Later, 8:03 P.M.

Olly: no movie night with your mom?

Madeline: I canceled. Carla’s going to be upset with me.

Olly: why?

Madeline: I promised her I would spend more time with my mom.

Olly: i’m messing up your life

Madeline: No, please don’t think that.

Olly: what we did today was crazy

Madeline: I know.

Olly: what were we thinking?

Madeline: I don’t know.

Olly: maybe we should take a break?


Olly: sorry. i’m trying to protect you

Madeline: What if protection is not what I need?

Olly: what does that mean?

Madeline: I don’t know.

Olly: i need you to be safe. i don’t want to lose you

Madeline: You barely have me!

Madeline: Are you sorry?

Olly: for what? for kissing?

Olly: honestly?

Madeline: Of course.

Olly: no

Olly: are you sorry?

Madeline: No.