Italic page numbers refer to illustrations.

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abiogenesis, 48

Ackerman, Thomas P., 93–94

Adriatic Sea, predator and prey studies in, 174–76, 179

agency-dominated biospheres, 219–22

aggression, of exo-civilizations, 50

agricultural revolution, 4

Alberti, Marina, 193, 198, 217

aliens, 13–14, 171; See also exo-civilizations

Alvin submersible, 113–15

Ames Research Center, SETI meeting at, 141–42

Anasazi civilization, 182

Anders, William, 107–8, 108

Andersen, Ross, 157

anoxygenic phototrophs, 116, 117

Anthropocene era; See also astrobiological perspective on Anthropocene era

Earth vs. human civilization in, 121, 222–25

energy consumption, CO2 concentration, and population in, 199

energy transformation limits in, 213–14, 220

frequency of conditions leading to, 171

as Great Filter, 26–27

and Great Oxidation Event, 117–18

narratives about, 55

waste products in, 188

anthropogenic climate change (human-driven climate change), 26–27, 70, 100–107

Apollo 8 mission, 107–8, 108

Archean eon, 110–11, 116–17, 218

Aristotle, 29, 158

Arrhenius, Svante, 69, 190

Asimov, Issac, 212

astrobiological perspective on Anthropocene era

and climate change, 224–25

and Noachian period on Mars, 91

questions of, 12–15

relationship of civilization and planet in, 209

role of humans in, 15–17

sociological questions about exo-civilizations in, 174

astrobiology, 10–12, 53, 90

astrometric sky mapping, 134–36, 142

Astronomical Journal, 135, 136


history of, 30–31

radio, 36–37, 39–42, 65

technology for, 36–37

Atchley, Dana, 43

Atlas-Agena rocket, 71


as detector of life, 123–24

and energy transformations on planets, 215–16

of Mars, 90–91

over Earth’s history, 99–100, 110

and surface temperature of planets, 68–70

of Venus, 65

atmospheric pressure, on Mars, 89–90

atomic weapons, 34–35

atomism, 28–29

average lifetime of technological civilization (L)

in Drake equation, 49–50

and exo-civilization modeling, 186, 192, 201–2

and exoplanet data on existence of exo-civilizations, 154

Green Bank conference estimates of, 53–54

importance of determining, 169–71

averages, in exo-civilization modeling, 186

Babylonians, 189

bacteria, in Earth’s history, 114–16

Basener, Bill, 183–84

Batalha, Natalie, 146–49, 224

Baum, L. Frank, 38

bedrock, on Mars, 78

Berkner, Lloyd, 40

Big Bang, 9

Big History Project, 250n.22

binary stars, 134, 135, 138, 144

biogeochemistry, 120


agency-dominated, 219–22

in Earth system science, 127–30

and energy consumption, 213, 214

and energy transformations on planets, 217–22

evolution of, 221

in Gaia theory, 123–27

influence on Earth’s history of, 118–22

modeling exoplanet, 185

thick, 218, 219

thin, 217–19

bio-technical probability (fbt)

and constraints on exo-civilization modeling, 171

of exo-civilizations at any point in time, 153–55

pessimistic estimations of, 157–64

birth rate of stars (N*), 46, 150

Black Cloud, The (Hoyle), 46

Black Death, 196

“blueberries,” on Mars, 90

Borman, Frank, 107

Borucki, Bill, 143, 145–46, 224

Brander, James A., 182–84

brightness, 137, 139; See also transit method

Brin, David, 25

Bruno, Giordano, 30, 135, 234n.16

Butler, Paul, 144

Byurakan Observatory meeting, 206–8, 207

Calvin, Melvin, 43, 44, 54

Cambrian Explosion, 112

Camp Century, 100–107, 102, 224

Canfield, Donald, 113–15, 218, 224

carbon cycle, 73, 74

carbon dioxide

in Earth’s atmosphere, 99

and energy consumption/population in Anthropocene era, 199

and greenhouse effect, 69–70

in Martian atmosphere, 86, 124

in Venusian atmosphere, 65

Carboniferous era, 112

Carroll-Nellenback, Jonathan, 194, 198

carrying capacity, 178, 182, 183

Carson, Rachel, 55–56

Carter, Brandon, 162–63, 247n.37

Catholic Church, 29, 30

Central Park nuclear freeze demonstration (1982), 92–93

Chariots of the Gods? (von Däniken), 181

chemical equilibrium, 123, 124

Cirkovic, Milan M., 210

cities, sustainable, 205–6


average lifetime of, See average lifetime of technological civilization (L)

