
  1. 1. “The Vengeful Visionary,” Time, January 26, 1959,

Introduction: The Long, Slow March through the Institutions

  1. 1. Paul Kengor, The Devil and Karl Marx (Gastonia, North Carolina: TAN Books, 2020), 124.
  2. 2. Walter E. Williams, “Did You Know That Karl Marx Was a Racist and an Anti-Semite?,” Panama City News-Herald, August 16, 2020,
  3. 3. Walter Williams, “The Devil and Karl Marx,” Amarillo Globe-News, September 15, 2020,
  4. 4. Williams, “Did You Know That Karl Marx Was a Racist?”; Jonah Goldberg, “Karl Marx’s Jew-Hating Conspiracy Theory,” Commentary, April 2018,
  5. 5. Nate Hochman, “The Long March Back,” National Review, March 6, 2023,
  6. 6. Ibid.
  7. 7. Herbert Marcuse, Counterrevolution and Revolt (Boston: Beacon Press, 1972), 55.
  8. 8. Ibid., 56.
  9. 9. See, for example, Charles W. Mills, From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003); Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, “Race, Class and Marxism,” Socialist Worker, January 4, 2011,
  10. 10Christopher F. Rufo, “The Long March through the Institutions: Ep. 2,” YouTube, August 5, 2022,
  11. 11. Joshua Rhett Miller, “BLM Removes Page on ‘Nuclear Family Structure’ amid NFL Vet’s Criticism,” New York Post, September 24, 2020,

Chapter One: The Universities: The Wuhan Labs of the Woke Virus

  1. 1. Michael Mechanic, “Ted Cruz’s College Roommate Can’t Stop Talking Smack about Him,” Mother Jones, February 2, 2016,
  2. 2. “Official Protest to Remove Ted Cruz as the Commencement Speaker,” Facebook, April 11, 2007,
  3. 3. Ibid.
  4. 4. Ibid.
  5. 5. Ibid.
  6. 6. Sheila Flynn, “Wyoming Senator Booed during Graduation Speech at Alma Mater after ‘Two Sexes’ Comment,” The Independent, May 16, 2022,
  7. 7. “Halloween Costume Controversy,” FIRE,
  8. 8. Felicity Barringer, “The Mainstreaming of Marxism in U.S. Colleges,” New York Times, October 25, 1989,
  9. 9. Russ Latino, “Free Speech? Fifth Circuit Judge Shouted Down by Stanford Law School Students and Faculty,” Clarksdale Press Register, March 13, 2023,; “Transcript of Stanford Law Shoutdown of Judge Kyle Duncan, March 9, 2023,” FIRE,
  10. 10. “Policy on Campus Disruptions,” University Policies and Standards, Stanford Law School,
  11. 11National Review, “Stanford’s Dean of DEI Embarrasses Herself,” YouTube, March 13, 2023,
  12. 12. “Transcript of Stanford Law Shoutdown.”
  13. 13. Latino, “Free Speech? Fifth Circuit Judge Shouted Down.”
  14. 14. Vimal Patel, “A Lecturer Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job.,” New York Times, January 8, 2023,
  15. 15. Greta Reich, “President, Law School Dean Apologize to Judge Kyle Duncan for ‘Disruption’ to His Speech,” Stanford Daily, March 12, 2023,
  16. 16. Aaron Sibarium, “Student Activists Target Stanford Law School Dean in Revolt over Her Apology,” Washington Free Beacon, March 14, 2023,
  17. 17. Aaron Sibarium, “ ‘Dogs—t’: Federal Judge Decries Disruption of His Remarks by Stanford Law Students and Calls for Termination of the Stanford Dean Who Joined the Mob,” Washington Free Beacon, March 10, 2023,
  18. 18. “WFB Reporter Explains Why Woke Stanford Law Students Who Tried to Censor Him Are Hypocrites,” Washington Free Beacon, March 19, 2023,
  19. 19Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1 (1949); Brown v. Louisiana 383 U.S. 131 (1966).
  20. 20. Jeremiah Poff, “Stanford Law School DEI Dean Placed on Leave Following Outburst at Trump Judge,” Washington Examiner, March 22, 2023,
  21. 21. Valerie Richardson, “Two Judges Extend Boycott on Yale Clerks to Stanford after Students Shout Down Conservative Jurist,” Washington Times, April 3, 2023,; John F. Banzhaf, “14 Federal Judges Will Not Hire Yale Law Grads—Report,” ValueWalk, March 31, 2023,
  22. 22“Read: Judge James Ho’s Remarks Announcing a Hiring Boycott from Stanford Law School,” Washington Free Beacon, April 1, 2023,
  23. 23. Madison Alder, “Stanford Law Added to Clerk Hire Boycott by US Judges Ho, Branch,” Bloomberg Law, April 2, 2023,
  24. 24. Young America’s Foundation, “Chipping Away at Democracy: Verdict with Ted Cruz Live at Yale University,” Facebook, April 11, 2022,

Chapter Two: “Malleable Clay”: K–12 Education

  1. 1. Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr., “My Cousin, El Che,” qtd. in Guillermina Sutter Schneider, “Are You Gay? Che Guevara Would Have Sent You to a Concentration Camp,” HuffPost, October 9, 2017,
  2. 2. Allison Aldrich, “Column: Che Guevara: Exposing Myths about a Murderer,” Collegiate Times, March 11, 2008,
  3. 3. Ernesto Che Guevara, “Man and Socialism in Cuba: Letter from Major Ernesto Che Guevara to Carlos Quijano, Editor of the Montevideo Weekly Magazine Marcha,” trans. Margarita Zimmermann, March 1965, Guevara Internet Archive (, 1999,
  4. 4. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto (1888),
  5. 5. Paul Kengor, The Devil and Karl Marx (Gastonia, North Carolina: TAN Books, 2020), 72.
  6. 6. Mike Gonzalez, “Socialism and Family,” The Heritage Foundation, March 1, 2022,
  7. 7. Guevara, “Man and Socialism in Cuba.”
  8. 8. Ada Ferrer, Cuba: An American History (New York: Scribner, 2021), 386.
  9. 9. Dylan M. Palmer and Will Flanders, “Education Schools Are Pushing the Classroom Leftward,” RealClearEducation, September 2, 2022,
  10. 10. Ibid.
  11. 11. Vincent Lloyd, “A Black Professor Trapped in Anti-Racist Hell,” Compact, February 10, 2023,
  12. 12. Ibid.
  13. 13. Ibid.
  14. 14. Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas), “BREAKING: @TeachingLabHQ Director @DrQuintinBostic Admits…,” Twitter, January 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m.,
  15. 15. Christopher F. Rufo, “Woke Elementary,” City Journal, January 13, 2021,
  16. 16. Divya Kishore, “ ‘All Whites Perpetuate Racism,’ Teach NY Public Schools with Dramatized Videos of Dead Black Kids: Whistleblower,” MEAWW, February 25, 2021,
  17. 17. Joshua Rhett Miller, “Teacher Removed US Flag from Class, Encouraged Students to Pledge to Gay Pride Banner,” New York Post, August 30, 2021,
  18. 18. Ronn Blitzer, “Biden Says Students Are like Teachers’ Children When in Classroom,” Fox News, April 28, 2022,
  19. 19. “Seattle Public Schools: K–12 Math Ethnic Studies Framework,” Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, August 20, 2019,
  20. 20. Maia Kobabe, Gender Queer (Portland, Oregon: Oni Press, 2019); Alexandra Alter, “How a Debut Graphic Memoir Became the Most Banned Book in the Country,” New York Times, May 1, 2022, updated June 22, 2023,
  21. 21. Jonathan Evison, Lawn Boy (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books, 2019); Lewis Pennock, “Author of LGBT Book ‘Lawn Boy’ Which Describes Two 10-Year-Old Boys Giving Each Other Oral Sex Admits Graphic Story Was NEVER Meant for School Libraries—as Livid Parents Force Woke Teachers to Pull It from Shelves in US,” Daily Mail, January 5, 2023,
  22. 22. Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, Let’s Talk about It: The Teen’s Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human (New York: Random House Graphic, 2021); Iain Woessner, “Library, Leaders, Unaware of Explicit Book in Young Adult Section,” Valley City Times Record, September 14, 2022,; “Broward County Public Schools Improperly Removes Sex Ed Book during Review Process,” National Coalition against Censorship, February 24, 2023,
  23. 23. Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States (New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2015).
  24. 24. James Axtell, “Who Invented Scalping?,” American Heritage 28, no. 3 (April 1977),
  25. 25. Jessica Chasmar, “Loudoun County Father Arrested at School Board Event Says School Tried to Cover Up Daughter’s Bathroom Assault,” Fox News, October 12, 2021,
  26. 26. Tyler O’Neil, “Loudoun County Public Schools Removes Book for ‘Sexual Content’ While Fairfax Insists It’s Not Obscene,” Fox News, January 16, 2022,

