I never would have had the opportunity to put my thoughts down on paper had my friend Joe Navarro not introduced me to my extraordinary agent, Steve Ross, and had Steve not decided to take a chance on me. Thank you, Joe and Steve.
I’m grateful to my collaborator, Seth Schulman, who has an uncanny ability to take words, thoughts, and emotions and bring them alive on the page. Working with Seth has been a joy, a learning experience, and a blessing.
To Hollis Heimbouch, thank you for spotting the potential of this project. Your input and partnership during the writing process was absolutely perfect and greatly appreciated. I also want to thank the members of the HarperCollins team as well as Seth’s colleagues for their help with research, fact checking, copyediting, and more. Your tireless work has made this book all it could be.
A number of people have shaped the ideas in this book over the years. My profound thanks go out to Dr. Paul Ekman, Robin Dreeke, Joe Navarro, and Ryan MacDougall. All of you have challenged me and helped me to improve. I also want to thank the core group that helped me create and run the Social Engineering Village: Jim Manley, Chris Roberts, Billy Boatright, Wayne Ronaldson, Chris, Kris, and Hannah Silvers, and the rest of the SEVillage Crew—as well as Jamison Scheeres, who planted the seeds of what would become SECOM and my company. I’m grateful as well to the many security professionals and citizens who have taken my courses over the years—you’ve taught me every bit as much as I’ve taught you.
My involvement with the Innocent Lives Foundation has deeply impacted me. Tim Maloney, thanks to you I am constantly expanding my horizons and learning to be more caring and compassionate. Neil Fallon, not only do you create some of the world’s best music, but you personify the spirit of this book and remind me always to stay attuned to people and their feelings.
I wish to acknowledge my best friends on this planet, Nick and Claire Furneaux, Ben and Selena Barnes, Kazuyuki and Amanda Nishi, Neil and Marilyn Vitale, and Mark and Teanna Hammann. You guys have been through it all with me, giving me more than I’ve given you. Thank you.
Lastly but certainly not least, my profound belief in God and the amazing family I have has directly led me to this point. My family has steadfastly supported me as I started and built the world’s first company focused entirely on social engineering. Areesa, Colin, and Amaya, thank you for helping me become a better husband, dad, and human. You, of all people, have left me feeling better for having met you.