coevolution of planets and, 14–15

human, See human civilization

Kardashev scale of progress for, 208–14

on other planets, See exo-civilizations

studying environment’s interactions with, 193–98

sustainable, See sustainable civilizations

Class 1 planets, 217

Class 2 planets, 217, 219

Class 3 planets, 217–19

Class 4 planets, 218–19

Class 5 planets, 218–22

climate, 11, 84

on Earth vs. Mars, 86–89

on Mars, 79, 83–84, 86–89

as military concern, 103–4

negative feedback cycle on, 74

in nuclear winter modeling, 94

positive feedback loop on, 73–74

on Venus, 63–67

climate change, 12

and Anthropocene era as Great Filter, 26–27

anthropogenic (human-driven), 26–27, 70, 100–107

and astrobiological perspective on Anthropocene era, 224–25

in Earth’s history, 223

exo-civilizations in study of, 54–58, 164–66

and habitability of Mars, 89–91

ice core data on, 106–7

and influence of human civilization on Earth, 6, 7

Mars model, 84–86

science vs. storytelling on, 8–10

waste products of civilization building as cause of, 188

climate science, 94–95, 102–4

Cocconi, Giuseppe, 41–44

coevolution, 14–15, 130

Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 105

cold trap, 74, 238n.32

Cold War, 21, 35, 39, 56, 58, 93, 101, 103, 122

Collapse (Diamond), 182

collapse, in exo-civilization modeling, 196, 197

collision theory, 33, 38

combustion, 189, 190–91

communications, with exo-civilizations, 43–50

compact multi solar systems, 148

conservation, 55–56

continent making, 110–11, 113

convective circulation, 215

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (de Fontenelle), 30–31, 31

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 29–30

Coriolis force, 88

Cornell University, 38

Coruscant, 212

craters, on Mars, 80–81

cratons, 110

Crick, Francis, 207

Curiosity rover, 78, 89, 90

cyanobacteria, 116

Daisyworld model, 129

D’Ancona, Umberto, 175–77, 176, 179

Dansgaard, Willi, 105, 224

Darwin, Charles, 9, 31, 32, 118, 172

Darwinian evolution, 172–73

“dead” worlds, 216, 217

de Fontenelle, Bernard, 30–31, 31, 34

delayed collapse, 196, 197–98

desert greening, 219–20

Diamond, Jared, 182

“die-off” trajectory, 195–96, 196, 233n.11

Drake, Frank, 40, 57, 104, 166, 223

at Byurakan Observatory meeting, 206

and Drake equation, 47, 51–52

and exoplanet discovery, 140, 150

and Green Bank conference, 43–45, 51–52

Milky Way as focus of, 236n.50

and Project Ozma, 37–42

radio astronomy techniques of, 65

Drake equation; See also average lifetime of technological civilization (L)