Chapter Three: The Newsroom Revolution

  1. 1. “Nidal Malik Hasan” (aggregation of articles), New York Times, November 5, 2009–December 6, 2019,
  2. 2. Manny Fernandez and Alan Blinder, “At Fort Hood, Wrestling with Label of Terrorism,” New York Times, April 8, 2014,
  3. 3. Robert Spencer, “Obama Administration Refuses to Tell Congress Why It Purged References to ‘Islamic Terrorism’ from Public Documents,” Jihad Watch, June 29, 2016,
  4. 4Michelle Ye Hee Lee, “The Bogus Claim That a Map of Crosshairs by Sarah Palin’s PAC Incited Rep. Gabby Giffords’s Shooting,” Washington Post, June 15, 2017,; Patrick Reilly, “NYT Editors Ignored Fact Checkers before Publishing Editorial Linking Palin to Shooting: Emails,” New York Post, February 4, 2022,
  5. 5. “Occupy Movement (Occupy Wall Street)” (aggregation of articles), New York Times, October 16, 2011–June 13, 2023,
  6. 6. “The New York Times WMD Coverage,” PBS, May 26, 2004,; Katharine Q. Seelye, “Times Reporter Agrees to Leave the Paper,” New York Times, November 10, 2005,
  7. 7. “If Trump Were President: Boston Globe’s Fake Front Page Dares to Imagine,” The Guardian, April 9, 2016,
  8. 8. “Trump and the Russians,” New York Times, I exaggerate (but only a little bit) for effect; no one was literally predicting Siberian exile.
  9. 9. “The Absurd ‘Russiagate’ Pulitzer of the NY Times and Washington Post,” New York Post, February 20, 2022,
  10. 10. Ashley Feinberg, “The New York Times Unites vs. Twitter,” Slate, August 15, 2019,
  11. 11. Ibid.
  12. 12. Quoted in Martin Baron, “Opinion: We Want Objective Judges and Doctors. Why Not Journalists Too?,” Washington Post, March 24, 2023,
  13. 13. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, “GOP Security Aide among Five Arrested in Bugging Affair,” Washington Post, June 19, 1972,; Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, “FBI Finds Nixon Aides Sabotaged Democrats,” Washington Post, October 10, 1972,, and the like.
  14. 14. Benjamin Mullin, “Read Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s Remarks to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner,” Poynter., April 30, 2017,
  15. 15. Jeff Gerth, “The Press versus the President, Part One,” Columbia Journalism Review, January 30, 2023,
  16. 16. Feinberg, “The New York Times Unites.”
  17. 17. Ibid.
  18. 18. Paul Farhi and Sarah Ellison, “Ignited by Public Protests, American Newsrooms Are Having Their Own Racial Reckoning,” Washington Post, June 13, 2020,; Sam Sanders et al., “Reckoning with Race in Journalism,” NPR, July 14, 2020,; Alison MacAdam, “Six Ways to Run a Listening Session,” NPR, February 16, 2016,; Hanaa’ Tameez, “American Journalism’s ‘Racial Reckoning’ Still Has Lots of Reckoning to Do,” Nieman Lab, March 8, 2022,
  19. 19. Charles Kesler, “Call Them the 1619 Riots,” New York Post, June 19, 2020,
  20. 20. Virginia Allen, “New York Times Mum on ‘1619 Project’ Creator Calling ‘1619 Riots’ Moniker an ‘Honor,’ ” The Daily Signal, June 22, 2020,
  21. 21. Tom Cotton, “Tom Cotton: Send in the Troops,” New York Times, June 3, 2020,
  22. 22. Marc Tracy, “James Bennet Resigns as New York Times Opinion Editor,” New York Times, June 7, 2020,
  23. 23Ibid.; Scott Neuman, “Head of ‘New York Times’ Editorial Page Steps Down amid Controversy,” NPR, June 8, 2020,
  24. 24. Shadi Hamid, “Bari Weiss and the Left-Wing Infatuation with Taking Offense,” The Atlantic, February 17, 2018,
  25. 25. Bari Weiss, “Resignation Letter,”
  26. 26. Gay Talese, The Kingdom and the Power (Cleveland, Ohio; New York: World Publishing Company, 1969), 72.
  27. 27. Megan Brenan, “Americans’ Trust in Media Remains Near Record Low,” Gallup, October 18, 2022,
  28. 28. Ari Blaff, “Matt Taibbi, Douglas Murray Dominate Trust-in-Media Debate,” National Review, December 1, 2022,; Truthspeak, “Munk Debate: Mainstream Media ft. Douglas Murray, Matt Taibbi, Malcolm Gladwell, Michelle Goldberg,” YouTube, December 8, 2022,
  29. 29. Leonard Downie Jr., “Opinion: Newsrooms That Move beyond ‘Objectivity’ Can Build Trust,” Washington Post, January 30, 2023,
  30. 30. Ibid.
  31. 31. Jonathan V. Last, “What Blogs Have Wrought,” Weekly Standard, September 27, 2004,
  32. 32. Salena Zito, “How ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Became a Swipe at Joe Biden—and National Media,” New York Post, November 2, 2021,

