Chapter One—Hot Springs

England, at the foot of the Chevoit Hills, near the Borderlands, 1446

“This was a fine idea,” Curran Aurick announced to the world at large.

He arched his back until the rest of his naked body floated to the surface of the steamy water. The natural hot spring formed a bath tub big enough for ten large men, but this night Curran had it all to himself. Of course, if one of the castle functionaries ever caught him here, his good fortune would take a sharp turn for the worse.

“A member of the Guard must not befoul the healing waters into which His Grace’s lily white bottom descends,” he mocked in the nasal tone of the keep’s chatelaine.

Like Luthias’ arse shat daisies.

Not that he had any personal knowledge of the arse belonging to Luthias, the Fourth Duke of Otterburn. Yet. Duke Luthias hadn’t been home since Curran took the post of guardsman. That in no way diminished the respect and love which blossomed in Curran’s heart as he listened to the epic tales spun about His Grace’s battle prowess, kind heart and lusty cock.

The great nobleman had beaten back the northern marauders time and time again. His campaigns on the border separating his beautiful duchy from the Scottish rocks prevented the butchering heathens from spilling stout English blood throughout the peaceful countryside.

As his large family lived in one of the Duke’s protected villages, it was a cause Curran wholeheartedly supported. It was also one of the biggest reasons he’d left home. Curran planned to spend his life chasing adventure so his younger siblings back home never needed to run in fear from the barbarians. What better way to accomplish that than by joining the Duke’s army and learning the art of making war from the man who did it best?

Unfortunately, as a member of the Duke’s home guard, Curran had no opportunity to take an active role in the Duchy’s defense. The only time he’d had to draw his weapon was to fend off a playful attack by a quartet of maids.

Thanks, ladies, but no thanks.

It took something stouter than a virgin’s plump breasts to make his cock sit up and take notice. Given the dearth of male lovers in the area, every so often Curran became tempted to take a bite of the sweet meat the ladies offered him. The notion never lasted long, for he need only look at their powdered and perfumed bodies to have his manhood bow down in defeat.

No, his body and soul belonged to men with a warrior’s heart. The heart of a lion. Rare men like Luthias.

True, the Duke was aging, but far from infirm if the stories told about him contained a grain of truth. His corded thighs were laced with battle scars. His hands were calloused from a strong grip on the hilt of his sword. No doubt the man’s sex would stand as tall and proud as the Duke himself.

Curran longed to know what would please so great and worthy a man in the privacy of his bedchamber. Yet, bedding the Duke was a dream destined to remain unfulfilled. His first three wives were fragile creatures, dying in childbirth or soon thereafter according to common servant gossip. The fact that he kept replacing those he’d lost even after procuring a male heir spoke to his preference for feminine charms.

Did the Duke require his wife to pleasure him with her mouth first? Or was it her warm, wet channel that His Grace preferred? Would there be anything Curran could do to entice the man to sample what pleasures could be found in the arms—and snug hole—of another man?

Curran let his thoughts linger on the arousing topic, generating an internal heat equal to the temperature of the mineral-laden water surrounding him. His engorged shaft bobbed against his flat stomach as he imagined being impaled by the Duke’s cock. Soon his sex swelled with the need for release, even if it had to come from his own hand.

Under the water, his feet sought solid ground upon which to rest. The irregularly shaped wall of the pool provided an alcove which cupped his body perfectly. His fist encompassed his cock, stroking the hard shaft in a steady rhythm. He didn’t have much room to widen his stance, but he did what he could with his other hand to bring his balls equal pleasure.

“More, faster,” he moaned encouragingly to the Duke of his erotic dreams.

His imaginary lover complied, taking care to rub a thumb over the head of his cock on the upstroke, just as Curran preferred.

Sharp edges of the natural formation had been chipped away to provide a surface that might abrade but not slice through tender flesh. Curran relished the sensation of the rough texture against his skin as he flexed his hips.

