Section 06, Detail GOLOOKF
Baraboo, Wisconsin

Founded in 1838, the city of Baraboo, Wisconsin, takes its name from the nearby Baraboo River.

Conveniently located only a few miles from Interstate 90 and the train station at Wisconsin Dells, Baraboo features many fine restaurants, a dozen outdoor recreation attractions, and the Circus World Museum.

From 1884 to 1917, Baraboo was the headquarters of the Ringling Brothers circus as well as several other circuses. This earned the town the nickname Circus City.

Officially, the population of Baraboo is about twelve thousand.

The official population count does not include one hundred clowns who live in secret buildings beneath the streets of Baraboo.

The Society of Universal Nonsense (aka the SUN) is an army of failed circus performers. Every member of the SUN has hyperosmia, meaning that their sense of smell is super-powerful. They are so sensitive to smells that they cannot spend much time close to people or animals. Thus, they can never join the circus.

They wear special red ball nose filters to protect themselves from odors. They wear enormous shoes to keep people at least twenty inches away from their faces.

Since they are unable to entertain, these clowns have banded together to annoy. They interrupt music festivals and sabotage parades. They ruin parties and vandalize art fairs. They play mean-spirited pranks on unsuspecting people around the globe.

Until very recently, the SUN has been crepuscular, choosing to stage most of its pranks around dawn and twilight. Now that the foul-smelling ninjas of the RAIN have been caught, the SUN has stepped up its attacks during all hours of the day and night.

Governments worldwide are trying to put a stop to the SUN and their cruel tricks. The New York City Police Department has assigned twenty-two officers to hunt them down.