Chapter Four: Big Tech

  1. 1. Wayne Duggan, “8 Top Nancy Pelosi Stocks to Buy,” U.S. News & World Report, July 11, 2023,
  2. 2Leandra Bernstein, “Connections to Jeffrey Epstein Threaten Prominent Politicians,” ABC7 News, July 9, 2019,; Soo Rin Kim, “Jeffrey Epstein Donated to Several Democrats throughout 1990s and Early 2000s,” ABC News, July 12, 2019,; Brian Schwartz, “Democratic Fundraising Committees Decline to Say Whether They Will Donate or Give Back Jeffrey Epstein Contributions,” CNBC, July 24, 2019,
  3. 3. For evidence that the social media users’ experiences described here are not anomalous, see Tyler O’Neil, “Google Tries to Discredit Study Showing Google News’ Left-Wing Bias,” The Daily Signal, March 2, 2023,; Bari Weiss (@bariweiss), “THREAD: THE TWITTER FILES PART TWO. TWITTER’S SECRET BLACKLISTS…” (thread), Twitter, December 8, 2022, 7:15 p.m.,; Marco Rubio, “Rubio Demands Answers after YouTube Censors Conservative Content” (press release), Marco Rubio Senate website, August 17, 2021,; Ashley Gold, “YouTube Temporarily Suspends, Demonetizes OANN,” Axios, November 24, 2020,; Ben Shapiro, “Viewpoint Discrimination with Algorithms,” National Review, March 7, 2018,
  4. 4. Jason Zengerle, “Ted Cruz: The Distinguished Wacko Bird from Texas,” GQ, September 22, 2013,
  5. 5. Angie Drobnic Holan, “Lie of the Year: ‘If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It,” PolitiFact, December 12, 2013,
  6. 6. Josh Halliday, “Twitter’s Tony Wang: ‘We Are the Free Speech Wing of the Free Speech Party,’ ” The Guardian, March 22, 2012,
  7. 7Vijaya Gadde and Kayvon Beykpour, “Setting the Record Straight on Shadow Banning,” Twitter (blog), July 26, 2018,
  8. 8. “Sen. Cruz: Big Tech Censorship Is Marked in Darkness and Obscurity,” Ted Cruz Senate website (press release), February 28, 2019,
  9. 9. Gadde and Beykpour, “Setting the Record Straight.”
  10. 10. That growing realization would be confirmed when Elon Musk bought Twitter and released the Twitter Files in 2022. See Weiss, “THREAD: THE TWITTER FILES PART TWO.”
  11. 11. Yoel Roth (@yoyoel), “Yes, that person in the pink hat…,” Twitter, January 22, 2017, 6:33 p.m.,
  12. 12. Jessica Chasmar, “Yoel Roth’s ‘Gay Data’ Dissertation ‘Mistakenly’ Blocked from UPenn Website after Elon Musk’s Tweet,” Fox News, December 12, 2022,
  13. 13. Olivia Land, “Twitter Employees Donated Almost Exclusively to Democrats during Midterms,” New York Post, December 16, 2022,
  14. 14. See for example, Andrew Stolzle, “In Defense of Big Tech,” Andrew Stolzle, January 10, 2021 (updated March 13, 2023),
  15. 15. Phil Kerpen (@kerpen), “Not the usual catchall…,” Twitter, June 2, 2021, 12:03 a.m.,; C. Douglas Golden, “After Fauci Email Proves Link with Zuckerberg, House Republicans Hit Facebook with One Demand That Could Change Everything,” Western Journal, June 10, 2021,
  16. 16. “The Cost of Coronavirus,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, March 2020,; “An Expert’s Perspective on the Pandemic,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, March 2020,; “The Wuhan Coverup,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, April 2020,; “China Must Pay,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, April 2020,
  17. 17. Kelly Laco, “These Biden Administration Agencies Have Admitted COVID Lab Leak Is Plausible,” Fox News, March 4, 2023,
  18. 18. Newley Purnell, “Facebook Ends Ban on Posts Asserting Covid-19 Was Man-Made,” Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2021,
  19. 19. Jacob Sullum, “Under Government Pressure, Twitter Suppressed Truthful Speech about COVID-19,” Reason, January 2, 2023,
  20. 20. Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11), “In 2018, I met with Jack Dorsey…” (thread), Twitter, December 8, 2022, 9:04 p.m.,
  21. 21. Bari Weiss (@bariweiss), “4. Or consider the popular right-wing talk show host…,” Twitter, December 8, 2022, 7:33 p.m.,
  22. 22. “Evidence Shows FBI, Biden Campaign and Twitter Worked Together to Suppress Hunter Story,” New York Post, December 19, 2022,
  23. 23. See Nick Bilton, “In the Coronavirus Era, the Force Is Still with Jack Dorsey,” Vanity Fair, April 20, 2020,; Isobel Asher Hamilton, Katie Canales, and Bethany Biron, “The Wild Life of Billionaire Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey, Who Has Apologized for Elon Musk’s Layoffs and Is Known for Eccentricities like Eating One Meal a Day, and Taking Ice Baths,” Business Insider, November 5, 2022,
  24. 24. Caroline Downey, “ ‘Biden Team’ Requested Twitter Scrub Scandalous Hunter Biden Info Days before 2020 Election,” National Review, December 2, 2022,
  25. 25Mark Moore, “Google, Facebook Should Be Investigated after Twitter Files on Hunter Biden Story: Rep. McCarthy,” New York Post, December 4, 2022,; Steve Daines, “Big Tech’s Harmful Censorship of Republican Candidates,” The Hill, May 18, 2022,; O’Neil, “Google Tries to Discredit Study.”
  26. 26. Allum Bokhari, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election (New York: Center Street, 2020), 9.
  27. 27. Ibid., 17.
  28. 28. Sheera Frenkel, “Renegade Facebook Employees Form Task Force to Battle Fake News,” BuzzFeed, November 14, 2016,
  29. 29. Bokhari, #DELETED, 21.
  30. 30. “Twitter can not [sic] violate anyone’s free speech or First Amendment rights. Nobody has a right to tweet whatever they desire without repercussion. Twitter owns the platform and has the right to enforce their contractual agreements with its users…. Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t care what your political views are. He and Facebook, along with every other major social media platform want the same thing: user engagement. Like all major corporations, the end goal of social media platforms is profit so that its employees and shareholders can eat and pay their bills…. Individuals like Hawley argue that tech companies are secretly meeting and sharing information so that they can simultaneously shadow ban or censor posts made by Republicans. He is not the only one claiming such malfeasance…. Users enter into an agreement with Twitter. If Twitter determines that a post violates the agreement, they can hide it or surround the tweet with a warning label” [emphasis in the original]. Stolzle, “In Defense of Big Tech.”
  31. 31. Renée DiResta, “Free Speech Is Not the Same as Free Reach,” Wired, August 30, 2018,
  32. 32. Bari Weiss (@bariweiss), “THREAD: THE TWITTER FILES PART TWO…,” Twitter, December 8, 2022, 7:15 p.m.,
  33. 33. See for example, “COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptic Alex Berenson Was ‘Permanently’ Banned from Twitter, Until Twitter Reinstated Him,” Business Insider, July 18, 2022,; Joseph De Avila, “The People Permanently Banned from Twitter: See the List,” Wall Street Journal, updated November 3, 2022, See also “Hateful Conduct,” Twitter, April 2023,; “How We Address Misinformation on Twitter,” Twitter,
  34. 34. Weiss, “THREAD: THE TWITTER FILES PART TWO”; Gadde and Beykpour, “Setting the Record Straight.”
  35. 35. Aja Romano, “The ‘Controversy’ over Journalist Sarah Jeong Joining the New York Times, Explained,” Vox, updated August 3, 2018,
  36. 36. Zack Beauchamp, “In Defense of Sarah Jeong,” Vox, August 3, 2018,
  37. 37. Ibid.
  38. 38. “Sarah Jeong,” Popular Net Worth, July 9, 2023, (“Throughout her writing career, the American content writer has amassed a sizable fortune. Sarah currently has a net worth of $500k.”[emphasis in the original]); “Fairfax Schools Defending $20K Presentation from Anti-Racism Scholar,” Fox5 Washington DC, September 25, 2020, (“The $20,000 price tag means the district paid Kendi more than $300 a minute”); Gabe Kaminsky, “Exclusive: Ibram X. Kendi Raked in $45K from University of Wisconsin, Made School Delete Lecture,” The Federalist, December 9, 2021,; Christopher Eberhart, “Anti-Racist Author DOUBLES Speaking Fees as America Goes Woke: ‘White Fragility’ Writer Robin DiAngelo Charges an Average of $14,000 per Speech and Makes ‘$728K a Year,’ ” Daily Mail, July 2, 2021,
  39. 39. Kelefa Sanneh, “The Fight to Redefine Racism,” New Yorker, August 12, 2019,
  40. 40Brian Flood, “These Five People Are Allowed to Tweet but One of America’s Oldest Newspapers Can’t,” Fox News, October 21, 2020,
  41. 41. Joe Tacopino, “Iran’s Supreme Leader Screams, ‘Death to America’ amid Ongoing Nuclear Talks,” New York Post, March 23, 2015,; Jesse O’Neil, “Salman Rushdie Breaks Silence after Attack: I Have PTSD, Nightmares,” New York Post, February 6, 2023,
  42. 42. See Zabihullah (@Zabehulah_M33), “Official Twitter Account of the Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan…,” Twitter,; Wedaeli Chibelushi, “The Taliban Has over 800K Twitter Followers—Could They Get a Blue Tick Soon?,” Independent Television News (ITV), September 5, 2021,
  43. 43. “Twitter Will No Longer Enforce Its COVID Misinformation Policy,” NPR, November 9, 2022,; “Twitter Flagged Donald Trump’s Tweets with Election Misinformation: They Continued to Spread Both on and off the Platform,” Misinformation Review, August 24, 2021,; Clare Duffy, “Twitter Removes Transgender Protections from Hateful Conduct Policy,” CNN, April 19, 2023,
  44. 44. Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi), “1. Thread: THE TWITTER FILES” (thread), Twitter, December 2, 2022, 6:34 p.m.,
  45. 45. Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge, “Smoking-Gun Email Reveals How Hunter Biden Introduced Ukrainian Businessman to VP Dad,” New York Post, October 14, 2020,
  46. 46. Taibbi, “1. Thread: THE TWITTER FILES.”
  47. 47. Ibid.
  48. 48Ari Drennen, “YouTube Strips Ad Revenue from The Matt Walsh Show after Repeated Vitriol against Dylan Mulvaney,” Media Matters, April 20, 2023,
  49. 49. Yaqiu Wang, “The Problem with TikTok’s Claim of Independence from Beijing,” Human Rights Watch, March 24, 2023,; Sapna Maheshwari, “Young TikTok Users Quickly Encounter Problematic Posts, Researchers Say,” New York Times, December 14, 2022,
  50. 50. “17 Transgender Influencers to Follow,” Izea, March 29, 2023,; “13 Trans Influencers & Activists That Inspire Us,” Teen Line, December 12, 2028;
  51. 51. Abigail Shrier, “How Influencers Lure Kids into Transgender Lifestyle, Coach Them to Lie to Doctors,” The Daily Caller, June 14, 2022,

