. Jameson took his copy. However, the original has disappeared.
33. Clothes for a Tic-Nic' are described in the Charleston Courier, Jan. 1, 1807.
notes: chapters v and vi
34. A typical outing on the Cooper is described by Caroline Howard Gil-man, 257-258.
35. Calhoun to Miss Floride Colhoun, Sept. 28, 1810, Correspondence, 122.
36. Starke, 89.
37. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Sept. 13, 1810, Correspondence, 120.
38. Starke, 89.
39. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 390.
40. Caroline Howard Gilman, 164.
41. Ibid., 165-168.
42. Charleston Courier, Jan. 3, and Jan. 14, 1807.
43. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Sept. 7, 1810, Correspondence, 119.
44. Charleston Courier, Jan. 7, 1807.
45. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, May 8, 1811, Correspondence, 122-123.
46. Calhoun to Miss Floride Colhoun, Sept. 28, 1811, Correspondence, 121-122.
1. Bernard Mayo, Henry Clay: Spokes- 24. man for the New West, 402.
2. Survivor of Fort Madison quoted in 25. Lexington (Ky.) Reporter, April 4,
1812. 26.
3. Gaillard Hunt, John C. Calhoun, 35.
4. Joseph Rogers, The True Henry Clay, 157. 27.
5. Calhoun to James MacBride, Sept. 13, 1811, MacBride Papers, Librarv of Congress. 28.
6. Diary'of William Dunlap, Feb. 19, 29. 1805, n, 386. 30.
7. Ibid., Feb. 28.
8. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 300.
9. Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of 31. Public Men, 51-53. U.
10. Annals of Congress, 12th Congress,
1st Session, 332-333. ?>2).
11. Newburyport (Mass.) Herald, Nov.
6, 1811. 34.
12. Calhoun, Life, 8.
13. Calhoun to James MacBride, Feb. 16, 1812, MacBride Papers, Library
of Congress. 35.
14. Henry Adams, History of the United States, VI, 125-126. 36.
15. Calhoun, Report of Nov. 29, 1811, 37. Works, V, 1-6, passim. 38.
16. National Intelligencer, Nov. 28, 39. Dec. 5, et seq., 1811.
17. Philadelphia Aurora, December 14, 1811.
18. National Intelligencer, Nov. 28, Dec.
5, 1811. 40.
19. Newburvport (Mass.) Herald, May 41. 29, 1812.
20. William Bruce, John Randolph of 42. Roanoke, I, 381, 417. 43.
21. Cited in Richmond Enquirer, December 21, 1811; quoted in Hartford Courant. 44.
22. Annals of Congress, 12th Congress, 1st Session, 422, 441, 525.
23. Calhoun, Works, II, 19. 45.
William C. Preston, Reminiscences, 7-9.
Newburyport (Mass.) Herald, Nov. 11, 1811.
Calhoun to James MacBride, April 18, 1812, MacBride Papers, Library of Congress.
Excerpts quoted in Hugh Garland, Life of John Randolph, I, 288-297, passim (13th edition). Ibid., I, 296. Ibid., I, 306.
John S. Jenkins, Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 47; Calhoun, Works, II, 1-13.
Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 24, 1811. Newburyport (Mass.) Herald, Nov. 8, 1811.
James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 127, Augustus J. Foster Papers, Library of Congress; MS. Diary, I, Feb. 12, 1812, and April 15, 1812; also MS. Notes, I, 30-31.
Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Dec. 21, 1811, Correspondence, 124. Foster, MS. Diary, I, Dec. 14, 1811. Ibid., April 5, 1812. Ibid., April 15, 1812. Annals, 12th Congress, 1st Session, 848-850; see also J. A. Bayard to A. Bayard, Jan. 25, 1812, in Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1913), 189. Mayo, 431^32.
E. P. Thomas, ed., The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 389. Foster, MS. Diary, I, May 8, 1812. James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, April 3, 1812, in Writings of James Madison, II, 531.
Calhoun to James MacBride, April 18, 1812, MacBride Papers, Library of Congress. Sidney H. Gay, James Madison, 307.
notes: chapters vi and vii
46. Foster, MS. Diary, I, May 19, May 22, May 2i, 1812; also MS. Notes, I, 156.
47. Newburyport (Mass.) Herald, May 29, 1812.
48. Foster, MS. Diary, I, June 1, 1812.
49. Henry Adams, History, VT, 125-126.
50. Foster, MS. Diary, I, June 7, 1812.
51. Ibid., June 17, 1812.
52. Henry Adams, History, VI, 125 ff.
53. Foster, MS. Notes, I, 168.
Marquis James, The Raven, Sam Houston, 27, 28.
James Parton, Life of Andrew Jackson, I, 414-418.
Gerald Johnson, Andrew Jackson: A Portrait in Homespun (College Caravan Edition), 86.
Quoted in Correspondence of Andrew Jackson, John S. Bassett, ed., I, 220-223.
Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of Public Men, 53.
Calhoun to James MacBride, Dec. 15, 1812. MacBride Papers, Library of Congress.
Annals of Congress, 12th Congress, 1st Session, 139.
Claude M. Fuess, Daniel Webster, I, 138, 123. Ibid., I, 155.
Samuel Lyman, Daniel Webster, I, 51.
Fuess, I, 160.
Calhoun, 'Speech on the Army Bill,' Jan. 14, 1813, Works, H, 43. The descriptions of life in Washington are drawn from the Letters of Mary Boardman Crowninshield, 21, 41; the correspondence of William Lowndes in the Lowndes Papers, Library of Congress; and in Mrs. St. J ulien Ravenel's Life of William Lowndes, passim; Foster, MS. Diary, I, 12; and the National Intelligencer, Dec. 13, 1813.
National Intelligencer, Aug. 26, 1813; Foster, MS. Notes, I, 11. Fletcher Pratt, The Heroic Years, 181-182.
.\mos Kendall, Autobiography, 95. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 108. Quoted in Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 86.
Commonplace Book of William Lowndes, Lowndes Papers, Library of Congress.
Quoted in Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 184.
'Extract of speech by Mr. Tod of Massachusetts,' in Lowndes Papers.
22. Undated news clipping from Southern Patriot and Commercial Advertiser in Lowndes Papers.
2?>. Ibid.
24. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 87.
25. Calhoun to James MacBride, Feb. 2, 1813. MacBride Papers, Library of Congress.
26. Calhoun to Mrs. John C. Calhoun, March 1, 1812, Correspondence, 125.
27. Idem, Feb. 7, 1814, Correspondence, 126.
28. Idem, Nov. 23, 1812, and Feb. 7, 1814, Correspondence, 125, 126.
29. Calhoun, 'Speech on Merchants' Bonds,' Dec. 4, 1812, Works, H, 37.
30. National Intelligencer, Aug. 23, 1814; Winder's Narrative, American State Papers, Military Affairs Manuscript Division, I, 552-553.
31. Dolly Madison Papers, Library of Congress, notations for Aug. 23 and Aug. 24, 1814.
Z2. Margaret Bayard Smith, First Forty Years of Washington Society, 100, 114.
2)2,. Dolly Madison Papers, Aug. 23, and Aug. 24, 1814.
34. Sarah A. Emery, Three Generations, 212.
35. Eye-witness accounts of the invasion of Washington are in the National Intelligencer, Aug. 30, Sept. 1, 2, 8, and 15, 1814. See quotation on 'the Cossacks' in a London newspaper, cited in Arthur Stryon's The Cast-iron Man: John C. Calhoun and American Democracy, 1b-ll\ also Stilson Hutchins Moore and Joseph West Smith, The National Capital, 96, 99-100.
36. Sarah Emery, 213-214.
37. National Intelligencer, Sept. 2, 1814.
38. Ibid.; see also Margaret Bayard Smith, 112.
39. National Intelligencer, Oct. 19; also Petersburg (Va.) Courier, Oct. 25, 1814.
notes: chapters vii and viii
41. George T. Curtis, Life of Daniel Webster, I, 43. The anecdote is attributed to George Ticknor, who heard it from Webster, himself.
42. Calhoun, 'Speech on Loan Bill,' Feb. 25, 1814, Works, II, 90-91, 55.
43. Fuess, I, 168; The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster (National Edition), XIV, 69.
44. Fuess, I, 168.
45. James Madison, quoted in J. P. Kennedy, Memoir of William Wirt, I, 339; Henry Adams, History, VIII, 231.
46. Calhoun, 'Speech on the Loan Bill,'
Feb. 25, 1814, Works, II, 94, 95, 98, 79.
47. Idem, 116.
48. Idem, 91, 102, 89.
49. Idem, 91.
50. Calhoun to James MacBride, Feb. 12, 1815. MacBride Papers, Library of Congress.
51. Idem, Feb. 12, 1815.
52. Samuel G. Goodrich, Recollections of a Lifetime, I, 22-22>.
53. Foster, MS. Notes, II, 148-149; 160-162; see also MS. Diary, I, April 20, 1812; Dec. 22, 1811; April 8, 1812; and April 17, 1812.
1. Thomas L. Nichols, Forty Years of American Life, I, 363; Albert Gallatin to Matthew Lyon, May 7, 1816, in Henry Adams, Life of Albert Gallatin, 560.
2. Calhoun, Works, II, 134.
3. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, April 9, 1815, Correspondence, 128-129.
4. Idem.
5. Calhoun to Mrs. John C. Calhoun, Correspondence, 129.
6. Vernon Parrington, The Romantic Revolution in America, v.
7. Charles A. Beard, Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy, 12, 18.
8. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 128.
9. Calhoun, Speech on The Loan Bill,' Feb. 25, 1814, Works, II, 101.
10. Calhoun, speech on 'Merchants' Bonds,' Dec. 4, 1812, Works, II, 37.
11. Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 87.
12. William E. Dodd, Statesmen of the Old South, 142.
13. Hollis, 87, 88.
14. Margaret Bayard Smith, First Forty Years of Washington Society, 96.
15. Letters of Mary Boardman Crown-inshield, 57.
16. Ibid., 15, 16, 23, 35, 51.
17. William C. Preston, Reminiscences, 5-6.
18. Anne H. Wharton, Social Life in the Early Republic, 38.
19. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 300.
20. Preston, 7-8.
21. Josiah Quincv, Figures of the Past, 210.
22. Ben: Perley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 68-69.
23. Ibid., 54.
24. Parrington, 141.
25. E. F. Ellet, Court Circles of the Republic, 100.
26. Parton, 126.
27. Theodore D. Jervey, Robert Young Hayne and His Times, 51.
28. Gerald Johnson, John Randolph of Roanoke, 186.
29. Walter Miller, in The Green Bag, XI, 276.
30. Samuel G. Goodrich, Recollections of a Lifetime, II, 407. Parton, 130.
2)2. Correspondent for Charleston Courier, quoted in New York Evening Post, March 12, 1814.
33. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, The Life and Times of William Lowndes, 230.
34. Calhoun, speech on 'The Military Peace Establishment,' Feb. 27, 1815, Works, II, 117-123.
35. Calhoun, sp)eech on 'The Treaty-Making Power,' Jan. 4, 1816, quoted in John S. Jenkins, Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 63, 75.
36. Calhoun, speech on 'The Direct Tax,' Jan. 31, 1816, quoted in Jenkins, 104-117.
37. Calhoun, address on 'Commercial Treaty,' quoted in Jenkins, 65-73. Calhoun, address on 'The Direct Tax,' April 4, 1816, Works, II, 152. Calhoun, speech on 'The Bank Bill,' Feb. 26, 1816, Works, II, 153-162.
40. Claude M. Fuess, Daniel Webster, I, 184-185.
41. Calhoun, Life, 19.
42. Jenkins, 118.
43. Calhoun, speech on 'The New Tariff Act,' April 6, 1816, Works, II, 163-173.
notes: chapters viii and ix
44. Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Austin, Jan. 9, 1816, Jefferson Correspondence, X, 10.
45. Calhoun, Works, II, 160.
46. Calhoun, speech on 'The Bonus Bill,' Feb. 4, 1817, Works, II, 186-196.
47. Jenkins, 138.
48. Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of Public Men, 55.
49. Calhoun, Life, 23.
50. Jenkins, 134-135.
51. Calhoun to Duff Green, May, 1839, Correspondence, 429.
52. Calhoun, Life, 23.
53. Calhoun, speech on 'The Compensation Bill,' Jan. 17, 1817, Works, II, 174-185.
54. Jenkins, 136.
55. New York Ejoening Post, Dec. 28, Dec. 31, 1813.
56. Calhoun, Life, 23.
57. Jenkins, 136.
Nilcs' Weekly Register, March 27, 1824.
Calhoun to Monroe, Dec. 9, 182 7, Correspondence, 252. Calhoun, Life, 24, 72; Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, The Life of William Lowndes, 230; John S. Jenkins, The Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 141-142.
John Quincv Adams, Diary, IV, 136. Ibid., IV, 144.
Calhoun to William F. Buyers (first official letter), Dec. 8, 1817, War Office, Military Book, IX, 423, National Archives.
Calhoun to Jacob Brown, July 29, 1818, Brown Papers, Library of Con-press.
Calhoun, Life, 25. Ibid., 25; Jenkins, 142. Calhoun to Jacob Brown, Nov. 3, 1821, Brown Papers, Library of Conp;ress.
Calhoun to Sylvanus Thayer, March 7, 1818, War Office, MiUtary Book, IX.
James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 139. Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 30-31. Calhoun, Life, 27. J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 236. Niks' Weekly Register, XXII, 251-263, 279-282; ibid., XXXI, 292, 293-302, 305, 394-407; ibid., XXXII, 18.
Theodore D. Jervey, Robert Young Ilayne and His Times, 51-52. Marquis James, The Raven, 44. J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 527. Andrew Jackson to James Monroe, Jan. 6, 1818, quoted in James Par-ton, Life of Andrew Jackson, II, 433.
James Monroe to Calhoun, May, 19, 1830, quoted in Parton, Andrew
Jackson, II, 435. See also letter of Calhoun to Monroe, May 26, 1830, Correspondence, 273.
22. Calhoun to Andrew Jackson, Dec. 26, 1817, Orders in Seminole War, American State Papers, Military Affairs, I, 690.
23. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 108, 113.
24. Calhoun to Andrew Jackson, May 28, 1830, Niks' Weekly Register, XL, 21.
25. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 107, 108, 113.
26. Narrative of William B. Lewis written to James Parton, Oct. 25, 1859, and quoted in Parton, Andrew Jackson, III, 312. See also J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 366-371.
27. Calhoun to Andrew Jackson, Sept. 8, 1818, in War Office, MiUtary Book, IX.
28. Samuel G. Goodrich, Recollections of a Lifetime, I, 401^02.
29. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 281.
30. Ibid., IV, 315.
31. Parton, Andrew Jackson, II, 345. 2)2. Bennett Champ Clark, John Quincy
Adams: Old Man Eloquent, anecdote cited, 178.
33. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 144-145, 162, 221; V, 374.
34. John P. Kennedy, Memoir of William Wirt, II, 185.
35. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 276.
36. Ibid., V, 172, 70-71, 275.
37. Calhoun to Henry S. Dearborn, June 8, 1824, Correspondence, 218-219.
38. J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 279.
39. Calhoun, report on 'The Reduction of the Army,' Dec. 12, 1820, Works, V, 93.
40. Idem, Dec. 14, 1818, Works, V, 25-40, passim.
41. Calhoun, Life, 24-25.
42. Calhoun, Works, V, 34, 84-85, 88.
notes: chapters ix and x
44. See report on 'The Expenses of the Army and Military Academy,' March 5, 1822, Calhoun, Works, V, 115-122; and report on 'The Reduction of the Army,' Dec. 12, 1820, ibid., V, 86-87.
45. Calhoun, report on 'The Reduction of the Army,' Dec. 14, 1818, Works, V, 35-37.
46. Calhoun to Jacob Brown, Nov. 12, 1820, Brown Papers, Library of Congress.
47. Iderji.
48. Calhoun, report on 'The Mihtary Academy at West Point,' Feb. 25, 1820, Works, V, 72-80, passim. See also the report on 'An Additional Military Academy,' Jan. 29, 1819, ibid., V, 54-57.