In and out, his cock thrust through his tight fist. No, not his, the Duke’s. And what was it Luthias was saying? Oh, yes. That Curran was a brave and honorable man. A man who pleased the Duke in so many ways…

“Yes, Yes. Take me fully into your mouth, sire,” Curran said aloud. It was the last coherent phrase he could utter, for the power of his release overtook his muscles and he cried out to the full moon in one long, shuddering breath.

And in the brief silence that followed, Curran heard a shrill, avian cry which chilled him to the bone.




Tanis watched from the forest as the young man soaking in the steaming pool rocked with the aftershocks of release. Moonlight cast a white glow through the mist, surrounding the man with a heavenly aura. Wet, long blond hair had been pushed back from his face so Tanis could clearly see how much enjoyment the man had wrought upon himself. He only wished he could have arrived at the beginning of the show, when he might have managed an invitation to help.

Crazy old fool, he cursed himself. He’d long ago given up on finding a male partner willing to sate his needs. Lusting after this young warrior would bring him no satisfaction.

Or would it?

Was that not a cry to “sire”? Sire, not lady? How…interesting.

Before Tanis could decide whether or not to approach the man—a stranger whose name he hadn’t had reason to know before now—Athena did it for him. Her soul-rending scream pierced the night, bringing every woodland creature within hearing to full alert.

The guardsman’s head snapped around as the hawk cried again. Tanis knew she was searching for him and wouldn’t cease her yammering until she’d located him. Blasted bird.

But since the hawk was also his best friend, Tanis stepped out of concealment and into the ring of tall grass surrounding the pool so he could be found.

“Who goes there?” the young man demanded.

Tanis barked, his version of laughter. “A bit late to be inquiring, if you ask me. I could have had your breeches and what you put in them by now if that had been my goal.”

“Tanis of Appin? Is that you?”

Tanis wasn’t surprised that a member of the home guard knew of him. Most of the castle dwellers had heard of the man who brought meat to the Duke’s table during these lean times. However, as he wore hunting garb and with the thick of night upon them, a human’s eye couldn’t pick him out against the dark trees. The man must have zeroed in on his voice, and Tanis’ estimation of him rose another notch.

Athena landed on a dead branch near Tanis’ shoulder. He waited until the rustling leaves quieted before he answered the guard’s question. “Aye.”

“Damn and blast,” the other man said, slapping the water with the flat of his hand. “Do not sneak up on a body like that.”

“How should I sneak up on him then?” Tanis nearly laughed again at the disconcerted look his comment had earned him.

“Best not to do it at all, not if you want to remain on friendly terms with the likes of me.”

Tanis wanted to remain on friendly terms with the naked man wallowing in the hot spring. Very friendly terms. The problem was that he wasn’t certain this man would feel the same way. Having fantasies about sex with another male didn’t mean he desired the real experience, or that Tanis would fit the role of lover even if the young man did desire it. Though his face rarely caused young children to scream in fright, there were other parts of him that sometimes did. Chances were the only satisfaction he’d get out of asking this beauty for a love tussle was confirmation that he was the silly old fool he often called himself.

Yet his body refused to obey the command to walk away. His gaze was busy devouring the long expanse of a well-sculpted chest. His fingers itched to explore the curve of lower back and buttocks that hid below the spring’s surface. A little insistent voice whispered inside his head that this one might be different.

While his internal debate continued, Tanis replied, “I would think you would be more alert, stealing strength from the Duke’s healing waters as you are.”

The guard straightened his shoulders. “There will be enough left over for His Grace when the time comes as there is little of me in need of healing.”

The truth of his boast was self-evident, and Tanis rushed into speech to prevent a telling groan from escaping his lips. “What about now? Is there room for another?”

The young man seemed hesitant, and Tanis’ hopes plummeted to earth like a downed pheasant. However, he was stubborn enough to enter the pool anyway, if just to take advantage of the nature-made bathtub. No doubt he could use a washing after stalking prey through wet underbrush for the last fortnight.

“Plenty, I am sure,” the young man replied after a long pause. “Shall I leave you to it?”

Tanis hid his disappointed expression by bending over to unlace his boots. “I am not so wide that I require all that space to myself.”

