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Kathleen waited in the foyer for her mother to join them. She kept her contempt toward Lord Holdenburg silent, pretending pleasure at his invitation to the theater. The only reason she joined the party was because of her love for the theater. She enjoyed the actors as they delved into their characters and brought the stories to life. Kathleen loved to escape into the drama as if she was part of the performance. The play was a comedy that she had never seen before and held rave reviews.
Throughout his friendship with Rory, Lord Holdenburg always ignored Kathleen as if she were a pest. She'd resented him whenever he took Rory away on adventures and left her behind. As she grew older, Kathleen watched him charm every woman of the ton, either into his bed or have them cater to his every whim. Even her own mother thought him a dear and always spoiled him as a son when he visited.
Even now, he infuriated Kathleen with his casual indifference. Holdenburg paid no compliment to her dress, and he held no pleasure in her company to this evening’s festivities. She at least thought he would admire the new ribbon she wove through her hair.
Rory had left it on her pillow that afternoon. It was his way of apologizing for his boorish behavior yesterday. She still didn’t understand why he tried to remove her from outside the parlor door. All she tried to do was find out what Holdenburg and her mother discussed. When he had arrived, Holdenburg asked to speak to her mother alone. Her mother sent Kathleen off to help Agnes with dinner. Instead, Kathleen stood outside the door to listen for any clue to why he called. Because of Rory’s outlandish behavior, she never found out why. Kathleen never stayed mad at her brother for any length of time. So she accepted his apology and wore the new ribbon.
However, Holdenburg stared at her in an ungentlemanly fashion as they waited. He leaned against the wall with his feet crossed in a casual manner, patiently waiting for her mother.
Lord Holdenburg was dressed to perfection. From his top hat to the tails of his evening jacket. Not one bit of lint or wrinkle graced his clothing. No man should appear so sinfully delicious. From his dark, black hair, to his sensuous eyes, to the fine fit of his clothes, he was the perfect specimen. Even the devil-may-care attitude he flung around enticed men and women to his persona. But not her. She recognized the devil himself disguised in his form. She wanted to strike out against his smugness.
“Mama is only using you to make Rory jealous of your attention to Lady Dallis.”
Lord Holdenburg pushed himself off the wall and strolled toward Kathleen. His steps were lazy and slow as they took him to stand before her. He stroked his finger along her cheek and leaned over to whisper in her ear.
“I am well aware of your mother’s plans, for they fit in perfectly with mine.”
His soft words and touch sparked a reaction Kathleen never felt before. In her confusion, Kathleen reached a hand to her cheek and gazed into his eyes. His expression changed swiftly before Kathleen understood his intent. Now only amusement lit his blue eyes as he greeted her mother. Her confusing thoughts regarding Lord Holdenburg kept Kathleen from joining the conversation as they rode toward Lady Ratcliff’s home where they gathered Lady Dallis and her grandmother. Rory would meet them at the theater.
Kathleen's eyes kept straying toward Holdenburg throughout their ride. Once, while she conversed with Dallis, he directed a look in her direction that led Kathleen's thoughts in a direction unknown. When she glanced back at him, it was to find his attention fixed on Dallis. Kathleen was mistaken, Holdenburg only had eyes for Dallis.
Dallis was saying, “My Lord, it appears your wish for a harem has come true.”
“You are mistaken, Lady Dallis, I said most men would wish for this, not I.”
“Wish for a what?” Kathleen inquired.
“Lord Beckwith will join our party at the theater.” Holdenburg interrupted before Dallis answered Kathleen.
Dallis met his gaze and realized that Holdenburg didn’t want Kathleen to have knowledge of their previous conversation. She sent him a swift nod of understanding. To change the subject and draw Kathleen’s attention away, Dallis discussed the play they were about to attend.
RORY IMPATIENTLY WAITED for them to arrive. The box was luxurious with every chair draped in comfortable cushions. Holdenburg even had his own servant waiting to serve champagne. He even supplied each woman with a new fan to cool themselves in the overcrowded theater. Every comfort to make the evening enjoyable were within their grasp. This display would threaten most men, but Rory knew it only to be in Holdenburg’s nature. His old friend was a charming soul who liked to please. Rory couldn’t feel threatened by him even if he tried.