49. Calhoun to Sylvanus Thayer, Jan. 15, 1819, War Office, MiUtary Book, IX.
50. Calhoun to Jacob Thompson, Nov. 10, 1824, in Brown Papers, Library of Congress.
51. Calhoun to Stephen Cantrell, July 30, 1823, War Office, MiUtary Book, XI. See also Calhoun to Elbert Anderson, Aug. 12, 1824, in American State Papers, Indian Affairs, II, No. 12, National Archives; also Correspondence, 155, 159.
52. Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 89.
53. Calhoun, report on 'Indian Trade,' Dec. 8, 1818, Works, V, 18, 19; see also ibid., V, 139; and report on 'CiviUzing the Indians,' ibid., V, 69-70.
54. Calhoun to Henry Leavenworth, December 29, 1819, Correspondence, 167.
55. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 402-403.
56. Mrs. St. JuUen Ravenel, The Life of William Lowndes, 31.
57. Calhoun, report on 'Roads and Canals,' Jan. 14, 1819, Works, V, 40-54.
58. Calhoun, Life, 30.
59. National Intelligencer, Nov. 20, 23,
26, 30, and Dec. 4, 1819.
60. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Dec. 12, 1819, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
61. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 495.
62. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Oct. 23, 1820, Corresp07idence, 178-179; see also to Micah StcrUng, July 24,
1820, John Gribbel Collection, Philadelphia; Correspondence, 183, 185, 187, 201-202, 205, 207, 209, and 212.
63. James Monroe to Calhoun, Sept. 24,
1821, Writings of James Monroe, VI, 198.
64. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 197, 512, 524; Margaret Bayard Smith, The First Forty Years of Washington Society, 171.
65. Margaret Bayard Smith, 254.
66. Ben: Perley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 73-74.
67. Margaret Bayard Smith, 268-269.
68. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, July 23, 1821, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
69. Margaret Bayard Smith, 144-145, 147, 152; Josephine Seaton, William Winston Seaton of the National Intelligencer, 135-136; William M. Meigs, The Life of John Caldiuell Calhoun, I, 280.
70. Margaret Bayard Smith, 149.
71. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, May
27, 1823, Correspondence, 207.
72. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Dec. 27, 1821, Correspondence, 197.
1. Grace D. Ecker, A Portrait of Old Georgetoivn, 249-250.
2. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Sept. 27, 1821, Correspondence, 197.
3. Calhoun to J. G. Swift, May 10, 1823, Swift Correspondence, T. R. Hay, ed., in 'John C. Calhoun and the Presidential Campaign of 1824,' American Historical Review, XL, Oct. 1934, and Jan. 1935, 82-96, 287.
4. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Oct. 22, 1822, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
5. Stilson Hutchins and Joseph Moore, The National Capital, 317-318.
6. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Nov. 8, 1818, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
7. Idem, Sept. 28, 1823, Correspondence, 213-214.
8. Letters of Mary Boardman Crownin-shield, 25, 35, 21.
9. J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 480-481.
10. Ibid., V, 466-468, 478.
11. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, The Life of William Lowndes, 221, 230.
notes: chapter x
12. Southern Patriot and Commercial Advertiser, Feb. 4, 1823.
13. William Lowndes to Mrs. Lowndes, Jan. 14, 1821, Lowndes Papers, Library of Congress.
14. Thomas Hart Benton, Abridged Debates, VII, 12.
15. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 227-230.
16. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Oct. 23, 1820, Correspondence, 178-179.
17. GeorRe T. Curtis, The Life of Daniel Webster, I, 176-177.
18. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Oct. 23, 1820, Correspondence, 178.
19. Margaret Bayard Smith, First Forty Years of Washington Society, 163.
20. W. P. Cresson, James Monroe, 453.
21. Jefferson to Thomas Leiper, April 3, 1824, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Paul Leicester Ford, ed., X, 299.
22. Jefferson to Thomas Ritchie, Jan. 7, 1822, Writings, X, 203.
23. J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 58-59.
24. Ben: Pcrley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 23.
25. Gerald Johnson, Andrew Jackson (ColJcKC Caravan Edition), 192.
26. Daniel Webster, Correspondence, I, 216.
27. Augustus C. Buell, A History of Andrew Jackson, II, 157.
28. Virgil Maxcy to R. S. Garnctt, Nov. 16, 1823, in American Historical Review, XII, 599-601.
29. Winchester (Va.) Republican, July 20, 1822.
30. Richmond Enquirer, quoted in Southern Patriot and Commercial Advertiser, Feb. 4, 1822.
31. Washington Gazette, July 24, 1822.
32. Macon to Fisher, April 23, 1823, Fisher Papers, University of North Carolina Library.
33. Washington Republican, Sept. 25, 1822.
34. Josephine Seaton, William Winston Seaton, 162.
35. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 141.
36. Boston Galaxy, Sept. 26, 1823.
37. J. G. Swift, Measures, Not Men, 45.
38. Ibid.
39. 'Cassius' in Columbia (S. C.) Telescope, quoted in pamphlet. An Examination of Mr. Calhoun's Economy, Dec. 1823.
40. Macon to Fisher, April 23, 1823, Fisher Papers, University of North Carolina Library.
41. 42.
43. 44. 45.
47. 48.
49. 50.
58. 59. 60. 61.
Calhoun to Macon, March, 1823, Fisher Papers, University of North Carolina Library.
Idem. See also American Historical Review, XI, Oct. 1934. Calhoun to Virgil Maxcy, April 1, Aug. 6, and Nov. 2, 1823, in Virgil Maxcy Papers, MSS. Division, Library of Congress.
Washington Republican, Nov. 16, 1822; J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 238. Arthur Stryon, The Cast-Iron Man, Webster quoted, 119. Calhoun to J. G. Swift, April 29, 1823; Aug. 24, 1823, Swift Correspondence.
Calhoun to Robert Garnett, July 3, 1824, Correspondence, 219-223. Idem.
See Calhoun's letter to Robert S. Garnett, July 3, 1824, Correspondence, 219-223, passim; also Calhoun to J. G. Swift, Aug. 24, 1823, Swift Correspondence. Correspondence, 221-222. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 301; V, 523-524, 452.
J. E. D. Shipp, The Life and Times of William H. Crawford, 168. Randolph, quoted in Annals, 18th Congress, 1st Session, 1308; see also Stryon, 91.
J. Q. Adams, Diary, IV, 524. Ibid., V, 36, 9, 10, 12. Ibid., VI, 315.
Calhoun to Micah Sterling, Jan. 5, 1824, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
Calhoun to Thomas Rogers, June 9, 1822, Fisher Papers, University of North Carolina Library. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 477. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 201. Boston Galaxy, Jan. 18, 1822. Francis Grund, Aristocracy in Amer^ ica, II, 178-179.
J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 238; Fred. erick Marryat, Diary in America, I, 164-167 (British edition). We, The People, Oct. 25, 1828. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 57; V, 315, 515, and 525; also Henry Adams, Albert Gallatin, 599. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 42. Ibid., VI, 46-48. Ibid., VI, 43, 47, 63. Washington Republican, Nov. 13, 1822. Ibid., Nov. 20, Nov. 23, 1822.
notes: chapters x and xi
70. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 62.
71. Washington Republican, Sept. 18, 1822; J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 64.
72. Claude G. Bowers, Party Battles of the Jackson Period, 107-108, 89-90; J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 315-326, ^05-sitn.
73. J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 315-326, passim.
74. Calhoun to James Monroe, July 26, 1820, Calhoun Papers, Library of Concress.
75. William H. Crawford to Albert Gallatin, May 13, 1822, in Henry Adams' Life of Albert Gallatin, 580.
76. Cresson, James Monroe, 457; J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 525; also Writings of Monroe, VI, 287.
77. E. F. Ellct, Court Circles of the Republic, 98.
78. Eliza C. Carrington to Mrs. James McDowell, Nov. 16, 1824, Carring-ton-McDowell Papers, Library of Congress.
79. J. T. Flexner, America's Old Masters, 190, 197.
SO. H. T. Tuckerman, The Book of the Artist, 299.
81. Ibid., 62.
82. Samuel Isham, The History of American Painting, 108.
S3. Shipp, 174.
89. 90.
100. 101. 102.
J. Q. Adams, Diary, V, 272; VI, 394-400, 408.
Mies' Weekly Register, XXV, 405. Franklin Gazette (Philadelphia), Feb. 19, 1824.
Calhoun to Virgil Maxcy, Feb. 27, 1842, \irgil Maxcy Papers, MSS. Division, Library of Congress. Margaret Bayard Smith, 164. Parton, 140.
George P. Fisher, The Life of Benjamin Si Hi man, II, 107. J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 279, 273. Andrew Jackson, Correspondence, III, 355; Marquis James, Andrew Jackson, II, 27. Margaret Bayard Smith, 185. Martin Van Buren, Autobiography, 150, J. C. Fitzpatrick, ed.; Margaret Bayard Smith, 192. Margaret Bayard Smith, 181; Shipp, 185.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 186. Ibid., 190-193.
Washington Gazette, Nov. 29, 1825. Calhoun to Littleton Tazewell, July 1, 1827, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI, 506-507. Ibid., VI, 506-507. National Intelligencer, March 5, 1825.
1. Calhoun to J. G. Swift, Feb. 29, 1826, American Historical Review, XL, 300.
2. Nathan Sargent, Public Men and Events, I, 108.
3. Ben: Perlev Poore, Reminiscences, I, 136-137.'
4. Josiah Quincy, Figures of the Past, 263.
5. Ibid., 241.
6. Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of Public Men, 241. '
7. Poore, I, 203-204.
8. Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis: A Memoir, I, 270; Perry, 45; Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 'Calhoun From a Southern Standpoint,' Lippincott's Magazine, LXII, July, 1898.
9. Oliver Dver, Great Senators of the United States, 203-207, passim.
10. Harriet Martineau, Retrospect of Western Travel, I, 165.
11. Dyer, 253-254.
12. Poorcj I, 63.
13. Perr\^ 64.
14. Poore, I, 68-69.
15. Quincy, 210-212.
16. Poore, I, 60; Quincy, 213.
17. Norwich (Conn.) Courier, April 19, 1826.
18. Henry Adams, John Randolph of Roanoke (Standard Library Edition), 298; Quincy, 210.
19. 'Onslow to Patrick Henry,' Calhoun's Works, VI, 347.
20. Norwich (Conn.) Courier, April 19, 1826.
21. Henry .Adams, John Randolph, 286; Hugh Garland, Life of John Randolph, II, 267-268.
22. Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years' View, I, 473; also Coalter's Executor vs. Randolph's Executor, Clerk's office, Circuit Court, Petersburg, Va.
23. Idem. Calhoun quoted in Coalter's Executor vs. Randolph's Executor, Clerk's office. Circuit Court, Petersburg, Va.
notes: chapters xi and xii
28. 29.
34. 35.
36. 37. 38.
Norwich (Conn.) Courier, April 19, 1826.
Onslow, In Reply to Patrick Henry (pamphlet), Washington, 1826. Ibid.
Martin Van Buren, Autobiography, 209-210. Poore, I, 70.
Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Feb. 14, 1827, Correspondence, 233-235.
Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, Feb. 14, 1827, Correspondence, 239-240.
Niks* Weekly Register, XXII, 251, 279; XXXI, 292; American State Papers, Military Affairs, II, 431-449. Calhoun to James Monroe, Dec. 9, 1827, Dec. 22, 1827, Jan. 3, 1828, March 7, 1828, May 1, 1828, July 10, 1828; Correspondence, 251-253, 254, 255, 260, 263, and 266. Christopher Mollis, The American Heresy, 98. Quincy, 213.
J. H. Hammond, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, J. P. Thomas, ed., 297. Ibid., 297.
Calhoun, Works, II, 109. 'Calhoun and the Divine Right of the Majority,' Nathaniil VV. Stephenson, Scripps College Papers, 30, 31.
39. Idem.
40. HolHs, 84.
41. Poore, I, 136.
42. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, Aug. 26, 1827, Correspondence, 247-251.
43. Calhoun, Life, 33-34.
44. Ibid., 44.
45. Ibid., 33.
46. Ibid., 32.
47. Allan Nevins, Ordeal of the Union, 148-149; see also Henry Clay's speech on 'The Abolition Petitions,' Feb. 7, 1839, in The Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, I, 411-412; and Joseph Lumpkin to Howell Cobb, Jan. 21, 1848, in Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1911, 294-295. Dr. James A. Padgett of Washington, D. C, formerly of the History Department, University of North Carolina, declares that in 1830 there were 100 'manumission societies' in North Carolina alone. 'By 1850 it was against the law to belong to one.'
48. Theodore D. Jervey, Robert Young Hayne and His Times, 167.
49. Calhoun, Works, VI, 31.
50. Hollis, 108; John P. Pritchett, Calhoun and His Defense of the South, 31-32.
51. Calhoun, Works, II, 626.
'Old Pendleton' in Charleston Sunday Ncu.-s, April 30, 1905. Manuscript records of the Pendleton Farmers' Society, Clemson College. Walter Miller, 'Calhoun as a Lawyer and a Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, 327-328.
Calhoun to Christopher Van Dcven-ter, July 23, 1827, Correspondence, 246.
Calhoun to James Edwarrl Colhoun, Dec. 24, 1826, Correspondence, 237-238.
Oliver Dyer, Great Senators, 186. Ben Robertson, Red Hills and Cotton, 9, 128-129.
Benjamin B. Kcndrick, 'The Colonial Status of the Scnith,' reprinted from The Journal of Southern History, \III, No. 1, Feb. 1942, p. 6. Ibid., 11-12.
William E. Dodd, Life and Labor in the Old South, 32. Benjamin B. Kendrick and Alex
Mathews Arnett, The South Looks at Its Past, 41.
12. Dodd, 32.
13. Ibid., 16.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid., 32. See also W. J. Cash, The Mind of the South, 20-21, 41, 61.
16. Robertson, 75.
17. Ibid., 60, 64-65, 71, 59, 90, 135-137, 178, 223.
18. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, June 14, 1826, Correspondence, 235-236.
19. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, June 14, 1826, Correspondence, 236-237; and to James Edward Colhoun, Dec. 24, 1826, Correspondence, 237-240.
20. Charles C. Pinckney, 'Calhoun from a Southern Standpoint,' Lippincott's Magazine, LXII, July, 1898.
21. Manuscript records of the Farmers' Society, August, 1826, passim, Clemson College.
notes: chapters xii and xiii
25. 26.
27. 28. 29.
44. 45.
Calhoun to Littleton Tazewell, April 46. 1, 1827, Calhoun Papers, Library of 47. Congress. 48.
W. H. V. Miller, contemporary sketch, 'Calhoun as a Farmer,' un- 49. dated clipping in Clemson College Papers.
Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Sept. 50. 27, 1S21, Correspondence, 196-197. 51.
Calhoun to Littleton Tazewell, April 1, 1827, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress. 52.
Idem. 53.
Idem, July 1, 1827.
Calhoun to James E. Colhoun, May 54. 4, 1828, Correspondence, 264-265. Calhoun to James Monroe, July 10, 55. 1828, Correspondence, Ibb-ltl. 56.
James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, sketch on John Ran- 57. dolph, passim. 58.
Calhoun to Tazewell, July 1, 1827. Idevi, Aug. 25, 1827. 59.
Idem, Aug 9, 1827. 60.
Caihoun to James Monroe, July 10, 1828, Correspondence, 266. 61.
Frank A. Dickson, Jr., on Calhoun, in .-Anderson Independent, Dec. 15, 1^^29. See MS. chpping in Clemson 62. College Papers.
See Gerald Johnson, The Secession of the Southern States, 57-67, passim. 63. Hermann von Hoist, Life of John C. Calhoun, 164-165.