Chapter Five: Mr. Marx Goes to Washington

  1. 1. Mariah Espada, “President Biden, His Corvette, and the Latest Stash of Classified Documents,” Time, January 12, 2023,
  2. 2. “Former U.S. National Security Adviser Sandy Berger Dies,” Reuters, December 2, 2015,
  3. 3. Gigi Sohn (@gigibsohn), “For all my concerns about #Facebook, I believe…,” Twitter, October 28, 2020, 10:18 a.m.,
  4. 4. Gigi Sohn (@gigibsohn), “I agree that scrutiny of big tech is essential…,” Twitter, September 4, 2019, 12:53 p.m.,
  5. 5. Sean Moran, “Biden’s Controversial FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn to Face Scrutiny over Calls for Censorship, Leftist Advocacy,” Breitbart, January 30, 2023,
  6. 6. “Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Confirmation Hearing,” C-SPAN, February 14, 2023,
  7. 7. “Stand with Ted Cruz,”
  8. 8. Todd Shields and Zach C. Cohen, “FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn Withdraws, Citing Opposition from ‘Dark Money’ Groups,” Bloomberg, March 7, 2023,
  9. 9. Joseph Rhee, Gerry Wagschal, and Jinsol Jung, “How Boeing 737 Max’s Flawed Flight Control System Led to 2 Crashes That Killed 346,” ABC News, November 27, 2020,
  10. 10. “Confirmation Hearing for FAA Administrator Nominee,” C-SPAN, March 1, 2023,
  11. 11. Kerry Lynch, “Phil Washington Withdraws from FAA Administrator Consideration,” AINonline, March 26, 2023,
  12. 12. “Ann E. Carlson,” UCLA Law,; “Beyond the Courtroom: Climate Tort Litigation in the United States,” Manufacturers’ Accountability Project,, 12.
  13. 13. “Ann Carlson to Serve as Chief Counsel of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,” UCLA Newsroom, January 25, 2021,
  14. 14. Peter Aitken, “Biden Comptroller Pick Saule Omarova Refuses to Turn Over Moscow State University Thesis on Marxism,” Fox Business, October 16, 2021,
  15. 15. Bradford Betz, “Biden’s Pick to Regulate National Banks Received ‘Lenin’ Award, Praised USSR for Gender Equality,” Fox News, September 29, 2021,
  16. 16Tyler Olson, “Biden Treasury Nominee Omarova Was Member of Marxist Facebook Group as Recently as 2019, Post Indicates,” Fox News, October 23, 2021,
  17. 17. “Marxist Analysis and Policy” Facebook,
  18. 18. “User Clip: Sen Kennedy Omarova,” C-SPAN, November 18, 2021,
  19. 19. Joseph R. Biden Jr., “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities through the Federal Government,” White House, January 20, 2021,
  20. 20. Ibid.
  21. 21. “Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference?,” Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, November 5, 2020,
  22. 22. Ben Wilterdink, “Racial Disparities and the High Cost of Low Debates,” Independent Institute, May 8, 2018,
  23. 23. National Review, “Bernie Sanders Can’t Explain Difference between Equality and Equity,” YouTube, March 6, 2023,
  24. 24. Chris Riotta, “Pete Buttigieg Says There Is ‘Racism Physically Built into’ America’s Ailing Infrastructure System,” The Independent, April 8, 2021,
  25. 25. Vincent J. Cannato, “Buttigieg’s ‘Systemic Racism’ Claim Is the Leftist Myth about Robert Moses,” New York Post, November 14, 2021,
  26. 26. Vincent J. Cannato, “A Bridge Too Far,” City Journal, November 12, 2021,
  27. 27. Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP), “This is detailed at length in Robert Caro’s…,” Twitter, November 8, 2021, 3:36 p.m.,
  28. 28Glenn Kessler, “Robert Moses and the Saga of the Racist Parkway Bridges,” Washington Post, November 10, 2021,
  29. 29. Char Adams, “Black People Are More Likely to Die in Traffic Accidents. Covid Made It Worse.,” NBC News, June 22, 2021,
  30. 30. Rachel Crowell, “Modern Mathematics Confronts Its White, Patriarchal Past,” Scientific American, August 12, 2021,
  31. 31. Lornett Vestal, “The Unbearable Whiteness of Hiking and How to Solve It,” Sierra Club, December 7, 2016,
  32. 32. Sasha Mistlin, “ ‘I’ve Never Experienced Such Abject Racism’: What It’s Really Like to Work in TV as a Person of Colour,” The Guardian, December 2, 2021,
  33. 33. Ashish Ghadiali, “Nice Racism by Robin DiAngelo Review—Appearances Can Be Deceptive,” review of Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm, by Robin DiAngelo, The Guardian, July 11, 2021,
  34. 34. Nathaniel G. Chapman and David L. Brunsma, Beer and Racism: How Beer Became White, Why It Matters, and the Movements to Change It (Bristol, England: Bristol University Press, 2020).
  35. 35. Jeffrey W. Bethel, Sloane C. Burke, and Amber F. Britt, “Disparity in Disaster Preparedness between Racial/Ethnic Groups,” Disaster Health 1, no. 2, (November 8, 2013): 110–16,
  36. 36. Tasos Kokkinidis, “Princeton Removes Greek, Latin for Classics Majors to Combat Racism,” Greek Reporter, May 31, 2021,
  37. 37. Alex Ross, “Black Scholars Confront White Supremacy in Classical Music,” New Yorker, September 14, 2020,
  38. 38Brad Plumer and Nadja Popovich, “How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering,” New York Times, August 24, 2020,
  39. 39. Associated Press, “Pete Buttigieg Launches $1B Pilot to Build Racial Equity in America’s Roads,” NPR, June 30, 2022,
  40. 40. Azeen Ghorayshi, “Report Reveals Sharp Rise in Transgender Young People in the U.S.,” New York Times, June 10, 2022,
  41. 41. See for example, “New HHS Report Released on Transgender Day of Visibility Offers Updated, Evidence-Based Roadmap for Supporting and Affirming LGBTQI+ Youth,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, March 31, 2023,; “HHS Notice and Guidance on Gender Affirming Care, Civil Rights, and Patient Privacy,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, March 2, 2022,; Brad Brooks, “Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s Directives on Transgender Athletes, Bathrooms,” Reuters, July 18, 2022,
  42. 42. Sade Strehlke, “See How a Gender Reassignment Surgery Actually Works,” Teen Vogue, December 9, 2015,
  43. 43. Abigail Shrier, Irreversible Damage (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2020), 6.
  44. 44. Jon Brooks, “The Controversial Research on ‘Desistance’ in Transgender Youth,” KQED, May 23, 2018,
  45. 45. See, for example, Dora TheExorcista, “Being trans is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. What should I do?,” Reddit, 2018,
  46. 46. Ashley Austin, Shelley L. Craig, Sandra D’Souza, and Lauren B. McInroy, “Suicidality among Transgender Youth: Elucidating the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37, nos. 5–6 (March 2022): NP2696–NP2718, first published April 29, 2020,
  47. 47. “Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis History,” American Psychiatric Association,
  48. 48. Susannah Luthi, “California Bill Would Punish Parents Who Don’t ‘Affirm’ Their Child’s Gender Identity,” Washington Free Beacon, June 8, 2023,
  49. 49. Ed Komenda, “Transgender Minors Protected from Estranged Parents under Washington Law,” PBS, May 9, 2023,
  50. 50. Bigad Shaban et al., “Transgender Kids Could Get Hormone Therapy at Earlier Ages,” NBC Bay Area, September 13, 2017,; “More Gender Diversity Should Mean Fewer Drugs and Surgeries,” Genspect,
  51. 51. Benji Jones, “The Staggering Costs of Being Transgender in the US, Where Even Patients with Health Insurance Can Face Six-Figure Bills,” Insider, July 10, 2019,; Associated Press, “Governor Wants Probe of Vandy Hospital after Doctor Touts Trans Procedures as ‘Money Makers,’ ” Health News Florida, September 22, 2022,; “U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Gender Transition (Male to Female, Female to Male), and Segment Forecasts, 2022–2030,” Grand View Research,
  52. 52. “FBI Falsely Claims Agency Never Investigated Parents at School Board Meetings,” The Post Millennial, July 14, 2023,; “U.S. House Judiciary Republicans: DOJ Labeled Dozens of Parents as Terrorist Threats” (press release), House of Representatives Judiciary Committee,
  53. 53. Brooks, “Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s Directives.”
  54. 54. Justin Jouvenal, “Loudoun Teen Whose Assaults Caused Political Firestorm Will Be Put on Sex Offender List,” Washington Post, January 12, 2022,
  55. 55. Joe Bukuras, “Acquitted Pro-Life Activist Mark Houck Reveals Details of ‘Reckless’ FBI Raid; Will Press Charges,” Catholic News Agency, February 1, 2023,
  56. 56. Hans A. von Spakovsky and Charles “Cully” Stimson, “FBI, Justice Department Twist Federal Law to Arrest, Charge Pro-Life Activist,” Heritage Foundation, September 28, 2022,
  57. 57. “Protecting Patients and Health Care Providers,” Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice,
  58. 58. Bukuras, “Acquitted Pro-Life Activist Mark Houck Reveals Details.”
  59. 59. Greg Norman, “Nashville Pregnancy Center Hit with Molotov Cocktail, ‘Jane’s Revenge’ Graffiti,” Fox News, July 1, 2022,
  60. 60. Mary Margaret Olohan, “Republicans to Hold Hearing on DOJ Targeting Pro-Lifers,” The Daily Signal, May 12, 2023,
  61. 61. “Justice Department Oversight Hearing,” C-SPAN, March 1, 2023, at 1:41:17,
  62. 62. Ken Dilanian and Corky Siemaszko, “Merrick Garland Calls Justice Department’s Jan. 6 Probe the ‘Most Wide-Ranging Investigation in Its History,’ ” NBC News, July 26, 2022,
  63. 63. Meg Anderson and Nick McMillan, “1,000 People Have Been Charged for the Capitol Riot. Here’s Where Their Cases Stand,” NPR, March 25, 2023,; Dinah Voyles Pulver and Doug Caruso, “More than 950 People Have Been Charged in Jan. 6 Capitol Riot, but Investigation ‘Far from Over,’ ” USA Today, January 6, 2023,; Courtney Hessler, “After Prison Sentence for Capitol Riot, Hurricane Woman Looks to Future,” Coal Valley News, September 14, 2022,

Chapter Six: The Long March Reaches the Boardroom

  1. 1. Clark Mindock, “Bank of America Will No Longer Do Business with Gun Companies That Manufacture AR-15s and Similar Assault Weapons,” The Independent, April 11, 2018,
  2. 2. Ed Skyler, “Announcing Our U.S. Commercial Firearms Policy,” Citigroup, March 22, 2018,
  3. 3. See, for example, Louis Jacobson, “Fact-Check: Did Democrats Filibuster Gun-Related Legislation in 2013?,” Austin American-Statesman, June 1, 2022, Even the notoriously disingenuous PolitiFact has to admit that “a review of the legislative wrangling from 2013 shows that Cruz accurately explained the voting on the Grassley-Cruz amendment” when “Cruz cited an amendment he sponsored along with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa”:

    In 2013, I introduced legislation called Grassley-Cruz which targeted felons and fugitives and those with serious mental illness. It directed the Department of Justice to do an audit of federal convictions to make sure felons are in the database. It directed the Department of Justice to prosecute and put in jail felons and fugitives who try to illegally buy firearms.

    In the Harry Reid Democrat(ic) Senate, a majority of the Senate voted in favor of Grassley-Cruz, but the Democrats filibustered it. They demanded 60 votes. They defeated it, because they wanted to go after law-abiding citizens instead of stopping the bad guys.

