
I can see the change come over her and I wait for her reaction to what she must have figured out on her own, but she stays quiet. She doesn’t say a word, just gets off her bed, and with her face set in tight lines, she turns and heads to the sanitation unit. I can only assume it’s because that’s the one place I can’t and won’t follow her.

I sigh and pull myself to standing, pleased at least I can get out of the clothing that Jackie insisted I wear. She’s been pretty good about the fact that I’m locked up in here with a girl. As I clear away the collection of food scraps and dump them in the waste disposal, a solid lump of guilt works its way to the surface.

I’m not sure if she’d like that I kissed Mallory not just once, but twice, even if I’m eighteen years old now. Even if she was my mother, which she isn’t, she can’t exactly stop me from doing anything.

I check my time slide again and note it’s past sun up. I’m thinking about seeing if there are any caffeine tabs inside the unit. After a sleepless night, I need them, but Drew appears right on time.

The door unlocks with a hiss. Drew steps inside. He extends his hand the way they did before it was classified as Irrelevant. I slap my palm into his and he pumps my arm. He scans the unit and notes Mallory’s bed. My cheeks are heating again, and I’m glad we didn’t do something stupid last night.

Drew’s eyebrows drag together as he folds his arms across his chest. “Early riser?”

I nod and gesture to the sanitary unit. “I don’t think she’s too happy with me.”

His eyes narrow. “You might want to rephrase that. If Tyler or one of the other guys said that to me, I’d assume you did something that might make me regret letting you do this.”

I swallow and force a shallow smile to my face. “Didn’t realise you had the power to let me do anything.”

He snorts. “Let me guess, you’re your own man and you make your own rules?”

I can hear the tease in his voice so I keep my reply light. “Something like that.”

He smiles then and uncrosses his arms. His attention is drawn away from me when Mallory steps out of the sanitation unit. Her cheeks blaze to life as she spots Drew. All amusement leaves the unit as Drew nods hello in her direction.

“You guys hungry?”

Mallory answers before I can say I am. Her voice is pitched in a way that makes me know she’s more anxious than angry. “I just want to know what’s going on.” She swallows, and I hate the way her shoulders slump. She blinks quickly, and it’s obvious she’s close to tears.

Drew’s voice is tight to match hers when he backs up to the open door. “We all want that.” He gives me one of his ‘don’t cock this up’ looks and turns on his heel. Mallory is quick to follow, and I only have time to grab the two tablets I brought with me before all I see is her slender shoulders and long blonde hair as she disappears down the hall.

I catch up to her and Drew as they are getting to the med lab. Gina comes stumbling down the hallway wearing replica jeans and a shirt of Tyler’s. Her eyes are blurry with sleep and she’s holding a flask. Tyler is hot on her heels and from the grin on his face, he’s finally managed to pair up with her. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing, but if they are busy together, they should leave us in peace.

Gina sips her drink as she eyes Mallory. “You look like crap,” she says.

Mallory’s face falls and I growl at Gina, but it’s Tyler who leaps in, and I wonder if he’s getting sick of her already. “You can be such a bitch sometimes.”

Gina rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. That’s why I spent the last week knee deep in hospital records and was forced to spend almost every waking moment with an idiot like you.”

Drew calls from inside the lab. “Settle down children.”

I ignore them both and gesture for Mallory to go inside. Thankfully, she’s more interested in finding the answers than in Gina and Tyler’s antics, so she heads inside.

I yawn and perch myself on one of the seats as Drew waves his wrist so all the coms, lights and tablets activate. I have no idea what Drew is going to say, but he looks as tense as I feel. Tyler and Gina slip inside the room and take seats. Gina is at her usual desk. It’s strange seeing her up this early, even stranger seeing her wearing such subdued clothes. I vaguely wonder if she’s been too busy working to bother with her usual get up.

I run a hand over my stubble and keep my eyes on Mallory as Drew hands her the micro tablet. I wish I was sitting closer so I could see what happens when the screen illuminates, but she doesn’t need me hovering over her shoulder.

Her fingers carry a tremble as she takes the tablet. Her eyes begin to water. “This is my tablet. From home.”

Drew’s eyebrows rise and he looks concerned, which I’m glad of. Whatever is going on, he knows it’s as dodgy as I do. Maybe now he’ll start to take me more seriously. Depending on what they’ve left on Mallory’s tablet, it could signal a change is coming.

I just hope for her sake that they don’t make things any worse. Though I don’t see how they can. The G men have never cared about the emotional well-being of Irrelevants.

