Star Quest, Ace Double 1969

The Fall of the Dream Machine, Ace Double

Fear That Man, Ace Double


Anti-Man, Paperback Library

Beastchild, Lancer (revised and published in hardcover, Charnel House, 1992)

Dark of the Woods, Ace Double

The Dark Symphony, Lancer

Hell’s Gate, Lancer

Soft Come the Dragons, Ace Double

The Pig Society (with Gerda Koontz), Aware Press

The Underground Lifestyles Handbook (with Gerda Koontz), Aware Press

Bounce Girl (with Gerda Koontz), Cameo (Aware) (reprinted as Aphrodisiac Girl, Oval Press, 1973)

Hung (pseudonym withheld at author’s request), Cameo (Aware)


The Crimson Witch, Curtis

Demon Child, “Deanna Dwyer,” Lancer

Legacy of Terror, “Deanna Dwyer,” Lancer


Chase, “K. R. Dwyer,” Random House (hardcover)

Children of the Storm, “Deanna Dwyer,” Lancer

The Dark of Summer, “Deanna Dwyer,” Lancer

Dance with the Devil, “Deanna Dwyer,” Lancer

A Darkness in My Soul, Daw

The Flesh in the Furnace, Bantam

Starblood, Lancer

Time Thieves, “Leigh Nichols,” Ace (Dobson: London, hardcover, 1972)

Warlock, Lancer

Writing Popular Fiction, Writer’s Digest Books (hardcover)


Aphrodisiac Girl (reprint of Bounce Girl), Oval Press

Blood Risk, “Brian Coffey,” Bobbs-Merrill (hardcover)

Demon Seed, Bantam (revised and reissued, Berkley, 1997)

Hanging On, M. Evans & Company (hardcover)

The Haunted Earth, Lancer

Shattered, “K. R. Dwyer,” Random House (hardcover) (reissued, Berkley, 1985)

A Werewolf Among Us, Ballantine


After the Last Race, Atheneum (hardcover)

Strike Deep, “Anthony North,” Dial Press (hardcover)

Surrounded, “Brian Coffey,” Bobbs-Merrill (hardcover)


Dragonfly, “K. R. Dwyer,” Random House (hardcover)

Invasion, “Aaron Wolfe,” Laser (revised and reissued as Winter Moon, Ballantine, 1994)

The Long Sleep, “John Hill,” Popular Library

Nightmare Journey, Berkley

The Watt of Masks, “Brian Coffey,” Bobbs-Merrill (hardcover)


Night Chills, Atheneum (hardcover)

Prison of Ice, “David Axton,” Lippincott (hardcover) (revised and reissued as Icebound by Ballantine, 1995)


The Face of Fear, “Brian Coffey,” Bobbs-Merrill (hardcover)

The Vision, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover) (reissued, Berkley, 1986)


The Key to Midnight “Leigh Nichols,” Pocket Books (Piatkus, London, hardcover, 1979; first U.S. hardcover edition, Dark Harvest, 1989) (revised 1995, Berkley)


The Funhouse, “Owen West,” Jove (Headline, London, hardcover, 1992) (reissued, Berkley, 1994)

The Voice of the Night, “Brian Coffey,” Doubleday (hardcover) (reissued, Berkley, 1991)

Whispers, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)


The Eyes of Darkness, “Leigh Nichols,” Pocket Books (Piatkus, London, hardcover, 1981; first U.S. hardcover edition, Dark Harvest, 1989) (revised and reissued, Berkley, 1996)

The Mask, “Owen West,” Jove (Headline, London, hardcover, 1989) (reissued, Berkley, 1988)

How to Write Best-selling Fiction, Writer’s Digest Books (hardcover)


The House of Thunder, “Leigh Nichols,” Pocket Books (Piatkus, London, hardcover, 1982; First U.S. hardcover edition, Dark Harvest, 1988) (reissued, Berkley, 1992)


Phantoms, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)


Darkfall, Berkley (Darkness Comes, W.H. Allen, London, hardcover, 1984)

Twilight, “Leigh Nichols,” Pocket Books (Piatkus, London, hardcover, 1985; First U.S. hardcover, Dark Harvest, 1988) (rereleased as The Servants of Twilight, Berkley, 1990)


The Door to December, “Richard Paige,” Signet (by “Leigh Nichols,” Inner Circle, London, hardcover, 1988) (revised and reissued, New American Library, 1994)

Twilight Eyes, The Land of Enchantment (hardcover) (W.H. Allen, London, hardcover, 1987) (revised with a sequel and reissued, Berkley, 1987)

Shattered, “K. R. Dwyer,” Berkley (reissue of Random House 1973 edition)


Strangers, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

The Vision, Berkley (reissue of G.P. Putnam’s Sons 1977 edition)


Shadowfires, “Leigh Nichols,” Avon (Collins, London, hardcover, 1987; First U.S. hardcover edition, Dark Harvest, 1990) (reissued, Berkley, 1993)

Watchers, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

Twilight Eyes, Berkley (revision, with a sequel, of Land of Enchantment 1985 edition)


Lightning, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

Oddkins: AFable for All Ages, Warner (hardcover)

The Mask, Berkley (reissue of Jove 1981 edition)


Midnight, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)


The Bad Place, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

The Servants of Twilight, Berkley (reissue of Twilight, Pocket Books 1984 edition)


Cold Fire, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

The Voice of the Night, Berkley (reissue of Doubleday 1980 edition)


Hideaway, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

Beastchild, Charnel House (hardcover revision of Lancer 1970 edition)

The House of Thunder, Berkley (reissue of Pocket Books 1982 edition)


Dragon Tears, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

Mr. Murder, G.P. Putnam’s Sons (hardcover)

Shadowfires, Berkley (reissue of Avon 1987 edition)


Dark Rivers of the Heart, Alfred A. Knopf (hardcover)

Winter Moon, Ballantine (comprehensive revision of Invasion, Laser 1975 edition) (hardcover, Headline: London, 1994)

The Funhouse, Barkley (reissue of Jove 1980 edition)

The Door to December, “Richard Paige,” Signet NAL (revision of Signet 1985 edition)


Strange Highways, Warner (hardcover)

Icebound, Ballantine (revision of Prison of Ice, Lippincott, 1976)

The Key to Midnight, Berkley (revision of Pocket Books 1979 edition)


Intensity, Alfred A. Knopf (hardcover) (Headline: London, hardcover, 1995)

Santa’s Twin, HarperCollins (hardcover)

The Eyes of Darkness, Berkley (revision of Pocket Books 1981 edition)


Sole Survivor, Alfred A. Knopf (hardcover)

Ticktock, Ballantine (Headline: London, hardcover, 1996)

Demon Seed, Berkley (revision of Bantam 1973 edition)


Fear Nothing, Bantam (hardcover)