Could things be the way they are because you are the way you are?
What one thing could you change that could change everything?
Living authentically means living _______, not _______.
Everything you need to succeed at life was given to you at _______.
Giving away your personal power to things
undermines who you really are.
It’s not about what you’re eating, but what’s eating you.
The 40 Day Soul Fast is about _____in who ____says you are.
Your soul houses your ______________.
By placing a lid in one area of your life,
you are placing lids on every area.
There are no limitations except __________________.
You will place a lid on your own life as long as you think it is
someone else’s responsibility to make you happy or successful.
Sometimes the best place to be is up against a wall.
You will resemble those
with whom you assemble.
_______ a person is not the same thing as _______a person.
Everything we want in life lies just _____our _______.
Capacity building starts with someone challenging
you, or you challenging yourself.
Capacity building by learning to live authentically is what The 40 Day Soul Fast is all about. Capacity building, in a way, is also about community building. It’s about growing into “the fullness of God” as a community (see Eph. 3 and 4).
During week one of The 40 Day Soul Fast, we will focus on how to build capacity by Transforming, Cleansing, Aligning, Preparing, and Loosing. I mention these topics here because they provide the framework for each of the 40 characteristics of an authentic person. However within the pages of this study guide, we will only be focusing on the individual characteristics themselves.
The first characteristic we will highlight is Awareness, which relates to the focus of Day One—Transforming. Becoming aware of your current position is the first step in any transformation.
Cleansing is crucial to the beginning of any transformation—removing the impurities is necessary to make way for future growth and change. The characteristic of Godliness is your standard for cleanliness.
The characteristic of Truth is essential to the process of Aligning because Truth is what you need to be aligned with. We look at truth on this day as we continue to focus on our goal of capacity building.
Preparing takes Commitment. Commitment is a vital characteristic to focus on, and you will need to prepare for the rest of this fast by committing yourself to seeing this process through to the end.
Once you have committed, you will need to learn to practice Patience. Patience will help you last long enough to see what God is Loosing in your life—the manifestation of His truly wonderful plans for you. Rest assured you’ll need to have built your capacity to be ready for it!