I try to calm my speeding heart as Mallory holds her palm to the tablet. When it beeps to life, I lean forward, along with both Tyler and Gina. Mallory doesn’t notice, her eyes are locked on the screen.

Her face seems to slacken, and she pales. And all my good intentions vanish as I jump from my seat and find myself at her side in case she needs me.


I feel like I’m fading away, like I’m not here. My head is light and my hands are shaking so much I can’t hold on to the tablet.

Memories rush over me. The times Constance took my tablet away in case what I was writing was seen.

The tablet unlocks for me and a message flashes on screen. I’m over overwhelmed, I can barely take in the words. Test subject MWI18. Phase one initiated.

Cristan has shifted so he’s standing alongside me. I can feel his eyes on me, and on the tablet in my hands.

I try to focus on what the message means. I recognise my initials, but little else. It’s Cristan that informs me and the others in the room what it means. His voice is an angry hiss. “They’re running a test. Mallory is in phase one.”

Gina issues what must be a curse behind me. “What kind of a test?”

Drew’s eyes narrow and he looks at me. “Take a look and see what else they’ve left.”

I swallow and force myself to check, but there isn’t anything else. Every file has been deleted. They’ve erased everything I ever did and left me with a tangible reminder that I once had something I can’t ever get back.

I bite down on my lip to keep from crying, and I know my voice sounds pathetic when I answer. “There’s nothing.”

The tablet starts to slide from my fingers and Cristan takes it. He tucks it under his arm. “Tyler and I can look at it later. You’d be surprised what they miss.”

Drew adjusts himself on the edge of the table he’s sitting on. His eyes shift from me to Cristan. “Looks like the G are changing the game.”

Cristan’s jaw gets tighter. “Does this mean you’re going to start taking me seriously?”

Drew shakes his head slowly. “I always take you seriously. I just didn’t want to encourage your paranoia without hard evidence.”

Cristan looks at me and his lips turn downwards. “I think all the evidence you need is sitting right here.”

Drew nods, and Gina and Tyler both move so that they are sitting close enough where I can see the worry on their faces. “So what? The G are sending in Irrelevants with viruses we’re not immune to?” Gina says.

No one answers her, but Cristan’s eyes move to me again. “It could be that, but the question is why let us know about it? If they wanted us to get sick too, why not just send her in and be done with it?”

Drew doesn’t answer, but he’s not looking at me either. Nausea is swelling in my stomach and I want to ask so many terrifying questions. They start to talk amongst themselves, and I don’t join in when they start to theorise why I’m here and why I got sick.

Lights start to dance in front of my eyes and my throat is growing more constricted. I don’t want to stay in here. I feel trapped, more so than when I knew I was in quarantine. My voice is so weak I don’t think anyone will notice me, but Cristan does because his eyes have been on me the entire time, and he hasn’t said much else.

“What?” he asks me.

Everyone stops talking and I squirm as they look at me. I swallow past my dry mouth and keep my eyes on Cristan. “I want to go outside.”

I’m surprised when Drew is the one to agree. He waves his hand at me. “Get some food first. Gina, take her to the kitchen, but don’t dawdle and don’t talk to too many people.” His eyes slide to Cristan, who looks like he’s about to protest. “I’d like to have a word.”

Cristan looks down at me and smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll come find you. Then we’ll go outside.”

My legs are weak as a pouting Gina grabs my arm the way she did the night I got sick, the night that Cristan got angry at them for wanting to help me relax.

Her fingers pinch into the bare skin where my shirt ends, and her smile isn’t friendly. “Come on.”

Cristan grabs my other arm and for a moment I’m trapped between them, but he’s not looking at me, he’s looking at Gina.

His voice resembles a growl. “Be nice.”

Gina’s shoulders shake as she laughs at him and jerks me closer to her. “She’ll be fine. What could possibly go wrong?”

Cristan’s eyes narrow and his mouth opens, but it’s Tyler that answers. “I’ll go with them, if it’s alright with you?”

Drew nods, but Cristan’s gaze hardens even more when he looks at Tyler. “Are we clear?”

Tyler grins at him. “We’re clear.”

I regret leaving the instant I’m in the hallway when Mike appears holding a bag with my name on it. His voice is hard when he stares at me. “I was in my workshop and the drone that arrived for you decided to unlock another compartment.”

He shoves the bag at me and I stumble back. “You want to explain why you’ve been given 100,000 credits?”

I can’t say anything. I have no idea what he’s talking about. “It must be a mistake.”