components of, 45–50

constraints on exo-civilization modeling from, 171–74

effects of exoplanet discovery on, 149–51, 153–55

focus of pessimism line vs., 165

at Green Bank conference, 50–54

optimistic estimations for components of, 158–59

pessimistic estimations for components of, 159–64

Dunn, Alan, 22

dust storms, Martian, 81–82, 94

Dutch, on Easter Island, 180–81, 184

Dyson, Freeman, 209–11

Dyson spheres, 210, 211


in Anthropocene era, 121

atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, 65

brightness of Sun vs., 137

climate change on, in context of exo-civilizations, 54–58

coevolution of life and, 10–11

effects of Anthropocene era for human civilization vs., 222–25

energy from Sun on, 209

energy transformations on, 218, 220

environmental impact of combustion on, 190–91

equilibrium temperature of, 68–69

formation of, 109

greenhouse effect on, 69–70

influence of human civilization on, 4–8

on Kardashev scale, 211

mechanics of climate on Mars vs., 86–89

proximity to Venus, 148

system-based understanding of, 56

trade winds on, 87–88

uses of exo-civilization modeling on, 198–202

water loss on, 74

Earthrise photograph, 107–8, 108, 121

Earth’s history, 6–7, 99–130

anthropogenic climate change in, 100–107

atmospheric changes in, 99–100

and Earthrise image, 107–8

Earth system science perspective on, 127–30

eons of, 109–13

Gaia theory of, 122–27

Great Oxidation Event in, 113–18

influence of biosphere on, 118–22

Earth-sized exoplanets, 144–45

Earth system science, 127–30, 222

Easter Island, 180–84, 181

ecology, 176

Egyptian Church of the Eternal Source, 127

Einstein, Albert, 52, 118, 137

electromagnetic spectrum, 36

endosymbiosis, 125

energy consumption

and CO2 concentration/population in Anthropocene era, 199

environmental impact of, 190–91

impact of technology on, 187

in Kardashev scale, 209–13

energy sources

effects of switching, 196, 197–98

in exo-civilization modeling, 186–90

planetary numbers of, 188–90

energy transformations

constraints on, 213–14

planetary classification based on, 214–22

in thermodynamics, 214–15


civilizations’ interactions with, 181–84, 193–98

on Easter Island, 181–84

impact of energy source use on, 190–91

environmental collapse, 182–84

environmental movement, 128

eons, 109–13

Epicurus, 28, 158

Epsilon Eridani, 41

equilibrium, chemical, 123, 124

equilibrium temperature, 68, 126

evolutionary biology, 171–73

evolution theory, 31, 32, 172–73

exo-civilization modeling, 169–202

average lifetime of civilizations from, 169–71, 201–2

averages in, 186

constraints on, 171–74

energy sources in, 186–90

environmental impact of energy consumption in, 190–91

histories of exo-civilizations in, 185–86

and history of Easter Island, 180–84

for studying civilization and environmental interactions, 193–98

theoretical archaeology of exo-civilizations, 184–202

theoretical biology as basis for, 174–80

uses of, on Earth, 198–202

exo-civilizations, 21–58

in astrobiology of Anthropocene, 13–14

Byurakan meeting on, 206–8

climate change on Earth in context of, 54–58

distribution of, 248–49n.21

Drake’s equation for, 50–54

Frank Drake’s search for, 37–42

Fermi’s Paradox on, 21–28

formation of, 171, 173–74

Green Bank conference on, 43–50

historical views on, 28–34

histories of, 185–86

probability of existence of, 151–64

in study of climate change, 164–66

and technological advances during atomic age, 34–37

theoretical archaeology of, 184–202

exoplanet discovery, 133–66

effects of, on Drake’s equation, 150–51

and exo-civilizations in study of climate change, 164–66

51 Pegasi b, 143–44

in Kepler mission, 144–47

knowledge about planetary system architecture from, 147–48

precision-related problems with, 137–40

and probability of exo-civilization existence, 151–64

by Thomas See, 133–37

of super-planets, 148–50

with transit method, 140–43


beliefs about existence of, 33–34

climate mechanics of, 89

modeling biospheres on, 185

“Explanation for the Absence of Extraterrestrials on Earth, An” (Hart), 24

extinction events, 115

extraterrestrial intelligent species, 23; See also exo-civilizations

fbt, See bio-technical probability

fc (fraction of planets with technological civilizations), 49


on climate, 73–74

in Daisyworld model, 129

in Gaia theory, 125–29

Fellowship of Isis, 127

Fermi, Enrico, 21, 23, 25–28, 57, 166

Fermi’s Paradox, 21–28, 170

fi (fraction of planets where intelligence evolves), 49

51 Pegasi b, 143–44, 147

55 Cancri e, 149

fl (fraction of planets where life forms), 48, 163–64

Flammarion, Camille, 32, 34, 158

Flammarion, Claude, 64, 64–65, 79

fossil fuels, 5, 54, 186, 187

fp (fraction of stars with planets), 47, 150

fraction of planets where intelligence evolves (fi), 49

fraction of planets where life forms (fl), 48, 163–64

fraction of planets with technological civilizations (fc), 49

fraction of stars with planets (fp), 47, 150

Frank, Adam, 156

fusion, nuclear, 34–35

Gaia theory, 122–29, 220–22


exo-civilizations colonization of, 24

number of detectable technologically advanced civilizations in, See Drake equation

