It was just after two when he dropped Earle at the station. Shepherd had called in en route. He had located Schaffer’s doctor but she had only treated him twice and had nothing of import to reveal.

‘I’m going up to Osterlund’s, see if he can help make me make this call to Germany. People should be awake there now.’

Earle said he’d chase up the warrant for Karskine’s.

It took Clement only ten minutes to drive to Osterlund’s. Osterlund’s wife was on the veranda using a large watering can on a bevy of colourful potted flowers. In a simple shift of bright batik design and wearing a pristine bonnet, she had that elegance Clement associated with Japanese women.

She smiled in recognition. ‘Do you have news on Dieter?’

‘Not yet. I need help in translating something from German. Is your husband in?’

‘He is walking along the beach.’

‘I can come back.’

‘I might be able to help.’ Her accent elongated the vowels.

‘No it’s okay. Actually I need somebody to call Germany for me and speak in German.’

‘He won’t be long. Come in. You want a drink?’

‘Thanks, I’m fine.’

He followed her into the house. She turned left towards the large kitchen area and indicated he take a seat at a kitchen table big enough for six. It was made of a type of marble stuff that cost more than he could afford. He knew this because years before it was what Marilyn had wanted for their kitchen. Geraldine had insisted her daughter have it and had paid for it herself, so that even over breakfast or a quiet glass of wine she had a presence mocking her son-in-law for his inadequacy.


He sat down.

‘So you haven’t found the person who killed him?’

‘Not yet.’

She pursed her lips and shook her head.

Clement said. ‘Did you know him well?’

‘He used to telephone my husband, a couple of times a week. We saw him sometimes in town. He was always friendly but her nose wrinkled, ‘he smelled of beer, a bit drunk, you know?’

Having seen the Pajero, Clement could well imagine that.

‘We believe he grew his own marijuana.’

‘Really? Dieter?’ She clearly disapproved. ‘I did not know that.’

‘Did he talk about his friends at all, whether he was worried about anything?’

‘Not to me.’

A scuffing of soft shoes in the hallway advised of Osterlund’s arrival.

‘Good morning, Detective. Any news?’

If he was annoyed at finding Clement cosy with his wife he didn’t show it.

‘Not really. A few leads we’re following.’

‘He says Dieter smoked pot.’

‘Grew it actually,’ Clement said.

Osterlund pulled a face. ‘I smelled it on him sometimes.’

‘He never offered you any?’

‘He may have, early on. I don’t take drugs except for cholesterol.’

Clement wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth. ‘I came to ask a favour. I’m trying to track his sister and I need somebody who can speak German.’

‘No problem.’

Osterlund spoke to his wife in German, requesting a coffee, Clement thought. She was off the stool with alacrity.

‘Tuthi is making me a coffee. Anything for you?’

‘Thanks, I just had one. I have a phone number on his sister.’

He handed across the number Earle had given him. There was a telephone number and the name Christiane Hohlmann. Osterlund pulled reading glasses from his pocket and studied it.

‘This is a Munich number. You want me to call for you?’

‘If you don’t mind.’

‘Of course not.’

Clement offered his phone. ‘I think this will work.’

Osterlund waved him away. ‘I have an all-in-one deal.’

He swung the laptop towards him and dialled the number as the espresso machine roared into life in the background. Osterlund called out for his wife to stop and waited as the phone rang on the other end. Clement was not used to people using computers for phone calling, well, Skype; he’d tried a few times but it looked like Osterlund did this every day. A woman answered. Clement deciphered Osterlund’s enquiry in German, was it Christiane Hohlmann to whom he was speaking? He understood the reply ‘nein.’

Osterlund followed up in rapid-fire German. Clement lost track then. Osterlund fired off a few more questions, typed something on his computer, thanked whoever it was on the phone and hung up. The espresso machine recommenced its gasping.

‘Christiane Hohlmann left that apartment two years ago for a retirement home. She doesn’t know the name of it but one of her neighbours might, a woman who was friends with Christiane Hohlmann, a Frau Gerlanger. She gave me her number. Want me to try it?’

‘Could you?’

‘No problem.’

Astuthi Osterlund arrived on cue with his coffee, black. She slid quietly into a seat. Osterlund sipped as he dialled. The phone rang out the other end.

‘I’ll try it again. Are you sure you won’t have a drink? I have beer if you prefer?’

‘No, I’m fine thank you.’

Once again the phone rang out.

‘No answer machine even. She must be elderly.’

‘I’ll try later.’

‘You can come here anytime.’

‘Thank you. Did Dieter by any chance mention to you he was coming into money?’

Osterlund infused a snort with a sense of comedy. ‘But I didn’t know him that well. Maybe one of his bets paid off. You think that’s why he was killed?’

‘We can’t discuss cases.’

‘Of course.’

Clement noted that Astuthi Osterlund did not attempt to answer questions when her husband was present so he directed his question specifically to her. ‘To you? Did he say anything about coming into money?’


‘Do either of you know what he did after leaving the police?’

A quick calculation told Clement that Dieter Schaffer had been out of the police force for around twenty years before coming to live here. Osterlund spun his coffee cup.

‘He talked about working the docks one time. I can’t remember the context. It didn’t sound like it was for that long.’

‘He told me he wanted to go to South America but had never been.’

Osterlund looked at his wife as if this was some revelation. ‘See, my wife knows more than me about him.’

She blushed. ‘No, he just asked me one day if I had ever been to South America. I haven’t. He said all his life he had wanted to and maybe one day soon he would. But he didn’t mention money. I just thought it was a dream.’

‘Ja, that was Dieter, the dreamer.’

Clement stood and thanked them both again.

The garden was fragrant and made him feel relaxed. Living here would be like permanent holiday. He supposed he should talk to the neighbours to confirm the Osterlunds’ alibi but on second thoughts decided that was something that could be delegated. Osterlund did not strike him as the kind of man who would make a stupid alibi in the hope that it would not be checked, and Astuthi Osterlund had a kind of innocence about her that reminded him of the Balinese people he’d met when he’d holidayed there twenty years ago. Everybody was going there these days, especially from up around here. A lot of the fly-in fly-out mine workers were actually living there. Maybe he should take Phoebe for a week or so? It was inexpensive, they could have fun getting rough ‘massages’ on the beach. Geraldine would be against it of course, ‘too dangerous’. That negative image pulled him back down.

For the time being he was grounded on Schaffer’s identity, who he was, how he ticked. He was keen to talk to the sister and try to discern a little more of the elusive ex-cop. What he had learned was intriguing but far from solid evidence. There may be a pattern though. Schaffer worked Vice and Narcotics. He comes thousands of miles away, grows his own dope and distributes it, albeit to no obvious profit. But, he is seen arguing with a biker and somebody who rides a bike turns up at Schaffer’s the night after his murder and clobbers a cop. It was suggestive at the very least.


When Clement re-entered the station and saw the look on Graeme Earle’s face he knew something was wrong. His immediate thought was of Phoebe. Some disaster had befallen the boat. He should never…

‘Your mum rang. Your father has had a stroke. He’s in Albany Regional.’