Rhys was called to another quick meeting. I watched him longingly as he crossed the grounds with one of his advisors at his side.
“Well done, Tamara.” Mira gave me an appraising look. “That’s the most…engaged I’ve ever seen you. You have real feelings for him, don’t you?”
I secured the gnomes inside my tote. “The werewolf has surprised me, I suppose. There’s more to him than I originally anticipated.”
She chuckled. “I love that you’re acting so coy after you just went at it with him in front of the cameras.”
My cheeks burned. “We did not ‘go at it.’”
“Did so,” Mira said conspiratorially. “I watched the whole thing.”
“Excuse me, Mira. I need to go and splash some cold water on my face.”
“I bet you do!” she called merrily after me.
I couldn’t blame her for chiding me, but that didn’t mean I had to like it. I hastily made my way to my chambers. Halfway up the stairs, Joely and Dae intercepted me.
“That was some kiss.” Joely eyed me up and down. “You look as though you’ve been—well, doing exactly what you were doing.”
“You saw us?”
Dae nodded. Her face was pinched. “Rose let us watch from the kitchen. She said they want to be transparent about what’s happening with each of the contestants.”
“So I’ll be able to watch you two?”
“Yes, and they just sent for me. I have to go.” Joely hastened down the stairs. “Wish me luck, girls!”
“Good luck.” Both Dae and I sounded unenthusiastic.
“Shall we?” Dae’s lips twisted into a frown.
“Yes, just let me go and get the gnomes settled.” When I got to my room, I immediately saw what Joely was talking about and why Dae was frowning at me—I looked as though I’d been snogged within an inch of my life, which I suppose I had. My hair was mussed and wild, my eyes were too bright, and my lips were red and swollen.
Once I got Elsa and Beast into their beds with their treats, I quickly straightened my hair. I swiped on some neutral lipstick then hustled back down the stairs. I didn’t exactly want to see Joely with Rhys, but I didn’t want to miss a moment of their date, either.
I found Dae pacing the front lobby, a worried look on her face.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
“They’re playing croquet.” She sounded miserable.
“Rhys knows how to play croquet?” It was a bit civilized for the werewolf.
“No, but apparently Joely’s teaching him. See for yourself.” Dae kept pacing, muttering to herself.
“What’s the problem, Dae? It’s just a friendly game of croquet.”
She snorted. “Hardly. See for yourself.”
I went to one of the windows which faced the front lawn. The camera crew was spread out over the lush green grass. Mira stood with them, suggesting camera angles and watching everything closely. The microphone boom was positioned right above Joely and Rhys, who were indeed playing croquet.
There were six hoops set out across the lawn, with four colored balls lying nearby. Joely held a mallet and motioned for Rhys to join her. She positioned him, widening his feet and angling his stance toward the first hoop. They laughed and chatted, appearing to have a great time. I recognized the smile on the king’s face and knew it was genuine. He laughed at something she said, and my stomach clenched.
Calm down, I reminded myself. He has to be genuine with the other girls.
Rhys took a shot and missed the hoop by a mile. He and Joely kept grinning at each other. She repositioned his feet, appearing to talk him through improving his aim. When he missed again, he slapped his forehead, and Joely couldn’t seem to stop laughing. He motioned to her, and she went to him. The wolf whispered something in her ear. Joely’s skin flushed pink, and she gazed up at him expectantly.
He lowered his lips to hers, probably for a good-luck kiss, except they didn’t stop kissing. Not for a second. Not for a nano-second. His hands roamed down her back, and I cursed.
“Told you so!” Dae said. “It’s another snogfest!”
“Wait, wait—they’re stopping. Ha!” I felt ill and a little triumphant when they broke apart. He’d kissed me for much longer than that.
“Let me see.” Dae took station at the window next to mine. “I don’t think this is much better.”
I looked back outside. Joely had positioned herself in front of Rhys. His arms draped over hers as they held onto the mallet together. He was pressed to her back, his whole body against hers, one of his cheeks to hers. She leaned into him, and he nuzzled her ear.
“Oh no, she didn’t!” I wondered if Dae would make fun of me if I threw up in front of her.
“Yes, she did.” Dae pointed at them. “And she is still doing it.”
Joely wriggled against Rhys, and it appeared he couldn’t take it any longer—he turned her around and pressed his lips to hers. She arched her back and got as close to him as was humanly possible. I watched, my jaw agape as he ran his hands worshipfully over her curves. Tears spiked my eyes.
Dae looked at me in sympathy. “It was worse with you, if it makes it any better.”
I would’ve thanked her, but I was too busy trying to stop from crying.

Eventually, they broke apart, Dae left to refresh her makeup, and Joely came inside. Her cheeks were flushed a pretty pink, her lips were swollen and puffy, and her eyes glittered with either excitement or lust. Maybe both.
“I guess that went well.” I could barely get the words out.
Joely, who was always so friendly and kind, seemed oblivious to my misery. “You could say so. I’ve never been kissed like that in my life!”