Calhoun to James Monroe, July 10, 64. 1828, Correspondence, 62. Calhoun to Littleton Tazewell, Nov. 9, 1827, Calhoun Papers, Library of 65. Congress. 66.
Calhoun, Life, 35.
W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Geor- 67. gia, 83.
Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences 68. of Public Men, 77.
Sparks, 84-90, passim. 69.
Perry, 77, 79.
Ibid., 131, 143-147. Ibid., 177.
Theodore D. Jervey, Robert Young Hayne and His Times, 167. Calhoun to Virgil Maxcy, Sept. 11, 1830, \irgil Maxcy Papers, Library of Congress. Calhoun, Works, I, 400-406. Webster to B. F. Perry, April 10, 1833, quoted in George T. Curtis, Life of Daniel Webster, I, 458. Parton, 148.
Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 95.
Calhoun, 'The South Carolina Exposition,' Works, \T, 1-32, passim. The Federalist, no. LX. Calhoun, 'The South Carolina Exposition,' Works, VI, 32-46, passim. Hollis, 103-104.
Calhoun, 'The South Carolina Exposition,' Works, VI, 17, 19, 25. Parton, 150.
Kendrick, 'The Colonial Status of the South,' 17.
The National Emergency Council, Report on Economic Conditions in the South, 8, 49, 54, 60, and 61. Hodding Carter, 'Chip on Our Shoulder Down South,' in The Saturday Evening Post, 219: 18-19 (Nov. 2, 1946).
Ellis Arnall, 'The Southern Frontier.' Atlantic Monthly, Sept., 1946, 29-35. passim.
Frank L. Owsley, 'Pillars of Agrari-anism,' American Review, March, 1935.
Hollis, 97.
Calhoun, 'The South Carolina Exposition,' Works, VI, 55. Calhoun to James E. Colhoun, Jan. 28, 1828, Correspondence, 256-260. Calhoun, 'The South Carolina Exposition,' Works, VI, 56. Calhoun quoted in Niles' Weekly Register, XXXV, 61, Sept. 20, 1828.
1. Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis: A Memoir, I, 213, 221.
2. Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 23.
3. Ben: Perley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 46.
4. Hammond quoted, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 373.
5. Poore, I, 124.
6. Ibid., 123.
7. Margaret Bayard Smith, The First Forty Years of Washington Society, 234.
8. Queena Pollack, Peggy Eaton: Democracy's Mistress, 77; Margaret Bayard Smith, 253.
9. Queena Pollack, 77.
10. Margaret Bayard Smith, 253.
11. See Calhoun, 'Mr. Calhoun's Reply to Mr. Eaton,' Works, VI. 437.
notes: chapters xiii and xiv
14. 15. 16.
18. 19. 20. 21.
27. 28. 29.
31. Z2.
Gerald Johnson, America's Silver Age, 11.
James Parton, Life of Andrew Jackson, II, 329. Queena Pollack, 100. Ibid., 116.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 240; also 256-257, 277, 303.
Margaret Eaton, Autobiography, 72-73.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 277. Ibid., 283. Ibid., 268.
E. F. Ellet, Court Circles of the Republic, 140.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 268-270, passim.
Webster to Mrs. Ezekiel Webster, Feb. 19, 1829, quoted in George T. Curtis, Life of Daniel Webster, I, 328, 340.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 289, 293. Ibid., 291.
James Hamilton, Jr. to Martin Van Buren, March 5, 1829, Van Buren Papers, Library of Congress. Poore, I, 95.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 295. Calhoun, 'Reply to Mr. Eaton,' Works, VI, 437-439. J. H. Eckenrode, The Randolphs, 251.
Calhoun, Works, VI, 437. From clipping in Calhoun Papers South Caroliniana Library. Calhoun family tradition. See J. Q. Adams, Diary, VIII, 159.
Actually, Mrs. Eaton furnished a convenient excuse for Floride's withdrawal, because of family responsibilities. Floride was, in fact, planning to return to Washington for the winter of 1830-31, but was kept at home by the illness of her mother. See Calhoun's letters to James Edward Colhoun, Dec. 3, 12, and 14, 1830, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. See also Margaret Bayard Smith, 290-292.
35. Calhoun to Patrick Noble, Jan. 10, 1829, Correspondence, 269; Calhoun to Christopher Van Deventer, March 20, 1829, ibid., 271.
36. Calhoun, 'Reply to Mr. Eaton,' Works, VI, 437-439.
37. Queena Pollack, 54-55,
38. Poore, I, 122, 130.
39. Margaret Bayard Smith, 320.
40. Calhoun to Samuel L. Gouverneur, March 30, 1830, Correspondence, 271.
41. Margaret Bayard Smith, 305-306.
42. Queena Pollack, 144.
43. Poore, I, 130-131.
44. See Jackson's letters to Andrew Donelson, July 10, 11, 1831, in Jackson Correspondence, IV, 310-311, 311-312; also letter to Colonel Howard, Aug. 4, 1831, Jackson Papers, second series. Library of Congress.
45. Martin Van Buren, Autobiography, 377-379; also Jackson Correspondence, IV, 245, and Poore, I, 125.
1. George T. Curtis, Life of Daniel Webster, I, 337; William O. Lynch, Fifty Years of Party Warfare, 357.
2. Frances Trollope, Domestic Manners of the Americans, 109.
3. Ibid., 109.
4. Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 258-260 (.American edition).
5. Norwich (Conn.) Courier, May 9, 1826; Marryat, 32-33.
6. Norwich (CTonn.) Courier, April 26, 1826.
7. Ibid., Sept. 6, 1826.
8. Marryat, 35-36, 81, 151.
9. New Haven (Conn.) Herald, quoted in Norwich (Conn.) Courier, April 12, 1826.
10. National Banner, quoted in Norwich (Conn.) Courier, April 26, 1826.
Mrs. Basil Hall, quoted in Three Englishwomen in America, 94; Frances Trollope, 138. Frances Trollope, 30, 153. Mrs. Basil Hall, 283. William E. Dodd, The Cotton Kingdom, 33; W. J. Cash, The Mind of the South, 345, 67. Frances Trollope, 190. A Voice from America to England, by an American Gentleman, 10, quoted in Marryat, 10-11, and Basil Hall, Travels in North America, II, 8, 40.
Frances Trollope, 96. Marryat, 9.
Calhoun to Major Henry Lee, April 30, 1828, in Jackson Correspondence, IV, 368-369; Calhoun to Jackson, ibid., 368-369; Calhoun to Monroe,
notes: chapter xiv
22. 22>.
28. 29.
?^}>. 34.
Dec. 9, Dec. 22, 1827, Jan. 3, March 7, April, and July 10, 1828, Calhoun Correspondence f 250-256, 260-264, and 266.
James Parton, Lije oj Andrew Jackson, II, 368-369.
W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Georgia, 57-58.
Parton, III, 2>22-2,2S. Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years' View, I, 128.
Jackson to Overton, Dec. 31, 1829, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 108. Charles W. March, Daniel Webster and His Contemporaries, 118-119. Frances Kemble, Journal, I, 88. Margaret Bayard Smith, First Forty Years of Washington Society, 309. Ibid., 310.
March, 138-139; also 115-127, passim.
Ibid., 148; see also Ben: Perley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 115-116. March, 148.
Nathan Sargent, Public Men and Events, I, 52-53, Poore, I, 43-44.
Frances Trollope, 240; Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 282. United States Telegraph, Jan. 28, 1830.
Martin Van Buren, Autobiography, 413.
See Sargent, I, 175. This libel, given voice by Kendall, printed by Blair, repeated and circularized through the entire Nullification crisis and thereafter, was utterly without foundation ; although it undoubtedly reflected wishful thinking on the part both of the Southern extremists and of the Jacksonians, who used it as 'proof of Calhoun's 'disloyalty.' Van Buren, 414.
Parton, Andrew Jackson, III, 284. Van Buren, 415.
United States Telegraph, April 17, 1830. John Overton to Jackson, June 16,
1830, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 151.
Sparks, 152.
Parton, Andrew Jackson, II, 57-58.
Calhoun to Virgil Maxcy, Aug. 1,
1831, in Virgil Maxcy Papers, Library of Congress.
49. 50.
53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
59. 60. 61.
63. 64.
65. 66.
Calhoun to Andrew Jackson, May 29, 1830, in Works, VI, 362-385. Idem, 370-372.
Jackson to Calhoun, July 19, 1830, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 399. Ide^n, Oct. 24, 1830, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 387. Van Buren, 2>n-2>19. Marquis James, Andrew Jackson: Portrait of a President, chap. 10, 535, note 6.
Washington Globe, Feb. 11, 1831. Jackson to C. J. Love, March 7, 1831, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 245.
Margaret Bayard Smith, 334. Benton, I, 215, 219. Sparks, 56. Ibid., 55.
James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 153. Andrew Pickens Calhoun to William Meigs, quoted in Meigs, Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, II, 78. John Randolph to Jackson, March 28, 1832, Jackson Correspondence, IV.
John Tyler to Robert Young Hayne, June 20, 1831, Tyler Papers, Library of Congress.
Calhoun to James H. Hammond, March 18, 1831, quoted in Memorandum by Hammond, American Historical Review, VI (July, 1901), 741-745.
John C. Calhoun to James King-sley, Oct. 12, 1829, and Jan. 22, 1830, Calhoun Papers, Yale University. (The first letter is at Calhoun College.)
Idem, Aug. 30, 1830. See 'A Circular Explanatory of the recent proceedings of the Sophomore Class in Yale College, New Haven, August 1830,' in folder, 'Papers of Class of 1832,' MSS. Division, Yale University Library; also 1832 Class Book, Edited by Edward E. Salisbury, introduction; also 47-50. Calhoun to James Kingsley, Aug. 30, 1830, Calhoun Papers, Yale University.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, Jan 11, 1831, Dec. 30, 1831, and March 10, 1832; Correspondence, 278-279, 308, 315-316.
notes: chapter xv
1. The Due de Liancourt quoted in 34. Charles Fraser's Reminiscences, 54-
2. Ibid., 34. 35.
3. Harriet Martineau, Retrospect of Western Travel, I, 227-228.
4. Vernon Parrington, The Romantic 36. Revolution in America, 109.
5. Basil Hall, Travels in North America, n, 190. 37.
6. Charles Lyell, Travels in North America, I, 157-184, passim.
7. Ibid., n, 246. 38.
8. Harriet Martineau, I, 225, 228.
9. Fraser, 55. 39.
10. Francis Grund, Aristocracy in America, I, 19. See also Fraser, 55, and Jonathan Daniels, A Southerner Dis- 40. covers the South, 332. 41,
11. Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of 42. Public Men, 246-250; 362. 43.
12. Ibid., 253-255. 44.
13. Caleb Atwater, Remarks on a Tour 45. to Prairie du Chien, 289.
14. Perry, 245.
15. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, Charleston, 46. The Place and the People, 31. _ 47.
16. John Wentworth, Congressional Reminiscences, 20.
17. R. Gibson to James MacBride, April
18, 1817, MacBride Papers, Library 48. of Congress.
18. Parrington, 125.
19. VV. J. Cash, The Mind of the South, 49. 93.
20. Fraser, 51-52.
21. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 481-482. 50.
22. Fraser, 116; Peter Neilson, Recollections, 249.
23. Caroline Howard Oilman, Recollec- 51. tions of a Southern Matron, 156.
24. Charleston Courier, Jan. 1, 14, 1807.
25. Vernon Parrington, The Romantic 52. Revolution in America, 109-110.
26. Caroline Howard Gilman, 94.
27. Parrington, 109-110. S3.
28. Ben Robertson, Red Hills and Cot- 54. ton, 96. 55.
29. Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 10.
30. Parrington, 123.
31. Calhoun to Samuel Gouverneur, Aug.
18, 1831, Correspondence, 299-300. 56.
32. Parrington, 120.
33. Columbia Telescope, June 10, 1831. William Meigs, The Life of John 57. Caldwell Calhoun, I, 424, 430, 435.
De Saussure to Silliman, Nov. 1, 1830, Fisher, Life of Benjamin Silliman, I, 334.
Manuscript journal of James Hammond, March 18, 1831, in Library of Congress.
Calhoun, 'Fort Hill Letter,' quoted in John S. Jenkins, The Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 161-187, passim. Duff Green to Richard Cralle, Oct. 10, 1831, Green Papers, Library of Congress.
American Whig Review, autumn, 1832.
Calhoun, 'Letter to Governor Ham-ilton,' quoted in Jenkins, 195-232, passim. Perry, 244.
Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 451. Mrs. St. JuHen Ravenel, 451-452. Caroline Howard Gilman, 143. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 451. Joel Poinsett to Andrew Jackson, Nov., 1832, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 488.
Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 451-452. Manuscript proceedings of the Nullification Convention, passim, in State Archives, South Carolina Historical Commission. James D. Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Presidents, II, 640-656, passim.
James O'Hanlon to Jackson, Dec. 20, 1832, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 504.
Hayne to Francis Pickens, Dec. 26, 1832, American Historical Review, VI, 1S6.
George McDuffie to Richard Cralle, Dec. 26, 1832, Cralle Papers, Library of Congress.
Andrew Jackson to Poinsett, Dec. 9, 1832, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 498.
Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 455. Ibid.
Jackson to Van Buren, Aug. 30, 1832, Jackson Correspondence, IV, 470. Calhoun's letter of resignation is quoted in Gaillard Hunt's John C. Calhoun, 159-160.
Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 454; also Robert Henry in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 230. Quoted in Arthur Stryon, The Cast-iron Man, 185.
notes: chapters xv and xvi
58. See 'John C. Calhoun and the Secession Movement of 1850' in Herman V. Ames, Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, April 1919,
19-50, passim; also, Beverly Tucker to James Hammond, March 25, 1850, quoted in The William and Mary Quarterly, XVIH, 44-46.
1. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 631. 21.
2. Fanny Kemble, Journal, I, 87.
3. Ibid., 99. 22.
4. Providence Record, quoted in Norwich (Conn.) Courier, May 31, 1826.
5. Fanny Kemble, I, 86.
6. Frances Trollope, Domestic Man- 23. ners of the Americans, 271.
7. Fanny Kemble, I, 99. 24.
8. Ibid., I, 33-34; 29. 25.
9. Ibid., I, 33-34. 26.
10. Silas Wright to Martin Van Buren, 27. Jan. 13, 1833, Jackson Correspondence, IV. 28.
11. Fanny Kemble, H, 25.
12. Charles March, Daniel Webster and
His Contemporaries, 191. 29.
13. Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years* View, I, 342-344; Nathan Sargent, Public Men and Events, I, 241; 30. and Ben: Perley Poore, I, Reminis- 31. cences. Although the truth of this 2>2. incident has been denied, Jackson's 2>i. correspondence gives ample testi- 34. mony that the thought of hanging John C. Calhoun, either as a 35. threat or a pleasing daydream, was continually in his mind. That some 36. kind of midnight visit did take place 2>1. is probable, on the testimony of several, not unbiased, political re- 38. porters of Calhoun's day. It had, however, no political effect; and is quoted here merely as local color. Undoubtedly, it added to Calhoun's 39. nerve-strain; it had no influence whatever on his course of action, for
he knew Andrew Jackson well 40. enough to be aware of what was in 41. his mind all along.
14. W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Georgia, 42. 59.
15. March, 225.
16. Margaret Bayard Smith, The First Forty Years of Washington Society, 43. 341-342.
17. March, 227. 44.
18. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, Jan. 10, 1833, Correspondence, 323.
19. Baltimore Patriot, quoted in Rich- 45. mond Enquirer, Jan. 22, 1833. 46.
20. March, 201. 47.
Congressional Debates, 22d Congress, 2d Session, Jan. 15, 1833. Charles J. Stille, 'Joel R. Poinsett,' in Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (1885), XII, 284-285.
United States Telegraph, Jan. 5, 1833.
Washington Globe, Jan. 3, 1833. Boston Courier, Jan. 29, 1833. March, 195.
Ben: Perley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 140.
