
Chapter 14

Special messages

A past-life memory will sometimes come up because it has a special, positive message for us. These messages come to give us hope when we’re feeling down, confidence when we’re feeling weak and a renewed sense of purpose when we’re feeling lost.

Our inner self can find ways to get these messages through to us even without a regression. Dreams, meditation, intuitive feelings, signs and synchronicities are all good pathways that our spirits use to communicate with us.

Messages of hope

Sometimes our lives go through a dark patch. When that happens, it can be hard to see how or when it will end. At times like this, our past lives can be a great source of reassurance. They may show us that we’ve been through something similar before, and it turned out well in the end. They may also reconnect us with aspects of ourselves that will help us through the tough times.

Our lives often retrace the patterns of past-life experiences. But every time we repeat the pattern, it becomes easier and lighter. Once we’ve understood the underlying purpose of the experience, the lesson is done. That pattern will then fade away altogether.

Bombed out

In Bethany’s regression, she went back to the Second World War. Her town had just been badly bombed. She said it felt like somewhere in Europe – perhaps Germany.

A bomb had smashed her home into a pile of rubble. She was frantically scrabbling through it, looking for her four children. With great relief, she eventually found them all frightened but safe in the cellar.

Then she had to figure out what to do next. They’d lost everything they owned. All they had was each other, and the clothes they were wearing. Her husband had recently been killed in battle, so she had only herself to rely on. She couldn’t find any of her friends. They must have died in the raid. Her neighbours were cold towards her because she was foreign.

She decided to join the crowds who were walking to a refugee centre in the next town. It was a long way, especially for the children. Because she was different, none of the other people gave her any help along the way. But the little family got there in the end. They found a shelter that gave them hot soup and beds. From there, one small step at a time, the woman slowly rebuilt her life.

Some years later she remarried. She ended up living in a beautiful large house, cocooned in the warmth of friends and family again.

Bethany’s spirit guide said that the memory had come up to show her that her current worries would have a similar happy ending.

This session took place during the dark days of the credit crunch. Bethany told me that she’d been badly affected by it. She didn’t know how she’d ever recover. But she said this regression gave her reason to hope again. It felt like a major turning point. She knew that from now on life would start to get better.

Trust in life

Colleen came for a regression because of her asthma problems. Those issues were addressed during her regression, as described in Chapter 11. During the regression, she also accessed a memory that had an important message for her.

She went back to a life in Elizabethan England. She was an orphaned boy who lived on the streets. With his gang of fellow urchins, he spent his days begging or stealing food. At night they huddled together in cold doorways. But despite everything, he was cheerful and uncomplaining.

In his early teens, someone he’d begged from spotted his quick mind. They decided to take him up and train him as a servant. Thanks to that training, he later became a stable groom for an earl. He loved that job. (Colleen later said she still loves horses. Her father was a country vet, and she grew up with them.)

Then one day disaster struck: the earl died. Along with most of the other servants, the stable groom was put out of work. He had to take a live-in job at an inn.

That place turned out to be the nerve centre for under-ground dealings and nefarious networks. It was an eye-opening experience and an education of sorts, but never as enjoyable as looking after the earl’s horses had been.

The memory then jumped to the last phase of that life. He was living with his daughter and her family by then. Sitting in the garden, watching his grandchildren play, he was supremely contented.

He’d begun life with nothing, but had been blessed with good fortune. When it was time to pass on, he left that life with peace and gratitude in his heart.

Colleen’s guide was a Tibetan monk. He said that this particular memory had come to show her that if you keep a positive attitude and trust that life will look after you, all will turn out well.

Afterwards Colleen said that this advice was exactly what she’d needed to hear. She’d been worrying far too much lately. This reminder was all she’d needed to put her back onto a positive course again.

Messages of self-worth

Our innate sense of self-worth – or lack of it – is one of the most powerful influences on our lives. It radiates out from us to all other areas of our experience. Lacking it, we find unconscious ways to reject the many gifts that life has to offer us. But when we have it, we enjoy life more. It also gives us the resilience to weather any difficulties that may come our way.

Sometimes our natural sense of self-worth can become deflated. At those times, getting a positive past-life message is like putting new air in flat tyres. It restores our natural bounce, making it easy for us to move ahead again with renewed confidence.

From jeers to cheers

In a past life, when Eddie was a boy of 14, angry villagers drove him out of the area. He thought it was because he was different in some way. But all he could recall was the devastating feeling of being violently rejected by everyone.

