Otto and Wing made their way through the bustling corridors, heading for the Tactical Education department and their first lesson with Colonel Francisco. Franz and Nigel were walking just ahead of them, Franz chatting animatedly to a subdued-looking Nigel.
‘Do you think Nigel is all right?’ Wing asked, looking with concern at the short, bald boy.
‘I don’t think that he was quite prepared to go through his father’s life story in his very first lesson, if that’s what you mean,’ Otto replied.
‘Diabolus cannot have been the only person that was worthy of study,’ Wing noted. ‘One has to wonder why Dr Nero chose such an emotive subject.’
‘You’ll go mad trying to second guess that man. Whatever his reasons, it can’t have been easy for Nigel.’ Otto looked again at Nigel, who seemed to be lost in thought despite Franz’s constant chatter. Otto picked up his pace. ‘Come on, let’s rescue him from Franz.’
‘Hi, guys,’ Otto greeted them. ‘So, have either of you heard anything about this Colonel Francisco that we ought to know?’
‘Ja, I am hearing from one of the other students that he is being one of the toughest teachers at the school,’ Franz replied, looking slightly nervous. Otto reckoned that Franz’s nerves might have more to do with the prospect of imminent physical exertion that anything else.
‘Well, that’s good to know, considering what pussy cats all of the other teachers we’ve met so far have been,’ Otto replied sarcastically. ‘What about you, Nigel? Have you heard anything interesting about him?’
‘No, not really.’ Nigel sounded thoroughly depressed. He didn’t seem to be able to look the others in the eye. ‘But I bet he’s heard of my dad.’ There was a surprising bitterness in his voice.
‘Ja, your father was being the big cheese around here, I think,’ Franz replied cheerily, seemingly oblivious to Nigel’s apparent unhappiness.
‘Well, I just wish everyone would shut up about him.’ Nigel seemed genuinely angry for a moment before his previous glumness returned. ‘I’m sick of hearing about how bloody wonderful he was. You didn’t have to live with him.’
Nero sat at his desk in his study, impatiently waiting for the video screen on the opposite wall to flicker into life. He was scheduled to receive a call from Number One, the only man in the world he found intimidating, the commander of the Global League of Villainous Enterprises, or G.L.O.V.E. Very little was actually known about the man other than the fact that over the last forty years he had built G.L.O.V.E up from a small criminal cartel to the most powerful and widespread syndicate that the world had ever known. Nobody knew his true identity – he made a point of never meeting with anyone in person – and there were a thousand different theories as to who he might actually be. The fact remained that the only people who had ever tried to usurp him had been dealt with swiftly and brutally, serving as a powerful example to any others who might secretly harbour such plans.
As usual the call had been pre-arranged by Number One’s subordinates, and Nero was expected to be in a position to receive the call at the appointed time. Woe betide the man who was not dutifully sitting waiting when Number One called – he was not known for his patience. And so it was that Nero sat watching the second hand of the clock on his desk slowly sweep around to the appointed time. He had never known a call from Number One to even be a second late and he doubted very much that this would be the first time.
As the second hand ticked past twelve the video screen lit up with the familiar H.I.V.E. fist and globe logo. The symbol faded away to be replaced by a silhouette of a man, his appearance entirely hidden.
‘Maximilian. It is good to speak with you again,’ the shadowy figure on the screen began.
‘The honour is mine, Number One. There is something that you wished to discuss with me?’ Nero asked.
‘Indeed. I trust that the latest intake of students has been successfully acquired.’
‘Yes, sir. This year’s intake numbered nearly two hundred students across all streams, our highest new intake for some time.’
‘And the retrieval operations went smoothly?’
Nero contemplated telling Number One about the difficulties that the retrieval team had when trying to recruit the Fanchu boy, but decided against it. He knew that there was a chance that Number One may have already heard about the incident – he did after all appear to have sources of intelligence in every corner of the globe – but he trusted his operatives’ discretion in such matters.
