

Discovering your past lives is like finding that you live in a mansion, when you always thought you were confined to a tiny flat. You probably had inklings all along that there was something beyond the walls of that little flat. Then one magical day you found the door to the mansion. A whole new world opened up for you.

When you know that you’ve had past lives, every relationship, circumstance and event becomes easier to understand. Welcome light starts to shine not only on your path now, but on the way ahead as well.

There are two main ways to find out more about your past lives. One is by looking inward and the other is by looking outward.

The inner way

The best inner ways to get past-life information are:

The outer way

Ancient philosophies have always said that the outer world reflects what’s within us. It’s like a mirror to our deeper selves. It shows us things about ourselves that we’re not conscious of. This includes past-life information. So the outer way is about spotting the external clues to past lives that are around us all the time.

In The Elixir and the Stone, authors Baigent and Leigh said ‘We are beginning to make vital and dynamic connections between our internal and external lives which would have been unthinkable some 35 to 40 years ago.’

The main ways our past lives show up in the outer world are:

Part I of this book will go into detail about how to spot the past-life clues that are within and around you all the time. Once you know where to look, you’ll see them everywhere. A new adventure of discovery will open up for you – without having to go beyond your own doorstep.