  4. 4. John R. Lott Jr., More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998).
  5. 5“Sen. Cruz: ‘The Bill of Rights Should Not Be Subject to Corporate Pressure or Financial Coercion” (press release), Ted Cruz Senate website, May 4, 2018,
  6. 6. David Benoit, “Inside Citigroup’s Attempt to Rally Wall Street to Pressure Gun Sellers,” Wall Street Journal, updated June 25, 2022,
  7. 7. Alexa Ura, “After Drastic Changes Made behind Closed Doors, and an Overnight Debate, Texas Senate Approves Voting Bill,” The Texas Tribune, May 30, 2021,
  8. 8. “Statement from James Quincey on Georgia Voting Legislation,” The Coca-Cola Company, April 1, 2021,
  9. 9. David K. Li and Jane C. Timm, “MLB’s All-Star Game Moved to Denver in Wake of Georgia Restricting Voter Access,” NBC News, April 6, 2021,
  10. 10. Derek Draplin, “MLB All-Star Game Expected to Bring in $190 Million in Revenue for Colorado,” The Center Square, April 6, 2021,
  11. 11. Lucian Bebchuk and Scott Hirst, “The Specter of the Giant Three,” Boston University Law Review 99, no. 721 (2019): 723–41,; “The Big Three & ESG: A Guide to BlackRock, State Street, & Vanguard Proxy Voting Policies & Guidance on Key ESG Issues,” Deloitte., June 5, 2023,
  12. 12. Kit Rees, “BlackRock’s Assets Seen Topping $15 Trillion in Five Years’ Time,” Bloomberg, April 17, 2023,
  13. 13Larry Fink, “A Sense of Purpose,” Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, January 17, 2018,
  14. 14. Shaun J. Mathew and Sarah A. Fortt, “BlackRock’s 2018 CEO Letter: A New ‘Sense of Purpose’ for Corporate America?,” Lexology, January 24, 2018,
  15. 15. See, for example, Ricardo Martinez, Corey Goldblum, and Michael Monaco, “ESG & Climate Risk: An Introduction for Financial Services Institutions,” Federal Home Loan Bank of New York,; Jon McGowan, “Target’s LGBTQ+ Pride Marketing May Be ESG-Driven,” Forbes, May 25, 2023,; Andrew Winston, “Why Business Leaders Must Resist the Anti-ESG Movement,” Harvard Business Review, April 5, 2023,
  16. 16. Bebchuk and Hirst, “The Specter.”
  17. 17. Sanjai Bhagat, “An Inconvenient Truth about ESG Investment,” Harvard Business Review, March 31, 2022,
  18. 18. Aneesh Raghunandan and Shivaram Rajgopal, “Do ESG Funds Make Stakeholder-Friendly Investments?,” Review of Accounting Studies, May 27, 2022,
  19. 19. Vivek Ramaswamy, Capitalist Punishment: How Wall Street Is Using Your Money to Create a Country You Didn’t Vote For (New York: Broadside Books, 2023), ix.
  20. 20. Ibid., 3.
  21. 21. Ibid., 15; “BlackRock’s Approach to Companies That Manufacture and Distribute Civilian Firearms” (press release), BlackRock, March 2, 2018,; “Kroger’s Fred Meyer Plans to Phase Out Firearms Business,” Reuters, March 19, 2018,; Rachel Siegel, “BlackRock Unveils Gun-Free Investment Options,” Washington Post, April 6, 2018,
  22. 22. Ramaswamy, Capitalist Punishment, 15.
  23. 23. Dana Kennedy, “Inside the CEI System Pushing Brands to Endorse Celebs Like Dylan Mulvaney,” New York Post, April 7, 2023,
  24. 24. Aryn Fields, “The Human Rights Campaign Honors Human Rights Day with Grants to Global LGTBQ Advocates” (press release), Human Rights Campaign, December 10, 2020,; Charles “Cully” Stimson and Zack Smith, “George Soros’s Prosecutors Wage War on Law and Order,” Heritage Foundation, June 22, 2023,
  25. 25. Dana Kennedy, “Inside the CEI System Pushing Brands to Endorse Celebs like Dylan Mulvaney,” New York Post, April 7, 2023,
  26. 26. Ibid.
  27. 27. Ariel Zilber, “Chick-fil-A Sparks Anti-Woke Outrage for VP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Post,” New York Post, May 30, 2023,
  28. 28. “The FTX Foundation Group Launches the FTX Climate Program,” PR Newswire, July 27, 2021,
  29. 29. “Sam Bankman-Fried Becomes an ESG Truth-Teller,” Wall Street Journal, November 18, 2022,; Jon Michael Raasch, “FTX Founder Manipulated ESG to Earn ‘Virtue Signaling Glow’: Palantir Co-Founder,” Fox Business, November 29, 2022,
  30. 30. “FTX.US,” OpenSecrets,
  31. 31. Sebastian Sinclair, “Cryptocurrency CEO Donated Second-Largest Amount to Joe Biden’s Campaign,” CoinDesk, updated September 14, 2021,
  32. 32Kelsey Piper, “Sam Bankman-Fried Tries to Explain Himself,” Vox, November 6, 2022,
  33. 33. Raasch, “FTX Founder Manipulated ESG.”
  34. 34. Piper, “Sam Bankman-Fried Tries to Explain Himself.”
  35. 35. Prarthana Prakash, “Silicon Valley Bank Had No Official Chief Risk Officer for 8 Months While the VC Market Was Spiraling,” Fortune, March 10, 2023,; Katherine Donlevy, “While Silicon Valley Bank Collapsed, Top Executive Pushed ‘Woke’ Programs,” New York Post, March 11, 2023, Note that SVB UK was “ring-fenced” off from the original SVB around the same time as the position of chief risk officer at the original bank became vacant, and that the “safe spaces” expert at SVB UK “reported to the Chief Risk Officer for the UK and would not have been involved with risk assessment for the US bank.”
  36. 36. Donlevy, “While Silicon Valley Bank Collapsed.”
  37. 37. William Sullivan, “Bud Light’s Demise at the Hands of Credentialed Woke Millennials,” American Thinker, April 28, 2023,
  38. 38. Lizette Chapman and Jason Leopold, “The FDIC Has Accidentally Released a List of Companies It Bailed Out for Billions in the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse,” Fortune, June 23, 2023,
  39. 39. Sullivan, “Bud Light’s Demise at the Hands of Credentialed Woke Millennials.”
  40. 40. Alexander Hall, “Bud Light’s Marketing VP Was Inspired to Update ‘Fratty,’ ‘Out of Touch’ Branding,” New York Post, April 10, 2023,
  41. 41. “Blackrock Inc. Ownership in Bud/Anheuser-Busch In BEV SA/NV—ADR,” Fintel,; “Anheuser-Busch Inbev SA,” CNN Business,
  42. 42A dude, “Dylan Mulvaney Days of Girlhood Tiktoks,” YouTube, September 14, 2022,; “Dylan Mulvaney (dylanmulvaney),” TikTok,
  43. 43. Dana Kennedy, “Who Is Trans Star Dylan Mulvaney—and Why Is She Suddenly Everywhere?,” New York Post, April 6, 2023, and
  44. 44. Samantha Aschieris, “Cruz, Blackburn Probe Anheuser-Busch’s Partnership with Dylan Mulvaney,” The Daily Signal, May 19, 2023,
  45. 45. “Barbie Doll Market Share and Size 2023 to 2030: A Comprehensive Market Research Report with 9.8% CAGR,” MarketWatch, April 15, 2023,
  46. 46. Aschieris, “Cruz, Blackburn Probe.”
  47. 47. Grace Mayer, “Bud Light Has Been Embroiled in Backlash since a Beer Promotion by a Transgender Influence. Here’s a Timeline of How the Controversy Has Played Out,” Business Insider, July 21, 2023,; Shannon Power, “Why Dylan Mulvaney Has the Last Laugh in Bud Light Controversy,” Newsweek, April 17, 2023,
  48. 48. Lee Brown, “Kid Rock Shoots Bud Light Cans after Trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney Partnership,” New York Post, April 4, 2023,
  49. 49. Ariel Zilber, “Bud Light Dethroned, Loses Title as America’s Top-Selling Beer,” New York Post, June 14, 2023,
  50. 50. Shannon Thaler, “Bud Light Parent Anheuser-Busch’s Stock Has Lost over $27B over Dylan Mulvaney,” New York Post, June 2, 2023,
  51. 51. Amanda Holpuch and Julie Creswell, “2 Executives Are on Leave after Bud Light Promotion with Transgender Influencer,” New York Times, April 25, 2023, Two months later, it was reported that the company had let both executives go but for legal reasons did not want to publicly announce firing them. David Hookstead, “Anheuser-Busch Executives Responsible for Bud Light Disaster Are Gone: Report,” OutKick, June 27, 2023, Anheuser-Busch denied that they had been fired. Melissa Koenig, “Anheuser-Busch DENIES Claim It Fired Two Top Marketing Executives Responsible for Bud Light’s Disastrous Dylan Mulvaney Campaign—and Maintains Pair Are on ‘Leave of Absence,’ ” Daily Mail, June 27, 2023,
  52. 52. Lindsay Kornick and Alexa Moutevelis, “Stores Selling Bud Light for Free as Mulvaney Backlash Continues,” Fox News, May 25, 2023,
  53. 53. Zilber, “Bud Light Dethroned.” See also Jacob Pramuk and Stefan Sykes, “Modelo Tops Bud Light as the Top-Selling Beer in the U.S. in May,” NBC News, June 14, 2023,
  54. 54. Kendall Tietz, “Bud Light No Longer Ranks among America’s Top 10 Beers,” Fox News, July 7, 2023,
  55. 55. Daniel Arkin, Mark Lavietes, and Daysia Tolentino, “Target Quietly Moves Pride Merchandise in Some Stores as Conservative Activists Declare Victory,” NBC News, May 24, 2023,
  56. 56. Jenny Goldsberry, “Target Pride Month Partner Boasts about Satanism: Satan Respects Pronouns,” Washington Examiner, May 21, 2023,
  57. 57. Conor Murray, “Target Removes Pride Items after Conservative Firestorm—Sparking Criticism from LGBTQ Groups,” Forbes, May 24, 2023,
  58. 58. Brian Flood, “Target Holds ‘Emergency’ Meeting over LGBTQ Merchandise in Southern Stores,” New York Post, May 23, 2023,
  59. 59James Gordon, “Target’s Market Cap Slumps by $15 Billion amid Backlash over ‘Tuck-Friendly’ Transgender Swimsuits and Pride Clothes for Kids, as Analysts Say Retail Giant Is Hemorrhaging Customers to Walmart,” Daily Mail, June 9, 2023,
  60. 60. Andrew Solender, “Republicans Vow Boycott, Retaliation against MLB over Pulled All-Star Game,” Forbes, April 2, 2021,
  61. 61. Ted Cruz, “Texas Is Fighting Back against Big Businesses That Threaten Oil, Gas Jobs,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 4, 2021,
  62. 62. “Investment Management,” Teacher Retirement System of Texas ($180 billion as of December 2022), April 2023,; “Annual Comprehensive Financial Report,” Texas PSF (Texas Permanent School Fund, $61 billion as of August 1, 2022),; “Performance,” ERS (Employee Retirement System, $34 billion as of May 31, 2023),,provided%20by%20the%20ERS%20Trust (,provided%20by%20the%20ERS%20Trust); “Investing with Intention,” TCDRS (Texas County & District Retirement System, $43 billion as of March 31, 2023),,billion%20in%20net%20plan%20assets; “Overview,” TMRS (Texas Municipal Retirement System, $37 billion as of March 31, 2023),,Assets,of%2012%2F31%2F2021.
  63. 63. Isla Binnie, “BlackRock’s Fink Says He’s Stopped Using ‘Weaponised’ Term ESG,” Reuters, June 26, 2023,
  64. 64. John Frank, “Larry Fink ‘Ashamed’ to Be Part of ESG Political Debate,” Axios, June 25, 2023,
  65. 65. “BlackRock’s Larry Fink Stops Using Term ‘ESG,’ Says It’s Become ‘Weaponized,’ ” New York Post, June 26, 2023,
  66. 66Frank, “Larry Fink ‘Ashamed.’ ”
  67. 67. Ibid.
  68. 68. Binnie, “BlackRock’s Fink.”