size of, 45–46

geochemistry, 120

geothermal energy, 189

glaciation, 112

GOE (Great Oxidation Event), 113–18, 218

Goering, Kent, 103

Goldilocks Zone, 47–48, 150, 151, 155

Golding, William, 124–25

Great Filter, 25–28

Great Oxidation Event (GOE), 113–18, 218

Great Silence, 25

Greeks, ancient, 28–29, 135

Green Bank conference, 43–54, 207

greenhouse effect, 190

runaway, 72–75

on Venus, 67–72, 184, 198

Greenland, 9, 56, 101, 113, 182; See also Camp Century

Gregersen, Soren, 100–101, 103, 104

Grinspoon, David, 220

Guaymas Basin, 114–15

Gulf Stream, 27

Haberle, Robert, 84, 86, 88, 224


and climate change for Mars, 89–91

zones of, See Goldilocks Zone

Hadean eon, 109–10

Hadley, George, 87

Hadley cells, 88

hard steps, of evolution, 162–63

Hart, Michael, 24, 28

Hawking, Stephen, 118

heat engines, 214–15

Hiroshima, bombing of, 34

Holocene epoch, 12, 16, 91, 105–6, 109

Homo sapiens, age of, 24

hot Earths, 148

hot Jupiters, 147, 149

hot Neptunes, 148

“hot” worlds, 13, 147–49

Hoyle, Frank, 46

Huang, Su-Shu, 43, 47–48

Hubel, David, 207

human civilization

in Anthropocene era, 121

in astrobiological perspective on Anthropocene era, 15–17

as “cosmic teenagers,” 3–8, 224

on Easter Island, 181–84

effects of Anthropocene era for Earth vs, 222–25

influence of, on Earth, 4–8

on Kardashev scale, 211

in storytelling about climate change, 9–10

hydro energy sources, 189

hydrogen bomb, 22, 34–35

ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), 35, 56

ice ages, 104–5

ice core drilling, at Camp Century, 104–7

industrial revolution, 5–6, 55

infrared radiation, 69

intelligence (intelligent life); See also search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (SETI)

evolution of, 160–61, 171–73

fraction of planets with, 49

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 35, 56

J1407B (exoplanet), 149

James, Jack, 62, 75, 104, 174, 223

and James Lovelock, 122

in Mariner 1 mission, 61–63

in Mariner 2 mission, 71, 72

Jeans, James, 33

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 71, 72, 77, 122–24

jet streams, Martian, 88

Johnson, Lyndon, 54–58

JPL, See Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jupiter, 95

Jurassic era, 112

Kardashev, Nikolai Semenovich, 208–9, 211–12, 223

Kardashev scale, 208–14

Keeling, Charles, 54

Kepler 42 system, 148

Kepler mission, 144–47, 150–51, 154, 155

Kleidon, Axel, 193–94, 198, 217

Konopinski, Emil Jan, 22, 23

L, See average lifetime of technological civilization

Langway, Chester, 105

Late Heavy Bombardment period, 109–10

Leovy, Conway, 84


attempts to detect, on Mars, 122–23

basics of, for exo-civilization modeling, 171, 172

beliefs about, on Mars, 78–84

coevolution of planet and, 130

in Earth’s history, 110–12

effect of Great Oxidation Event on, 117

evolution of Earth and, 10–11

fraction of planets where life forms, 48, 163–64

on other planets, 7–8; See also exo-civilizations

Life magazine, 108

lifetime of technological civilization, See average lifetime of technological civilization (L)