See United States Telegraph, Feb. IS and Feb. 16; Feb. 18 and Feb. 19, 1833.
Calhoun, speech on 'The Revenue Collection Bill,' Works, II, 197-261, passim. March, 227. Ibid., 338. Charleston Courier. Washington Globe, Feb. 16, 1833. Ibid., Feb. 17, 1833; also Charleston Courier.
Charleston Courier, Feb. 23, Feb. 25, 1833.
Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 21, 1833. United States Telegraph, Feb. 26, 1833.
Daniel Webster to Judge Hopkinson, Feb. 19 and Feb. 15, 1833, in Edward Hopkinson Collection, Philadelphia.
Jackson to Joel Poinsett, Feb. 17, 1833, Jackson Correspondence, V, 18.
March, 248.
Arthur Stryon, The Cast-Iron Man, 196-198, passim.
Charleston Mercury, March 27, 1833; United States Telegraph, Feb. 26, 1833; John S. Jenkins, John Caldwell Calhoun, 313. Calhoun, Works, II, 276-278, 285-286, 291.
Walter Miller, 'Calhoun as a Law-ver and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, 276. Benton, I, 342.
Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 16, 1833. Ibid.
notes: chapters xvt, xvii, and xviii
48. Boston Courier, Jan. 18, 1833.
49. Philadelphia Sentinel, Feb. 18, 1833,
50. Nantucket Courier, quoted in Boston Courier, Jan. 31, 1833.
51. New York Evening Post, quoted in Boston Courier, Feb. 19, 1833.
52. Richmond Enquirer, Jan. 3, 1833.
53. Sargent, I, 234.
54. 'The Ten Evils of Stage-coaches,' in The Ladies' Repository (Dec, 1856), 753.
55. Frances Trollope, 217; Calhoun to Franklin Elmore, November 24, 1840, Calhoun Papers, Library of Con-
gress; Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 149.
56, Thurlow Weed, Autobiography 139.
57. Perry, 135; see also Reminiscences of Public Men, Second Series, 223.
58. New York Herald, April 5, 1850.
59, Philip S. Foner, Business and Slavery, 284.
60, Calhoun to Christopher Van Deven-ter, March 24, 1833, Correspondence, 324,
61. Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 107.
1. Calhoun to Littleton Tazewell, Jan. 24, Jan. 16, and Feb. 9, 1836, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
2. Hermann von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 164.
3. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 57.
4. Calhoun to David Hoffman, Nov. 4, 1835, Correspondence, 347-348.
5. Marquis James, Andrew Jackson, Portrait of a President, 250.
6. Nicholas Biddle, The Correspondence of Nicholas Biddle, Reginald C. McGrane, ed., 93-94.
7. Claude G. Bowers, Party Battles of the Jackson Period, 213.
8. Ibid., Jackson quoted, 219-220.
9. Gerald Johnson, Andrew Jackson (College Caravan Edition), 144.
10. Nicholas Biddle to Alexander Porter, June 14, 1834, Correspondence, 235-236; see also Webster's letters in New Hampshire Historical Society Collection.
11. John Spencer Bassett, Life of Andrew Jackson, II, 635.
12. Nicholas Biddle to William Apple-ton, Jan. 27, 1834, Correspondence, 219; Bowers, 311.
13. Hugh R. Eraser, Nicholas Biddle and the Bank, 19.
14. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 395-397.
15. Calhoun, speech on 'The Removal of the PubUc Deposits,' Jan. 13, 1834, Works, II, 313, 325, 338-339, 333-334; Calhoun to Tazewell, Feb. 9, 1834, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
16. Calhoun, speech on 'The Proposition of Mr, Webster to Recharter the Bank of the United States,' March 21, 1834, Works, II, 349, 345, 348, 363, 365, In this speech, acclaimed by Benton as restoring debate 'to the elevation that belonged to the Senate,' Calhoun actually agreed to vote for Webster's motion, 'objectionable' as he found it; but his objections apparently convinced Webster, who personally withdrew the motion. No action was taken on Calhoun's counter-suggestion,
17. Calhoun, speech on 'The President's Protest,' May 6, 1834, Works, II, 415, 417, 418-425.
18. Calhoun, speech on 'Executive Patronage,' Feb. 13, 1835, Works, II, 446^65.
19. Calhoun, speech on bill 'To Regulate the Public Deposits,' May 28, 1836, Works, II, 534-568.
20. Calhoun, speech on 'The Admission of Michigan,' Jan. 5, 1837, Works, II, 613,
1, See William Meigs, The Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, II, 118.
2, Harriet Martineau, Retrospect of Western Travel, I, 161-162.
3, See The Diary of Philip Hone, Bayard Tuckerman, ed., I, 76-77. A vivid description of the House of Repre-
sentatives can be found in Marryat's Diary in America, 89-90.
4. Frances Trollope, Domestic Manners of the Americans, 176, 228-229.
5. Harriet Martineau, I, 155-156.
6. Margaret Bayard Smith, First Forty Years of Washington Society, 301.
notes: chapter xviii
7. M. A. JeWolfe Howe, The Life and Letters of George Bancroft, 196; Bancroft to Mrs. S. D. Bancroft,
Dec. 27, 1831; Marryat, 90-91. 39.
8. Francis J. Grund, Aristocracy in 40. America, II, 265.
9. Ben: Pcrlcy Poore, Reminiscences, I, 41. 87.
10. Grund, II, 186-187.
11. Poore, I, 61, 191.
12. See Grund, II, 184-185. Detailed de- 42. scriptions of the discomforts of 43. Washington boarding houses of the period may also be found in Fanny 44. Kemble's Journal, Harriet Marti- 45. ncau's Retrospect of Western Travel, 46. and Frances TroUope's Domestic Manners.
13. Nathaniel P. Willis, Hurry-Graphs, 47. 180-181.
14. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, Jan. 25, 1838, Correspondence, 390-
391; also Calhoun to Anna Maria, 48. Dec. 18. 1839, ibid., 436-437.
15. Harriet Martineau, I, 149. 49.
16. Poore, I, 343-344.
17. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 280- 50. 282; see also Poore, I, 50-52; and Marryat, 89.
18. Fanny Kemble, Journal, II, 87. 51.
19. Mrs. Basil Hall, The Aristocratic Journey, quoted in Three Englishwomen in America, 165. 52.
20. Frances Trollope, 176-177.
21. Fanny Kemble, II, 89; see also Mar-
rvat, 89-90, and Frances Trollope, 53. 177, 183.
22. Harriet Martineau, I, 144—145.
23. Ibid., I, 179.
24. Poore, I, 143-144.
25. Ibid., I, 189; 202-204.
26. James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 124.
27. Harriet Martineau, I, 147-148.
28. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, May 14, 1834, Correspondence, 336.
29. Parton, 124. 54.
30. Grund, II, 321.
31. Kendall, 629-630.
32. Grund, II, 212. 55.
33. Hone, Diary, Dec. 8, 1835, I, 177.
34. Harriet Martineau, I, 147.
35. Parton, 142.
36. Harriet Martineau, I, 147-149, 241. 56.
37. Ibid., I, 181-182.
38. Just who would have issued the 57. challenge is a mystery. For Calhoun, stung to fury, repaid Benton with 58. compound interest, in perhaps the
most bitter outbreak of his career.
See Hone, Diary, Feb. 17, 1835, I, 133; also Charleston Courier, Feb. 23, 1835.
Harriet Martineau, I, 149-150. John S. Jenkins, John Caldwell Calhoun, 450.
James C. Jewett to Gen. Dearborn, Feb. 5, 1817, in William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine, XVII, no. 2, Oct. 1908, 139-144. Grund, II, 321.
New York Evening Post, Feb. 19, 1838; Boston Post, Dec. 16, 1833. South Carolina tradition. Poore, I, 136-137.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Jackson, 53; W. H. Milburn, Ten Years of Preacher Life, 152-153. Calhoun to Duff Green, March 28, 1844, Correspondence, 722-723; to James H. Hammond, April 24, 1841, ibid., 490.
Mrs. E. F. Ellet, Court Circles of the Republic, 162-163. Nathan Sargent, Public Men and Events, II, 239; I, 173. Richard Cralle, undated reminiscences of Calhoun in Cralle Papers, Library of Congress. Parton, 106; Poore, II, 64, 136; Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, March 7, 1848, Correspondence, 745. Calhoun to Christopher Van Deven-ter, Feb. 7, 1836, Correspondence, 357-358.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, April 3, 1834, May 14, 1834; also to Thomas Clemson, Dec. 13, 1840; to Anna Maria Clemson, June 28, 1841; to Thomas Clemson, July 23, 1841; to Anna Maria Clemson, March 20, 1842; Correspondence, 333, 335, 336-337, 468, 480, 482, 506; also to Mrs. Clemson, June 23, 1837, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun to James E. Colhoun, Nov. 30, 1830, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, Aug 8, 1841, Correspondence, 486; Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, Feb. 8, 1834, ibid., 331-332. Josiah Quincv, Figures of the Past, 263.
Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 10. Anna Maria Clemson's reminiscences of her father in Clemson College Papers.
notes: chapters xviii and xrx
59. Bates, 9.
60. A. C. Cole, The Whig Party in the South, 48; the Earl of Selkirk to Jean, Countess of Selkirk, Jan. 8, 1836, in Charter Room, St. Mary's
Isle, Kirkudbright, Scotland, quoted in preface to John P. Pritchett's Calhoun and His Defense of the South. 61. Grund, II, 321.
Reminiscences of Cato as told to Mrs. Francis Calhoun, in Mrs. Francis Calhoun Papers (privately owned), Clemson College. Calhoun to Charles J. Ingersoll, Aug. 4, 1818, Correspondence, 136-137; and Calhoun to James Edward Col-houn, Aug. 27, 1831, ibid., 301. Calhoun to John Ewing Colhoun, Jan. IS, 1827, Correspondence, 240-241.
J. K. Paulding, Letters from the South, I, 117; see also James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 119.
Robert Walsh, Notices of Brazil, II, 477-490, passim.
Calhoun, Works, IV, 339-349; II, 133.
Ibid., Ill, 631; Hermann von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 5. Basil Hall, Travels in North Ameri-ica, H, 200.
B. MacBride in The Southern Agriculturist, HI, 175.
Frederick Law Olmsted, Journey Through the Slave States, 106. Debou's Review, XV, 257-277. Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 378; also Calhoun to Virgil Maxcy, March 18, 1822, Virgil Maxcy Papers, Library of Congress. Parton, 120.
John C. Calhoun, pamphlet of the State Department of Education, Columbia S. C.
Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 20-21. Mrs. Basil Hall, quoted in Three Englishwomen in .America, 220. Cato's reminiscences, Mrs. Francis Calhoun Papers. Ibid.
See Frederick Law Olmsted, The Cotton Kingdom, II, 73; Charles Lyell, A Second Visit to the United States, I, 263; also Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, Dec. 30, 1842, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. Cato's reminiscences. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun,
Oct. 7, 1835, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Frances Kemble, Journal, II, 338. 'A Southern Churchwoman's View of Slavery,' in Church Intelligencer, Nov. 22, 1860.
See The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 234.
Olmsted, Journey Through the Slave States, 385. Bates, 21.
Frances Trollope, Domestic Manners of the Americans, 199; Caroline Howard Oilman, Recollections of a Southern Matron, 54. Church Intelligencer, Nov. 22, 1860. Lyell, Travels in North America, I, 157-184, passim.
Slave reminiscences in Mrs. Francis Calhoun Papers.
Caroline Howard Oilman, 181, 50-51, 54, 293; Mrs. Francis Calhoun Papers, and Lyell, A Second Visit to the United States, I, 265. Church Intelligencer, Nov. 22, 1860; see also Frances Butler Leigh, Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation, passim.
John S. C. Abbott, Slavery, South and North, 142, 154, and 161. Lyell, Travels, I, 22. Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Com-mager. History of the United States, 214-215.
See John Quincy Adams, Diary, IV, 530-531; V, 5-11, 13. David Cohn, 'How the South Feels,' The Atlantic Monthly, Jan. 1944, 47-51.
Fanny Kemble, Journal, II, 393. Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 193;\\,'Travels, I, 157-184; A. C. Cole, 'The Whig Party in the South,' in The Annual Report of the American Historical Association, Washington, 1913; and Grund, Aristocracy in America, I, 30. Olmsted, The Cotton Kingdom, II, 111.
Ibid., 110.
Calhoun, quoted in Von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 141.
notes: chapter xix
43. Cohn, 'How the South Feek,» At- 68. lantic Monthly, Jan. 1944, 47-51.
44. WilUam Garnett, July 12, 1805, in papers of Thomas Ruffin, North 69. Carolina Historical Commission Publications, I, 80. 70.
46. Hall, n, 260. 71.
47. Marryat, 190; Hall, H, 218. 72.
48. Amos Kendall, Autobiography, 502;
W. H. Sparks, Old Times in Georgia, 73. 34; Marryat, 194; Lyell, A Second 74. Visit to the United States, I, 72; Olmsted, The Seaboard Slave States, 385. 75.
49. Freedom's Defense (pamphlet), 76. Worcester Antiquarian Society.
50. Albert J. Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln (Standard Library Edition), H, 77. 19; Allan Nevins, Ordeal of the Union, I, 148-149.
51. Calhoun, Works, H, 623; VI, 'The 78. Southern Address,' 285-313. 79.
52. See issues of The Liberator, Aug.
1831. 80.
53. Marryat, 194.
54. Abbott, 74; Ohnsted, Seaboard 81. Slave States, 385; Harriet Marti-neau. Slavery in America, 29; Mar- 82. r>'at, 190, 193, 195; and Lyell, A Second Visit, I, 181-182. 83.
55. Church Intelligencer, Nov. 22, 1860.
56. Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, Sept. 84. 1846, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. 85.
57. Marryat, 190-191; Thomas Dew, Pro-Slavery Argument, 228-229. 86.
58. Lyell, A Second Visit, I, 271-272.
59. James Sparks, Old Times in Georgia, 111.
60. Lyell, A Second Visit, I, 209-210;
Mrs. Basil Hall, The Aristocratic 87. Journey, quoted in Three Englishwomen in America, 210.
61. Marryat, 82. 88.
62. Ibid., 83; also William Jay, Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery, 371-
394, passim. 89.
63. Marr>'at, 83. 90.
64. William Jay, Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery, 371-394, passim.
65. Thomas L. Nichols, Forty Years of 91. American Life, H, 278-280; see also Lvell, A Second Visit, II, 71.
66. Abbott, 75, 78, 85-86. 92.
67. Robert Henry, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 234-235; also Henry Clay, Speech on 'The Abolition Petitions,' Feb. 7, 1839,
in Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, 93. II, 418.
Calhoun, Works, IV, 517; Dodd, The Cotton Kingdom, 63; Parring-ton. The Romantic Revolution, 100. Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 365. Lvell, A Second Visit, I, 82. Ibid., 241.
William J. Grayson, The Hireling and the Slave, preface, vii, viii. Richmond Enquirer, Jan. 19, 1832. Clement Eaton, Freedom of Thought in the Old South, 174-175; 162, 21, 111. Ibid., 63.
J. D. B. DeBow, The Interest in Slavery of the Southern Non-Slaveholder, 10.
Quoted in Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years (Blue Ribbon Edition), 403. The Subterranean, Sept. 13, 1845. Congressional Globe, 33d Congress, 1st Session, 1224.
Orestes Brownson in Boston Quarterly Review, July, 1840. Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 110.
The Liberator, Jan. 1 and Jan. 17, 1831.
John Quincy Adams, Diary, IV, 530-531.
John C. Coit, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 149ff. George Fisher, The Life of Benjamin Silliman, II, 98.
Gerald Johnson, The Secession of the Southern States, 61; also George F. Cushman, 'John C. Calhoun,' Magazine of American History, VIII, 612-619.
Calhoun, speech on 'Abolition Petitions,' March 9, 1836, Works, II, 488-489.
Jackson to Amos Kendall, Aug. 9, 1835, Jackson Correspondence, V, 360-361.