When the box became invaded by Holdenburg’s party, Rory rose to his feet and guided his mother to her seat as the earl helped Lady Ratcliff to hers. Once the gentlemen settled the two older ladies, Rory was turning to assist Dallis when an elbow nudged his side. With a glare, Rory elbowed back and reached Dallis first, guiding her to a seat toward the back of the balcony hidden in the shadows. Rory sat next to her, sending Holdenburg a victorious look. Holdenburg returned it with a glare and then offered to escort Kathleen to her seat. Kathleen sent Rory her own scowl of displeasure before she settled at the front of the balcony.
The theater was a treat Rory had been unable to gift Kathleen with since their father passed away. Rory always enjoyed Kathleen's pleasure as she became engrossed in the performances. Holdenburg was gracious to provide them with this gift. Rory chuckled as Holdenburg took the only remaining seat in the box, next to his sister, and watched as Holdenburg attempted to talk to his sister only for Kathleen to rebuke him. Seeing Holdenburg rebuffed by his sister might be more entertaining than the play itself. Before Rory took pleasure from that, he should probably see what he accomplished for himself with Dallis.
“You are exquisite this evening, Lady Dallis.”
And she was with her hair in a riot of curls and a dress of soft blue encased around her generous curves. Dallis's creamy skin glowed under the candlelight. Rory wished he could reach out to trace his fingers across the soft surface.
“You’re very gracious, Lord Beckwith.”
“I only speak the truth from my eyes as I gaze upon your beauty.”
Dallis blushed at his compliment. She saw how he fought with Lord Holdenburg to escort her to their seats. He'd settled them in the darkest corner. Was this another attempt to seduce her and not respond? It would only cause the scandal surrounding her name to grow. She hoped not. Dallis wished his attempt to visit her yesterday meant that Rory would court her properly. She was beginning to doubt everybody’s opinions on his regard.
The theater became engulfed in darkness. The stage lit up with the characters coming to life. The scenes in the backdrop, drawing the eye to the fine detail, enhanced the performance. Dallis attempted to watch the play, but the couple in front drew her attention. The play plainly captivated Kathleen, her lips moved along with the characters as if she was the actress herself. However, that wasn’t what drew her eye, but Lord Holdenburg. He regarded Rory’s sister with devotion. Did he care for Kathleen? And they weren’t the only distraction. With Rory sitting so close, Dallis found it difficult to concentrate on the witty banter on the stage. Rory’s eyes were focused on her.
Rory tried to hold back, but he needed to touch her. Dallis's hands rested in her lap, holding onto the fan. He put his hand on hers, causing Dallis to drop the fan on the floor. It went unnoticed. Rory peeled the gloves from both his hands and Dallis's, and intertwined their fingers. When she raised her eyes to his, he smiled and turned his attention to the stage.
Dallis relaxed when Rory simply held her hand as they enjoyed the performance. His smile softened her guard as she took comfort from his touch. Rory’s hand was rough from hard callouses against the softness of her own. Before she was aware of her intent, she explored the differences. Her fingers trailed across the scrapes in his knuckles, and Dallis wondered why his hands were beaten. When she touched an open sore, his grip tightened. Dallis stroked the area gently and he relaxed.
Rory stilled at her touch. He only meant to hold her hand in an act of his true intentions. But with the gentle exploration of her touch his thoughts took a turn toward pleasure. How would she respond if he acted out his true desires? Would she sigh in pleasure? He took notice of how far they were hidden in the darkness. They were safe from any prying eyes. He stroked his thumb across her wrist where the beat of her pulse quickened. With his other hand he traced the length of her neck, low across her chest. Rory heard Dallis's sharp intake of breath, but she didn’t halt his actions. If anything he sensed a need for more. He lowered his head to follow the path of his fingers with his tongue. His lips started right below her ear, kissing softly before his tongue slid down. She tasted like strawberries. Her sigh echoed in his ears as he licked across the neckline of her dress.
Dallis's body was melting into her seat as Rory attacked her senses with his sensuous mouth. His highly scandalous behavior would be the final straw to her ruination if they were caught. When his hands brushed across her breasts and his thumb teased her nipples, Dallis was past the point of caring anymore. Rory could ruin her twenty times over as long as did not cease his touch. When her sigh turned into a moan that others could hear, he captured her mouth in a mind-numbing kiss. His lips drawing out each of her desires into a kiss filled with passion. Rory’s hand slid inside to caresses her breasts, and Dallis’s moans turned to groans that made his kiss even more powerful. With each stroke of his tongue he demanded more passion. Dallis’s fingers slid into his hair, arching her body closer to him.
