Playing with zombies

Culturally, we've been fixated with the concept of shuffling hordes of undead creatures for decades. The subject of theĀ undeadĀ has appeared in every entertainment platform to date: from print, to radio, to movies, to television, and finally to games. With this exposure, we have the luxury of not having to define the concept of a zombie. With so much interest, there is no lack of content to choose from. There are hundreds of free assets online and in the Asset Store for this genre. This will save us the considerable time and effort normally devoted to modeling, rigging, and animating the various components needed to build our experience.

Additionally, the video game shooter genre is so familiar that we'll have no trouble embellishing it to add our own creativity.

This game focuses on creating a stationary, first-person experience. The player is positioned at the junction of three alleyways and must destroy an unending stream of brain-thirsty zombies, armed with a gun.

Mac Users: At the time of this writing, the 1.20.0 release version of the Oculus Virtual Reality, OVR, plugin is not reliable on the Mac OS platform. Several developers, including myself, have run into problems getting Unity to load the plugin for standalone or Android builds. Staff members on the Unity forum have been alerted to the issue, but at present it remains low on their priority list. Because of this development, we would suggest waiting for a stable version of the plugin to be released before attempting this project on a Mac.
Figure 5.1: Environmental concept sketch