Calhoun, Works, II, 515. See Calhoun's speech on 'Deputy-Postmasters,' April 12, 1836, Works, II, 509-533.
Calhoun, speech on 'Reception of Abolition Petitions,' Feb. 6, 1837, Works, II, 627.
Calhoun, speech on 'The Abolition Petitions,' March 9, 1836, Works, II, 481^82 ; see also Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years' View, II, 135, 138.
See text of Resolutions of Dec. 27, 1837, Calhoun's Works, III, 140-142.
notes: chapters xix and xx
^. Hollis, 119.
^ Calhoun, Works, III, 145.
J. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun,
Jan. 25, 1838, Correspondence, 391. 97. Calhoun, Works, III, 154; also, ibid.,
II, 486. X Ibid., Ill, 154. .■J. Ibid., speech on 'The Reception of
Abolition Petitions,' Feb. 6, 1837,
Works, II, 629; ibid.. Ill, 170-171.
100. Calhoun, 'Remarks on Resolutions,' Dec. 27, 1837 ff.; Works, III, 159-161.
101. Ibid., Ill, 155; II, 629.
102. Ibid., Ill, 163-164.
103. Ibid., II, 629; also The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 361.
104. Calhoun, Works, IV, 516-517.
105. Ibid., m, 148-152, 177.
106. Ibid., 142.
107. Calhoun, remarks on the 'Case of the brigs, Comet, Emporium, and Enterprise,' Feb. 14, 1837, Works, III, 10-12.
108. Gerald Johnson, Secession of the Southern States, 61. Marryat, 194-195, points out that slavery was working its way westward; and forecast that within 'twenty or thirty years [1860-1870] . . . provided . . . these states are not injudiciously interfered with,' the upper South and possibly even Tennessee and South Carolina would 'of their own accord, enroll themselves among the free states.'
1. Ben Robertson, Red Hills and Cotton, 98, 102.
2. Gerald Johnson to author.
3. Calhoun to Mrs. John C. Calhoun, March 1, 1812, Correspondence, 124-125. See also letters to Anna Maria Calhoun, Sept. 8, 1837, and June 28, 1841, Correspondence, 379 and 480; and June 23, 1837, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
4. Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Dec. 23, 1805, Jan. 19 and April 13, 1806, Correspondence, 101, 102, and 105.
5. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, The Life of William Lowndes, 83-84.
6. See Calhoun to Mrs. Floride Colhoun, Dec. 22, 1806, Correspondence, 108; to Thomas Holland, July 2, 1833, ibid., 324; to David Hoffman, Nov. 4, 1835, ibid., 347-348; to Frederick H. Sanford, Feb. 23, 1841, ibid., 476.
7. Calhoun to Jacob Brown, Brown Letter Book, BR2, Aug. 1, 1820, Brown Papers, Library of Congress.
8. John S. Jenkins, Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 448.
9. Walter Miller, 'Calhoun as a Lawyer and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, 330.
10. Oliver Dyer, Great Senators of the
United States, 168-170. H. Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson
Davis, I, 213; Mary Bates, The
Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 9. J2. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson,
July, 1848, and March and August,
1844, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
13. Patrick Calhoun to author. May 6, 1943. (Patrick Calhoun of Pasadena, California, was the son of Andrew P. Calhoun, and thus the grandson of both John C. Calhoun and Duff Green. Born in 1856, he spent his early childhood at Fort Hill, and after the death of his father, lived with Duff Green in Georgia, accumulating a fund of reminiscences and lore on the Calhoun family. He died in 1943.)
14. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, March, 1844, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
15. Patrick Calhoun to author, May 6, 1943.
16. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, April 21, 1838, Correspondence, 395-396.
17. Clipping from the Washington Daily Union, Aug. 18, 1849, on the personal habits of John C. Calhoun.
18. Clipping, by Frank Dickson, Jr., from Anderson Independent, in Clemson College Papers.
19. Fort Hill tradition.
20. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, Feb. 1848, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
21. Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, July, 1842, Calhoun Papers.
22. See letter of Calhoun to Clemson Dec. 3, 1842 in Calhoun Papers, Clemson College; and to T. R. Matthews, Aug. 18, 1845, Calhoun
notes: chapters xx and xxi
Papers, Library of Congress, in which he referred to 'a severe illness of Mrs. Calhoun with an attack of a nervous character which confined her to bed for more than a month.'
23. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, undated, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
24. See John Quincy Adams, Diary, VIII, 159; also Margaret Bayard Smith, 290-292. It is true, however, that family responsibilities tended to keep Floride at home in later years, and that on several occasions she spent a winter with her husband in the 'messes.' However, she was not with him in his times of greatest crisis and strain, and in the last years did not come to Washington at all.
25. See Cralle Papers on death of Calhoun, in Library of Congress.
26. See Elbridge Brooks, Eminent Americans, 292 ; Christopher Mollis, The
American Heresy, 83; and Jenkins, 25.
27. See Calhoun's letters to Anna Maria Calhoun, Feb. 13 and March 10, 1832; May 14, 1834; to Mrs. Clemson, Jan, 3, 1841, Correspondence, 312, 316, 336, and 472.
28. Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 376-377.
29. Bates, 8.
30. Letter of Calhoun, March 9, 1844, Correspondence, 574.
31. Henry Clay in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 9-10.
32. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, April 3, 1834, Correspondence, 233-335.
33. South Carolina tradition.
34. Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, April 12, 1847, Calhoun Papers, Duke University Library,
35. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, April 3, 1834, Correspondence, 334.
36. E. E. Poe, clipping on Calhoun in Clemson College Papers.
1. See Reginald C. McGrane, The Panic of 1S37, 40-70, passim.
2. Hugh R. Eraser, Nicholas Biddle and the Bank, 62-75, passim; McGrane, 177.
3. Philip Hone, Diary, I, 256-257.
4. See issues of National Intelligencer, May 1-10, 1837, passim.
5. Charles Dickens, American Notes (Library Edition), 282.
6. McGrane, 25.
7. Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 18-19,
8. Hermann von Hoist, History of the United States, II, 216; William M. Gouge, Fiscal History of Texas, 75,
9. Cincinnati Inquirer, Jan. 12, 1842.
10. Niles' Weekly Register, LII, 166.
11. Calhoun, Works, III, 227.
12. Eraser, 34; Thomas Hart Benton, Thirtv Years' View, II, 26.
13. Benton, II, 20, 26, 27.
14. Marryat, 18.
15. Benton, II, 250.
16. Calhoun, Works, III, 75. See also Calhoun's speech on the 'Bill to Separate the Government from the Banks,' Works, III, 102-122, passim.
17. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, Sept. 7, 1837, Correspondence, 377.
18. Calhoun quoted in Benton, 11^ 250.
19. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Jackson, 246-247.
20. North American Review, Jan. 1844, and National Intelligencer, Feb. 24, 1842.
21. Christopher Hollis, The Two Nations, 205, 204.
J. D. B. DeBow, Industrial Resources of the Southern States, III, 93; London Times, Oct. 2, 1859; Thomas P. Kellett, Southern Wealth and Northern Profits, 98. See Calhoun's speech on *The Removal of the Deposits,' Works, II, 309-343; also Albert Brisbane, A Mental Biography, 222.
24. Vernon Parrington, The Romantic Revolution in America, vi.
25. Calhoun, Works, III, 96; speech on the 'Issue of Treasury Notes,' Oct. 3, 1837, 115ff.; also Calhoun to R. H. Goodwyne, Niks' Weekly Register, Sept. 29, 1838.
26. New York Journal of Commerce, June 13, 1850.
27. Philip S. Foner, Business and Slavery, 16; Hone, II, 54; New York Evening Post, April 25, 1844.
28. London Times, quoted in New York Tribune, Sept. 29, 1860.
notes: chapter xxi
30. 31.
22. 32,.
34. 35.
37. 38.
42. 43.
48. 49.
New York Post, April 16, 1861 Journal of Commerce, May 5, 1860 New York Times, Nov. 24, 1854 and Annual Report of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1858, 56. Samuel J. May, Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, 127-128. Schlesinger, 246-248; Francis Pickens, quoted in House, Oct. 10, 1837, Register of Debates, 25th Congress, 1st Session, 1393-1395. Schlesinger, 231.
New York Herald, April 1, 1850; Calhoun to Orestes Brownson, Oct. 31, 1841, quoted in Orestes Brown-son, Jr., Brouunson's Early Life, 302. Benton, II, 132-133. Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, April 5, 1838, Correspondence, 394.
David Campbell to William C. Rives, Oct. 3, 1838, Rives Papers, Library of Congress. H, L. Hopkins to William Rives, Oct. 3, 1838, Rives Papers. B. W. Leigh to John J. Crittenden, June 5, 1838, Crittenden Papers, Library of Congress. Mrs. E. F. Ellet, Court Circles of the Republic, 244.
Thomas Cooper to Nicholas Biddle, May 14, 1837, in Biddle Correspondence, 279.
Reginald C. McGrane, ed., The Correspondence of Nicholas Biddle, 266; see also Claude M. Fuess, Daniel Webster, II, 67. McGrane, 226.
Andrew Jackson to Frank Blair, Aug. 12, 1841, Jackson Correspondence, VI.
Calhoun to James Hammond, Feb. 23, 1840, Correspondence, 448-450. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, Dec. 10, 1837, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
David Campbell to William C. Rives, Oct. 31, 1838, Rives Papers, Library of Congress. Daniel Webster to Nicholas Biddle, in McGrane, Biddle Correspondence, 301; Calhoun, Works, III, 228, 243. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, Sept. 30, 1837, Correspondence, 380. Calhoun, Works, II, 310. See also letters to Francis Pickens, Jan. 4, 1834, Correspondence, 328. Calhoun to Pickens, Dec. 12, 1833, and Jan. 4, 1834, Correspondence, 326-329.
51. Ben: Perley Poore, Reminiscences, I, 205.
52. Benton, II, 97ff.
53. Calhoun, speech on the 'Independent Treasury Bill,' March 10, 1838, Works, III, 249-250, 273-275, 277.
54. John S. Jenkins, Life of John Caldwell Calhoun, 378.
55. Calhoun, Works, III, 269; see also Congressional Globe, 25th Congress, 2d Session, March 10, 1838, 176-181.
56. Benton, II, 122-123.
57. See Gaillard Hunt, John C. Calhoun, 244; Charleston Mercurv, June 7, 1838; Niks' Weekly Register, LIV, 339.
58. Calhoun, Works, III, 270-271.
59. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, May 30, 1840, Correspondence, 458; Jan. 3, 1841, ibid., 470-472 ; June 28,
1841, ibid., 478^80; March 20,
1842, ibid., 506.
60. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, March 20, 1842, Correspondence, 505; to Francis W. Pickens, Jan. 4, 1834, ibid., 328; to Anna Maria, May 14, 1834, ibid., 337; idem, Sept. 8, 1837, ibid., 379; idem, Dec. 18, 1839, ibid., 437; to Thomas G. Clemson, July 11, 1841, ibid., 481; see also New York Herald, April 1, 1850; Jenkins, 448.
61. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, April, 1839, and Dec. 1841, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
62. W. H. Parmalee, 'Recollections of an Old Stager,' Harpers' New Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1873), 757.
63. Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 9-10; Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis, I, 213; and Parmalee, 757.
64. Angelica Singleton, March 13, 1838, and March 4, 1839, Angelica Van Buren Papers, Library of Congress.
65. Calhoun to James Edward Col-houn, Feb. 1, 1840, Correspondence, 445; to Anna Maria Clemson, Feb. 13, 1840, ibid., 445-448.
66. Duff Green to Calhoun, Aug. 21, 1840, Correspondence, 828-829; Calhoun to Duff Green, May, 1839, ibid., 427-429; and Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson. Jan. 3, 1841, ibid., 470-471.
67. See Arthur Stryon, The Cast-iron Man, 241-242.
68. Varina Howell Davis, I, 190.
69. Quoted in W. E. Woodward's A New American History, 428.
notes: chapters xxi and xxii
82. 83. 84.
85. 86.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, Feb. 17, 1841, Correspondence, 475. Poore, I, 254, 291. Calhoun, speech to 'Reduce Certain Duties,' Feb. 23, 1837, Works, III, 45^6; see also ibid., Ill, 377, 451; ibid., IV, 103, 46. Calhoun, Works, IV, 150. Ibid., IV; speech on 'Mr. Clay's Resolutions,' ibid., 100-101, 103; see also ibid., 2, 109, 115, 120, 126, 127, 134-135, 174. Calhoun, Works, IV, 171-172, 207.
Poore, I, 266, 273. Parmalee, 758-760. Anecdote in Joseph Rogers, True Henry Clay, 250. Calhoun to James H. Hammond, Nov. 27, 1842, Correspondence, 522. Calhoun, Works, II, 614. Dixon Lewis to Richard Cralle, March 14, 1842, Cralle Papers, Library of Congress. Duff Green to Calhoun, Aug. 21, 1840, Correspondence, 828. Calhoun to Green, July 27, 1837, Correspondence, 375. Lemuel Williams to Calhoun, Sept. 6, 1843, Correspondence, 874-876; and Joseph Scoville to Calhoun, Oct. 25, 1842, ibid., 855-856. Quoted in Charleston Mercury, Sept. 10, 1843.
Franklin H. Elmore to Calhoun, Nov. 2, 1842, Correspondence, 857-861.
87. Calhoun to R. M. T. Hunter, July 10, 1843, Correspondence, 540-541; and to Duff Green, Sept. 8, 1843, ibid., 545-547.
88. See Hunt, 251.
89. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, Feb. 6, 1843, Correspondence, 540-541; and to Duff Green, Sept. 8, 1843, ibid., 545-547.
90. Jackson (Ala.) Republican.
91. Calhoun to Duff Green, July 27, 1838, Correspondence, 376.
92. Edward Block to Calhoun, Sept. 1, 1843, Correspondence, 868-871.
93. James Hamilton to Calhoun, Nov. 21, 1843, Correspondence, 891-894; Lemuel Williams to Calhoun, Sept. 6, 1843, ibid., 874-878; Franklin H. Elmore to Calhoun, Jan. 13, 1844, ibid., 911-912.
94. Calhoun to George McDuffie, Dec.
4, 1843, Correspondence, 552-555; see also New Aurora and Mobile Tribune, Jan. 27, 1844.
95. Robert B. Rhett to Calhoun, Dec. 8, 1843, Correspondence, 898-900; Virgil Maxcy to Calhoun, Dec. 10,
1843, ibid., 898-900; R. M. T. Hunter to Calhoun, Feb. 6, 1844, ibid., 927-931.
96. James A. Seddon to Calhoun, Feb.
5, 1844, Correspondence, 923-924.
97. Calhoun to R. M. T. Hunter, Feb. 1,
1844, Correspondence, 564; to Duff Green, Feb. 10, 1844, ibid., 564; to James Edward Colhoun, Feb. 7, 1844, ibid., 566-567.
1. Hermann Von Hoist, Calhoun, 222, 234.
2. Ben: Perlcy Poore, I, Reminiscences, 303; Thomas L. Nichols, Forty Years of American Life, II, 168.
3. American Historical Review, XIII, 311-312.
4. London Morning Chronicle, Aug. 19, 1843.
5. Leon Tyler, Letters and Times of the Tylers, II, 330.
6. Calhoun to Upshur, Aug. 27, 1843, text in National Archives.
7. Thomas W. Gilmer to Calhoun, Dec. 13, 1843, Correspondence, 905; Calhoun to Gilmer, Dec. 25, 1843, ibid., 559.
8. Tyler, II, 226e; ibid., Ill, 194.
9. E. F. Ellet, Court Circles of the Republic, 356.
10. Tyler, II, 226e; ibid.. Ill, 197.
11. Poore, I, 278.
12. There are numerous contemporary accounts of this meeting of which the most authentic are Henry Wise, Seven Decades of the Union, 221 ff.; Frank G. Carpenter, 'A Talk With a President's Son,' in Lippincott's Magazine, W, 420; Tyler, II, 244; and Poore, II, 315.
