
This book could never have been written without the support and encouragement of many sex therapists who reported the need for an in-depth description of the purposes and specific instructions for the Sensate Focus touching experiences that represent the foundation of sex therapy. Many of these supporters took an online survey of their use of Sensate Focus in their practices with varied populations, and they convinced us that this modality is neither out of practice nor ineffective. It has merely been awaiting manualization and the addition of the compiled wisdom of practitioners over the last 30 years. Among the most avid supporters has been Barry McCarthy, Ph.D., who read one of the later drafts and spent considerable time giving feedback and suggestions. We are indebted to Michael Perelman, Ph.D., for his early interest and support, editorial suggestions, and for offering to write the Foreword. Susan Stiritz, Ph.D., MBA, MSW, also read a later draft and provided helpful input. Others who supported this project from inception include Michael Plaut, Ph.D., and Joanna Whitcup, Ph.D., to whom we owe our sincere appreciation. Many others provided us help with fact-checking regarding the use of Sensate Focus with varied populations with whom the authors had less familiarity. We thank you!

This project involved both the art of photographers and illustrators and also the willingness of models to complete our dream of following Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan’s lead in creating visual representations of both the beauty of human sexuality and the practical application of Sensate Focus. Luck was with us when National Geographic photographer Raymond Gehman agreed to take the photographs, and Karen Ann Jones agreed to translate those photographs into the expressive illustrations contained in this book.

We would not even have begun a project like this nor found the energy and focus to see it through without the help of our superb publisher, Routledge, and our multi-talented Editor, Elizabeth Graber. She was the one who sold us on the idea in the first place, and kept us on task when deadlines loomed large.

We would not be complete in our acknowledgments without recognizing the hundreds of clients who have come our way over the last three and a half decades, seeking help and offering feedback on what is helpful for them when using Sensate Focus, and what is not. This is especially the case with our most challenged clients and clients from diverse backgrounds. They have taught us more than we have taught them about the nuances and modifications of Sensate Focus.