light, visible, 36, 41, 69

Lilly, John C., 44

liquids, energy transformations with, 216

lithosphere, 121

Livio, Mario, 247n.37

Los Alamos National Laboratory, 21

Love Canal disaster, 128

Lovelock, James, 122–29, 126, 174, 213, 220, 224

Lowell, James, 107

Lowell, Percival, 32, 34, 79–80, 134–35

Man’s Place in the Universe (Wallace), 33

mantle, 110

Marcy, Geoff, 143–44

Margulis, Lynn, 126, 174, 213, 224

Gaia theory of, 125–29, 220

and Carl Sagan, 75–76

on toughness of Earth, 9

Mariner 1 probe, 61–63

Mariner 2 probe, 63, 71–76

Mariner 4 probe, 79–81

Mariner 9 probe, 81–83, 82, 94

Mars, 76–95

in astrobiology of Anthropocene, 13

atmosphere on, 216

attempts to detect life on, 122–23

beliefs about life on, 32, 34, 78–84

climate change model for, 84–86

climate of, 11, 86–89

energy transformations on, 217, 218

formation of, 109

habitability and climate changes for, 89–91

nuclear winter modeling with, 92–95, 184

Opportunity and Spirit rovers on, 76–78

space probes to, 63

Mars Exploration Rover program, 76–79

Mars Global Climate Model, 84–86, 89–90, 94

mathematical modeling, in theoretical biology, 177–80

Max Planck Institute, 191

Maya civilization, 182

Mayor, Michel, 143, 144, 224

Mayr, Ernst, 159–62

Mercury, 109, 215, 217

Meridiani Planum, 76

Milky Way, 24, 236n.50

Miller, Harold, 48

Minsky, Marvin, 207

Moon, probes to, 61, 63–64

Morrison, Philip, 41–43

Moulton, Forest Ray, 135, 136

Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, Illinois), 37

myths, 8–10

N* (birth rate of stars), 46, 150

Nagasaki, bombing of, 34

National Academy of Sciences, 43

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 57, 61, 62, 71, 81, 141, 142, 145; See also Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

