Twenty-six Nephews and Nieces; Six Gigantic Pig Dogs; Three Old Husbands; and The Name We Dare Not Say.
“I never read the introduction! If you’ve read Aunt Effie and Aunt Effie’s Ark, you needn’t bother to read this one.” —Aunt Effie.
“I always read the introduction!” —Daisy.
Aunt Effie can’t be bothered remembering which one of us is which so she yells all our names: “Daisy-Mabel-Johnny-Flossie-Lynda-Stan-Howard-Marge-Stuart-Peter-Marie-Colleen-Alwyn-Bryce-Jack-Ann-Jazz-Beck-Jane-Isaac-David-Victor-Casey-Lizzie-Jared-Jess!” And we all come running.
It’s the same with her six gigantic pig dogs. She calls them, “Caligula-Nero-Brutus-Kaiser-Genghis-Boris!” and they all come running.
Aunt Effie has three old husbands: Captain Flash who has a pointy head, Chief Rangi who has a tattooed face, and the Reverend Samuel Missionary who wears his white collar backwards. They’re still in love with Aunt Effie and keep trying to call her by her proper name which she hates. We call it The Name We Dare Not Say. They’re always putting on disguises and trying to catch us, but we’re miles too smart for them.