Chapter Seven: Entertainment

  1. 1. Andrew Klavan, Foreword in Christian Toto, Virtue Bombs: How Hollywood Got Woke and Lost Its Soul (Bombardier Books, 2022), ii–v.
  2. 2. Thomas D. Williams, “ ‘The Office’ Star Rainn Wilson Slams Hollywood’s ‘Anti-Christian Bias,’ ” Breitbart, March 15, 2023,
  3. 3. Chris Edwards, “ ‘The Office’ Star Rainn Wilson Criticises ‘Anti-Christian Bias’ in ‘The Last of Us,’ ” NME, March 14, 2023,
  4. 4. Rainn Wilson (@rainnwilson), “I do think there is an anti-Christian bias…,” Twitter, March 11, 2023, 3:50 p.m.,
  5. 5. Nicholas McEntyre, “ ‘Jaws’ Star Richard Dreyfuss Slams New Oscars Diversity Rules,” New York Post, May 7, 2023,
  6. 6. Gabriel Hays, “ ‘Jaws’ Star Richard Dreyfuss Blasts Hollywood Inclusion Standards; ‘They Make Me Vomit,’ ” Fox News, May 6, 2023,
  7. 7. It’s amusing and painful to imagine how these arguments will go in the future. Trying to make the Oscar eligibility case for Jaws? “Well, the shark was gay!”
  8. 8. Emma Nolan, “Ted Cruz Called Out by ‘Watchmen’ Writer for Misunderstanding the Comic,” Newsweek, February 2, 2021,
  9. 9. Greg Braxton, “Watchmen’s Provocative Portrait of Race in America Has Its Own Creator Worried,” Los Angeles Times, October 20, 2019,
  10. 10Aisha Harris, “ ‘The Little Mermaid’ Is the Latest of Disney’s Poor Unfortunate Remakes,” NPR, May 22, 2023,
  11. 11. A. J. Willingham, “Analysis: A Definitive Rebuttal to Every Racist ‘Little Mermaid’ Argument,” CNN, September 17, 2022,
  12. 12. Nick Romano, “The Little Mermaid Star Halle Bailey Responds to Racist Backlash: ‘As a Black Person, You Just Expect It,’ ” Entertainment Weekly, February 23, 2023,
  13. 13. Becky Burkett, “Disney’s ‘Woke’ Film Ideology Cost the Studios Nearly $300 Million at the Box Office,” DisneyDining, April 17, 2023,
  14. 14. Andrew Mark Miller, “Disney Exposed: Leaked Videos Show Officials Pushing LGBT Agenda, Saying DeSantis Wants to ‘Erase’ Gay Kids,” Fox Business, March 29, 2022,
  15. 15. “Stories Matter,” The Walt Disney Company,
  16. 16. Ibid.
  17. 17. Caroline Downey, “Disney Executive Producer Admits to ‘Gay Agenda,’ ‘Adding Queerness’ Wherever She Could,” National Review, March 29, 2022,
  18. 18. See Mary Grabar, Debunking The 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2021) for an account of prominent historians’ criticisms and an examination of Hannah-Jones’s manifold historical errors.
  19. 19. See David Marcus, “The New York Times’ Correction to The 1619 Project Proves It Is Not Fit for Schools,” The Federalist, March 13, 2020, and Sean Wilentz, “A Matter of Facts,” The Atlantic, January 22, 2020, for reporting on this original assertion, its inaccuracy, and the Times’ modification of the claim.
  20. 20The 1619 Project, season 1, episode 1, “Democracy,” directed by Roger Ross Williams, Hulu, January 26, 2023,
  21. 21Colin in Black and White, season 1, episode 1, “Cornrows,” directed by Ava DuVernay, Netflix, October 29, 2021,
  22. 22. Michele Roberts, “Colin Kaepernick Calls Out Adoptive Parents in his New Graphic Novel,” CBS News, March 10, 2023,
  23. 23. Ibid.
  24. 24. See, for example, Christian Holub, “All the Artists Who Won’t Perform at Donald Trump’s Inauguration,” Entertainment Weekly, January 10, 2017,; Hugh McIntyre, “Here Are All the Musicians Performing at Donald Trump’s Inauguration,” Forbes, January 17, 2017,
  25. 25. Jacob Uitti, “Behind the Career Altering Band Name Change The Dixie Chicks to The Chicks,” May 2023, American Songwriter,
  26. 26. Cindy Boren, “Colin Kaepernick’s Future Might Have More to Do with Football Than Free Speech,” Washington Post, August 29, 2016,; Marc Sessler, “Kaepernick Makes Roster; Gabbert Named Started QB,” NFL, September 3, 2016,
  27. 27. Cindy Boren, “A Timeline of Colin Kaepernick’s Protests against Police Brutality, Four Years after They Began,” Washington Post, August 26, 2020,
  28. 28. Analis Bailey, “On This Day Four Years Ago, Colin Kaepernick Began His Peaceful Protests during the National Anthem,” USA Today, August 26, 2020,
  29. 29Sam Frost, “Colin Kaepernick Takes Aim at NFL and Makes Accusation over Last Six Years,” Mirror, May 25, 2023,
  30. 30. See, for example, “Bonus Time: By Sitting, Colin Kaepernick Stands with Ignorance,” NBC Palm Springs News First, August 30, 2016,; Rich Lowry, “Colin Kaepernick’s Stupid Lie about America,” National Review, January 7, 2020,; Wil Leitner, “Clay Travis Calls Colin Kaepernick an ‘Imbecile’ after Netflix Special,” Fox Sports Radio, November 12, 2021,
  31. 31. Colin Kaepernick (@Kaepernick7), “What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence?…,” Twitter, July 4, 2019, 1:03 p.m.,
  32. 32. Ted Cruz (@TedCruz), “You quote a mighty and historic speech…” (thread), Twitter, July 4, 2019, 9:27 p.m.,
  33. 33. Ibid.
  34. 34. “NAACP Travel Advisory for the State of Florida,” NAACP,
  35. 35. Brianna Herlihy, “Ted Cruz Reminds AOC Her Own Democratic Party Founded KKK, Wrote Jim Crow Laws,” Fox News, May 23, 2023,
  36. 36. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC), “Why don’t you go ahead…,” Twitter, May 23, 2023, 9:06 a.m.,
  37. 37. Ryan Morik, “ ‘Mount Rushmore’ Term Is ‘Offensive’ and Should Be ‘Retired,’ ESPN’s Jalen Rose Says,” Fox News, August 5, 2022,
  38. 38. Ryan Morik, “NBA Showcases Transgender and Nonbinary Hockey Tournament, Responds to Criticism on Twitter,” Fox News, November 22, 2022,
  39. 39Houston Keene, “Twitter, NBA Make 2022 ‘Worst of the Woke’ List, Disney, Blackrock Appear Second Year in a Row,” Fox News, December 23, 2022,
  40. 40. See for example, “NBA Creates Annual Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Award” (official release), NBA, May 13, 2021,; “Trail Blazers Foundation,” NBA,; Blake Schuster, “NBA Announces Program Providing COVID-19 Tests to Marginalized Communities,” Bleacher Report, July 29, 2020,
  41. 41. NBA Retweet (@RTBNA), “List of the approved social messages…,” Twitter, July 3, 2020, 9:07 p.m.,
  42. 42. Jordan Heck, “NBA Says ‘Free Hong Kong’ Was ‘Inadvertently Prohibited’ from Jerseys,” The Sporting News, July 14, 2020,
  43. 43. Keene, “Twitter, NBA Make 2022 ‘Worst of the Woke’ List.”
  44. 44. Jon Lewis, “NBA Ratings Deep-Dive: Where Does the League Stand?,” Sports Media Watch, April 2023,
  45. 45. Ibid.
  46. 46. “The Passion of the Christ,” Box Office Mojo,
  47. 47. Maureen Lee Lenker, “The Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Faces Backlash for Controversial Instagram Posts,” Entertainment Weekly, February 10, 2021,
  48. 48. Brady Langmann, “Gina Carano’s The Mandalorian Controversy Isn’t Going Anywhere,” Esquire, February 22, 2021,
  49. 49. Tatiana Siegel, “Richard Gere’s Studio Exile: Why His Hollywood Career Took an Indie Turn,” Hollywood Reporter, April 18, 2017,
  50. 50Ibid.
  51. 51. “A Time for Choosing,” CNN, October 27, 1964,

Chapter Eight: “The Science”