13. Tyler to Calhoun, March 6, 1844, Correspondence, 438-439.
14. Dixon Lewis to Calhoun, March 6, 1844, Correspondence, 935-938; and Dixon Lewis to Cralle, March 19, 1844, Cralle Papers, Library of Congress.
15. Niks' Weekly Register, March 23, 1841; Dixon Lewis quoted in Correspondence, 938; and Francis
notes: chapter xxii
Wharton to Calhoun, March 8, 1844, ibid., 939-940.
16. Letter of Calhoun, March 9, 1844, Correspondence, 573-576.
17. George McDuftie to Calhoun, March 5, 1844, Correspondence, 934-935; also Calhoun to James Edward Col-houn, March I J, 1844, Clemson College Papers.
18. -\llen Tate, Stonewall Jackson: The Good Soldier, 381.
19. Calhoun addressing Daniel Webster in Senate, March 7, 1850; Calhoun to Wharton, Correspondence, 644.
20. Calhoun to Francis Wharton, Sept. 17, 1844, Correspondence, 615-617.
21. Jackson to A. V. Brown, Feb. 12, 1843; reprinted in Richmond Enquirer, March 22, 1844.
22. Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years' Vie'd!, II, 617; see Marquis James, Andrew Jackson: Portrait of a President, 484.
2i. James Hammond to Calhoun, May 10, 1844, Correspondence, 953-955.
24. Calhoun to Francis Wharton, May 28, 1844, Correspondence, 592-594; also Calhoun to George W. Houk, Oct. 14, 1844, ibid., 624-^25.
25. Calhoun to Francis Wharton, May 28, 1844, Correspondence, 592-594.
26. Idem.
21. Harriet Martincau, Retrospect of Western Travel, I, 144, 160.
28. Oliver Dyer, Great Senators of the United States, 185.
29. Ibid., 185; Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 345-346; Martincau, I, 244-245.
30. See Samuel F. Bemis, ed.. The American Secretaries of State, V, 'John C. Calhoun,' by St. George L. Sioussat, sketch, passim.
31. Tate, 237.
32. See Von Hoist, 231; also Texas Instructions, Department of State, I, 1837-1845, Calhoun to W. S. Murphy, .\pril 13, 1844, National Archives; also Niles' Weeklv Register, LXVI, 232; and W. S. Murphy to Calhoun, April 29, 1844, Correspondence, 947-948.
33. Calhoun to J. R. Mathews, May 9, 1844, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
34. Senate Document 341, 28th Congress, 1st Session, 48. See also Von Hoist, 236 and 242.
35. John Greenleaf Whittier, Poetical Works, To a Southern Statesman,' I,
208; 'Letter on Texas' (pamphlet), Hamden, in Worcester Antiquarian Society; also William Preston to John J. Crittenden, Jan. 2S, 1844, Crittenden, Papers, Library of Congress.
36. Letter of Alexander H. Stephens, May 17, 1844, Stephens Papers, Library of Congress: also William Preston to Crittenden, Jan. 28, 1844, Crittenden Papers, Library of Congress.
37. Tyler, II, 330; Calhoun, Works, IV, 333-335, 358-359; Calhoun to J. R. Mathews, July 2, 1844, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
38. Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, Jan. 1843, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
39. Thomas Clemson to Calhoun (undated), Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
40. Calhoun to James E. Colhoun, June 29, 1844, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
41. Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 9, 30-31; Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis: A Memoir, I, 275.
42. Anna Maria Clemson to Calhoun (undated), Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
43. Calhoun to Henry St. George Tucker, March 31, 1843, Correspondence, 526-528.
44. Calhoun to John E. Colhoun, Dec. 16, 1844; to James Edward Colhoun, Oct. 2, 1845, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
45. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, May 22, 1845, Correspondence, 656-657.
46. Legislative Archives, State Department Messages, Feb. 6, 1845; Legislative Archives, ibid., Dec. 9, 1844; and Texas Instructions, National Archives, Aug. 13, 1844, XV.
47. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, May 22, 1845, Correspondence, 657.
48. W. H. Parmalee, 'Recollection of an Old Stager,' Harpers New Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1873), 756.
49. Letter of Calhoun, March 9, 1844, Correspondence, SlS-SId
50. Varina Howell Davis, I, 221-224.
51. E. F. Ellet, 310-311; Varina Howell Davis, I, 271, 220.
52. E. F. Ellet, 357.
53. Tyler, III, 197-199.
notes: chapters xxii and xxiu
Ambrose Mann to Calhoun, Oct. 31, 1834, Correspondence, 982-986; William R. King to Calhoun, Oct. or Nov., 1844, ibid., 986-990.
55. Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 197.
56. Letters of Andrew Jackson Donelson to Calhoun, Jan. 27 and 30, 1845, Correspondence, 1019-1022, 1023-1024.
57. Von Hoist, 251, 234.
58. Calhoun to Thomas W. Gilmer, Dec. 25, 1843, Correspondence, 559-560.
59. Calhoun to William Shannon, Sept. 11, 1S44, Legislative Archives, XV, Department of State; William Shan-
non to Calhoun, Feb. 7, 1845, National Archives.
60. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, Feb. 16, 1845, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College; Francis Wharton's notes for Feb. 18 and Feb. 20, 1845, Correspondence, 644.
61. Von Hoist, 247, 254; also Duff Green to James Kno.x Polk, Jan. 20, 1845, Polk Papers, Library of Congress; and Eugene L McCormac, James Knox Polk, 287-288.
62. David S. Muzzey, A History of Our Country, 218.
63. Tyler, 11, 153.
64. Von Hoist, 255.
1. Mary Bates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 8.
2. Mrs. Margaret Bayard Smith, The First Forty Years of Washington Society, 268-269; John Quincy Adams, Diary, V, 452.
3. Calhoun to J. G. Swnit, May 10, 1823 and Oct. 30, 1823; see also Calhoun to .Anna Maria Clemson, Dec. 18, 1839, Correspondence, 436; and April 10, 1849, ibid., 763.
4. Bates, 12.
5. Walter L. Miller, 'Calhoun as a Lawyer and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, 271; also Charleston Mercury, June 20, 1846.
6. Cato's reminiscences, quoted in Mrs. Francis Calhoun Papers, Clemson College, South Carolina.
7. See description of Fort Hill by Mrs. Patrick H. Mell, Charleston Sunday Neii'S, April 30, 1905 ; also Bates, 14.
8. Records of the Pendleton Library Society, Clemson College, South Carolina, including membership and book lists.
9. See list of books in Calhoun's library in Clemson College Papers; also Walter L. Miller in The Green Bag, XI, 330.
10. Calhoun to Anna Maria Calhoun, April 3, 1834, Correspondence, 334.
11. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, March 24, 1840, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. A part of this letter IS printed in Correspondence, 451.
12. Claude M. Fuess, Daniel Webster, II, 333, 335, 343.
13. Interview with Calhoun in Washington Daily Union, Aug. 18, 1849.
14. Reminiscences of Calhoun by James E. Colhoun, April, 1850, manuscript in Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
15. Plantation Day-Book of William Lowndes, 1802-1822, 18, 19, manuscript in Lowndes Papers, Library of Congress.
16. Ibid.
17. Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 363.
18. W. H. V. Miller, 'Calhoun as a Farmer,' printed, clipped article, dated 1843, in Clemson College Papers. See also the Report of the Committee on Farms for the Pendleton Farmers' Society, Southern Cultivator, III (July, 1845), and Calhoun's letter to James Edward Colhoun, Feb. 26, 1832, Correspondence, 313, in which he estimated that soil erosion was costing South Carolina, alone, about $20,000,000 yearly. Calhoun's own skill as a soil cultivator blinded him to the destructive effect of the cotton-slave economy on the Southern soil generally; for, as an individual, he had proved that with proper care such erosion could be controlled. He did not see that to the average cotton speculator the availability of cheap land and cheap labor made soil-conservation measures appear unnecessary.
19. Calhoun to J. R. Mathe'ws, Aug. 18, 1845, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress; also Calhoun to Clemson, 1845, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
20. Reminiscences of James E. Colhoun, April, 1850, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
notes: chapters xxiii and xxiv
21. Clipping by Frank A. Dickson, Jr., from Anderson (S. C.) Independent, Dec. 15, 1929, in Clemson College Papers.
22. Ben Robertson, Red Hills and Cotton, 222-22i.
23. Walter L. Miller, The Green Bag, XI, 328.
24. Fort Hill tradition.
25. Bates, 9; Miller, 328; Washington Daily Union, Aug. 18, 1849.
26. Mary Baker Chesnut, A Diary from Dixie, March 11, 1861.
27. George Washington Featherston-haugh, Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor, II, 267-269.
29. Told the author by Mark Bradley of the Clemson College Faculty, who heard it from 'Ted' himself.
29. Reminiscences of Calhoun by Anna Maria Clemson, .April, 1850, printed copy in Clemson College Papers.
30. Article by Dickson in Anderson (S. C.) Independent, Dec. 15, 1929; see also 'John C. Calhoun's Home Life,' .Anderson (S. C.) Daily Mail, Oct. 23, 1926.
31. Maury, 373; William Mathews, Oratory and Orators, 312-313; Daniel Webster in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 11-12.
32. Featherstonhaugh, II, 247-272, passim.
35. Planter's Day-Book (anonymous), in Clemson College Library,
34. Featherstonhaugh, II, 270-272; Bates, 10; Maurv, 377; in Gamaliel Bradford's .15 Cod Made Them, 103; also Dixon Lewis to Cralle, June 10, 1840, Cralle Papers, MSS. Division, Library of Concress.
35. Featherstonhaugh, II, 270; Benja-
min F. Perry, Reminiscences of Public Men, 80-81.
36. Featherstonhaugh gives an excellent appraisal of Calhoun's character in his sketch, II, 247-272, passim. See also Maury, 382-384.
37. Robert Barnwell Rhett, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 371.
38. Perry, 45-46.
39. See Holmes, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 27, 31; Hammond, ibid., 321; Clay, ibid., 9-10.
40. Bates, 14.
41. Maury, 238.
42. Perry, 44.
43. John S. Jennings, John Caldu'ell Calhoun, 453; James Parton, Famous Americans of Recent Times, 142; Henry, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 237; and John Wentworth, Congressional Reminiscences, 21, 31.
44. James E. Colhoun, 'Reminiscences of Calhoun' (manuscript), April, 1850; Charles C. Pinckney, 'Calhoun From a Southern Standpoint,' Lippincott's Monthly, LXII (July, 1898).
45. Henry S. Foote, Casket of Reminiscences, 78; see also R. M. T. Hunter Papers, Virginia State Historical Library.
46. Parton, 142; Jenkins, 448; Jefferson Davis in North American Review, CXLV (1887), 246 ff.
47. Parton, 122.
48. Miller, The Green Bag, XI, 330; Hammond in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 323; Bates, 27.
49. Bates, 26; Miller, The Green Bag, XI, 329; and Charles C. Pinckney in Lippincott's Monthly, LXII (July, 1898).
1. J. D. B. DeBow, Statistical View of the United States, 126-128.
2. World Almanac (Official Census, 1945), 129.
3. DeBow, 165.
4. DeBow, 192. See the following breakdown of figures in the official Seventh Census (J. D. B. DeBow, editor), Washington, 1853: agricultural workers, exclusive of slaves, 2,400,583; workers in manufacturing and commerce, exclusive of women and children, 1,596,265; non-acricultural workers (male), 993,620, *otalling 2,589,885 for non-agricul-
tural workers ;also 381,408 employed in miscellaneous occupations.
5. Thomas L. Nichols, Forty Years of American Life, I, 208-209, 224, 235, 248; Frederick Marryat, Diary in America, 141.
6. Marryat, 41; Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years (Blue Ribbon Edition), 64.
7. Charles Lyell, A Second Visit to the United States, II, 160-161.
8. Francis Grund, Aristocracy in America, II, 70.
9. Frederick von Raumer, America and the American People, 491-496.
notes: chapter xxiv
10. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in 40. America, I, 483.
11. Ibid., m.
12. Grund, I, 114, 117.
13. Ibid., 45, 102-103; Nichols, II, 194;
and Frances Trollope, Domestic 41. Manners of the Americans, 2A2.
14. Grund, I, 33-34, 45. 42.
15. Ibid., 195; von Raumer, 491-496.
16. Grund, II, 167. 43.
17. Ibid., 1, 72-73; Frances Trollope, 177, 240.
18. Von Raumer, 491-496; Frances Trol- 44. lope, 67-68.
19. Grund, I, 197; II, 18.
20. LycU, Travels in North America, I,
57. 45.
21. Nichols, II, 135-151, passim.
22. Ibid., II, 141, 143, 145, 147. 46.
23. Calhoun to James H. Hammond, April 18, 1838, Correspondence, 394- 47. 395.
24. Gustavus Pinckncy, John C. Calhoun, 94-95.
25. Frances Trollope, 195. 48.
26. W. J. Cash, The Mind of the South,
20, 5, 9, 42, 44, 46, 69. 49.
27. Ibid., 21, 67, 382, 20, 29; see also von 50. Raumer, 491-496; and Grund, II, 51. 70-71.
28. Benjamin B. Kendrick and A\ex M. 52. Arnett, The South Looks at Its Past,
69. 53.
29. John S. C. Abbott, Slavery, North
and South, 178-179. 54.
30. Charleston Mercury and Charleston Courier, July 5, 6, and 7, 1845. 55.
31. Calhoun to James H. Hammond, Feb. 18, 1837, Correspondence, 367.
32. Calhoun to William C. Dawson, 56. Nov. 24, 1835, Correspondence, 349- 57. 351; and to A. S. Clayton, Nov. 24, 1835, ibid., 352. 58.
33. Calhoun to Duff Green, Aug. 30, 1835, Correspondence, 344-346.
34. Frances Trollope, 97. 59.
35. Ibid., 161.
36. Thurlow Weed, Autobiography, I, 143.
37. Dave G. Sloan, Fogy Days, Then 60. and Now, 73-74.
38. Calhoun to James E. Colhoun, Nov. 61. 11, 1836, Correspondence, 364; Sept.
2, 1836, ibid., 363; Sept. 19, 1836,
ibid., 363; to William C. Dawson, 62.
Nov. 22, 1835, ibid., 349; to James
Edward Colhoun, Oct, 27, 1837,
ibid., 381. 63.
39. Calhoun to Duff Green, July 27, 1837, Correspondence, 374-375, 64.
Calhoun to J. S. Williams, Oct. 17, 1835, Correspondence, 347; to ¥. Carter, Nov. 26, 1835, ibid., 353; to Robert Young Haync, Nov. 17, 1838, ibid., 451.
Calhoun to Havne, Correspondence, 451.
Calhoun to Sidney Breese, July 27, 1839, Correspondence, 430. Calhoun to .Anna Maria Clemson, Nov. 21, 1846, Correspondence, 711-712.
Fort Hill tradition; Basil Hall, Travels in North America, II, 280; and Nichols, I, 181-182; Lyell, II, 104-105.
Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, Dec. 13, 1845, Correspondence, 674. Calhoun to Mrs. John C. Calhoun, Nov. 29, 1815, Correspondence, 129. Marryat, 130; Hall, II, 94; Lyell, II, 163-164; and Calhoun to F. H. Elmore, Nov. 24, 1840, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. Nichols, II, 72, 15; I, 120; Marr>'at, 130.
Hall, 94.
Frances Trollope, 34; Marryat, 125. Nichols, II, 147, 15; I, 120, 221-223.
Lyell, II, 122-123; Frances Trollope, 38; and Nichols, II, 109. Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 345-346.
Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, July 2, 1846, Correspondence, 698. J. Hamilton Eckenrode, The Randolphs, 249, 251; Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis, I, 207. American Review, Jan. 1848. Calhoun to J. L. M. Curry, Sept. 14, 1846, Correspondence, 725-726. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, July 2, 1846, Correspondence, 698-699.
Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, Oct. 1845, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College; Sarah M. Maury, 378; Varina Howell Davis, II, 274. Calhoun to Abbott Lawrence, May 13, 1845, Correspondence, 654-655. Calhoun to Thomas Clemson, October, 1845, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun to Duff Green, Oct. 18, 1845, Duff Green Papers, Library of Congress.
New Orleans Jeffersonian Republican. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun,
notes: chapters xxiv and xxv
Jan. 16, 1S46, Correspondence, 675-677.
65. Fredericksburg (Va.) Recorder, quoted in Lynchburg (Va.) Republican, Oct. 14, 19, 1845.
66. James Hamilton to Calhoun, Oct.
12, 1846, Correspondence, 1090-1092 ; and Calhoun to James Edward Col-houn, Jan. 16, 1846, ibid., 676. 67. Charleston Mercury; also Calhoun to Andrew P. Calhoun, Jan. 16, 1846, Correspondence, 677.
1. Sarah M. Maury, The Statesmen of America, 375.
2. Ibid., 350, 382-384.
3. E. F. Ellet, Court Circles of the Republic, 309.
4. Ibid., 310-311, 321-323.
5. \arina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis, I, 416-418.
6. Ibid., I, 253-255.
7. Ibid., I, 214.
8. A. J. Bcveridge, Abraham Lincoln (Standard Lihrar>' Edition), H, 5.
9. Sarah M. Maury, 384^385.
10. Ibid., 376.
11. W. D. Porter, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 401; Holmes, 30.
12. Mary Hates, The Private Life of John C. Calhoun, 25.
13. John Temple Graves, The Fiiihtini; South, 41.
14. Sarah M. Maurv, 381; Nathaniel Willis, Hurrv-Graphs, 180-181.
15. Sarah M. xMaury, 380.
16. Porter, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 400 401.
17. Claude M. Fuess, Daniel Webster, H, 1^1, 155.
18. Edinburgh Review, LXXXH, 240.
19. Eva E. Dye, McLaughlin and Old Oregon, 275.
20. Ibid., 13.
21. William Barrows, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession, 195.
22. Ibid., 246.
23. Eva E. Dye, 239, 253-254.
24. Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years (Blue Ribbon Edition), 22.
25. Eva E. Dve, 261, 284.
26. Sarah M. Maury, 379, 376.
27. Calhoun, speech on 'The Treaty of Washington,' Aug. 28, 1842, Works, IV, 212-238, passim; on 'The Oregon Bill,' Jan. 24, 1843, ibid., IV, 238-258, passim.
28. Calhoun to John W. Mason, May 30, 1845, Correspondence, 659-663.
29. Eva E. Dye, 234; Calhoun to James H. Hammond, Jan. 2i, 1846, Correspondence, 678.
46. 47.
48. 49.
Calhoun, speech on the 'Treaty of Washington,' Aug. 28, 1842, Works, IV, 212-238.
James Knox Polk, Diary, II, 2S.^. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, May 22, 1845, Correspondence, 656-657.
Sarah M. Maury, 374. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, Jan. 29, 1846, Correspondence, 680; idem, March 23, 1846, ibid., 685-687.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, March 26, 1846, Correspondence, 684-685.
Calhoun on 'Giving Notice to Great Britain,' March 16, 1846, Works, IV, 258-290, passim.
Holmes in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 230.
Calhoun to James Hammond, Jan. 23, 1846, Correspondence, 678. Polk, I, 344.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, April 25, 1846, Correspondence, 688-689.
Porter, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 401.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, June 11, 1846, Correspondence, 697.
Sarah M. Maury, 370-380, passim. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, July 11, 1846, Correspondence, 700-701; to James Edward Colhoun, July 29, 1846, ibid., 701-702. Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, July 14, 1846, Calhoun Papers, South Caroliniana Library, Hermann von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 276-277.
Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, July 2, 1846, Correspondence, 698-699.
Idem, May 29, 1846, Correspondence, 692-694.
Calhoun to H. W. Conner, May 15, 1846, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
Christopher Hollis, The American Heresy, 135.
notes: chapters xxv and xxvi
51. The New York Journal of Commerce, quoted in the Charleston Mercury for March 23, 1846, called Calhoun 'among the greatest statesmen of the age.'
52. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, June 11, 1846, Correspondence, 697. Charleston Mercury, May 19, June 17 and 20, 1846.
53. Charleston Mercury and Charleston Courier, issues for July 5, 6, and 7, 1846. See also James Gregorie to Calhoun, May 2i, 1846, Correspondence, 1083-1085; James Hamilton to Calhoun, Oct. 12, 1846, ibid., 1090-1096.
54. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, undated, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College; and to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, July 14, 1846, Calhoun Papers, South Carohniana Library.
55. James Gregorie to Calhoun, May 23, 1846, Correspondence, 1084; also Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, Dec. 1, 1847, ibid., 741.
56. Allen Tate, Stoneu'all Jackson, 37-38.
57. Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, May 14, 1846, Correspondence, 690-691; and Calhoun to H. W. Conner, May 15, 1846, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
Oliver Dyer, Great Senators of the United States, 35.
Calhoun to H. VV. Conner, Jan. 14, 17. 1847, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress. 18.
Calhoun, Works, IV, 502-503. Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Cal- 19. houn, Jan. 16, 1846, Calhoun Papers, South Caroliniana Library. Calhoun to John Calhoun Clemson, 20. December 27, 1846, Correspondence, 21. 740.
Anna Maria Clemson to Calhoun, undated, in Calhoun Papers, Clem- 22. son College. 23.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, 24. Dec. 27, 1846, Correspondence, 715-716. 25.
Calhoun to Duff Green, Nov. 9, 1847, Correspondence, 740. Calhoun, speech on 'The Amendment 26. to the Oregon Bill,' Aug. 12, 1848, Works, IV, 530; also to Anna Maria 27. Clemson, March 7, 1848, Correspondence, 744-745. 28. \'arina Howell Davis, Jefferson Da- 29. vis, I, 407.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, 30. January 30, 1847, Correspondence, 111.
Henry Clay, public address in Lex- 31. ington, Kentucky, Nov. 13, 1847. A. J. Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln (Standard Library Edition), II, 125-127; 135-136. 32.
Calhoun, Works, IV, 413, 420. 33.
Calhoun, speech on 'Three Million Bill,' Feb. 9, 1847, Works, IV, 304- 34. 305, 317, 319-320, 323. 35.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson,
Feb. 17, 1847, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun, 'Replv to Mr. Turney,* Feb. 12, 1847, Works, IV, 328. Calhoun, 'Replv to Mr. Benton,' Feb. 24, 1847, Works. IV, 362-364. Calhoun, speech on 'The Oregon Bill,' June 27, 1848, Works, IV, 479-511.
Ibid., 483-496.
Calhoun, 'Resolutions on the Slave Question,' Feb. 19, 1847, Works, IV, 348-349.
Calhoun, Works, IV, 347-348. Ibid., IV, 361.
Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years' View, II, 697.
Calhoun, speech on 'The Oregon Bill,' June 27, 1848, Works, IV, 479-511.
James Knox Polk, Diary, IV, 17-22, 297-300.
Calhoun, Works, III, 184, 180; II, 630, 631; IV, 361. Ibid., Ill, 190.
Calhoun, Works, IV, 505; also Benton, II, 697.
Calhoun, speech on 'The Oregon Bill,' June 27, 1848, Works, IV, 494-495, 507 ff.
Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, undated, summer of 1848, Calhoun Papers, South Caroliniana Librarv.
Polk, iV, 72-74.
Benjamin F. Perrv, Reminiscences of Public Men, 319.' Charleston Mercury, Dec. 8, 1848. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, Aug. 13, 1847, Corres^ndencC: 736.
notes: chapters xxvii and xxviii
Oliver Dyer, Great Senators of the United States, 70-76, passim. Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis, I, 282.
Benjamin F. Perry, Reminiscences of Public Men, 65-67. John Wentworth, Congressional Reminiscences, 33-35. Harriet Martineau, A Retrospect of Western Travel, I, 165; Dyer, 286, 291-292. Dyer, 198-202.
Francis Grund, Aristocracy in America, U, 215.
Varina Howell Davis, I, 270. Wentworth, 48. Dyer, 216.
Varina Howell Davis, I, 272-273. Dyer, 291-292. Ibid., 150-152. Ibid., 170-172.
Harriet Martineau, I, 243-246. Dyer, 186.
Manuscript reminiscences of Calhoun by James PMward Colhoun, .April, 1850, Calhoun Papers, Clem-son Collece. Dyer, 187.
Hermann von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 5.
20. Charles C. Pinckney, 'Calhoun From a Southern Standpoint,' in Lippin-cott's Monthly (July, 1898).
21. Wentworth, 7, 21-22, 20.
22. W^ebster quoted in Lyon Tyler's The Letters and Times of the Tylers, H, 153; Venable in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 76; and Robert B. Rhett, quoted in Charles C. Pinck-ney's sketch.
23. Wentworth, 22.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid., 20.
26. New York Herald, April 1, 1850.
27. Wentworth, 25; Henry, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 238.
28. Calhoun to Franklin H. Elmore, Oct. 16, 1848, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
29. Perry, 49.
30. Calhoun to Armistead Burt, Jan. 24, 1838, Correspondence, 389.
31. J. J. Crittenden to Alexander H. Stephens, Sept. 4, 1848, Stephens Papers, Library of Congress; Beverly Tucker to James Hammond, March 13, 1847, Hammond Papers, Library of Congress; see also entries in Hammond's journal for August, 1845, Library of Congress.
1. Calhoun, 'Charleston Address,' March 9, 1847, Works, IV, 3.
2. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, March 12, 1847, Correspondence, 720.
3. Calhoun, 'Charleston Address,' March 9, 1847, Works, IV, 3ff.
4. Calhoun to Duff Green, March 9, 1847, Correspondence, 718-719.
5. James Knox Polk, Diary, II, 458-459.
6. Hammond to Simms, March 21, 1847, quoted in Herman V. Ames, 'John C. Calhoun and the Secession Movement of 1850,' in the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, .\pril 1919, 19-50; also Ul-rich B. Phillips, 'The Correspondence of Robert Toombs, .-Mcxander H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb,' Annual Report of the .American Historical Association (1911), 139-196.
7. Calhoun, speech on 'Amendment to
the Oregon Bill,' Aug. 12, 1848, Works, IV, 531.
8. Perr>', 61; Jefferson Davis in North American Review, CXLV, 259 ff.
9. Calhoun, Works, IV, 532.
10. J. L. M. Curry, 'Principles, Utterances and Acts of John C. C^alhoun, Promotive of the True Union of the States,' in University of Chicago Record, III, 101-105.
11. Calhoun, 'Speech on Abolition Petitions,' Feb. 6, 1837, Works, II, p. 630.
12. John Wentworth, Congressioril Reminiscences, 24.
13. Varina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis, I, 365.
14. Oliver Dver, Great Senators of the United States, 289-292.
15. Ibid.; also Calhoun, 'Speech on Territorial Governments,' Feb. 24, 1849, Works, IV, 535-542.
notes: chapter xxviii
29. 30.
33, 34.
Walker, Oct. 23, 1847, in National 35. Intelligencer, June 27, 1855; also Works, IV, 534. 36.
Nathaniel Willis, Hurry-graphs, 180-181. 37.
Abraham Venable, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 36. Quoted in New York Herald, April 38.
1, 1850.
Address, quoted in Charleston Courier, Feb. 1, 1849. 39. John S. Jenkins, John Caldivell Calhoun, 453.
Mann, quoted in Christopher Hollis, 40. The American Heresy, 139. Nathaniel Wright Stephenson, 'Calhoun and the Divine Right of the 41. Majority,' Scripps College Papers, Claremont (California, 1930), 51. 42.
Letter of Beverly Tucker to James Hammond, March 25, 1850, in Wil-Ham and Mary Quarterly, XVIII, 43. 44-46.
Stephenson, in Scripps College Papers, 32, 34. 44. Ibid., 51; Calhoun to Mrs. St. George Campbell, in manuscript memoirs of R. M. T. Hunter; and 45. William and Mary Quarterly, XVIII, 46; see also Mentor, V, 1 (March 15, 1917), and HolUs, 140. 46. See Henry Foote's War of the Re-hellion, 79-82; Robert Toombs, quoted in Congressional Globe, 31st 47. Congress, 1st Session; Louis Pendleton, Alexander H. Stephens, 96-116, passim; Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 12, 1850. 48. Robert Toombs to John J. Crittenden, Jan. 22, 1849, in Annual Report of the American Historical 49. Association (1911), 139-196, passim; also Hollis, 137. 50. Polk, Jan. 16, 1849, IV, 285-292, passim. 51. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, Jan. 20, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. 52. Thomas Metcalfe to J. J. Crittenden, Jan. 23, 1849, and Robert Toombs to Crittenden, Jan. 22, 1849, Crittenden Papers, Library of Con- 53. gress. Calhoun to Henry W. Conner, Feb. 54.
2, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress. 55. Robert B. Rhett quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 369.
Roy Meredith, Mr. Lincoln's Camera 56. Man, 24-25.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, April 10, 1849, Correspondence, 763. Idem, June 15, 1849, Correspondence, 767.
Idem; also Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, June, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. Calhoun to J. R. Mathews, June 20, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
Henry J. Foote, quoted in Congressional Globe, 32d Congress, 1st Session, 134-lo5.
Calhoun to J. R. Mathews, Jan. 7, 1837, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
Calhoun to John R. Means, .\pril 13, 1849, Correspondence, 765. Calhoun to J. R. Mathews, June 20, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
Calhoun to .Anna Maria Clemson, June 15, 1849, Correspondence, 767-768.
See Columbia (S. C.) Transcript, Aug. 6, 1851; also New York Herald, April 1, 1850.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, June, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, July, 1848, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, Dec. 8, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College, partly quoted in Correspondence, 776.
Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, Oct. 14, 1849, Calhoun Papers, Clemson College.
Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, June 15, 1849, Correspondence, 767. Calhoun to Armistcad Burt, Nov. 5, 1849, Correspondence, 773-774. Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, Dec. 31, 1849, Correspondence, 776-777.
D. J. Knotts to W. E. Barton, Sept. 1, 1919, quoted in W. E. Barton, The Paternity of Abrahatn Lincoln, 135.
Varina Howell Davis, I, 282 ; Oliver Dyer, 289.
Washington Daily Union, Aug, 23, 1849.
Thomas L. Nichols, Forty Years of American Life, II, 184; E. F. Ellct, Court Circles of the Republic, 408. Congressional Debates, XIII, Part 1 (1836-1837), 5.
notes: chapters xxviii and xxix
57. Wentworth, 25-26.
58. New York Herald, March 6, 1S50; Nathan Sargent, Public Men and Events, II, 363.
59. Sargent, II, 363.
60. The Liberator, March 22, 1850.
61. Washington Daily Union, Dec. 25, 1849; Dec. 25, 1849.
62. Columbia (S. C.) TeUgraph; Richmond Enquirer; sec issues for 1849-1850.
63. Sec Pendleton, 94-116, passim, for statement of .Alexander H. Stephens's general sentiments.
64. Calh(jun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, Jan. 12, 1850, Correspondence, 7 HO.
65. Idem.
66. W. H. Parmalec, 'Recollections of an Old Stager,' in Harpers Mew Monthly Magazine (Oct. ls73), 758.
67. Calhoun to James H. Hammond, Feb. 16, 1850, Correspondence, 781.
68. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, Feb. 6, 1850, Correspondence, 781.
69. Philadelphia Public Ledger, Feb. 18, 1850.
70. Ben: Perlcy Poorc, Reminiscences, I, 363-.^64; Carl Schurz, Henry Clay, II. .U,4.
71. Henry Clay, H'orks, IX, 397-398.
72. Calhoun to James Hammond, Jan. 4, 1850, Correspondence, 779.
73. William Rutherford, Jr., to Howill
78. 79.