National Radio Astronomical Observatory, 39–42, 40

Naval Observatory (Mare Island, California), 136–37

Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), 65–66, 70, 72

negative feedback cycle, 74

Neptune, 30, 148

net productivity, of planet, 218

New Ageism, 127–28

Newton, Isaac, 30, 177

New Yorker, The 22, 22

New York Times, 81, 92

Nirgal Vallis, 82

Noachian period, 91, 218

noosphere, 221

Norse colony, on Greenland, 182

np, See number of planets in Goldilocks Zone

NRL, See Naval Research Laboratory

nuclear energy, 190

nuclear freeze movement, 92–93

nuclear fusion, 34–35

nuclear war, 26, 27, 92–93

nuclear weapons, 56

nuclear winter, 92–95, 184

“Nuclear Winter” (TTAPS study), 93–94

number of planets in Goldilocks Zone (np), 48, 150, 151

Of the Plurality of Worlds (Whewell), 32–33

Oliver, Barney, 43

Olympus Mons, 83

On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres (Copernicus), 29

Opportunity rover, 76–78, 90

orbital motion, exoplanet detection based on, 138, 142

organelles, 125

oxygen; See also Great Oxidation Event

in Earth’s atmosphere, 99–100

and Gaia theory, 126–27

Oxygen (Canfield), 114

ozone layer, 117

Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, 113

Pangaea, 113

Parade magazine, 93

Pearman, J. Peter, 43, 44

pessimism line

and average lifetime of civilizations, 170

and bio-technical probability, 186

defined, 155–57

and history of exo-civilizations, 185–86

limitations of, 157–59

in understanding of climate change, 164–66

Phanerozoic eon, 112–13

photosynthesis, 111, 115–16

phototrophs, anoxygenic, 116, 117

planetary science, 66

Planetary Society, 160

planetary systems, architecture of, 147–48

planetesimals, 109

planet(s); See also exoplanet discovery

atmosphere and surface temperature of, 68–70

coevolution of, 14–15, 130

energy transformation-based classification of, 214–22

as engines of innovation, 221–22

environments for sustainable civilizations on, 205–6

fraction of, where life forms, 48, 163–64

fraction of, with intelligent life, 49

fraction of, with technological civilization, 49

fraction of stars with, 47, 150

implications of energy consumption for, 212–13

laws of, 75

life on other, 7–8; See also exo-civilizations

number of, in Goldilocks Zone, 47–48, 150, 151

number of energy sources on, 188–90

similarities of Earth to other, 7

universality of forces/processes on, 70–71

Pleistocene epoch, 106, 109

“Plurality of worlds” question, 28–34

Pollack, James, 84, 93–94, 184

populations, law of, 177–78

positive feedback loop, 73–74

Postgate, John, 128

power, 211

precision, exoplanet discovery and, 137–40

predator-prey model, 174–80, 183, 185

Project Ozma, 40–43

prokaryotes, 111

Proterozoic eon, 111–12

Queloz, Didier, 143, 144

R-7 missiles, 35

radio astronomy, 36–37, 39–42, 65

range safety officer, 63

Reagan, Ronald, 92, 93

reflex motion, exoplanet detection based on, 139, 142–44

resources, overharvesting of, 183–84

Revelle, Roger, 54

ribonucleic acid (RNA), 164

Riftia tubeworms, 114

RNA (ribonucleic acid), 164

Robinson, Kim Stanley, 10

rockets, 35–36, 71

Rodinia, 111

Romans, ancient, 49

Ross, David S., 183–84

Rossby waves, 88

runaway greenhouse effect, 72–75

Ruse, Michael, 128


atomic weapons of, 34–35

Martian probes, 81

in space race, 35–36, 61

Venusian probes, 72

Sagan, Carl, 104, 118, 166, 174, 224

at Byurakan meeting, 206–8, 207

and Gaia theory, 124, 125

at Green Bank conference, 44

on human civilization as “cosmic teenagers,” 6

Kardashev value for Earth from, 211

and Lynn Margulis, 75–76

in Mariner 4 mission, 79, 80

as “Nuclear Winter” author, 93–94

and Jim Pollack, 84

and SETI, 140, 160

Venusian greenhouse effect studies of, 66–68, 70–72, 184

in Viking mission, 83

San Jose State University, 84

satellites, 35–37, 57

Saturn, 95

Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 79

Schneiderman, Dan, 62


of climate change, 9

contradictory data in, 136

development of, in human civilization, 5

exo-civilization modeling using existing, 171–74

importance of well-posed questions in, 27–28

in search for exo-civilizations, 42, 52–53

transformative influence of new data in, 104

search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (SETI), 53, 141–43, 152, 160, 208; See also Byurakan Observatory meeting

“Searching for Interstellar Signals” (Cocconi & Morrison), 41–42

Second Law of Thermodynamics, 187–88

See, Thomas, 133–38, 134, 142

“Self-regulating Earth System Theory,” 124

SETI, See search for extra-terrestrial intelligence

SETI Institute, 141

70 Ophiuchi system, 135

Siegel, Ethan, 157

Silent Spring (Carson), 55–56

Snow, C.P., 21

sociology, 50, 171, 173–74

“soft landing” trajectory, 196, 197

sol (Martian day), 83

solar cells, 220

solar energy, 190

solar system(s)

