Talking about Gender


- Confidential -
Gender Support Plan

The purpose of this document is to create shared understandings about the ways in which the student’s authentic gender will be accounted for and supported at school. School staff, caregivers and the student should work together to complete this document. Ideally, each will spend time completing the various sections to the best of their ability and then come together to review sections and confirm shared agreements about using the plan. Please note that there is a separate document to plan for a student formally communicating information about a change in their gender status at school.

School/District______________________ Today’s Date_______

Name Student Uses:______________________ Name on Birth Certificate:________________

Student’s Gender Identity _______________ Assigned Sex at Birth _______________Student Grade Level______________

Date of Birth ______________________Sibling(s)/Grade(s) /__________/______ __________/_______

Parent(s), Guardian(s), or Caregiver(s) /relation to student

_______________/___________    ___________/_________________

_______________/___________    ___________/_________________

Meeting participants:_______________


Are guardian(s) of this student aware and supportive of their child’s gender status? ______Yes _____No

If not, what considerations must be accounted for in implementing this plan? _________



How public or private will information about this student’s gender be (check all that apply)?

____ District staff will be aware (Superintendent, Student Support Services, District Psychologist, etc.)
Specify the adult staff members:

____ Site level leadership/administration will know (Principal, head of school, counselor, etc.)
Specify the adult staff members:

____ Teachers and/or other school staff will know
Specify the adult staff members:

____ Student will not be openly “out,” but some students are aware of the student’s gender
Specify the students:

____ Student is open with others (adults and peers) about gender

____ Other – describe: _________________________


If the student has asserted a degree of privacy, what steps will be taken if that privacy is compromised, or is believed to have been compromised?                            

                      • 510-788-4412 •

Rev. 090517


How will a teacher/staff member respond to any questions about the student’s gender from:

Other students?                            


Staff members?                            





Who will be the student’s “go to adult” on campus?                            

If this person is not available, what should student do?                            

What, if any, will be the process for periodically checking in with the student and/or family?                            


What are expectations in the event the student is feeling unsafe and how will student signal their need for help:

During class                            

On the yard                            

In the halls                            


Other safety concerns/questions:                            


What should the student’s parents do if they are concerned about how others are treating their child at school?



What name and gender marker are listed on the student’s identity documents?                       

Name/gender marker entered into the Student Information System                            

Name to be used when referring to the student                             Pronouns     

Can the student’s name/gender marker be reflected in the SIS? _____________ If so, how? If not, why not?


If not, what adjustments can be made to protect this student’s privacy (see below)?


Who will be the point person at school for ensuring these adjustments are made and communicated as needed?


How will instances be handled in which the incorrect name or pronoun are used by staff members?


By students?                            


If unable to change the student’s profile in the student information system, how will the student’s privacy be accounted for and maintained in the following situations or contexts:

During registration                

Completing enrollment                            

With substitute teachers                            

Standardized tests                            

School photos                            

lEPs/Other Services                            

Student cumulative file                            

After-school programs                            

Lunch lines                            

Taking attendance                            

Teacher grade book(s)                            

Official school-home communication                            

Unofficial school-home communication (PTA/other)                            

Outside district personnel or providers                            

Summons to office                            


Student ID/library cards                            

Posted lists                            

Distribution of texts or other school supplies                            

Assignment of IT accounts/email address                            

PA announcements                            

If the student’s guardians are not aware and/or supportive of the student’s gender status, how will school-home communications be handled?


What are some other ways the school needs to anticipate the student’s privacy being compromised? How will these be handled?



Student will use the following bathroom(s) on campus                            

Student will change clothes in the following place(s)                            

If student/parent have questions/concerns about facilities, who should they contact?                            

What are the expectations regarding the use of facilities for any class trips?                            


What are the expectations regarding rooming for any overnight trips?                            


Are there any questions or concerns about the student’s access to facilities?                            



In what extra-curricular programs or activities will the student be participating (sports, theater, clubs, etc)?


What steps will be necessary for supporting the student there?                            


Does the student participate in an after-school program?                            

What steps will be necessary for supporting the student there?                            





Does the student have any sibling(s) at school? ____________ Factors to be considered regarding sibling’s needs?



Does the school have a dress code? ___________ How will this be handled? _______________


Are there lessons, units, content or other activities coming up this year to consider (growth and development, swim unit, social justice units, name projects, dance instruction, Pride events, school dances etc.)?             


Are there any specific social dynamics with other students, families or staff members that need to be discussed or accounted for?


What training(s) will the school engage in to build capacity for working with gender-expansive students? How will the school work to create more gender inclusive conditions for all students?                            


Does the student use school- or district-provided transportation services? If so, how will the student’s gender be accounted for?                            


Are there any other questions, concerns or issues to discuss?                            



How will this plan be monitored over time?                            