Her damn chair was in the way. When Dallis pressed closer to him, Rory almost came undone. With a growl, he swept her onto his lap and wrapped Dallis in an embrace. In the back of his mind he understood the danger of their entanglement, but was past caring. Rory needed her. The weeks of trying to avoid Dallis wore on his patience. Her kisses met his demands with promises of more. Each breath from her into him, increased his appetite. Rory only meant for one taste, but his body wasn’t satisfied, it only wanted more. He pulled his fingers from her breasts and slid them along her leg. Rory’s hand moved higher, teasing her thighs to open for him. When his thumb brushed across her wetness, he moaned into her kiss capturing her sighs of pleasure. His fingers sunk into her heated core, melting Dallis against him.
Oh my, was all Dallis thought of to say. How wonderfully, delightfully, scandalous. The pleasures he taught her body only made her wish for more. Rory’s touch sent her emotions floating on a sensation out of her control. Each strum of his finger inside her wetness caused an ache needing to be relieved. Her body responded, begging for him to continue. Dallis wanted to stroke the hardness of his chest with her hand. When her fingers tried to unbutton his shirt, he stilled. Rory dropped his head to Dallis's forehead, taking deep breaths. He removed his hand from under her dress and brought both of her hands to his lips for a kiss. Rory’s stared into Dallis’s eyes, revealing his struggle. He righted her clothing, then slid her off his lap and onto her chair. After she settled, Rory slid her gloves back onto her hands. With a final brush of his thumb across her lips, he slid on his own gloves and resumed his attention to the play as if nothing untoward had happened. However, something did. Dallis noticed the pulse beating in his neck rapidly, as did her heart for him.
Soon candles were lit and applause erupted around them. Dallis understood why he put a halt to his affections. Intermission began with the crew preparing for Act II. Rory leaned over and gathered the fan from the floor, opened it and placed it in her hand.
“You may want to cool yourself, my dear, before people realize my intentions.”
Dallis flicked the fan back and forth to freshen her heated body. “And what are your intentions, Lord Beckwith?”
“You will discover soon enough, Lady Dallis,” he replied, helping her to rise.
Kathleen rushed toward them, exclaiming her delight on the wonderful performance. She described the set and the costumes as if they hadn't watched the show—which was the truth. Rory was too busy enjoying the pleasures of Dallis. A becoming shade of pink graced Dallis’s cheeks. Dallis indulged his sister with questions, asking her opinion of the performance. She made Kathleen feel as if she was more knowledgeable, a kindness which only endeared Dallis to him even more. His sister meant the world to him and Rory indulged her more than he ought. Ever since the day Kathleen was born and his mother laid her in Rory's arms, he'd sworn to protect her from all that was harmful. To this day Kathleen was still unaware of the true nature of their father’s demise. Something that Rory hoped she would never discover, for it would destroy her love of life. No, Rory would continue to protect Kathleen for as long as he could.
Dallis's mind was in a whirl. Rory’s sister was a delight. Kathleen’s love of the theater was captivating as she retold the play. Which in Dallis’s case was a blessing. For throughout the first act, a certain gentleman and the power of his touch occupied all her attention. Dallis still blushed from what they'd done. It didn’t help how close Rory stood by her side now, almost protectively. Dallis tried listening to Kathleen’s descriptions, but her mind kept wandering to his promise. What will she discover soon enough? These thoughts vanished when Lord Holdenburg joined them. Then she only felt remorse. Dallis had let Rory dominate her time when she should have spent more with Lord Holdenburg who'd invited them here this evening. As much as she wished to continue the evening with Rory, her guilty conscience guided her to the earl.
“Lord Holdenburg, what a joy this evening has been so far. Thank you for this wonderful treat.”
“You are very welcome, Lady Dallis. It is always a pleasure to spoil a beauty such as yourself.”
“Humph,” Kathleen muttered low enough, but all still heard it.