  1. 1. Mallory Simon, “Over 1,000 Health Professionals Sign a Letter Saying, Don’t Shut Down Protests Using Coronavirus Concerns as an Excuse,” CNN, June 5, 2020,
  2. 2. See, for example, Joseph Cesario, David J. Johnson, and William Terrill, “Is There Evidence of Racial Disparity in Police Use of Deadly Force? Analyses of Officer-Involved Fatal Shootings in 2015–2016,” Social Psychological and Personality Science 10, no. 5 (July 2019): 586–95,; “Poverty Explains Racial Bias in Police Shootings,” Replicability-Index, September 27, 2019,; and the cites to numerous studies in “Obesity, Race/Ethnicity, and COVID-19,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,”, including cites to numerous studies; also see Akilah Johnson and Dan Keating, “Whites Now More Likely to Die from Covid Than Blacks: Why the Pandemic Shifted,” Washington Post, October 19, 2022,
  3. 3. Lawrence Krauss, “The Ideological Corruption of Science,” Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2020,
  4. 4. Ibid.
  5. 5. Ibid.
  6. 6. Ibid.
  7. 7. Ibid.
  8. 8. Ibid.
  9. 9. Carlie Porterfield, “Dr. Fauci on GOP Criticism: ‘Attacks on Me Quite Frankly, Are Attacks on Science,’ ” Forbes, June 9, 2021,
  10. 10. “Brynn Holland, “7 of the Most Outrageous Medical Treatments in History,” History, September 5, 2017, updated March 28, 2023,
  11. 11Ibid.
  12. 12. Darragh Roche, “Fauci Said Masks ‘Not Really Effective in Keeping Out Virus,’ Email Reveals,” Newsweek, June 2, 2021,
  13. 13. Mia Jankowicz, “Fauci Said US Government Held Off Promoting Face Masks Because It Knew Shortages Were So Bad That Even Doctors Couldn’t Get Enough,” Business Insider, June 15, 2020,
  14. 14. Samuel Chamberlain, “Fauci Emails Show His Flip-Flopping on Wearing Masks to Fight Covid,” New York Post, June 3, 2021,
  15. 15. Katherine Ross, “Why Weren’t We Wearing Masks from the Beginning? Dr. Fauci Explains,” The Street, June 12, 2020,
  16. 16. Taylor Hatmaker, “Twitter Broadly Bans Any COVID-19 Tweets That Could Help the Virus Spread,” TechCrunch, March 18, 2020,
  17. 17. The original version traces back to Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived from 460 to 370 BC. It provided: “Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.” That language remained largely unchanged for over two thousand years.
  18. 18. Jack Dutton, “Video of Medical Students ‘Chanting Critical Race Theory Mantra’ Goes Viral,” Newsweek, February 16, 2023,
  19. 19. “Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts,” American Medical Association and AAMC Center for Health Justice,, 5, 49.
  20. 20. “Woke Medical Schools Are a Threat to Your Health,” Washington Examiner, January 16, 2023,
  21. 21. “Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity 2021–2023,” American Medical Association, 2023,
  22. 22. Heather Mac Donald, “Woke Medical Organizations Are Hazardous to Your Health,” Wall Street Journal, August 5, 2022,
  23. 23. Mairead Elordi, “Jordan Peterson Battles Canadian Regulator in Court over Threat to Strip His Psychologist License,” The Daily Wire, June 27, 2023,
  24. 24. Ibid.
  25. 25. Ibid.
  26. 26. Geoff Brumfiel, “This Doctor Spread False Information about COVID. She Still Kept Her Medical License,” NPR, September 14, 2021,
  27. 27. Darius Tahir, “Medical Boards Get Pushback as They Try to Punish Doctors for Covid Misinformation,” Politico, February 1, 2022,
  28. 28. Besides the complaint to the Texas Bar in my own case, see, for example, Kate Polantz, “Attorney Disciplinary Committee Recommends Rudy Giuliani Be Disbarred for 2020 Election Legal Work,” CNN, updated July 7, 2023,; Stefanie Dazio, Michael R. Blood, and Alanna Durkin Richer, “Trump Adviser Faces Possible Disbarment over His Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election,” Associated Press, June 20, 2023,; Jaclyn Diaz, “Lin Wood, a Pro-Trump Attorney Who Challenged 2020 Election, Retires His Law License,” NPR, July 5, 2023,; Jacob Shamsian, “Trump’s Lawyers Keep Getting in Trouble with Judges. Here Are the 17 Sanctioned So Far,” Business Insider, updated March 14, 2023,
  29. 29William Cummings, “ ‘The World Is Going to End in 12 Years If We Don’t Address Climate Change,’ Ocasio-Cortez Says,” USA Today, January 22, 2019,
  30. 30. See, for example, “Global Warming of 1.5° C,” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2018,; Jonathan Watts, “We Have 12 Years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe,” The Guardian, October 8, 2018,
  31. 31. Quoted in: Michael Shellenberger, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All (New York: Harper, 2020), 1.
  32. 32. Ibid., 4.
  33. 33. Jason Plautz, “The Environmental Burden of Generation Z,” Washington Post, February 3, 2020,
  34. 34. Kerrington Powell and Vinay Prasad, “The Noble Lies of COVID-19,” Slate, July 28, 2021,
  35. 35. See, for example, Cortney O’Brien, “Viewers Demand Apology from MSNBC, Rachel Maddow for Previous COVID Vaccine Comments,” Fox News, December 28, 2021,
  36. 36. Alex Epstein, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (New York: Portfolio, 2014), 8.
  37. 37. Joe Hasell and Max Roser, “Famines,” Our World in Data, December 7, 2017,
  38. 38. Epstein, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, 14–15.
  39. 39. Rachel Wallace, “Barack and Michelle Obama Buy an $11.75 Million Home on Martha’s Vineyard,” Architectural Digest, December 6, 2019,
  40. 40. Alex Trembath and Vijaya Ramachandran, “The Malthusians Are Back,” The Atlantic, March 22, 2023,
  41. 41. Ibid.
  42. 42“Margaret Sanger: Ambitious Feminist and Racist Eugenicist,” University of Chicago, September 21, 2022,
  43. 43. Naomi Oreskes, “Eight Billion People in the World Is a Crisis, Not an Achievement,” Scientific American, March 1, 2023,
  44. 44. James Taylor, “Ted Cruz Embarrasses Sierra Club President in Global Warming Hearings,” Forbes, October 8, 2015,
  45. 45. Alex Epstein, “How to Answer Loaded Climate Questions,” Energy Talking Points, June 29, 2023,
  46. 46. Seth Whitehead, “UPDATE: U.S. Led World in CO2 Reductions for 10th Time This Century Last Year,” Illinois Petroleum Resources Board, updated December 3, 2020,
  47. 47. Alex Epstein (@AlexEpstein), “Don’t believe the lie…,” Twitter, February 28, 2023, 11:56 a.m.,
  48. 48. Bjorn Lomborg, “Prioritizing the Best Solutions for Sustainable Development,” Forbes, February 13, 2023,
  49. 49. Alex Epstein (@alexepstein), “*Warning* Tomorrow the @washingtonpost plans to ‘cancel’ me and my new book Fossil Future…” (thread), Twitter, March 29, 2022, 11:08 a.m.,
  50. 50. Maxine Joselow, “Advocates Promotes Fossil Fuels for Poor Nations He Once Disparaged,” Washington Post, April 6, 2022,
  51. 51. Roy W. Spencer, “UAH Global Temperature Update for August, 2022: +0.28 Deg C.,” Roy Spencer, Ph.D., September 1, 2022,