What will be the process should the student, family, or school wish to revisit any aspects of the plan (or seek additions to the plan)?                            


What are specific follow-ups or action items emerging from this meeting and who is responsible for them?

Action Item Who? When?

Date/Time of next meeting or check-in______________Location____________

Used with permission of Gender Spectrum (


- Confidential -
Gender Communication Plan

This document supports the necessary planning for a student to communicate with the school community a change in one or more aspects of their gender from its commonly assumed status to something else. Its purpose is to create the most favorable conditions for a successful experience, and to identify the specific actions that will be taken by the student, school, family, or other support providers.

School/District_______________________________________Today’s Date___________

Student’s Preferred Name______________________Legal Name__________________

Student’s Gender_______________________Assigned Sex at Birth____________Student Grade Level___________________

Date of Birth____________________Sibling(s)/Grade(s)____________/________ ____________/______________

Parent(s)/Guardians)/Caregiver(s)/relation to student/

__________________ /_____________     __________________ /_____________

__________________ /_____________     __________________ /_____________

What does the student wish to communicate about their gender (change in identity, expression, etc.)?


How urgent is the student’s need? Is the child currently experiencing distress regarding their gender?



Are guardian(s) of this student aware and supportive of their child’s gender communication? ______Yes ______No

If not, what considerations must be accounted for in implementing this plan? ____________



When will the initial planning meeting take place?____________ Where will it occur?___________

Who will be the members of the team supporting the student’s communication?

images Student _________________    
images Parent(s) _________________ _________________ _________________
images School Staff _________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
images Other _________________ _________________ _________________


What is the specific information that the student wishes to convey? (be specific)?                            


What requests are being made of others (new name, pronouns, use of facilities, etc.)?                            

                      • 510-788-4412 •

Rev. 090517

Imagine that this process goes exactly as the student wishes. What does it look/sound like? Describe how this information will be shared (i.e. a lesson about gender combined with announcement from teacher(s); an assembly where student will share information; a written communication; etc.). Be as specific as possible about what occurs.


With whom and when will this information be shared?

images With peers in the student’s class only Date: _________
images With peers in the student’s grade level Date: _________
images With some/all students at school (specify)____________________ Date: _________
images Other (specify)           

Who will lead the lessons/activities framing the student’s announcement?         

What will the lesson/activities be?                            


Will the student be present for the lesson/sharing of info about their gender?                            

If yes, what role, if any, does the student want to play in the process?                            


Will the parent(s)/caregiver(s) be present for the lesson/sharing of info?                            

If yes, what role, if any, will they play in the process?                            


Once the information is shared, what parameters/expectations will be set regarding approaching the student?


Other notes, considerations or questions                            



Communications with Other Families                            

Will any sort of information be shared with other families about the student’s gender?                            

With whom: ____________ Families in child’s grade ________Whole School ____________Other (specify)____________

Who will be responsible for creating this?_______________ When will it be sent?______________

How will it be distributed?                            

*What specific information will be shared?                            




* see sample letters

Training for School Staff                            

Will there be specific training about this student’s gender with school staff?___________When?___________

Who will be conducting the training?______________ What will be the content of the training?




Parent Information Night/Class Meeting with Parents About Gender Diversity                            

Will there be specific training for school community members?___________ When?__________

Who’ll conduct it?____________________ Will it reference the student’s gender?___________________

What will be the content of the training?                            




Identifying and Enlisting Parent Allies                            

Are there any parents/adults in the community you would like to enlist in support of the child’s communication?

If so, who?                            

When will you speak with them?_______________________ What will be your request?___________________




Identifying and Enlisting Peer Allies                            

Are there other students you would like to enlist in support of the child’s communication?                            

If so, who?                            

When will they be spoken with?____________________ What requests will be made?________________________





Does the student have any siblings at the school?___________ What needs to be considered for them?

Training in their classroom(s)?________________ Emotional Support?_____________





Does the student currently have a Gender Support Plan?_________ If so, what needs to be modified?______________

What steps will be taken following the communication to check on the student’s status/well-being?                            





Which of the following will take place in relation to this student’s gender communication, when will it occur and who will be responsible for making it happen?

Date Lead

images  Initial Planning Meeting

______________ ______________

images  Lessons/Activities with Other Students

______________ ______________

images  Communications with Other Families

______________ ______________

images  Training for School Staff

______________ ______________

images  Parent Information Night About Gender Diversity

______________ ______________

images  Identifying and Enlisting Parent Allies

______________ ______________

images  Identifying and Enlisting Peer Allies

______________ ______________

What are the specific follow-ups or action items emerging from this meeting and who is responsible for them?

Action Item Who? When?

Date/Time of next meeting or check-in______________ Location Used with_____________

Used with permission of Gender Spectrum (