Lord Holdenburg directed a glare in her direction. Rory pulled Kathleen away toward their mother and Dallis watched them in confusion. She didn’t understand Kathleen’s attitude toward Lord Holdenburg. Dallis continued to stare as Rory poured her grandmother and his mother a glass of champagne while lecturing his sister. Kathleen pouted and stomped over to her chair, picking up her theater glasses to observe the changing of the stage. Rory inquired to his mother’s comfort before he took the seat next to Kathleen. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and whispered to her. Soon Rory had Kathleen smiling and she rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek. Another part of Dallis’s wall broke toward him. The orchestra played a few notes warning the attendants the second act was about to begin.
Holdenburg told Dallis, “It appears you have lost your escort, shall we take our seats?”
“I apologize for Lord Beckwith’s rude behavior earlier.”
“Never fear, my lady. We have been competing since we were old enough to understand. Any man would feel threatened if they were striving to win your hand. Rory might have started the play with you, however, I am the one you will end the performance with. Therefore, I win the chance of remaining in your memory the longest. Every gambler knows when to play his hand. It is not my fault Rory played his too soon.”
“I am a card game then?”
“No, my dear, you are the prize.”
Dallis wasn’t sure if she should be furious. Card game? Prize? Was how she wished for Rory to pursue her any different? She had taken the advice of Sidney and Sophia to make Rory jealous with another man. Should Dallis be angry with Lord Holdenburg when ultimately she was the one using him? Frankly, it wasn’t in her character to behave in this manner. After this evening, the next time Lord Holdenburg requested a walk, she would confide and set him free. If she wanted to win Rory’s heart, she would do it in her own way. With her own weapons of love. And in the end, if Rory didn’t respond, then he wasn’t the man for her.
Dallis tried to concentrate on the second half of the play, but her gaze kept straying to Rory. He sat relaxed in his chair, laughing with his sister at the antics of the actors. She wished for him to continue what he started. Dallis shut out her thoughts of Rory and tried to entice Lord Holdenburg into a conversation. However, the gentleman was distracted in his own right and payed no attention toward her. His fingers drummed silently on the arm of the chair, his gaze focusing forward. Even though they were in the darkest part of the box, Dallis saw the depth of sadness reflected in his eyes. They held a look of longing that she related to only so well. He was watching Lady Kathleen. Dallis wasn’t mistaken—Lord Holdenburg cared for Lady Kathleen.
“You care for her?” Dallis whispered.
“Who, Lady Dallis?” His voice turned cold and restrained.
“Lady Kathleen.”
Lord Holdenburg’s cynical laughter confused Dallis. “For Lady Kathleen? No, my lady, it is you who I care for, not for some overindulged debutante.”
He lifted her hand to place a kiss against her gloved fingers. The kiss held no distraction, for his denial was too strong. Also, his kiss left her empty. It reminded Dallis too much of Rory’s intimacies from before. Dallis felt guilty for allowing Holdenburg to touch her, let alone kiss her. She tried pulling her hand from his grasp, but he held on smiling indulgently.
That was how the ton remembered their affections, when the theater lit at the end of the play. Even Rory and his sister displayed their displeasure. Dallis noticed Rory’s anger and the hurt expression on Kathleen’s face. She longed to shout at them they were wrong, but couldn’t.
“Smile, Lady Dallis, or the ton will think you play loose with your favors. I would hate for your name to endure any more scandal.”
Dallis smiled at Lord Holdenburg so as not to draw any more attention to embarrass Nanna. Lord Holdenburg’s behavior shocked her. Since their introduction, he'd portrayed a fun-loving bachelor who enjoyed courting her. The man holding her hand spoke of a dangerous chap who could ruin her in a moment’s notice. His quick change of behavior at the mere mention of a slip of a girl, only confirmed in Dallis’s mind where his affections lay. If Holdenburg thought he could threaten Dallis, then she would play along long enough to gather any information she needed. Men like Lord Holdenburg never scared Dallis before and wouldn’t now.
“Think twice, Lord Holdenburg, to frighten me. Now I know your weakness.” Dallis said with a glance at Kathleen, wrenching her hand away.
The Beckwiths offered their gratitude before Rory escorted his mother and sister home. The carriage remained quiet with her grandmother resting in the corner. Holdenburg and Dallis regarded each other. Neither one of them smiling. They each pondered how much to trust the other with their secrets, and how they could help one another.
“A walk in the park tomorrow?” he suggested.
“Yes, a walk in the park tomorrow.”