Mike’s face stays blank but his voice is still hard. “Sure. Or the G finally decided to send someone to spy on us.”

Gina glares so hard at me that I back up until I hit the wall. “I knew there was something up with you.”

My heart is hammering in my chest as I look to my other companion in the hopes he might save me, but Tyler isn’t looking at me, he’s taking the bag from Gina and looking inside.

He spits a word out and looks at me with wide eyes. “You know how long it takes us to earn that many credits?”

Gina steps closer to me and narrows her eyes. “I can’t believe I wasted all that time when you were just a G employed spy, not to mention manipulating Cristan into showing you how we access the server.”

Mike spits another angry word so violently I flinch as though he’s struck me. “Where the hell is Drew and Cristan? They need to see this for themselves.”

I cower against the wall and hope that Cristan will hear and come to explain away what I can’t explain myself.


It’s a struggle to stay where I am. I want to go after her and make sure Gina doesn’t try anything. I’m not sure Tyler is the best person to be looking after Mallory, but my choices are limited to ignoring Drew and missing out on info he clearly has, or running after her.

It’s sheer pride that stops me, and judging by the expression on Drew’s face, I probably made the right call. He pulls out a chair and swings it around so he can lean his forearms on the backrest. I wince inwardly. Whatever he’s about say, is directly related to Mallory.

“You were right about them poisoning us, but it’s not what you thought,” he says. I start to speak when he holds up a hand. “I’m not done.” I swallow, raw panic is starting to heat my veins. I manage a feeble nod as my heart begins to race. He blows out a breath. “If Mallory is a test subject then they chose her for a reason.” I hold my breath. He has something to say, but he’s trying to choose the right words. “Geoff thinks they are hoping her presence will provoke a reaction in the gen pop.”

I frown at his continued likening us to prisoners. It’s a stark reminder that we are. “What kind of a reaction?”

Drew scratches his arm where he got his latest ink. “Remember when you put that new mouse inside the cage during one of your experiments last year?”

A shiver runs down my back at the comparison. “The alpha attacked him. It was an error on my part.”

Drew nods. “But what if it’s not an error putting Mallory in here? What if they chose her because she was the perfect subject, not just physically, but because of her psychometric tests?”

A chill creeps along my skin. After finally getting someone to take me seriously, the last person I expected might bear the brunt of it. “But why now?” I ask.

His face contorts. “It could be they are trialling a vaccine again. It’s not uncommon for vaccines to include trace amounts of other chemicals.”

It’s hard not to flinch at the pain on his face. Pain that echoes Jackie’s and a lot of the other Irrelevants who’ve lost children due to vaccine trials.

I’m trying not to think about what they’ve given Mallory when a thought stabs at me. “What if they’ve been experimenting on us all this time?” Drew’s face slackens, then tightens until I see his jaw work and I know I hit the nail on the head. “That’s it, isn’t it? That’s why they send us food, water, and everything we need to stay alive?” I’m on my feet as anger surges through me. “We’re the sodding mice aren’t we?”

He doesn’t deny it, but he slowly rises to his feet. “Keep your voice down. You want a riot?”

I’m so angry that my hands are shaking, and black spots are darkening my vision. I can’t stop pacing, I want to smash my fists into something until I feel better. I want to find Mallory and take her somewhere safe in case someone finds out.

Drew shifts so he’s blocking the door, probably because he thinks I’m going to leave. I spit the words at Drew even though he’s not to blame, I just need to aim my anger somewhere.

“They couldn’t get away with the vaccine experiments in the city, so they found a way to try and separate Irrelevants while avoiding any human rights violations.”

I’m so angry, my voice sounds half human, and to the Relevant pricks who run the country, that’s exactly what I am.

I stop pacing and bunch my fists at my side. “They want us to attack each other. They want everyone to turn on Mallory. They want us to get suspicious of her.”

Drew’s eyes are cold and hard. “It looks that way. Sending in a drone and singling her out has already made her different from the rest of the Irrelevants in here.”

Fire mingles with the cold surging through my body. “And giving her some phantom virus made it even worse.”

Drew huffs a breath. “You see why you need to be careful? We can’t afford for Mallory to meet with the wrong Irrelevants.”

My back teeth clench together. “Then why did you pull us out of the Q Unit?”

His shoulders go rigid. “I did it because you don’t have the virus she does. And I did it so you’d have time to get out before anyone else was up.”

I freeze. Every muscle on high alert as I start to understand what he’s saying. “You want her to leave?”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “We keep the peace here because everyone is on the same level. The second an Irrelevant is seen to be getting special treatment from the G, we’ll run into problems.” His gaze shifts to the back of the lab where I keep my mice. “What would happen if you put all the mice in a cage and only fed half of them?”