Later on, when the hue and cry had died down, he crept home again. But the incident left its mark on his psyche.

The next thing he recalled about that life was when he’d grown up. He was making a speech in the village hall. It was about a new system he’d thought up to distribute food to the poor. His audience listened with frowns and folded arms. The idea died on its feet.

The memory then shifted to some years later. He was swimming in a river race against other communities in the area. Everyone from his village turned out to cheer him on from the bridge and the riverbanks.

When he won the race, they were exultant. They carried him home on their shoulders. That night they gave him a big party. For the rest of that life, he was able to bask in the warm feeling that he’d not only been accepted at last – he’d also become a local hero.

Eddie’s spirit guide told him that this memory had come up to reconnect him to that positive feeling, and to remind him that he could achieve whatever he set his mind to.

After the session, Eddie told me that a recent experience had knocked his confidence right down. He said that this memory, and the message it carried, had given him exactly what he needed to pick himself up again.

The capable monk

In his regression Gerry went back to a life as a senior monk in a Buddhist monastery. It was in a coastal town in the Far East.

One day a big storm came up. An old-style sailing ship crashed on the rocks. Gerry found himself directing the entire rescue operation.

The sailors from the ship were Chinese, so the local people were afraid of them. But with his influence as a senior monk, Gerry managed to reassure them. Before long, the people rallied round and helped to run a rescue centre for the distressed sailors.

The captain of the ship gave Gerry his heartfelt thanks for all that he’d done. After that, the memory faded.

Gerry’s guide said this memory had come up to remind him of his hidden capabilities. This was partly to give his confidence a much-needed boost. It was also to let him know that he will help many people in this life as well.

Messages of purpose

Our past lives can also send us messages about the purpose of our soul journey – why we came here and what we really want to do with our lives.

This kind of reminder can have a transformative effect. Life begins to make sense again. We start seeing our experiences from a new, higher viewpoint. And we know more clearly what choices to make to create the future that was always meant to be our destiny.

The ancient initiate

Liana booked a holiday in Glastonbury because she had a strong feeling that it would do her good in some way.

As soon as she arrived, she kept noticing the word ‘Thoth’, and seeing pictures of him. Thoth was the ancient Egyptian god of communication. He’s often shown holding a quill pen. The Greeks later called him Hermes, and for the Romans he was Mercury.

It seemed to Liana that something to do with Thoth was trying to get through to her. Her lodgings had a beautiful jacuzzi that she could use and as it was a quiet time, she could have it to herself. She decided to use it to relax and allow messages from her inner self to surface.

With an aromatherapy burner scenting the air, she sank into the warm bubbles. The tub was surrounded by large house plants. The candles she’d lit created softly moving shadows around her. She drifted into deep relaxation.

‘Then suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I saw Thoth,’ she said. ‘It was as if he was standing in front of me. He was looking straight at me. He said “My initiates are waking up now.” Then the image faded.

‘I was a bit startled by that. I was beginning to feel chilly, so I got out and went up to my room. I lay on my bed and fell asleep – and had an amazing dream.

‘I saw Thoth initiating and training many people – including myself. That began in ancient Egypt. But it’s been continuing on the inner planes ever since. It’s been going on during my life now. When I leave my body at night, that’s where I go. I just wasn’t ready to know about that till now.’

I asked what the teachings were about. Liana said it was to do with spiritual communications, and how to transmit them. She said she’d always had ambitions to be a writer, but hadn’t made much progress yet.

‘I think now that may be because I had the wrong focus,’ she mused. ‘My heart wasn’t in the kind of writing I thought I had to do. But I know now that I should write about what feels right for me.’

It’s my impression that many people belong to higher-dimensional groups that are also part of their past-life history. These groups are usually to do with your work, your spiritual path or a special purpose. When you’re ready to know more, information about it will start to come to you.

Special messages about our soul journey can be important turning points in our lives. They open up the way to a new future by reminding us of how life once was for us – and how it could be again.


Your inner spirit can speak to you in many ways. Messages may come to you through intuition, dreams, signs, synchronicities, hunches, meditation, inner feelings or regression. When the time is right, messages will come to:

When we know how to listen to them, all our past lives have special messages for us. They buoy us up with reminders of our joys, triumphs and achievements. They explain our problems and help us to solve them. And they enrich all our experiences with a deeper view of ourselves, the way of the world, and the meaning of life itself.