“Then you should know the company you keep. My name is Curran Aurick, a member of the Duke’s home guard.” This declaration being made, the young man flipped onto his belly, his large frame disappearing under the black surface giving only a quick glimpse of his finely crafted arse.

Tanis wished there was a harmless way to encourage Curran to show off the rest of his lean frame. Wide shoulders and meaty arms from his swordplay were certainly worthy of appreciation, but Tanis was more curious about what lay below the water’s surface.

Tanis finished removing his boots and then went to work on his leather breeches. Athena watched him with keen curiosity until he stood in naught but a travel-stained brown tunic which hung to his knees. His semi-aroused state would be visible without it, as would the worst of the scars surrounding it. But he’d look like a damned fool if he jumped in with the fabric still on his back. The only reasonable solution that presented itself was to toss the cloth aside as he dove in.

Tanis did so, the sharp heat of the water smacking into his body. The night air had been mild for early autumn. The same could not be said for the hot spring, and he came up with an unmanly yelp.

“Hot, eh?” The guard’s grin indicated that he had once tried the same trick and met with similar results.

“It was not quite so warm when I was last here.”

“You come here often?”

“No.” It had been he who found it, a sanctuary for animals in the area. That was before Luthias became Duke and proclaimed the healing properties of the water should be reserved for his exclusive use. Tanis couldn’t explain the compulsion which urged him to seek it out this night, but he was very glad he had. “His Grace and I do not share the same taste in amusements. I find myself avoiding his presence whenever possible.”

The temperature ranged from scalding to barely tolerable, depending on where he floated. The cooler area happened to be closer to Curran. He didn’t want to crowd the younger man, but he didn’t want to end up with blisters on his balls either. His new friend was just going to have to settle for sharing his end of the pool or abandon it altogether.

Curran shifted his weight but didn’t move away. “Was your hunt successful?”

“There will be meat for the Duke’s table, if that is what you are asking.”

“Thank the Lord for that.”

Tanis bent over with the pretense of splashing water on his face to hide his bitter expression. “His desires are important to you?”

Curran laughed, a lively, happy sound that rocked Tanis to the core. “I have yet to meet him so I cannot know his desires. My question was self-indulgent as I look forward to breaking my fast more when I know there will be meat as well as the cook’s porridge to stick to my ribs.”

Tanis smiled in comprehension, and then turned his attentions to removing the dirt and sweat from his body. His own rough palms did most of the work since he had no soap or clean grit to aid him. “What brings you out this night? Surely there are places to bathe within the castle walls?”

“Aye, but always under the watchful eye of a bevy of servants or men of my own rank. I prefer to have a measure of privacy when I disrobe, even if I must break a few rules to find it.”

Tanis finished his chore and relaxed against the edge of the pool, his arms spread wide on the cool, dew-coated grass to prevent him from sinking. “And how do you feel about catching the rough side of the Captain’s tongue when you are caught breaking the law?”

“Why worry over that when I have yet to be caught?” Curran gave him a roguish grin.

Ah, to be that young and full of himself again. Tanis reckoned he had a decade or so on the guardsman in years, but a lifetime of bitter experience had hardened him into a much older being on the inside. It soothed some of the troubled patches of his soul to see this carefree man smile with such ease.

“I bet you enjoy the skulking about as much as the privacy,” Tanis said to him.

Curran nodded. “I’ve been trained to attack and defend inside the castle walls, but the Captain finds little reason to practice concealment. Doing so on my own is the only way to polish the skills my mentors have left out.”

A bark of laughter came unbidden to Tanis’ lips. The idea that men wearing metal and leather could hide among the corridors of grey stone was ludicrous. Maybe the light of the full moon had tainted the man’s brains into thinking the impossible was the reverse.

“You find my attempts at concealment laughable?” There was a definite challenge in his tone.

“No, no. ‘Tis not the quest to improve your skill which amuses me so much as the environs in which you choose to practice it.”

Sulking a bit, Curran replied, “We cannot all be one with forest dwellers. I do all right.”

“Is that an offer to demonstrate what skills you possess?”