‘No, Number One. Everything proceeded according to plan,’ Nero replied, keeping his voice even. Number One was notorious for his ability to sense a lie.
‘Good. I would be most disappointed if anything happened to reveal any hint of H.I.V.E.’s existence to the world. We cannot afford to relocate the school again.’
‘Our existence is still a secret, sir, you can rest assured of that.’ Nero knew what the personal consequences would be if this ever ceased to be the case.
‘Good. See that it remains that way,’ Number One replied.
Nero knew that Number One was not just calling to discuss the retrieval of the new intake of students. He had already detailed the success of the operation in his usual report to G.L.O.V.E. and Number One could easily have found that information within it.
‘Is there anything else, Number One?’ Nero enquired, knowing that there must be.
‘Yes, there is one other thing. The Malpense child.’
Alarm bells started to ring in Nero’s head.
‘Yes, sir, he arrived safely yesterday.’
‘Yes, I know. You may be curious to know who is sponsoring his admission to the program.’
Nero was indeed curious. He had checked Malpense’s records after he had greeted the new students in the entrance cavern. The Contessa’s report on his behaviour during the introductory tour and the incident in the dining hall had only confirmed Nero’s initial impression of the boy, and he had been keen to find out as much as possible about this new student. After all, it was not every day that H.I.V.E. took in a new student who had already deposed a head of state before they had even started their training. Nero had become more curious when he had tried to access the details of Otto’s sponsor, only to be informed that his G.L.O.V.E. security clearance was not high enough to access that information. This had astonished and then worried Nero. It had certainly never happened before, and there were very few people in the world who had a higher security clearance than he did.
‘Yes, sir. It is somewhat irregular that I cannot access the details of his sponsor, though I’m sure it was for a very good reason.’ Nero picked his words carefully; talking with this man could be like tap dancing in a minefield.
‘Yes, there is a good reason, and it is something that you at least should be aware of. I am sponsoring the Malpense child personally.’
Nero felt a sudden chill. Number One had never sponsored a student at the school before.
‘I see. Is there any particular reason why you have chosen to sponsor him? I mean, is there anything I should know that might help with his future education?’
‘My reasons are my own. I would have thought that you would know better than to question them by now, Maximilian.’ Number One’s voice seemed to harden for a second, and Nero felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle.
‘Of course, sir. I did not mean to question your decision, I’m sure that he will prove to be an excellent student.’ Nero struggled to suppress the anxious note in his voice.
‘As am I. I will expect regular reports on his progress.’
‘Of course, sir. Is there anything else?’
‘See that no harm comes to him, Nero. Doubtless he will suffer occasional injuries as part of his training, but no serious harm must befall him. I am holding you personally responsible for his safety.’
‘Very well, Number One. Is there anything else?’
‘No, that is all. Pass on my best wishes to your staff.’
To remind them that he was always watching, Nero thought to himself.
‘I will, Number One.’
‘I shall speak to you again soon, Maximilian. Goodbye.’
The video screen went dark. Nero sat back in his chair, trying to make sense of what Number One had just told him. He had never sponsored a child at the school before, so there was clearly something about Malpense that had changed his mind, and Nero had to find out what it was. In the meantime he would have to instruct Raven not only to keep an eye on the boy but also to make sure that nothing untoward happened to him. Her talents were not normally used to protect students, but he had little doubt that she would make the best and most discreet bodyguard for the boy. It would not do for the staff or students to become aware of the special treatment Malpense was receiving so she would have to remain as invisible as possible. Fortunately, as her past victims would attest, there were very few people who saw Raven until it was far too late to do anything about it.
Nero pulled up Otto’s records on the computer on his desk and scanned the details again, looking for some piece of information that he had missed that might give him some clue as to Number One’s motivations for choosing the boy. There was nothing immediately obvious, other than the audacity of his last scheme, but Nero resolved to find out as much as he could about Otto Malpense. His own survival might depend upon it.