Song of the Spirits upon the Waters
The soul of man
Is like the water:
From the sky it comes,
To the sky it goes
And down again
It must to the earth,
Changing ever.
In a limpid jet
It streams from the high
Steeps of the rockwall,
Sprays lovingly
In waves of cloud
Upon glossy stone;
And accepted lightly
Undulates in veils
To the depths below.
Cliffs stand out
Against the crashing,
Foams it fiercely
Step by step
Down to the abyss.
In a level bed
It steals through the meadows
And in a glassy lake
All the constellations
Feast on their faces.
Is a sweet lover;
Wind stirs from the lakebed
Foaming surges.
Soul of mankind,
How like to the water!
Fate of mankind,
How like to the wind!