“Great. That’s…just great.”
“Oh, but don’t be upset.” She shook her head as if to clear it. “You had plenty of up-close-and-personal time with him before me. Dae and I were so jealous, we could have spit nails.”
I pointed toward the front lawn. “That was no croquet lesson. That was a groping session.”
“Ha.” The color in her cheeks deepened. “He did get a bit handsy, I suppose.”
Dae clicked down the stairs in sky-high heels. She’d changed into a very tiny, skintight red minidress, over which she wore a stylish open-front red coat. Her scarlet lips matched perfectly.
“What are you going to do outside in that outfit?” Joely asked.
“His Highness.” Dae arched an eyebrow. “Kidding. I’m kidding.”
Joely and I scowled at her as she continued, “At this point, after what you two have done with him so far this afternoon, I figured the only way to get his attention is to dress like this.” She motioned to her mostly exposed skin. “Wish me luck, will you?”
“I don’t think you’ll need much luck.” I shook my head at Dae’s perfectly toned body.
“Yeah, well, we’ll see.”
Joely scoffed once Dae had disappeared around the corner. “How much more snogging can the king take in one day?”
“I don’t know”—I frowned—“but I have a feeling we’re about to find out.”
“Ladies!” Rose, one of the producers, called from the top of the stairs. “Come to the upstairs study. You’ll have a perfect view of the action from the balcony.”
“Yay?” Joely said then traipsed up the stairs.
I followed her, still feeling an ache in the pit of my stomach. I couldn’t believe how quickly the day had gone from perfect to completely foul. I’d been honest with Rhys earlier when I told him that there was no place I would rather be and no one I would rather be with. Then he’d gone and kissed Joely within an inch of her life. I felt like such a fool.
Rose smiled and beckoned to us from the study. “Dae and His Highness are just taking a stroll through the newest garden. You can see them clearly from up here.”
“I can hardly wait,” I mumbled as Joely and I made our way out onto the small balcony. The view of the grounds was fantastic. The lush lawns rolled out in every direction toward the tree line. The garden below bloomed in a riot of fall color—blues, deep purples, and yellows.
Dae’s red outfit contrasted perfectly with the flowers, and I wondered if she’d had time to plan it. She walked arm in arm with Rhys as the cameras followed closely behind. Mira Kinney stayed close to her crew, directing every angle of the shoot. We couldn’t hear anything from the balcony, but it was easy to make out the expressions on Dae and Rhys’s faces. They both looked serious. They appeared to be having an intense conversation. Dae was talking animatedly, and Rhys listened in rapt attention. When it was his turn to speak, he gesticulated. At one point, he looked frustrated. He raked his hand through his hair and frowned. Dae shrugged and shook her head.
“Do you think they’re having an argument?” Joely asked hopefully.
“I’m not sure. She’s probably taking him to task for all the kissing he’s been doing.” I didn’t know Dae well, but she did seem consistent in her honest approach to the competition. She often spoke her mind, especially to the king. She wasn’t shy about voicing her concerns regarding the speed of the competition or about her fears of being left behind and sent home.
But as we watched, the conversation seemed to take a turn. Rhys said something that made Dae laugh. He took a step closer to her, and although she took a step back, she grinned at him. It happened again, and I could tell they were playing with each other. They smiled and laughed as Rhys started to chase her around the grounds. Dae whipped off her high heels and really ran for it, but the werewolf was too fast for her. When he caught up to her, he swept her into his arms and spun her around. She laughed and laughed, and he kissed her.
Then he kissed her again.
“Here we go.” Joely put her hands over her eyes and watched from between the cracks in her fingers. “Doesn’t look like they’re arguing anymore.”
“No, it doesn’t.” Even though I felt sick, I couldn’t turn away as Rhys deepened the kiss. He still held Dae in his arms, as though he was about to carry her over a threshold. I shivered, feeling even more ill. Don’t think like that. But I didn’t like what I saw, not at all. In between their deep, heated kisses, Dae and Rhys were talking. They gazed deeply into each other’s eyes. It seemed very intimate, and I felt guilty that we watched them—their time together seemed private, despite the cameras. Rhys had been playful with both Joely and me, but it was different with Dae. What on earth are they talking about?
“Excuse me.” I couldn’t stand it anymore and left the balcony.
“Tamara, are you all right?” Joely called.
“Of course.” But that was a lie. I was not all right at all.
I rushed down the stairs. All I could think of was escaping the palace, going out to the front grounds, and inhaling fresh air. I threw open the door and ran toward the fountain in the middle of the square. A small statue of a tree rose from the ornamental structure, the water bubbling from its roots. It was quiet there, as the entire production crew was out back with Rhys and Dae. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the small pool below the tree. My face looked drawn, and my expression was dour.
I’d felt sick when I’d seen His Highness with Joely, but I’d felt worse than that while watching him with Dae, when I’d felt…resigned. Resigned to losing him? I shook my head—it couldn’t be. If he felt what I felt, there was nothing that could come between us.