I’m too stunned to speak for a few seconds as my brain makes the connections. I huff out a breath. “You really think of everyone inside here as brainless mice?”

He bristles and I see his own temper flare to life. “That is not what I think, but we have to face the reality of what exile and confinement means. Things can escalate quickly in here. It’s safer for everyone including your brother if we find somewhere else for her to go.”

I can’t believe he’s bringing my brother into this. “That was low,” I growl.

He shakes his head. “I made you a promise that day I found you wandering around with him in your arms to look after you like I would my own, and I damn well meant it.” It’s the truth in his words that stings the most. He edges closer, and I can see he’s fighting with his emotions. “I couldn’t save my own son, but I will do everything in my power to keep you and Jed safe.”

My throat thickens and seeing the moisture in his eyes, my own respond. “You would really send her out there? On her own? She’ll die in days.”

Drew blinks, and in a flash the emotion dissipates. “I can’t sacrifice what we have built over the last twenty years for one girl.”

I’m ready to fight him when he blows out a sigh and pain is creased into his face. “I’m sorry. If there was any other way, I’d find it. I’ll do what I can for her, I’ll contact another Unit and see if they have room for her.”

It’s more resignation than anger that fills out the hollow ache in my middle. “But you know they can’t accept an unsanctioned transfer.”

He stares hard at me, giving absolutely no indication he’s going to back down, not even for me. “You’re a smart boy. You figure out where she can go.”

I’m about to ask him just what the hell he means when Tyler comes running through the door. His eyes are wild and he’s sucking in air. “Mike just found a compartment in Mallory’s drone. It was filled with credits. Must have been activated when she accessed the tablet.”

I step towards Tyler, ready to defend Mallory when Drew grabs my arm. I move to shake him off, but he lowers his voice like he doesn’t want Tyler hearing. “Whatever is going on, she’s in danger, and if the G have plans for her, a Unit may not be the best place to go.”

Cold flows down my spine as I understand what he’s saying. “Take care of Jed.”

Drew nods sagely. “You know I will. Be safe.”

I turn without a backwards glance at Drew or Tyler and start to run.


Mike is dragging me down the hall towards the rec room. My tears started falling the second Tyler left and Gina started scowling at me, but even she left, and now it’s just Mike, holding on to the bag, as he carries it over his shoulder the way Cristan had done for me. He’s gripping my arm so tight, pain is shrieking through me. I remember the way he hit Cristan and a sob erupts from my lips.

He turns and looks at me with such disdain; I know he hates me. “Tears won’t work on me. I’m not the soft touch Cristan is. You can bat your eyelashes at me all you want, but it won’t stop me from calling a meeting and telling everyone inside your secret. Once news gets out, no Unit will take you.”

I try to pull out of his grip but I’m not strong enough. My plea comes out choked. “It’s a mistake.”

He’s not listening and we’re already at the rec room door. He struggles for a moment as he tries to swipe his palm. The door doesn’t open, and he kicks it. “Stupid glitches.” His eyes narrow. “They’ve been happening more since you got here.”

I swallow at the accusation. I know it’s pointless to protest that I have no idea how to do such a thing. I’m too terrified of what the other Irrelevants will do. If Mike, who I’ve met before is this angry, how mad will the others I’ve not met be?

My voice is trembling as I dare to ask him the question I fear the most. “What will you do to me?”

The door opens and he shoves me inside, releasing me. I shriek as I lose my balance and land in a jumbled pile on the floor.

His hand is on the panel beside the door. He throws the bag down and starts to punch in a few numbers. The panel makes a crackling sound then he starts to talk. “This is Mike Peru calling every available Irrelevant to come to th—”

The door opens and Cristan appears. His face is set hard and he punches Mike in the stomach before he can finish speaking. Mike looks ready to hit him back, but Cristan moves first. He grabs Mike’s shoulders and smashes his forehead into Mike’s face.

Mike yells in pain, and his hands go to his nose, but he recovers enough to advance again, so Cristan swings another punch to his jaw. Mike seems to sway, then he folds in two and hits the ground.

Cristan ignores the bag on the floor and reaches down to take my hand. When my trembling fingers reach his, he wrenches me up to stand. “We need to run,” he says.

I stumble as we step back through the open door. “But where can we go?”

He’s running now and dragging me along with him. My bare feet slap against the flooring in time with his. “There’s only one place we can go now.”