Words can drop like acid and create holes in our souls.
Your _____ and your _____ don’t want to go on a spiritual journey!
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12 KJV).
_____ is attached to right living, living authentically.
_____ is attached to wrong living, covering the things that are inauthentic.
_______ refers to being single and whole.
The more authentic you become, the more freedom
you give to other people to be authentic.
There are things you pray aside, and others you lay aside.
What do you want?
The last place of your healing is where
you’re living emotionally right now.
Words are images clothed in a language.
The Soul Fast is trying to get to the root of the problem, and
heal it. Then we don’t have the fruit that affects our behavior.
If you only deal with the what, the why is going to
stay there, and the what will stay there too.
God created words as containers to fill with our faith. Your words frame your world with great power and authority if you work in union with God. Learning to live authentically is about learning to speak truthfully about who you really are—it’s about living congruently so that what you say and do align with your core values and divine nature. It’s about being formed and molded—mind and mouth—into the divine blessing God created you to become. The topics that relate to this week’s theme are Eating, Legislating, Asking, Sowing, and Blessing.
Eating refers to consuming the words of God—His Holy Scriptures. The characteristic related to this is Integrity—being true to your genuine essence as a unique reflection of God’s glory, which happens when you have taken His words inside yourself.
Legislating is when you use your words to direct others and bring about God’s will on Earth. This role carries a great deal of Responsibility.
Asking is how you use your words to recognize that you don’t know everything and you need God’s direction. When you ask, He will reveal to you areas of Potential that you didn’t even realize existed!
Our words can plant seeds of truth in others and in ourselves—this is the power of Sowing. When we sow those seeds of truth in our own thinking, they will sprout into the characteristic of Impeccability—speaking and living the truth we have sown.
The highest use of your words is Blessing—setting your words free on God’s behalf. The characteristic that often moves you to bless is Compassion, which is love in action. And love in action causes you to bless!