Chapter Nine: China

  1. 1. “Sen. Cruz Delivers Floor Speech Demanding Release of Mark Swidan, Wrongfully Detained in China” (press release), Ted Cruz Senate website, February 1, 2023,
  2. 2. Amelia Pollard, “Ayn Rand, Live from Los Angeles,” Los Angeles Review of Books, April 22, 2021,
  3. 3. Caroline Downey, “Justice Gorsuch Accuses Colorado of Forcing Christian Baker to Undergo ‘Reeducation Program,’ ” National Review, December 5, 2022,
  4. 4. Mairead Elordi, “Jordan Peterson Battles Canadian Regulator in Court over Threat to Strip His Psychologist License,” The Daily Wire, June 27, 2023,
  5. 5. Muyi Xiao et al., “How a Chinese Doctor Who Warned of Covid-19 Spent His Final Days,” New York Times, October 6, 2022,
  6. 6. Zhuang Pinghui, “China Confirms Unauthorised Labs Were Told to Destroy Early Coronavirus Samples,” South China Morning Post, May 15, 2020,
  7. 7. “The Cost of Coronavirus,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, March 2020,; “An Expert’s Perspective on the Pandemic,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, March 2020,; “The Wuhan Coverup,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, April 2020,; “China Must Pay,” Verdict with Ted Cruz, April 2020,
  8. 8. Ibid.; Pinghui, “China Confirms Unauthorised Labs Were Told to Destroy.”
  9. 9. Olafimihan Oshin, “Washington Post Issues Correction on 2020 Report on Tom Cotton, Lab-Leak Theory,” The Hill, June 1, 2021,
  10. 10. “Hogan Top COVID Advisor Redfield Tosses Viral Kindling on Anti-Asian Fires,” Baltimore Sun, March 30, 2021,
  11. 11. Phil Kerpen (@kerpen), “Not the usual catchall…,” Twitter, June 2, 2021, 12:03 a.m.,; C. Douglas Golden, “After Fauci Email Proves Link with Zuckerberg, House Republicans Hit Facebook with One Demand That Could Change Everything,” The Western Journal, June 10, 2021,
  12. 12. Emma Bowman, “Facebook Steps Up Efforts to Combat the Spread of Coronavirus Misinformation,” NPR, March 26, 2020,
  13. 13. Anumita Kaur and Dan Diamond, “FBI Director Says Covid-19 ‘Most Likely’ Originated from Lab Incident, Washington Post, February 28, 2023,
  14. 14. Ibid.
  15. 15. Robert R. Redfield, “Written Statement of Dr. Robert R. Redfield before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis,” March 8, 2023,
  16. 16. James Fallows, “On Uighurs, Han, and General Racial Attitudes in China,” The Atlantic, July 13, 2009,
  17. 17. Jim Geraghty, “Hunter Biden: The Most Comprehensive Timeline,” National Review, September 30, 2019,
  18. 18. Miranda Devine, “Hunter Biden’s Biz Partner Called Joe Biden ‘the Big Guy’ in Panicked Message after Post’s Laptop Story,” New York Post, July 27, 2022,; Jessica Chasmar and Cameron Cawthorne, “Biden’s Claim to Have No Knowledge of Hunter’s Business Dealings Is Becoming Harder to Maintain,” Fox News, April 13, 2023,; Miranda Devine, “Why Hunter’s Dealings with China Aren’t a ‘Big Fat Nothing’ for His President Father,” New York Post, June 27, 2022,
  19. 19. Josh Christenson, “Hunter Biden Used Dad Joe as Leverage in China Business Dispute: Text Message,” New York Post, June 22, 2023,
  20. 20. Peter Schweizer, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (New York: Harper, 2022), 126.
  21. 21. “Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Who Tagged Along on Tech Trip, Is Investor in Chinese Tech Firm: Report,” New York Post, August 11, 2022,
  22. 22. Adam Sabes, “Eric Swalwell Denies Wrongdoing in Chinese Spy Scandal,” Fox News, January 18, 2023,
  23. 23. Harry Robertson, “Ray Dalio Says China Is Winning the Economic Race against the US, as the Billionaire Investor Doubles Down on Controversial Stance,” Business Insider, December 10, 2021,
  24. 24. John Frank, “Larry Fink ‘Ashamed’ to Be Part of ESG Political Debate,” Axios, June 25, 2023,
  25. 25. Sarah Weaver, “Analysis: The Massive Woke Company Selling Out Americans to China,” The Daily Caller, June 28, 2022,
  26. 26. See, for example, the hundred-plus members of Congress co-sponsoring “H.Res.109—Recognizing the Duty of the Federal Government to Create a Green New Deal,” 116th Congress, 2019–2020,
  27. 27. “What Countries Are the Top Producers and Consumers of Oil?,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, May 1, 2023,; “Dry Natural Gas Annual,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2021,
  28. 28“The U.S. Shale Revolution,” Strauss Center for International Security and Law,; “U.S. Energy Facts Explained,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, June 10, 2022,
  29. 29. “Nonfossil Fuel Energy Sources Accounted for 21% of U.S. Energy Consumption in 2022,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, June 29, 2023,
  30. 30. David W. Kreutzer and Paige Lambermont, “The Environmental Quality Index: Environmental Quality Weighted Oil and Gas Production,” Institute for Energy Research, February 2023,; M. J. Wolf et al., Environmental Performance Index 2022: Ranking Country Performances on Sustainability Issues (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, 2022),
  31. 31. Rodrigo Castillo and Caitlin Purdy, “China’s Role in Supplying Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transmission,” Brookings Institution, July 2022,, 6; “Rare Earths: Vital Elements of the Energy Transition,” Wood Mackenzie, March 23, 2022,
  32. 32. “The World Needs More Diverse Solar Panel Supply Chains to Ensure a Secure Transition to Net Zero Emissions” (press release), International Energy Agency, July 7, 2022,
  33. 33. Sun Chi, “China Tops Offshore Wind Power Worldwide,” China Daily, August 10, 2023,; Wang Lee Yen, “How China Is Leading the World in Clean Energy,” CEO Magazine, November 15, 2022,
  34. 34. Castillo and Purdy, “China’s Role,” 13.
  35. 35. Morgan D. Bazilian, Emily J. Holland, and Joshua Busby, “America’s Military Depends on Minerals That China Controls,” Foreign Policy, March 16, 2023,
  36. 36. Shirley Li, “How Hollywood Sold Out to China,” The Atlantic, September 10, 2021,; FH Ledger, “Bohemian Rhapsody—I Think I’m Bisexual,” YouTube, April 22, 2019,
  37. 37. Waiyee Yip, “ ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Risks China’s Anger after for [sic] Keeping Taiwan’s Flag on the Iconic Bomber Jacket Worn by Tom Cruise’s Character,” Business Insider, June 2, 2022,
  38. 38. See, for example, Jordan Weissmann, “Waking the Sleeping Dragon,” Slate, September 28, 2016,
  39. 39. See, for example, Bruce Jones and Andrew Yeo, “China and the Challenge to Global Order,” Brookings, November 2022,
  40. 40. David Crawshaw and Alicia Chen, “ ‘Heads Bashed Bloody’: China’s Xi Marks Communist Party Centenary with Strong Words for Adversaries,” Washington Post, July 1, 2021,
  41. 41. Julia Hollingsworth and Yong Xiong, “The Truthtellers,” CNN, February 2021,
  42. 42. Vincent Ni, “John Cena ‘Very Sorry’ for Saying Taiwan Is a Country,” The Guardian, May 25, 2021,
  43. 43. Ibid.; Guardian News, “John Cena Apologises for Saying Taiwan Is a Country amid Backlash,” YouTube, May 26, 2021,
  44. 44. Mark Fischer, “LeBron James Rips Daryl Morey over NBA’s China Controversy,” New York Post, October 14, 2019,
  45. 45. See, for example, LeBron James (@KingJames), “We’re literally hunted…,” Twitter, May 6, 2020, 6:06 p.m.,; LeBron James (@KingJames), “Why Doesn’t America Love US!!!!!????…,” Twitter, May 31, 2020, 3:32 a.m.,; LeBron James (@KingJames), “Everyone talking about ‘how do we fix this?’…,” Twitter, June 9, 2020, 3:08 p.m.,
  46. 46Rebecca Cohen and Meredith Cash, “LeBron James Questions Why Brittney Griner Would ‘Want to Go Back to America’ after Slow Response from US Government,” Business Insider, July 12, 2022,
  47. 47. See, for example, “China Bashes US over Racism, Inequality, Pandemic Response,” Al-Jazeera, March 24, 2021,
  48. 48. Michelle Nichols, “U.S. and China Spar over Racism at United Nations,” Reuters, March 19, 2021,
  49. 49. Josh Rogin, “Biden’s U.N. Ambassador Nominee to Face Criticism for Past Praise of China,” Washington Post, January 27, 2021,
  50. 50. John Feng, “Linda Thomas-Greenfield Says She Regrets Positive China Speech in Senate Grilling,” Newsweek, January 28, 2021,; “Sen. Cruz on Linda Thomas-Greenfield: I Have No Confidence This Nominee Will Stand Up to China” (press release), Ted Cruz Senate website, February 4, 2021,; “Vote Summary: Question: On the Nomination (Confirmation: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations),” United States Senate, February 23, 2021,
  51. 51. “Sen. Ted Cruz Calls China Greatest Geopolitical Threat Facing the U.S.” (video), Washington Post, August 5, 2020,
  52. 52. “Sen. Cruz: When America Doesn’t Lead the World Is a More Dangerous Place” (press release), Ted Cruz Senate website, September 11, 2013,
  53. 53Chris Fuchs, “New Bill Seeks to Rename Plaza in DC after Chinese Dissident,” NBC News, February 4, 2016,
  54. 54. Spyridon Mitsotakis, “Dianne Feinstein Loses Bid to Stop Cruz-Sponsored Move to Honor Chinese Dissident,” Breitbart, February 17, 2016,
  55. 55. Jonathan Watts and Matthew Weaver, “Liu Xiaobo’s Wife under House Arrest,” The Guardian, October 11, 2010,
  56. 56. Jane Perlez, “Liu Xia, Detained Widow of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Leaves China,” New York Times, July 10, 2018,
  57. 57. Lily Kuo and Philip Oltermann, “Liu Xia: Widow of Nobel Laureate Arrives in Berlin after Release from China,” The Guardian, July 10, 2018,
  58. 58. “Senate Bill 376,” Bill Sponsor,
  59. 59. “Video: Sen. Cruz Highlights ‘Friends and Allies Tour’ throughout Indo-Pacific” (press release), Ted Cruz Senate website, October 18, 2019,
  60. 60. “Cruz Provision Assessing China’s Exploitation of Hong Kong’s Autonomy Advances Out of Committee” (press release), Ted Cruz, September 25, 2019,
  61. 61. Naima Green-Riley, “The State Department Labeled China’s Confucius Programs a Bad Influence on U.S. Students. What’s the Story?,” Washington Post, August 25, 2020,
  62. 62. Gabe Kaminsky, “Biden Classified Documents: UPenn Took Cash from China Donors Tied to Hunter Biden Deals and Beijing,” Washington Examiner, May 16, 2023,
  63. 63“S.2226 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024,” 118th Congress (2023–2024),
  64. 64. Gabriel Hays, “Defense Department Declares It Won’t Work with Hollywood Films That Bow to Chinese Censorship: Report,” Fox News, June 30, 2023,
  65. 65. “Sen. Cruz Secures Passage of Amendment Blocking China from Controlling U.S. Radio Stations,” Ted Cruz Senate website, May 12, 2021,
  66. 66. Cissy Zhou, “China Debates Cutting US Access to Drugs as Hostilities Spike,” South China Morning Post, September 10, 2020,
  67. 67. “S.6394 – ORE Act,” 116th Congress,
  68. 68. Jimmy Quinn, “John Kerry on Mass Atrocities: ‘That’s Not My Lane,’ ” National Review, November 11, 2021,
  69. 69. Dillon Burroughs, “Cruz: ‘John Kerry Is the Customer of the Year for Chinese Concentration Camps,’ ” The Daily Wire, December 8, 2021,