We have been all along the Street called Straight, where Saul of Tarsus was led after God struck him blind, in Damascus. We even saw the place where they lowered Paul through a high window in the wall, and he was let down outside the city when he had to flee for his life.
Beyond doubt Paul went from there direct to Petra where he spent the unaccounted for 3 years with Christ.
We thought of that, when we were in Petra— and how undoubtedly that is the very place where WE shall spend from 3 to 7 years during the Great Tribulation and possibly also the terrible Day of the Lord, soon to come— IF we are close to God instead of this pleasure-man world— if we are praying always, and WATCHING, and accounted worthy to escape the things that are coming on earth!

—Herbert W. Armstrong
Brethren & Co-Worker Letter

They were listening and paying attention like he was God giving them a safe place to hide because the world was coming to an end.

—Iceberg Slim
Pimp: The Story of My Life