architectures of other, 144, 147–48

exploration of, 95

Soviet Union, 92, 93, 208

Spirit rover, 77, 78

“spots,” on stars, 140

spreading zones, 114

Sputnik satellite, 35–36

Squyers, Steven, 76–78, 90, 223–24


birth rate of, 46, 50

fraction of, with planets, 47, 150

planets orbiting other, 135, 136

Star Wars (film), 212

steady state, 126, 127


about climate change, 8–10, 55

about human civilization in context of planet, 57–58

Struve, Otto, 38, 42, 43, 47, 54

Suess, Eduard, 120

Sullivan, Woody, 152–57, 159, 164–65

Sun, 109, 137, 209

super-Earths, 13, 148–49

super-planets, 148–50

super-Saturn, 149

surface temperature

atmosphere and, 68–69

ice core study of Earth’s, 105–7, 106

of Mars, 86, 89

during Phanerozoic eon, 113

of Venus, 65–68

sustainability, 56, 91, 205–6

sustainable civilizations, 205–25

and anthropogenic effects for Earth vs. civilization, 222–25

in astrobiological perspective on Anthropocene, 12, 16

and average lifetime of civilizations, 169–70

Byurakan meeting on interplanetary civilizations, 206–8

in exo-civilization modeling, 196, 196, 198, 202

and Kardashev scale of civilization progress, 208–14

and planetary classifications based on energy transformations, 214–22

planetary environments for, 205–6

Tarter, Jill, 141–43, 142, 223

Tau Ceti, 41

Taylor, M. Scott, 182–84

technological civilization

average lifetime of, See average lifetime of technological civilization (L)

fraction of planets with, 49


atomic age advances in, 34–37

of Class 5 planets, 221

and energy consumption, 187

in exo-civilization modeling, 188–89

for exoplanet discovery, 141

and Kardashev scale, 211, 212

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 250n.21

teleology, 128–29

Television Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS), 57

Teller, Edward, 21–22, 23


equilibrium, 68, 126

at surface of planet, See surface temperature

Terres Ciel, Les (Flammarion), 64

theoretical archaeology of exo-civilization, 184–202

averages in, 186

energy sources in, 186–90

environmental impact of energy consumption in, 190–91

histories of exo-civilizations in, 185–86

studying civilization and environmental interactions with, 193–98

uses of, on Earth, 198–202

theoretical biology, 174–80

theory, defined, 179

thermodynamics, 187–88, 214–15

thick biospheres, 218, 219

thin biospheres, 217–19

Thomas Aquinas, 29

Three Mile Island meltdown, 128

Thule Air Base, 101, 103

tides, as energy source, 189

TIROS (Television Infrared Observation Satellite), 57

Titan, 11, 232n.11

Toon, Owen, 93–94

Tovmassian, Hrant, 207

Townes, Charles, 207

trade winds, 87–88

transit method, 139–43, 145–47

Trantor, 212

Trinity atomic bomb test, 23

Turco, Richard P., 93–94

Type 1 civilizations, 209, 211

Type 2 civilizations, 209–11

Type 3 civilizations, 210

UFOs, 23

ultraviolet radiation, 73, 117

United States

atomic weapons of, 34–35

in space race, 35–36, 61

universe, beliefs about other worlds in, 28–34

University of Chicago, 67

University of Maryland, 142, 143

University of Washington, 152

Unparalleled Discoveries of T.J.J. See, The (Webb), 137

Uranus, 30

V-2 missiles, 35

Valles Marineris, 83

Venus, 61–76

beliefs about climate of, 63–67

climate of, 11, 86, 89

energy transformations on, 217

formation of, 109

greenhouse effect on, 67–71, 184, 198

Mariner 1 mission to, 61–63

Mariner 2 mission to, 71–76

proximity of Earth to, 148

speculation about life on, 32

Verhulst, Pierre, 177

Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich, 118–22, 119, 129, 221, 224

Viking landers, 83

visible light, 36, 41, 69

volatility, 250n.15

volcanic eruptions, 72–73

Volterra, Luisa, 176, 176

Volterra, Vito, 176, 176–79, 182, 183, 185

von Däniken, Erich, 181

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 33, 34

War of the Worlds (Wells), 80

WASP-12b (exoplanet), 149

waste products, of civilization building, 187–88


on Mars, 82–84, 87, 90–91

and runaway greenhouse effect, 73–74

Watson, James, 129

weather, 83, 84, 89

weathering, 73, 74, 216

weather satellites, 57, 57

Wells, H.G., 80

Wentao Ma, 164

Whewell, William, 32–33, 158

wind power, 189, 191

Wonderful World of Oz, The (Baum), 38

World War I, 122, 175, 179

World War II, 35, 36, 104, 122

Wright, Jason, 210, 233n.6

Yerkes Observatory, 67, 70

“Yes, There Have Been Aliens” (Frank), 156, 157

Yockey, Hubert, 163–64

York, Herbert, 22, 23

Younger Dryas period, 106

young technological civilizations, 188–90

Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon (Timothy Zell), 127