The Children


I was temporarily living in a rental home I owned on Detroit’s Eastside. I was in my mid-twenties, a police officer and also a Naval Reservist. One evening I fell asleep and had a dream:

I heard noises coming from the basement. I walked down the basement stairs and, as I entered the laundry room, observed a boy and a girl, both about eight years old. They were each dressed in beautiful clothing, as if going to church. However, they were transparent. I knew they had passed on. They, however, did not know they were ghosts.

As I entered the room, they looked at me and smiled. One child asked me, “Do you know where my daddy went? He was a Marine.” At that moment, I observed a bright light at the top of the stairs, unlike any light I had ever seen before. It was brilliant.

I told the children, “I know where your daddy went. He went into the light. You have to go there, too.” I held out my hands and the children reached for me, but their hands passed through mine. They smiled and we began walking up the stairs toward the light. As I approached, I couldn’t enter any farther into the light; but I watched as the children passed by me and entered into the beautiful light.

Then I woke up. I couldn’t believe how real the dream seemed. I told my roommate about it.

A few days later we were working in the basement, installing a 220-volt power outlet for a new high-powered air conditioner. The cable for the outlet had to be fed into the wall and ran from the upstairs living room to the basement—to the laundry room where I saw the children in my dream.

I cut a hole in the wall in the laundry room. As I reached into the wall to feed in the new cable, I felt something embedded in the wall. I pulled out a bayonet from a WWII rifle, still in its leather sheath! It was stamped U.S. 1941.

The bayonet had been sealed into the wall, right where I dreamed seeing the children. I considered it a gift from the children and their father for helping them get home. I still have it today.


Note: Although this officer was off duty when the events occurred, his story is included because it is an amazing one.