

Publication of this book was made possible by the collective contributions of many active and retired police officers, their friends, and families. Special thanks are due to the Michigan Department of State Police and Retired Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant for supporting and approving my request to research police experiences for my Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Studies. This book is the final result of an exciting, atypical, culminating school project.

My heartfelt thanks to all the law enforcement officers and staff from agencies around the country who contributed personal interviews, written letters, emails, and photographs to produce this extraordinary collection of stories. The camaraderie and enthusiasm among police officers never ceases to amaze me. I was contacted by many officers I had never met before, in addition to those I was acquainted with. I can not express enough thanks and gratitude to all of you for your honesty, courage, and openness in sharing such personal experiences for people to read. Thank you for granting me your permission to print stories that are so rarely shared with the public. You have been my greatest street teachers for almost twenty years!

Blessings to all the academic teachers in my life, who encouraged and supported me throughout this project: Drs. Frank and Shelley Takai, Drs. Mark and Mary Thurston, Dr. Henry Reed, and Greg Deming. I am especially grateful to Dr. Michael Mirdad, who came up with excellent ideas for my initial research project and who unconditionally served as an energetic healer and teacher to me for the last four years.

Many thanks to all of my spiritual life teachers, past and present, who directly, indirectly, and synchronistically contributed their energy and strength for this book to happen. I am indebted to my oldest hands-on spiritual teachers, Michael and Beth Stone, who prepared me to write a book like this. Most recently, I thank Bodhi Avinasha, Larry Melamerson, Richard and Antoinette Asimus, and again, Michael Mirdad, for their insights into Kriya Yoga and spiritual awareness. Through yoga they have taught me the value of circulating life force energy for personal healing and rejuvenation. Without them, I’m not sure this book would have ever happened!

I sincerely thank my mother, Dr. Caroline Dunlap, for the initial editing she provided.

I thank my sister, Ellen Driesbaugh, and my best friend, Linda McCleary, for their enthusiasm, support, and insight.

And special thanks to Mary Jo Zazueta of To the Point Solutions, who edited the final manuscript and beautifully designed, in style and composition, both my school presentation and this final publication.