Cobb, April 16, 1850, Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1911); also Jefferson Uavis in North American Revieu', CXLV, 246. Elizabeth Cutting, Jefferson Davis: Political Soldier, 81. Philadelphia Public Ledger, Feb. IS, IS 50.
Charles A. Dana in New York Tribune, March 6, 1850. Congressional Directory, H. V. Hills, ed., 1850. Sargent, II, 363.
Congressional Globe, March 4, 1850, V. 21, 31st Congress, 1st Session, 455 ff.
G. W. Julian, Political Recollections, 87; Wentworth, 23; New York Tribune, March 6, 1850. Hollis, 141.
Ulrich B. Phillips, ed., 'The Correspondence of Robert Toombs, .Alexander H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb,' in Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1911), 139-196; also Cobb to James Buchanan, June 17, 1849, Buchanan Papers, Librar>' of Congress. William Rutherford, Jr., to Howell Cobb, April 16, 1850; also Philadelphia Public Ledger, .April 2, 1850. Calhoun, speech on 'The Slavery Question,' March 4, 1850, Works, IV, 542-573, passim.
1. Nathan Sargent, Public .\ftn and Events, II. 36V
2. Ben: Perlev Poore, Reminiscrnccs, I, 366; Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 5. 1S50.
3. New York Herald, March 5, 1850.
4. \'arina Howell Davis, Jefferson Davis, I, 458.
5. Philip Hone, Diarv, March 5, 1850, 375.
6. Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 7, 1850.
7. New York Herald, March 5, March 6, 1850.
8. North Carolina Standard, Wheeling (Va.) Gazette, Maysville (Ky.) Eagle, March 7, 1850.
9. Calhoun to H. W. Conner, March 4, 1850, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
10. Varina Howell Davis. I. 4=^7.
11. New York Herald, March 6, 1850.
12. Calhoun, 'Reply to Foote,* March 5. 1850, Works, IV, 574-578.
13. Richard Cralle, reminiscences of Calhoun, in Cralle Papers (undated). Library of Congress.
14. Varina Howell'Davis, I, 458.
15. Webster, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 11-12.
16. Peter Harvey, Reminiscences and .Anecdotes of Daniel Webster, 231.
17. Jefferson Davis, in North American Review (1887), 259.
18. Harvcv, 219.
19. Ibid., 220-222.
20. Varina Howell Davis, I, 461.
21. New York Tribtine. April 3, 1850.
22. Congressional Globe, March 7, 1850, v. 21, 31st Congress, 1st Session, 483.
23. Boston Post, quoted in Washington Daily Union, March 1$, 1850.
24. Charleston Mercury, March 16, 1850.
notes: chapter xxix
25. Congressional Globe, March 7, 1850, V. 21, 31st Congress, 1st Session, 483. 50.
:6. Calhoun to H. VV. Conner, March 18, 1850, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress.
27. New York Herald, March 8, 1850. 51.
28. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, March 10, 1850, Correspondence,
783. 52.
29. New York Herald, March 16, 1850. 53.
30. Webster, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 11.
31. New York Tribune, April 3, 1850; 54. George P. Fisher, 'Webster and Cal- 55. houn in the Compromise Debate of 1850,' Scribne^s Magazine (May, 56. 1905); Webster, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 11.
2>2. Rusk, in The Carolina Tribute to 57. Calhoun, 13.
33. John S. Jenkins, John Caldnrll Calhoun, 441.
34. New York Herald, .\pril 1, 1850. 58.
35. Ibid., March 16, 1850.
36. Congressional Globe, v. 21, 31st Congress, 1st Session, 464ff.; New 59. York Herald, March 16, 1850.
37. New York Herald, March 16, 1850; 60. also The Liberator, March 15, 1850.
38. Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 61. 8, 1850.
39. Mary Bates, The Private Life of 62. John C. Calhoun, 14.
40. New York Herald, March 23, 1850. 63.
41. Ibid., March 21, March 26, March
28, 1850. 64.
42. Calhoun to .\nna Maria Clemson, March 7, 1847, Correspondence, 65. 744-745; John Perry Pritchett, Calhoun and His Defense of the South, 66. 20.
43. Calhoun to Thomas G. Clemson, March 10, 1850, Correspondence, 67. 784.
44. See Arthur Str>'on, The Cast-Iron 68. Man, 355; also J. B. Curr>-, 'Principles, Utterances and Acts of John
C. Calhoun, Promotive of the True 69. Union of the States,' in University of Chicago Record, III, 101-105.
45. W. H. Parmalee, 'Recollections of an 70. Old Stager,' Harper's Neiv Monthly Magazine (Oct. 1873), 758. 71.
46. Christopher Hollis, The American 72. Heresy, 140. 73.
47. New York Herald, March 16, March
17, 1850. 74.
48. Ibid., March 25, 1850.
49. Calhoun to Andrew Butler, March
27, 1850, Calhoun Papers, Library ok Congress.
Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 23, 1850; G. S. Morehead to J. J Crittenden, March 31, 1850, Crittenden Papers, Library of Congress. Manuscript reminiscences of James E. Colhoun, .April, 1850, in Calhoun Papers, Clemson College. Bates, 20.
Richard Cralle's reminiscences of Calhoun, Cralle Papers, Librar>- of Congress. Bates, 22.
Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 23, 1850.
Walter Miller, 'Calhoun as a Law>er and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, 330.
Josephine Seaton, William Winston Seaton, 158; also, John C. Proctor, ed., Washington, Past and Present, II, 826-827.
Robert Barnwell Rhctt to Calhoun, Dec. 8, 1843, Correspondence, 899-900.
.Abraham Venable, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 319. Washington Daily Union, April 3, 1850.
James Hammond, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 319. Robert Barnwell Rhctt, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 370. Cralle's reminiscences of Calhoun, Cralle Papers, Librar>' of Congress. .Abraham Venable, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 37. Charleston Mercury, March 31, 1850.
New York Herald, March 31, 1850; Philadelphia Public Ledger, April 2, 1850.
George Fisher, Life of Benjamin Silliman, II, 97.
Alexander H. Stephens, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 88-91.
Reminiscences of Calhoun by Anna Maria Clemson, copy in Clemson College Papers.
Ibid., also .Alexander Butler, in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 1-8. Ibid., Henry Clay quoted, 9-10. Varina Howell Davis, I, 461^62. Webster, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 11-12. New York Tribune, .April 3, 1850; Washington Daily Union, April 3, 1850; W. H. Farmalea,. 758; Phila-
notes: chapters xxix amd xxx
delphm Public Ledger, April 3, 1850; Oliver Dyer, Great Senators of the United States, 213.
75. Varina Howell Davis, I, 462; Mary Bales, 28.
76. 'Report of the Committee of Twenty-Five/ in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 39-51.
77. Ibid., 51.
78. Ibid., Venablc quoted, 76.
79. Jenkins, 444.
80. 7 he Carolina Tribute to Calhoun,
Venable quoted, 80-81; Porter quoted, 383.
81. Ibid., 'Narrative of the Funeral Honors,' 65-88, passim.
82. Mar\' Bates, 28.
83. \arina Howell Davis, I. 463.
84. Fred A. Porchcr, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 271, 281; also Pritchctt, 20.
85. Jonathan Daniels, A Southerner Discovers the South, 330.
86. Hollis, 145.
1. Claucic M. Fucss, Daniel Webster, n. 228.
2. Ibid., 228.
3. Hamilton Basso, Mainstream, 56; 20. John P. Pritchett, in Calhoun and
His Defense of the South, and Christopher Hollis. in The American 21. Heresy, also KJve full discussions of Calln)un's political theory. 22.
4. Hermann von Hoist, John C. Cal- 2i. houn, 346. 24.
5. James Parton, Famous Americans of 25. Recent Times, 175.
6. Calhoun, 'Discourse on the Constitu- 26. tion,' Works, I, 301.
7. Ibid., 112-113. 27.
8. Calhoun to .Anna Maria Clemson,
Nov. 21, 1846, Correspondence, 712. 28.
9. John Ciunther, Inside UJSA., Ellis .Xrnall quoted. 775. 20.
10. Nir^'inius Dabney, Below the Potomac, 291. 30.
11. Benjamin B. Kcndrick. The Colonial 31. Status of the South, 16.
12. Ciunther, 673.
13. Report on Economic Conditions in .^2. the South (pamphlet), Franklin D. Roosevelt quoted. 1. .^.''>.
14. Calhoun, 'Disquisition on Govern- 34. ment.' Works, I. 59.
15. Calhoun. .«;iK'ech on 'The Revenue 35. Collection Bill.' Feb. 15, 16. 1833, 36. Works, H, 234; also Frank L. Ows- 37. ley. 'Pillars of .Xprarianism,' Amer- 38. ic'nn Review, March. 1935. 39.
16. Calhoun. *I)isf|uisition on Government.' Works, I. 52-55.
17. Benjamin F. Perrv. Reminiscences
of Public Men, 46; Hollis, 144. 40.
18. J. L. M. Curry, 'Principles, Utterances, and Acts of John C. Calhoun, Promotive of the True Union of the States,' University of Chicat^o Rec- 41. ord, VI, 104ff.
19. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun,
quoted in letter of .Mfred HuRcr to Isaac S. Nichols, Feb. 18, 1869, Calhoun Papers, Library of Congress. Calhoun, 'Discourse on the Constitution of the United States,' Works, I, 142.
Calhoun, 'Disquisition on Government,' Works, I, 14-15. Ibid., Works, I, 12. Ibid., Works, I, 15, 16. Ibid., Works, I, 23. Calhoun, 'To the People of South Carolina,' Works, VI. 133. Calhoun. 'Disquisition on Government,' Works, I, 55. John C. Coit, quoted in The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, 181. Vernon Parrington, The Colonial Mind, 298.
Calhoun, 'Disquisition on Government,' Works, I, 4. Ibid., Works, I. 33-34. Vernon Parrington, The Romantic Revolution in America, 70; see also Basso, 69.
Herbert Agar, The Pursuit of Happiness, 193. Basso, 58.
Calhoun, 'Disquisition on Government,' Works, I, 30. Ibid., Works, I, 25. Ibid., Works, I, 26, 27. Ibid., Works, I, 17. Ibid., Works, I, 55. .Agar, 199; also Nathaniel Wright Stephenson, 'Calhoun and the Divine Right of the Majority,' Scripps College Papers, 35. Charles M. Wiltse, 'Calhoun and the Modern State,' Virginia Quarterly Review (Summer, 1937), 396-408, passim; Auar, 191. Calhoun to James Edward Colhoun, May 29, 1846, Correspondence, 693.
notes: CIIAl'TER XXX
42. Calhoun, 'Disquisition on Government,' Works, I, 48—49.
43. Calhoun, 'Discourse on the Constitution,' Works, I, 268-270.
44. Idem, Works, I, 77, 55, 57.
45. Agar, 197.
46. Ibid., 219.
47. Ibid., 19S.
48. Hollis, 8-; also Calhoun to Anna Maria Clemson, June 15, 1849, Cor-respondcnre, 768.
49. Edward Pollard, The Lost Cause, 749.
Anderson (S. C.) Independent. Anderson (S. C.) Observer. Boijton Courier.
Charleston Lity Gazette and Daily .Advertiser. Charltstdn Courier. ('harlcston Mercury. Charleston Sunday .Vruj. Columbia (S. C.) TeUf^rapk. Columbia (S. C.) Trlncope. Connecticut Journal and Herald. Franklin Ciazrttr (Philadelphia). Jackson (Ala.) Republican. Lexington (Ky.) Rrporter. The Liberator (Boston). London .\foming ChronicU. LynchhurK (\a.) Republican, Maysvillc (Ky.) EagU. Mobile Tribune.
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New Haven Herald.
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New York Journal of Commerce.
New York Tribune.
AiU's' Weekly Register (Baltimore).
Norwich (Conn.) Courier.
Philadelphia .lurora.
Pliiladelphia Public Ledger.
Richmond Enquirer.
South Carolina Gazette.
Southern Patriot and Commercial .idver-
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•Xmcs, Herman \ , 'John C. Calhoun and the Secession Movement of \H>0,' Proceedings of the .American .intiquarian Society (April, I'vp;), IV 50.
Anonymous, 'Freedom's' (pamphlet), in Worcester Antic^uarian Society Library.
.\nonymous, 'Mr. Calhoun's Parliamen-larv Floquence,' I'nited States Democratic Revieu, XIV (1S44). \20-\22.
.•\nonymous, 'Political Portraits with Pen and Pencil John C. Calhoun,' i'nited .States Democratic Review, H (1838), 65-84.
.Anonymous, 'Peg^ry O'Neal; or the Doom of the Republic,' Southern Review, XH (January-April, 187J), 213-231; 281-
.\nnual Report of the American Anti-.SUivery Society (1858), 56.
.\mericnn Review, commentary on the Memphis Memorial, Jan. 1848.
.American Whig Review, anecdotes of Calhoun and nullification, autumn, 1832.
.Arnall, Kllis C.., 'The Southern Frontier,' in Atlantic Monthly (Sept., 1946), 29-35.
J. .\. Bayard to .Andrew Bayard, in .Annual Report of the .American Historical Association (1913).
'Calhoun as Seen by His Political
Fricnrls,' Sou!hern Historical .Association Publications, \II, 4J5.
•John C. Calhoun,' pamphlet of the State Department of Education, Columbia, South Carolina.
Calhoun to Judcc Charles Tait, Gulf States Historical Magazine, 1 (Sept. 1902), 98-100.
Cohn, David, 'How the South Feels,* Atlantic Monthly (Jan. 1944), 47-51.
'Committee on Farms for the Pendleton Farmers' Societv,' in Southern Cultivator, 111 (July, 1845).
Curry, J. L. M., 'The Calhoun Letters: A Review,' Southern Historical Association Publications, V, 159-163.
Curr>', J. M., 'Principles, Utterances, and .Acts of John C. Calhoun, Promotive of the True Union of the States,' I'niversity of Chicago Record, VI, 104-105.
Davis, Jefferson, 'Life and Character of the Honorable John Caldwell Calhoun,' Sorth .American Review, CXLV, 246-260.
Dunlap, W^illiam, 'Diary of William Dun-lap,' in Publications of the Sew York Historical Association, H (1930), 376ff.
Fisher, Geornc P., 'Webster and Calhoun in the Compromise Debate of 1850,' Scribner's Magazine (May, 1905).
Ihimdcn, 'Letter on Texas,' pamphlet in Worcester Antiquarian Society Library.
Hammond, James, 'Memorandum,' American Historical Rciicw, VI (July, 1901), 741-745.
Hay, T. R., ed., 'John C. Calhoun and the Presidential Campaign of 1824,' American Historical Review, XL (Oct. 1934 and Jan. 1935), 82-96; 287ff.
Holmes, A, G., 'John C. Calhoun,' in Southern Magazine, II, no. 10 (1936).
Hunter, T. M. T., 'Memoirs of R. M. T. HunUT,' in William and Mary College (Juartcrly, XVHI, 44-46.
James C. Jewett to General Dearborn, Feb. 5, 1S17, in William and Mary Collei^e Quarterly, X\II, 139-144.
Ktndrick, Btnjamin B., 'The Colonial J:-"tatus of the South,' in The Journal of Southern History, VHI, no. 1 (Feb. 1942). .Mso printed separately as pamphlet.
MacHridc, R., in The Southern Agriculturist, III, 175.
Miller, Walter, 'Calhoun as a Law>-er and Statesman,' The Green Bag, XI, no. 5 (Mav, 1899) ; no. 6 (June, 1899) ; no. 7 (Julv, 1899); no. 7 (.\ug., 1899); and no. 8 (Sept., 1899), 197-202; 269-272; 326-337; 376; and 424.
'The Memphis Convention,' report in Deho'c's Revieiv, XV, 257-277.
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Owsley, Frank L., 'Pillars of .Xgrarianism,' American Reiien' (March, 1935).
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Ruffm, Thomas, Papers quoted in North Carolina Historical Commission Publications, I, 80.
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