New York State Appellate Division
Case #33613
April 23, 1962.
IN THE MATTER of Charges Against PATROLMAN PETER R. CELENTANO, #837237, Shield #4477, 30th Precinct, of the Police Force, Police Department, City of New York.
Upon reading and filing cfertain written charges in this matter, wherein he is charged with Violation Of The Rules And Procedures, dated April 18th, 1961, duly made and preferred in the form and manner prescribed by law and the rules and procedures of the said Police Department by Captain Sydney C. Cooper, P.C.C.I.U., against the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, a member of the police force of said city, and it having been duly proved that a copy of such charges, together with a written notice that the same had been made and preferred against him, the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, requiring him to appear and answer thereto at a proper time and place named in said notice, has been duly served upon him, the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, in the manner required by law and the said rules and procedures; and he, the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, having appeared and answered at the time and place mentioned and required by said notice, and the said charges having been duly brought to a hearing, and duly tried, heard, publicly examined and investigated, in the manner required by law and the rules and procedures of the said Police Department before Hon. Louis L. Roos, Assistant to the Police Commissioner, on the 15th and 25th days of May, 1961, and before Hon. Leonard E. Reisman, Deputy Police Commissioner, on the 21st and 29th days of June, the 15th day of August, the 20th day of October, and the 2nd, 6th, and 14th days of November, and the 6th day of December, 1961, and a full opportunity having been afforded to the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, to be heard in his defense, and the proofs and allegations in relation to said charges having been duly taken and recorded as required by law and the said rules and procedures, and the determination of said charges, based upon the entire record adduced at the hearing, and the findings and recommendations made thereon, having been referred to the Police Commissioner, the Police Commissioner, upon due consideration and review of said findings and recommendations, and upon inquiry of and consultation with said Trial Commissioner, adjudges the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, to be Guilty, of the Charges, and Guilty, of specification 1, Not Guilty, of specifications 2, and 3, and does convict him of the Charges, and of specification 1, and upon such conviction, adjudges and determines that he, the said Patrolman Peter R. Celentano, be, and he hereby is, Dismissed from the Police Force, Police Department, City of New York.
MICHAEL J. MURPHY Police Commissioner