EVERY BIOGRAPHY IS A TEAM EFFORT. MANY PEOPLE CONTRIBUTE to its success, not the least of which may be the subject himself. Foremost, of course, I would like to thank Dean Koontz for extending himself so generously, and for making certain that I got things right. After him, I wish to thank Gerda Koontz for her assistance and for tolerating my numerous intrusions.
Among my resources were Dean and Gerda’s friends and family, business associates, fans, supporters, and colleagues. Then there were my own friends, who sent things, offered encouragement, or alerted me to important resources. Everyone was generous with his or her time and some were unbelievably hospitable. Just listing names fails to convey the quality of the moments I spent with these people, but in the interests of space, my eternal thanks to Susan Allison, Jean Hastings Ardell, Kimberly Barker, Marcella Barkman, George Beahm, Paul Beers, Greg Benford, Fay Bitting, Vera (Houck) Blackburn, James Blaylock, John Bodnar, Linda Borland, David Bradley, Don Brautigam, Helen (Morgart) Carberry, Anthony Ceddia, Richard Chizmar, Doug Clegg, Michael Collings, Angelo Costanza, Matthew Costello, Stacy Creamer, Norma (Ickes) Cuppett, Dorothy DeGrange, Terry DiDomenico, Tom Doyle, Nancy Eckard, Harlan Ellison, Elizabeth Engstrom, Jack Faust, O. Richard Forsythe, Ned Frear, Harold Gleason, Ed Gorman, Robert Gottlieb, Martin Greenberg, Linda Farner Holtry, Corey Hudson and the Canine Companions for Independence, Tim Hely Hutchinson, Gary Ickes, Larry Johnson, Donna Johnston, Ming Johnston, Don Jones, Pat Karlan, Jonathan Kellerman, Dana Kennedy, Louise Kinzey, Joe and Karen Lansdale, Richard Laymon, Bentley Little, Nancy Logue, John Maclay, Farhad Mann, Robert R. McCammon, Don McQuinn, Jane Miller, Henry Morrison, Bill Munster, Michael Naidus, Yvonne Navarro, George Newill, Maxine O’Callaghan, Ruth Osborne, Phil Parks, Lee Pieterse, Tim Powers, Barry Price, Harold Recard, Michael Sauers, Jim Seels, Dave Silva, Robert Silverberg, Joe Stefko, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Tanner, Grant Thiessen, Lisa Tuttle, Robert Weinberg, Pelli Wheaton, Stan Wiater, David Williams, Alan Williams, Mary Jeanne (Heit) Wilt, F. Paul Wilson, Chris Zavisa, and Gail and Al Zimmerman.
I also want to express appreciation for the readers on the Dean Koontz chat list who kept letting me know how eager they were to see this book. It was a pleasure to be among them, particularly those for whom Dean’s novels have had a profound impact. Special thanks to Gareth.
One of the most enthusiastic supporters was Lori Perkins, my agent, who had been urging me for years to approach Dean and who was thrilled that it all worked out.
My editor, John Silbersack, was especially patient and encouraging, and had a good sense of perspective — a must for anyone immersed inside someone else’s life story. He kept my head above water, so to speak. I also wish to thank his assistant, Noelle La Corbiniere, for her patience and persistence in maintaining the flow.